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Ascension Page 23

by Jeannie van Rompaey

‘As you offer me no assurances, I must decline your kind invitation to accompany you.’

  Durga laughs deep in her throat. ‘It’s not an invitation, Sati. It’s an order. I don’t think you have any choice but to accept.’

  ‘Oh yes, I have.’ Sati turns to the warriors who hold her. ‘Take your filthy hands off me.’

  They are soldiers accustomed to receiving orders and her voice is nothing if not commanding. They let go and, in that moment, she slips back into the compu-centre and addresses her workforce. ‘What do you think you’re doing, cringing against that wall? You don’t really think these toy soldiers will hurt you?’ No one moves. ‘Jason. Aren’t you going to help me, after all I’ve done for you?’

  I see Jason hesitate a moment before charging towards her, falling over his feet and bumping into a workstation in an attempt to reach her. A shot is fired. Jason falls to the ground.

  What’s happening? Mutant humanoids killing each other? This is beyond belief. The warriors look shocked themselves and that is probably why Sati’s disparaging, ‘Now look what you’ve done,’ prevents them from stopping her when she kneels down beside Jason and kisses him, first with one mouth and then with the other. Kisses she hopes will bring him back to life. She takes Jason’s hand in hers and feels for his pulse. She looks up at the warriors, ‘You morons,’ she says. ‘This is not what Durga intended. She didn’t tell you to kill anyone. Now – get out.’

  The warriors look at each other but don’t move.

  ‘Sisters,’ Sati calls. ‘You will pay for this. You have committed murder. It is you who will be going to prison. Not me.’

  I hear Durga commanding the advance party to keep control. The two nearest to Sati exchange a look and take a step forward. They halt as Sati leans over Jason and speaks to him. ‘You were the best, Jason. You always were the best and you have given your life for me. I appreciate that so much that I’ve decided to join you,’ and, before the warriors are aware of what she is doing, she slips a tablet into each of her mouths and falls on top of Jason’s body. The warriors stand dumb-founded. None of their training has prepared them for this.

  In stride Durga and Kali, followed by a cohort of warriors.

  Durga addresses the captain. ‘Captain Theseus, get these bodies removed. Put Sati’s body in my chariot and that of the male humanoid in the other. You, Captain, will drive the second chariot back. Kali will stay here and take charge of this pathetic group of humanoids, as is her right.’

  More warriors enter and lift up the bodies of Sati and Jason and take them outside.

  I am pleased that Kali has her sectoid back. She deserves to be in charge again. I’m sure she’ll soon lick the workforce into shape. But I have to admit this is not an altogether successful attack. Sati’s comment about Durga’s toy soldiers is not far from the truth. With such an army, Durga must not attempt to invade Planet Oasis. It would indeed be a blood bath.

  Time to ring Lizzy. This time she does answer and my heart beats faster as I hear her lively voice agreeing to meet me by the obelisk that marks the border of the Oasis Project, at midday tomorrow. She seems as keen to see me again as I am to see her.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  (according to Stella and other watchers)

  The golden army streaks through the wilderness. Durga and Captain Theseus stand in the front section of their chariots, the dead bodies in the back. The drone overhead records their progress for anyone with the correct passwords to view.

  The voyeurs with access to the Worldwideculture website interpret the events on screen as they unfold. Stella in her study, Michael in his computer-cube at the university, Athene and Heracles on separate auto-puts in C99 and Jaga in C98, all watch.

  Sati stirs, rubs her eyes and sits up. Maybe the jolt of the chariot has dislodged the tablets she didn’t actually swallow, like the piece of apple on Snow White’s tongue. Or perhaps, like Juliet, Sati has taken a superior kind of tranquilliser to simulate a little death. At any rate, she is alive now. Carefully, she dislodges the rifle that Durga has slotted into a groove at the side of the chariot and places it on the floor at her feet. She grabs Durga’s long red hair, forces her head backwards and lifts up her chin. The stretched neck chokes any sound of protest. Sati unclips the helmet, removes it and throws it out of the chariot. She picks up the rifle without releasing her grip on the hair and whacks her sister-wife’s exposed head with the blunt end. All this happens very quickly. Durga screams and slips to one side. Sati strikes her again with the butt of the rifle. The screaming stops. Durga topples over, hanging half-in half-out of the chariot. With an almighty effort, Sati shoves her over the edge. Durga lies splayed out on the ground.

