“What are you doing? Who are you?” yelled Tiffani over the music.
Emily crawled on her hands and knees over to Tiffani and got in her face. “The red Nissan Leaf you nearly ran off the road—that was me!”
Tiffani shook her head. “Get off my stage, crazy lady!”
Emily could see from the corner of her eye that they had drawn the attention of the entire crowd. Some of the men were cheering them on. The other dancers had stopped their routines and huddled off to the side of the stage. She and Tiffani had become the main attraction.
“Cardamom! What are you doing?” screamed Lexi from the sidelines.
Tiffani must have seen her car at Pinetree Slopes. Had she been tracking Emily ever since? And how?
“What were you doing at Pinetree Slopes the other night?” Emily hissed. Tiffani tried to grab at Emily’s mane, but Emily managed to dodge her, swinging her legs around to sideswipe Tiffani with a kick. In the process, one of Emily’s heels went flying.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tiffani seemed untouched by the kick. She body-slammed Emily to the floor, then pounced on top of her, pinning her down. Emily clawed at Tiffani, trying to break free.
“You know more about your sister’s murder than you’re letting on!”
Tiffani grabbed Emily’s hair and yanked her head back, leaving her blonde wig in Tiffani’s grip. Tiffani shrieked. She looked down at Emily with wide-eyed incredulity. “Doctor Dazzle.” She grinned. “Cute disguise.”
“Stop this! Now. Stop it!” yelled Wanda, slapping her hand on the edge of the stage. Immediately Jax and Bulldog stepped in. “Take her out! Now!”
“Eat this, Doctor Dazzle!” Tiffani rose, Emily’s wig in one hand.
“Who’s Doctor Dazzle?” Emily heard Lexi exclaim from the sidelines.
Jax grabbed Emily’s arm and leg on one side, and Bulldog latched on to the other. Splayed out, Emily could do nothing to resist as they dragged her away.
“You keep away from me and my family!” yelled Tiffani.
Emily opened her mouth to respond, but the music pumped up several decibels and her response was drowned out. Her defeated gaze back at the stage was timed perfectly as Tiffani, playing up the part of victim vixen, waved Emily’s Marilyn bob over her head like a victory scalp. The crowd roared with excitement. Tiffani, a seductive smile plastered on her face, danced her way to the edge of the stage to collect a shower of fives and tens.
Emily was delivered and set down outside the back door. Jax went back inside, but Bulldog stayed.
“I’ll make sure you get to your car safely,” Bulldog said with the utmost respect. Emily was sure she wasn’t the first broad he’d had to escort from the premises.
Emily walked to her Leaf, and he trailed her. But when she got to her car, she didn’t get into it right away. She went around to every tire well and bumper, running her hand underneath until she found what she was after on the driver’s side rear fender. Ripping the little tracking device from its magnetic hold, she held it up for Bulldog to see.
“Oldest trick in the book,” she said. She had learned a thing or two about tracking devices from the days when her father was being followed by a killer he was testifying against.
Bulldog’s expression didn’t waver. He just stood in place, staring at her, as she got into her car.
“This is illegal, you know,” she stammered, slamming the car door closed. Bulldog remained expressionless as she pulled away.
Emily drove out of the parking lot and down the street a couple of blocks. She pulled over and threw her car in park. Kicking off her remaining heel, she rubbed her swollen feet. She looked in the rearview mirror, barely recognizing herself. Emily ripped off both sets of fake eyelashes and ran her fingers through her tangled hair. Besides completely embarrassing herself, she had just shown her hand to Tiffani.
Emily rested her head into the steering wheel. It wasn’t like her to let her emotions get the better of her. Her irrational mind had snapped when she saw Tiffani’s fender, unraveling everything that had happened in her life in the past month. She was officially losing it. And the only thing she could take comfort in was that her little stunt had unearthed proof that Tiffani had some deep, dark secrets that were now were surfacing with her sister’s remains.
Despite the fact that she was still ticked at Nick, Emily picked up his call the next morning. She was hoping he’d have some word about Sandi’s case.
“Heard you had an interesting night, Cardamom,” said Nick as soon as Emily said hello.
She grimaced. So, word about the fight had already reached him. At least she didn’t have to explain how she had completely humiliated herself.
“You’re a real piece of work, Emily Hartford. I didn’t know you had that in you.”
“Not my finest moment. And before you suggest it, yes, I am considering therapy.” The kind where I disappear to a spa in the Caribbean.
“I only wish I coulda been there to see it.” He let out a full laugh.
“This is funny to you? I totally botched things up,” she said.
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” He was still on her side. He always was.
“She had a tracker on my car,” Emily said. “I could press charges.”
“How are you going to prove it was her?”
“The paint on her Lexus is from my Leaf.”
“And you’ll need to collect it and get it sent to the crime lab for proof,” said Nick. “But under what cause am I supposed to make an evidence collection? Besides, now that she knows, what are the chances it’s even going to still be on the car anymore?”
“Good point,” said Emily. Tiffani was probably having it buffed out as they spoke.
“I’m more concerned as to why she was tracking you in the first place,” said Nick.
