Blood & Roses: Warriors of the Krieger

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Blood & Roses: Warriors of the Krieger Page 4

by Theresa Hissong

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I demanded. I tried to wiggle free of his grasp, but it was pointless. I was stuck in his arms.

  “What the hell are you doing fighting with human teenagers?” he demanded back. Yup, I think he wanted to kill me.

  “Instinctual response to being threatened, so sue me,” I paused. “Wait a minute! Are you following me?”

  “No, my lady,” he said. His chin immediately jerked up like he was hiding something. “I’m just patrolling the local shopping facility, trying to do my job.” He sounded so sure of himself, but I knew he was lying. Vampire senses and all that.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked skeptically.

  “To the clinic, to get you patched up.” He continued to hold his chin high so I couldn’t look into his eyes. It irritated and embarrassed me that he picked me up like I was a damsel in distress. By no means, was I that. I needed to set things straight with Dragus.

  “No need Krieger. I have blood at home and ointment. Put me down, I can go from here,” I demanded, still biting my lip to keep from screaming in pain. The burning surfaced and I flinched. Dragus’ hold on me tightened, but after a hard glare from me, he changed his mind.

  “As you wish, my lady,” he paused to set me down. “Let me at least wrap your arm better so you don’t get blood in your car.”

  “Fine,” I snapped. I only agreed to being patched up because he struck a nerve. Blood in my car would really piss me off. I cringed at the thought of staining the interior of my beautiful baby.

  He led me over to the First Aid office and opened the door. Dragus politely held the door for me as I stepped inside. The room was no bigger than a standard size bathroom. One cot on the far wall, a small desk by the door, and supply cabinet completed the room. The walls were painted baby blue and the smell of antiseptic and floor cleaner assaulted my senses. I held my arm away from my clothes while he dug around looking for supplies.

  He removed a roll of gauze and some ointment from the supply cabinet and turned toward me. With an impatient huff, I held my arm out toward him and waited. Dragus carefully examined my arm, twisting and turning it looking for any other signs of trauma. He touched my bruised wrist and I flinched, but did not pull away. He eyed me suspiciously.

  I growled when he rubbed the ointment into my arm. I bit down a little too hard on my lip and flinched when I felt my fang prick into the skin. The wound was sore and even the slightest touch sent pain to every nerve ending in my body. Like when you stub your toe and you get a headache, yeah well I would have rather stubbed my toe.

  Dragus reached over and with his thumb, wiping the blood from my lip. His touch was as soft as a feather, gentle. But the touch itself was like an electric jolt to my body. Oh man! Why did he have to do that? I looked away from him, embarrassed, and noticed Lydia’s big wide eyes staring through the little window in the door. Her face lit up like a Fourth of July fireworks display.

  “All set, my lady,” he cleared his throat. “Do be more careful when dealing with those you don’t know.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said sweetly. When I turned away, I reached up and touched my lip where Dragus had wiped away my blood.

  It was a quarter to four, when I arrived home, and low and behold there was a Nachtmann camped out on my porch. I gritted my teeth, cussed Dragus a few times, and drove around back to the garage. I parked the car and walked into the house. After dropping my bag, I immediately went to the front door and opened it so hard I thought it would come off the hinges.

  “Are you Keith Pullman?” I demanded. This guy was good. He never flinched, jumped, or ran away screaming when he saw the anger in my features. Of course I went a little overboard. There was probably no need for me to growl and allow my eyes to turn red, but I wanted to get my point across.

  “Yes ma’am,” his deep voice boomed. Keith looked like a big, brown teddy bear. His skin was the color of Mocha and he had eyes to match. He was nowhere near as large as a Krieger, but for a human, he was pretty well stacked.

  “Well, you are dismissed. I won’t need your protection.” I fluttered my hand out toward the road, dismissing him from my house.

  “Um, Master Dragus mentioned you might say that,” he chuckled and then cleared his throat. “I have been instructed to hold my position until he instructs me otherwise.” Keith gave a shrug and turned his back.