  ‘Halt!’ Sati yells and the warriors obey.

  Sati climbs over to the front of the chariot and manoeuvres it alongside that of Captain Theseus. Sati’s dark-haired head watches as the blonde one whispers to the captain. How does she persuade him to transfer his allegiance from Durga to her?

  What does she promise him? Promotion? Intimate privileges? The watchers can only guess. Sati speaks so softly the drone overhead cannot pick up the sound, but the seduction is clearly successful.

  ‘Forward march!’ shouts the captain and the entire regiment moves as one, with not a backward glance at the inert figure of their former leader lying on the hard ground. Sati has decided to leave Kali in C55 and go forward with the warriors to C98.

  The watchers at their workstations consider the latest development. Stella, who is considering who should replace Ra as CEO, realises that she must not underestimate the tenacious Sati. Heracles can’t help but admire Sati’s guts. Jaga looks thoughtful. She must plan some sort of welcome for when her sister-wife arrives at C98. Athene imagines the clash of personalities in the coming leadership challenge and how best to cope with them. Michael continues watching developments, but reserves judgement.

  In the Grand Hall golden warriors await the return of their colleagues. Jaga is not present. The trumpets sound to herald the arrival. All the warriors have heard of the beautiful two-headed Sati but have never seen her. Her beauty surpasses their wildest dreams. She stands upright in Durga’s chariot, triumphant in victory, her two heads raised. Blonde curls and smooth dark hair stream behind her.

  But where is Durga?

  Sati addresses the assembled army. ‘I, Sati, am your new leader.’ She flutters two sets of long eyelashes. ‘I’m afraid that Durga has become one of the casualties of war.’

  A communal gasp.

  ‘Not the only one, I’m afraid. One of the members of C55, a brave and loyal humanoid called Jason was shot dead in an effort to protect me. A full military funeral is to be prepared for him. The warrior who killed him, Geronimo, will be tried, found guilty and executed.’

  She searches the ranks for any sign of dissent but the warriors stand rigid. Not one protests.

  ‘What about for Durga?’ someone calls out. ‘Will she have a military funeral?’

  Sati smiles. ‘Durga tried to kill me. She lies defeated in the battlefield. She does not deserve a funeral ceremony of any kind.’

  A few exchanged looks but no real objections. The warriors are trained to accept all decisions from their leader, even a new self-appointed one.

  Six warriors enter the Grand Hall, Jason’s body on their shoulders. Sati regards the procession with due solemnity until it disappears through a side entrance.

  ‘Jason’s body will lie in state in the chapel and warriors will be detailed to keep vigil day and night, under the command of the Brahmin.’

  The Brahmin bows his two wobbly heads. Odysseus and Isis exchange looks.

  Jaga appears at the opposite end of the hall, looking magnificent in a simple straw-coloured gown that matches her hair. ‘Sati. What a surprise. Welcome to my sectoid. I’m delighted that my sister-wife survived the attack on C55. I invite you to take sanctuary here with us.’

  Sati steps neatly down from the chariot with the help of two willing young w
arriors. ‘No need to invite me as if I were a guest,’ she says sweetly to Jaga. She looks up at Captain Theseus and he jumps down from his chariot and moves to her side. The regiment follows his lead and the warriors she has acquired during the march line up in unified formation behind her. ‘I assure you that your days in this compound are numbered.’

  ‘Now sister-wife, there’s no need for such talk. I saw everything that happened on the compu-screen and am prepared for your arrival. The contingent of warriors that escorted you here may remain loyal to you – at the moment – but I have my own supporters.’

  As she speaks another regiment of warriors appears and stations itself behind Jaga. Impasse.