“Because she knows stuff about Sandi’s murder. Call her in for her statement,” asked Emily. “Tell her you need her DNA sample to rule her out.”
“Can’t I just get that from under one of your fingernails?”
“Or maybe you still have some of her hair on your dress?”
“I deserve that. But yes, good point. I’ll comb my dress for her hair.”
“Shame she got your wig. I would have loved to see you in it.”
“Have you checked her Facebook for any more clues?” Emily could hear him clacking away at his keyboard. “Nick? Did you hear what I said?”
“Yes, you did check it?”
“Check what?”
“Tiffani’s social media. To see who she’s been hanging around with.”
“I’m looking right now.”
She waited. More clicking and typing.
“Nick? You there?”
Another pause.
“Sorry. Busy morning. Busy week. And it’s only gonna get busier as the holidays start.”
Thanksgiving was just a week away. The weather was worsening, and that meant more traffic accidents. Shoplifting would be on the rise. Drunk driving, of course. And the increased suicide attempts as holiday depression set in.
Emily knew from her father’s work that there was always an increase in deaths around the holidays. She and her mother had never been able to enjoy a whole Christmas Day without Dad getting called out on a death investigation. The holidays certainly were not happy times for all. Including her.
But even though she hadn’t spent the last twelve years of holidays with her father, they had always at least sent their greetings on Christmas morning with a short phone call. Where would she spend her holidays now? It wouldn’t be with Brandon and his family. Aunt Laura in Chicago always went to Colorado skiing, and that didn’t feel right this year. Or Jo and her clan? That might not be the best idea, given the fragile state of their marriage. Maybe with Anna and her family? She warmed at the thought of Anna’s offer to join them for the holiday.
“I’ll let you go,” she said.
“Wait. Before you go, you’re invited to my annual Friendsgiving turkey roast this Saturday.”
“Thanks. I don’t know what my plans are yet.”
“You should come. All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl.”
“Fine.” But only because I don’t want to sit in my dad’s empty house all weekend. “What should I bring?”
“I always leave that up to the guests.”
“What happens if you end up with, like, five hash brown casseroles?”
“Somehow it always works out.”
Yeah. Somehow everything always works out for you, doesn’t it, Nick? “Can it be store-bought?”
“No, city girl. It cannot. Why don’t you just bring a beverage?”
“That sounds like something you assign the kid from your class who you’re not sure is going to show up.”
“If the shoe fits,” said Nick. “Guests start arriving at noon. We party till the last one leaves. Which for some means after the Sunday football game.”
Emily grinned. Nick knew how to keep things in perspective, even when the world around him seemed to be crumbling.
“And Emily, one more thing.”
“Do me a favor and keep your hands by your side for now. Can you do that, please? I have enough on my plate with the holidays coming up.”
Emily sighed, and with double crossed fingers replied lightly, “As you wish.”
Emily did find several strands of Tiffani’s hair on her dress sleeve. She didn’t really believe Tiffani had killed her sister. Nonetheless, she bagged and labeled them carefully and drove to Nick’s office to deliver them. He wasn’t around. She signed them in with the officer on duty to be registered in the evidence locker for Sandi’s case.
Then, for the next two days, Emily kept her side of the bargain and laid low. She distracted herself with cleaning the house, organizing the kitchen, and sleep. Much-needed sleep. Whenever the pressure of her future mounted beyond what she could stand, she watched movies and made apple pies. Emily also volunteered to babysit when Jo took a few extra shifts at the hospital. Jo hadn’t let Paul home yet, and the kids were starting to ask a lot of questions.
Emily, concerned about her friend’s sanity, suggested a shopping trip to Rock River on Friday, Jo’s day off. She owed Jo a little black dress and wanted to give her a distraction from her woes.
“Look at us,” said Jo as they browsed a department store. “Two women, not even thirty, our love lives in shambles. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
Jo pulled a dress off the rack that looked similar to the one Emily had ruined.
“What’s up with that Dr. Payton guy? Any bites?”
“Heard from him earlier this week. It was just a professional call.”
Emily grabbed a second and third black dress and held them up for Jo’s thoughts.
“The first one,” said Jo, pointing at Emily’s left hand, the dress with the ruffled collar. Emily slung it over her arm.
“Jaden told me her daddy has a brand-new house on the lake. Did I miss something and you kicked him out for good?” asked Emily.
Jo glanced at Emily with a pained look. “That’s just kid talk. They see things literally.”
“How are things going between you two?”
“No change. But that’s because of me. I’m holding back until we get some real answers about Sandi’s death.”
“Start therapy yet?”
“I tried to set an appointment, but then he always has some excuse why he can’t go.”
“I’m sorry.”
Jo shrugged and headed to a rack of cocktail gowns. “By the way, Emily Hartford, what happened at the Silver Slipper?”
“I can be a little overdriven at times,” said Emily in an underplayed tone.
“You think? Did you accomplish what you had hoped?”
Jo’s sarcasm washed over Emily. She didn’t want to reveal the road incident. “I made everything worse,” she said, joining her friend at the rack.
“You went on your instincts, and instincts aren’t wrong,” said Jo. “Don’t apologize for wanting justice for Sandi.”