  “ARG!” I slammed the door. Oh, when I get my hands on Dragus, I’m going to…going to, well. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Damn, why must he be older and stronger than me? I have been taking care of myself since 1745. What does he think he’s doing?

  The pain in my arm flared and I knew that my foul mood would have to wait till another evening, when I most likely will see him again; I had to get my arm taken care of first.

  I sat at the kitchen table and reluctantly grabbed a bag of blood from the refrigerator, for healing purposes. Drinking the donated blood has been compared to eating stale potato chips. Not that I would know what potato chips tasted like, but some of the newbie’s said that was what it reminded them of from their human days. I don’t care right now, as long as my arm is back to normal by morning.

  I poured a goblet full and stuck it in the microwave for a minute. The ding from the bell made my mouth water, anticipating the flavor awaiting me. I gulped down the donated blood and rinsed the goblet out, setting it in the sink.

  I felt the pull of death wearing down on me. Sunrise was near; I needed to retire to my room immediately. Instead of risking a sunrise baking service, I locked up the house and set the alarm, tossed the empty bag in the trash and turned off the lights. Once dressed in my hot pink cotton pajamas, I crawled in the bed and then my lights flickered out.

  Chapter 3


  The past few nights were fairly calm in Port Royal. We searched every inch of the city for any sign of the Lycanthropes or Adam Castillo. There had been no more reports of attacks or sightings. I hadn’t seen or heard from Charity since Tuesday night either. I didn’t dare contact her. She seemed a little irritated at my boldness. Just because I hadn’t seen her didn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about her.

  There was still about half an hour before sunset when I left my chamber at the Krieger Estate and made my way into the dining room. My butler, Simon, was waiting there with my daily reports from the city police and Nachtmann. He handed me a goblet of blood and left the room.

  The reports from the police department showed there had been no sighting from Adam, but the one from Steven disturbed me.

  Nachtmann Keith Pullman had seen Adam Castillo on Charity’s property early that afternoon. He was standing just inside the tree line at the back of her yard. She lived alone on a ten acre farm that bordered Shepherd’s Forest. The daytime watchman had called in reinforcements and had eventually scared him off; back into the woods.

  “What does he want with her?” I pondered. I was at a loss.

  I still had about fifteen minutes before I could leave the estate. The pain of worry hurt my chest. If she had been alone, he could have gotten into her home and hurt her during her daily death. I was just thankful for the Nachtmann I had sent to her home, but it worried me that the hybrid was that close to her.

  Standing by the front door, I called Ashby while I waited to leave. “Ashby, I need you to put together a search party. Adam Castillo was seen on Charity Harwood’s property this afternoon. The Nachtmann scared him off, but I’m almost certain that he is using the cover of the forest to hide. As soon as these damn blinds roll up, I’m going to her house to question her.”

  Could she know him personally? Was he a lover? Or something more sinister?

  “Yes, sir,” he paused. “Text me her address and we’ll be over there as soon as we can.”

  I paced in front of the door, mentally wishing the sun to set early. I noticed Simon walk by, he paused to say something, but by my expression, he thought better of it and continued down the hallway. I checked my watch and I still had less
than five minutes before dusk.

  I hated mysteries. My usual control vanishes when I don’t have the answers. How am I supposed to keep the peace with I can’t even figure out what is going on. I need to know why he is targeting Charity. What is the link? Why are the Lycanthropes here, in Port Royal?

  I paced the rug a few more times, thinking about Charity. She was as stubborn as a mule, but for some reason I felt the overwhelming urge to protect her. Every time I close my eyes now, I remember her as she was in my dreams so long ago, heartbreakingly beautiful. At the time, she was small, almost a foot shorter than myself. Her delicate hands and petite figure said that, as a human, she was fragile. If I’d found her then, could I have had the strength to change her without killing her. Her blood appealed to me even in the dreams.