  Jaga breaks the silence. ‘No use trying to threaten me, Sati. I know you too well. Let’s calm down a little and assess the situation. Come…. ‘She holds out her hand. Sati pauses for a moment before moving forward through the hall in her usual smooth, feline manner. She links her arm through Jaga’s, giggles and off they waltz together.

  The watchers are all aware that peace is by no means restored. This is a standoff. Another internal battle is about to be played out. The watchers flick to C55.

  Kali begins to take control of the workforce. She uses the well-worn technique of the carrot and the stick. She promises to keep the new leisure hours as long as the targets are met.

  ‘Same old, same old,’ grumbles Merlin under his breath. ‘Targets, targets, targets.’

  ‘The new facilities such as the gym and the disco-cube will still be available to everyone – but not in working hours. We will start each day with a meeting in which you will all be invited to suggest new initiatives. I will consider every single one of them seriously.’

  She asks if anyone has any questions. At first there are none, but then Apollo blurts out, ‘How can you justify Jason’s death?’

  His colleagues study Kali’s face, keen to hear her answer.

  ‘I want you to know that Jason’s death is as big a shock to me as to all of you. The very idea of mutant humanoids killing each other is an anathema. It’s not acceptable.’

  ‘What are you going to do about it?’ Damocles asks. ‘It’s murder. Are you going to let Durga’s warriors get away with it? They must be brought to justice?’

  There is a buzz of agreement. Jason was never popular but the members of the workforce are testing Kali.

  The watchers know that if she doesn’t handle this situation with care there could be a rebellion before she’s even taken control.

  Kali pauses. She studies the faces in front of her. ‘Those who know me well will appreciate that I never make snap decisions about important matters. The present situation is no exception. Although we all feel angry about what has happened, our response needs to be carefully assessed. If anyone has any ideas on how to deal with this matter I will be happy to consider them but the ultimate decision will be mine.’

  There are a few murmurings but her answer appears reasonable to most of the listeners.

  Kali springs into action and directs the repositioning of the workstations in the compu-centre, making sure they are spaced further apart to ensure more concentration, less chat. When this has been done, she selects a workstation for herself in the middle and indicates that her colleagues should start work.

  The expression on her face tells them that she is in charge and not prepared to leave them unsupervised. Soon the hum of the auto-puts is the only sound to be heard.

  No point watching them work, think most of the watchers. The main action is over for the moment.

  Michael zooms into Compound 99.

  Athene is at her desk, Heracles opposite her, stretched out on a shaper.

  ‘I’ve decided to release the news of Ra’s death and invite the other top mutant humanoids to a meeting here in C99.’

  ‘What’s the point of that?’ Heracles asks.

  ‘To keep the lid on the unrest that is bubbling up as they vie for the leadership. I’ll chair the meeting and emphasise the fact that it is necessary for us all to work together in order to achieve better conditions for mutant humanoids here on Earth.’

  ‘Very altruistic, Athene, but what do you think such a combined effort will achieve?’

  ‘Now that we know about the satellites, we will have to work together to devise a strategy to persuade the completes to share their resources with us. As it’s the richest and most influential English-speaking satellite, I think we should concentrate on Planet Oasis.’

  ‘I get your point, Athene, but how do you intend to achieve this?’

  ‘Certainly not by force as I’m sure Durga would propose if she were still with us. By negotiation.’

  ‘Again I’m in agreement, but first and foremost we need a good negotiator. The obvious choice is myself.’

  ‘Are you sure about that? Have you forgotten your disastrous attempt to infiltrate Oasis?’

  ‘It was not disastrous. I made some good contacts there.’

  ‘Your interrogators?’

  ‘The politician I told you about, for example. Orlando Wolfe. And….’

  ‘And who else? Is there something you’re holding back, Heracles? Something you haven’t told me?’

  ‘No, of course not.’

  ‘There’s no of course about it. What else did you discover while on Oasis?’

  ‘It’s all in my report.’

  ‘Is it? Tell me, who else do you know there?’