“What am I supposed to do now?”
“You’ll figure it out. It’s your superpower, Doctor Dazzle. Or do you go by Cardamom now?”
Emily laughed, encouraged to hear her friend had such confidence in her.
“In the meantime, dress therapy,” insisted Jo.
Emily snatched a couple items from the rack she would never be caught dead in and followed Jo to the dressing room.
The next day, Emily arrived at Friendsgiving shortly after one PM and found it in full swing. Nick’s recently remodeled lake house was teeming with people. There was the crowd from high school, some married, some sporting a kid or two, the rest single and a few drinking more than they should. Many were friendly faces from Freeport, but not ones Emily recognized. She smiled at the stream of people as she made her way into the kitchen with one of her apple pies, which now seemed like a very underwhelming contribution as she set it down on the crowded counter next to six more pies just like it.
“Jaden, out of the kitchen. Go find your brother and sister.” Jo entered with Jaden shuffling behind her. She took her by the shoulders and pointed her in the direction of the living room. “Mommy’s gonna hang with the adults now.”
Jaden skirted off, and Jo grabbed a red Solo cup from a stack on the counter and penned the name Cardamom under the lip with a Sharpie.
“Here. Let’s get you something to drink.” She shoved the cup into Emily’s hand. Emily read the name.
“So, does everyone here know?”
“Pretty much. You’re getting a reputation of being a real badass. My advice—go with it.” Jo took Emily by the arm to a pair of kegs chilling outside on the deck, where Emily selected the lighter of the two beers, a pilsner. Jo did the same and then motioned for her to follow her down the steps that led to the lakeshore in front of the house.
“Wow, you can really feel winter setting in,” said Emily, pulling her hood over her head.
When they got to the deserted sandy shoreline, Jo turned to Emily with an apprehensive look.
“Nick and Paul have something cooked up to collect DNA samples from the members of the pack today,” said Jo in a whisper.
“Paul told you that?”
Jo nodded. “We went out for a bite after therapy.”
“He showed up. Good.”
“Said we had to do it for the kids.” Jo rolled her eyes.
“It’s a start,” Emily said pulling on her gloves. “The members of the pack are here?”
“Some of them. He wouldn’t say who.”
“It would be so much easier if Nick just called them into the station for a statement.”
“That’s what I think, too. But Paul said that Nick wants to protect the innocent until proven guilty. You know how Freeport is.”
Emily could see his point. Stir up any suspicion and it would immediately assume blame.
“Or Nick doesn’t want to spook the killer,” said Emily.
“Understandable,” said Jo, zipping up her jacket. “That wind off the lake is biting.”
“Did Paul mention the plan?” asked Emily.
“The cups. They’re going to collect their DNA from the cups after the party.”
Emily nodded. It was a good plan.
“Is that legal? Can they do that?” Jo’s voice thinned when she was nervous.
“It is if he can get samples they dispose of.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Well, let’s say you drink from a red plastic cup and then toss the cup into a public trash. Or one that doesn’t belong to you. A police investigator has the right to collect it and run a DNA test on the saliva.”
“Anyone can lift my DNA after I toss this cup?”
Emily no
“You’re like a Nancy Drew who drinks and dresses like a stripper,” Jo joked, but Emily could see new creases lining her forehead.
“I hope Nick has sent in his DNA. Paul’s results should be back right after Christmas. It can take up to eight weeks or more. The labs are always backlogged,” Emily said, knowing this was on Jo’s mind. “You’re not worried, are you?”
Jo shrugged, discouragement lodged in her look. This time frame would eat into the stability of their fragile relationship. “Let’s just focus on our plan?”
“My sleuthing sidekick.” Emily grinned. “I like that.”
“Jo? Em?” They turned to see Paul calling them from the deck. “Turkey’s ready.”
Jo waved to acknowledge him. “Coming!”
“When does he get to come back home?” asked Emily.
“Tomorrow. We’ve got a houseful of family for Thanksgiving next week, and I don’t want questions.”
Emily understood. It wasn’t worth rocking the family boat while they were trying to work things out.
“Okay, so here’s what I’m thinking. You stick close to Paul. I’ll stick close to Nick. Observe and record. But they can’t know we’re onto them.”
Jo took a swig of her beer and gave Emily the thumbs-up. “Let’s get ’em, Cardie.”
* * *
Emily grabbed a plate of food from the kitchen and took it to the garage, where a number of the guys were standing around drinking. A handful were smoking cigars or vaping. The garage door stood open and it was freezing, but none of them seemed to notice as they hung out in their sweat shirts and flannels. At first scan of the crowd, she didn’t see Nick. Then she heard his laughter booming from a tight circle of guys surrounded by a cloud of smoke near the opening of the garage door.
She scanned the social landscape for a place where she could slip in unnoticed. There was a small ring of ladies talking in the corner. It was the perfect cover. She would integrate herself into their circle and resume her lookout. She greeted them and started to make small talk. Every so often she would glance over to Nick’s group. She didn’t recognize the guys he was talking to. In fact, she didn’t recognize many of the people in the room. Had she gone to school with them, or were they work friends? Were any of them part of the pack?
Secret Remains Page 20