  The blinds closing off the estate hummed as the motors kicked in to open up the doors and windows for the night. With preternatural speed I jumped inside the Hummer and started the engine, determined to get to Charity’s home before she left for the evening.


  Saturday night started with a bang, literally.

  I stepped out of the shower and heard fists beating on my front door. It sounded like an ox was trying to break down my door. I grabbed a robe, tied the wrap tightly around my waist, ignoring my clothes on the bed. I made it to the door in a matter of seconds. My senses registered a male vampire at the door. I’m not stupid, but I was a little annoyed and forgot to check who it was before swinging it open.

  “Oh shit!” I gasped and then slammed the door right in Dragus’ face. I hadn’t seen or heard from him since our encounter Tuesday night. I thought maybe he had gotten a hint and decided to leave me alone. Lydia nagged me over and over the past few days about him. She always worried about my love life; since she didn’t have anything better to do.

  “My lady? Please open the door,” he begged.

  “I’m not properly dressed Dragus. Go away!” I yelled. Oh, great! How embarrassing was that? I quickly checked to make sure I didn’t have a breast exposed or something like that, and breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed there was nothing hanging out.

  “Ms. Harwood. I have been beating on your door for over half an hour. Are you okay?”

  “My room is mostly sound proof, I didn’t hear you. Um…I was in the shower.” How embarrassing?

  “Oh, forgive me, my lady. I did not know. You may resume your evening ritual, I will wait here.” I heard him shuffling around nervously on the porch. For a second, I wondered what he could possibly want. God only knows with him. And what’s with the formalities?

  I must have been in a good mood, because I would have said something witty in response to his allowing me to get dressed. Well, screw him. I’ll take my time; payback for sending the Nachtmann. Ha! Point one for me tonight! I can be a little bit vengeful at times.

  Back in my room, I slowly worked on my hair. I took my time carefully blow drying and straightening each section. Next, a full complement of makeup, and lastly my favorite pair of jeans, a Nights work shirt with a long sleeve sweater, and comfy boots. It might snow tonight. The wound on my arm, from the encounter at the mall, refused to heal properly. I had left my ointment and bandages in the kitchen, so that would have to wait until I got ready to leave. By the time I finished, Dragus had been outside for another hour.

  After ‘resuming my evening ritual’, I opened the door to find Dragus’ back filling the space that was once my door. His massive shoulders were the width of the frame. When he turned, the porch light caught in his eyes and I noticed they sparkled like a star. A million and one fantasies churned through my head at the moment. He did that annoying hand over the heart and bow thing he so often used. My bliss faded.

  “What is it Krieger? I’ve got to get to the Red Cross,” I demanded.

  “The Nachtmann Keith Pullman saw Adam Castillo at your property line this afternoon. Did you know him prior to the incident at your business?” This was business, not pleasure.

  I opened the door and invited Dragus into my home, standard protocol; vampires have to be invited in and all that. I sat in my big comfy recliner while muscle boy sat on the couch. He took up two-thirds of the space. Man he’s huge!

  “Dragus, I assure you, I have never seen him before the other night.”

  “Well, I don’t know why he came all the way out here, unless he wants you for something,” he grimaced. I noticed how his face momentarily pinched, like he was taking this whole Adam thing personally.

  “Me!” I squeaked. Why would he want to get to me? Could it be for throwing him out of my club? I shivered and mentally checked my security here at the house. Everything was up to date. There had been a total overhaul on my home just a few months ago. Top of the line surveillance, bomb resistant steel door to my resting place, and high powered outside lighting topped off the list of new additions.

  “I just wanted you to know that there will be someone here watching over your home day and night, just in case he returns,” he said proudly while sitting straight as a board in his seat. What does he do on his day off? Is he always so formal?

  Dragus assured me again that he would have a Krieger check on the house periodically throughout the night. I think he was going a little above and beyond his job title, for one victim. Just before he left for the evening, he slipped me a business card. “Keep my number handy. If you need anything, please call me.” I nodded and walked him to the door.