  ‘Now you’re interrogating me. One minute you ask for my help as a colleague, the next you’re treating me like a criminal.’

  Athene sighs. ‘OK. Let’s start again. Let’s assume we’re on the same side. For the moment. How willing do you think Oasis will be to share resources with us? How should we approach them?’

  Heracles leans back in his chair. ‘To negotiate we must have something to offer in return. What we have to offer them, Athene, is security – an assurance that we will not attack them. That is why using Durga’s army as a threat is not such a bad idea.’

  ‘If there is an attack, her warriors will be annihilated on arrival. Or at any rate stunned and captured as you were. They showed us what would happen by taking the ten warriors as hostages.’

  ‘That won’t necessarily happen the next time.’ Heracles stretches his huge arms above his head and flexes the muscles of his massive three legs.

  ‘What have you found out now, Mr. Super-Hacker?’

  ‘Nothing definite yet, but there is a way to overcome this device and I’m working on it.’ He grins and pulls himself up on to his three feet.

  Typical Heracles, thinks Michael. Such a know-it-all. Always thinks he knows better than others. Stella considers what kind of leader Heracles would make. He has a good brain all right. There’s no doubt about that. Nor is there any doubt that he’s determined to get to the top and cares very little who is hurt in the process, but is this really the kind of person she wants in charge of her company? As for Athene’s plan to hold a meeting of key personnel, that’s not a bad idea. A joint enterprise such as that might reveal insights as to the suitability of each candidate’s leadership skills.

  Heracles is on his feet ready to leave, but Athene calls him back. ‘Before you do anything else, Heracles, I’d like you to investigate the vicious rumours going around that I am responsible for Ra’s death. Bring me the name or names of the culprits tonight.’

  ‘That might be difficult.’

  ‘Don’t give me that, Heracles. For someone who believes he can solve the problem of Durga’s warriors not being assassinated on arrival, this task should be child’s play.’

  Michael punches the air. That told him, all right. Athene is not just beautiful to look at but has a quick brain to match.

  Stella too admires that final jibe and realises, not for the first time, that Athene has the measure of Heracles. Athene herself is difficult to read. What exactly is hidden beneath that calm exterior? Was she responsible for Ra’s death?

  As Stella considers her list of prospective CEOs she has no d
oubt about their strengths as leaders. Her doubts lie in the philosophy that underlies their intentions. She had no doubts when appointing Ra. She truly believed that, although he could be ruthless, he was not self-seeking. His goal was always to do what was best for the company and for the majority of humanoids in his charge. She cannot be sure that any of these candidates have a similar attitude. They all seem as full of self-interest as many of the politicians in the Symposium on Planet Oasis.

  Stella tunes in to C55 again.

  And so does Michael. Now, as it is the middle of the night, he watches events from the computer in his room at Home Court-Jameson, interested in Kali’s well being as always.

  Kali hears a pounding on the door. She is still up, the only humanoid remaining in the compu-centre, maybe loath to close her eyes in case her colleagues should plan to take her prisoner while asleep. Not one of them has protested, but she must sense an underlying hostility, especially from the male humanoids deprived of the benefits of Sati’s sexual favours. Kali is pleased to be back in charge and a few hours’ missed sleep are nothing to her compared with that satisfaction.

  The pounding outside increases. Kali has not expected an outside attack. All her fears have been concentrated on danger from within. Kali clicks on her auto-put and brings up the image outside the door. A dirty, dishevelled figure confronts her but the touches of gold that shine through the torn rags and the trace of red in the long dusty hair leave Kali in no doubt that this is Durga. Kali strides across the compu-centre to let her in.

  So now, thinks Stella, we have three pairs of allies. Kali and Durga: Jaga and Sati: Athene and Heracles. There is no assurance that these paired allies will remain loyal to each other but the fact that they are lined up two-by-two must imply a threat to the future of Worldwideculture. Of that Stella has no doubt. Without careful handling, everything Stella has worked for could collapse. She must pre-empt such a disaster from occurring.


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