  I called Lydia to share the news of the big bad vampire-wolf hybrid lurking around my house; she was not happy. Lydia was a little paranoid about security. She kept a daytime Nachtmann and paid extra for another one who stayed at her place at night. I whole heartedly agreed with her on one thought; your home was your sanctuary; a safe place where you shouldn’t be harmed, day or night. But I was comfortable with my precautions at home.

  “Why don’t you stay home,” she suggested. “I will take care of things here tonight.”

  “I think I will. First, I’m going over to the clinic, but I promise to come right back.” I assured her.

  On the way back from the Red Cross, I watched the road looking for any sign of Adam. The trees draped carefully alongside the two lane road that my house was on. Almost like a protective blanket in the night. I wasn’t fooled; these trees were the very thing that kept creatures of the night, like me, cloaked in secrecy.

  I was a little on edge wondering why he was hanging around my house. How did he know where I lived? Could I put my trust in the Krieger and Nachtmann? They know what they are doing. I shouldn’t be so worried.

  Pulling in the driveway, I used my heightened senses to listen for something, anything that might be trouble. I had to admit, I was a little restless having to return to my house alone, but soon relaxed a little after I parked in the garage.

  Tonight was going to be for catching up on housework. Yes, even vampires have to clean. Clothes get dirty whether you are human or otherwise. The house needs dusting, bathrooms need cleaning and blah, blah, blah. I hate it, but it has to be done. So, with that thought, I turned for the laundry room, only to be stopped by the phone.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Charity, guess what?” It was Lydia in all her perky happiness. She was bursting at the seams, wanting to tell me something.

  “What?” I had to laugh at her enthusiasm.

  “Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome was just here looking for you. I told him you took tonight off.” She sounded pleased, like she was sending me a Valentine’s Day gift early.

  “Well great! What did he want?” Yeah, my voice was now defiantly showing disgust.

  “Nothing much, just wanted to know where you were.” I could almost hear her shrug. “Look, I got to go. Jackson needs some more booze from the locker. Talk to you later.”

  Great! What the hell did he want, now? I’m pretty sure I’ll find out soon. He probably wanted to annoy me a little more.

  Just as I closed the lid on the washing machine, I felt my mind shift. Som
eone was reaching out to me and I hated the feeling of being in another vampires mind.

  I locked my muscles down in place to hold myself where I stood. The telepathy seeped into the folds of my brain, showing me what the other being saw. For a moment, my world went black. Small sparks filled my vision until they quickly faded and I was standing in the heavily dense forest. The view I was seeing was hazy, like a thin layer of clouds covered my sight.

  Help me! Please, you have to help me? The voice that echoed through my mind was that of a male, but distinct heavy panting made it sound more like an animal.

  I let my senses range inward, feeling for a sign as to who was speaking to me. Pain, what I experienced can only be described as debilitating. It took every bit of my willpower to keep the connection when all I wanted to do was run away.

  “Who are you?” I begged. “Where are you?” The pain became so much, I could only cry. I experienced what he was feeling. The bones and muscles in his body were stretching and bending; causing extreme pain. I felt like my bones were being ripped from the joints.

  A..Adam, he paused. You have to help me, my memories, they’re fading. I’m lost... His voice was soft, but extremely shaky.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  Please, don’t… kill me, he begged. There has to be a cure. I hurt, please! Help me. His voice started fading. I needed more information from him, but before I could speak, the pain peaked and I screamed. The connection between us was very strong; strong enough to feel everything that his mind and body experienced.

  While I screamed, my body convulsed. The pain was worse than the fire I felt when that kid scratched me with the stake. Adam’s body felt like it was being stretched to capacity. His bones were on the edge of cracking from the pressure. A little piece of me knew that pain was not mine, but through the connection it felt as though my body was the one burning and stretching.


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