Static Line

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by Неизвестный

  Static Line

  Dawne Walters

  ISBN-13: 978-1507665886

  ISBN-10: 1507665881

  Copyright 2015 Dawne Walters

  All Rights Reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the expressed permission of the publisher or author constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from this book, prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher or author.

  FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


  This book contains SEXUAL SITUATIONS and PLACES including but not limited to, felacio, anal, dildos in play and raunchy talk from a Paratrooper to his wife. If you think that any of that might bother you…please put this book down. If you are under the age of 18 and don’t have permission to read erotica…you know you are wrong…at least don’t get caught!


  This is for the absolutely wonderful ladies atRomance Bytes…this was written for you!! Your continued support of Conrad and Addie and all of the characters that we authors create for you to fall in love with is immeasurable!! THANK YOU!!

  This is also for anyone else who fell in love with Conrad and Addie Renner! ENJOY!!! ~Dawne

  Chapter One

  A three hour flight.

  Sitting next to a guy who wouldn’t shut the fuck up.

  Oh God. She was turning into Conrad.

  She had certainly adopted his potty mouth.

  “ I says, ya know…I says that I couldn’t possibly take advantage…” the man kept on.

  Addie sat there listening like she was genuinely interested, nodding when she need to, smiling and raising her eyebrows at what he thought were interesting parts. They were only thirty minutes into this flight but, as long as the guy didn’t raise his arms, gesturing wildly like he had before they took off, she wouldn’t have to hide the gagging reflex that hit from his smell. For a rather skinny guy, he wasn’t very well kept.

  She knew better than to sit in the window seat. You get trapped. Finally, after another twenty minutes the guy excused himself to use the latrine. Thank God! Addie took the airline pillow from her lap and pushed it up against the side of the plane and leaned into it so that she could still look out of the window. Pulling Conrad’s jacket around her shoulders a little closer, she breathed in his scent.

  God, she missed him. They were six months into a yearlong deployment. It wasn’t so bad when he’d left for Italy after they’d just gotten to know each other. There wasn’t as strong an attachment. But now? It felt like torture. She knew it would be harder being a wife to a deployed soldier. Especially one that was infantry and went on patrols regularly. The communications blackouts. When Soldier’s got killed, the waiting. Oh fucking hell, the waiting.

  Closing her eyes, she thought back to when Conrad left for Afghanistan...

  “Hey sugartits, come here and give your barrel chested freedom fighter another kiss.”

  She’d rolled her eyes at his nickname of her that he used more often lately, but wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his chest. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry...started in repeat in her head. His arms were tight around her, holding her close. His lips kissed the top her head over and over as he held her.

  “Hey...Ad, where’s my hugs and kisses,” Nathan asked, joking around to lighten the mood.

  “Fuck off douche canoe,” Conrad said. “Go find your own wife.”

  Nathan chuckled, “It’s all good man. Just trying to cheer Addie up.”

  Addie only moved her eyes to see Nathan looking at her with his bottom lip plumped out looking sad. She smiled and winked, not wanting to let go of Conrad.

  “I get it Ads. It’s okay. I’ll take care of him,” Nathan said, rubbing her shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze.

  “Alright...let’s load up on the buses!” The Sergeant Major yelled from in front of the Battalion building. “Five minutes girls!”

  Conrad pulled back from Addie just a few inches and lifted her chin with his fingers so that his mouth could claim hers in an all-out assault of passion. He took and tasted, putting the next six months in that kiss when he knew he was going to see her again.

  After a few minutes he pulled away giving her soft kisses on her lips, but his arms held her tight against him.

  “I’m gonna miss you sugar.”

  “I’m gonna miss you more,” Addie said, trying not to cry. “I think it’s easier to be deployed than it is to be at home.”

  “True. But, I’m glad that I’m coming home to you.” He smiled and kissed her one more time.

  “Love you Mr. Renner.”

  “Love you Mrs. Renner.”

  “Come home to me safely and in one piece,” Addie said, the tears now falling down her cheeks.

  “I’m too fucking ornery to come home any other way,” he smiled at her, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

  “Let’s go gentlemen!” The Sergeant Major yelled by the busses now.

  “See you later then,” Addie whispered.

  “You know it sugartits.” Conrad kissed her one more time and let her go.

  Addie watched as Nathan handed him his M4 rifle and Conrad stood by the bus door to let his platoon load first. Then he winked at his wife and loaded the bus. He was calling off names as the door started to close and the bus stared. Each man would tell out that he was there or didn’t want to be. When he got over to his seat, he looked out the window and mouthed ‘love you’ to Addie, and put two fingers to his lips to blow her a kiss. She did it back and the bus rolled away.

  Chapter Two

  The day Conrad proposed, he’d moved into her apartment that night, where they immediately bought new leather sofas as a couple. Her mattresses were what she’d called virgins, having only had Conrad sleep on them, but he’d insisted that they needed a king size bed. He’d taken his TV of course, and all of his electronics that she swore she needed a college degree to know how to turn it all on, and gotten rid of Addie’s tiny one. It was all quite cozy and went from his or hers to theirs.

  The first week of Conrad’s deployment was the hardest. If anything went wrong, it went big. The dishwasher water line broke and maintenance had to be called. Since she was at work when it happened and the neighbors downstairs had water damage, she had to take time off and come home to soggy carpet. So, all of the furniture in the dining room had to be shifted around until the workers were done cleaning everything and putting new carpet out.

  Then one of her tires went flat on her car after one of the rainiest weeks with flooding that Fort Polk had in years. She’d pulled over on the side of the road and called roadside assistance, but they sent a wrecker instead. That wasn’t the worst part though. The guy put her car in neutral, on a road that had a bit of a downward slope. When he was ready to hook her car up, he had leaned on the hood in order to get under it. Therefore pushing the car back, where it slid into a six foot ditch full of water. Now, her car not only had a flat tire, but was submerged over the hood of the engine compartment. The wrecking company sent out another wrecker to help get her car out of the ditch so that Addie could at least get her water logged purse...and her wet phone. That whole event took another three hours.

  Wednesday and Thursday were okay days. She’d salvaged anything in her purse, but had to get a new phone.She’d taken Conrad’s truck to work, which made her even more emotional because it smelled like him. Liz, her Lead at
work had taken her out to lunch, because he husband was deployed too and tried to comfort her and tell her that the first week was the hardest.

  Friday started out good, but then a call from the insurance said that not only was her car was totaled...but the wrecking company was blaming her for stopping on a road that made her car slide backwards into a ditch. After getting the police report because, yes, embarrassingly enough, they were there too. The insurance company sided with her and were off her car with her GAP insurance. She’d shop for a car when Conrad came home. No sense in having to cars and one driver.

  What really sent her spiraling down into the depths of despair was a Facebook post on Conrad’s wall of a smiling Lisa and a little boy with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes with the caption, ‘I didn’t know you had such a gorgeous little guy...Congrats.’ It was posted by one of the girls that worked at the Messo back in Fort Bragg. Conrad had assured Addie that he’d deleted a lot of people that were in Fort Bragg that he didn’t talk to anymore. But this, Carrie Richards…was one of the gals that Conrad was friends with. Looking through the comments, Conrad’s sister, Kerry and come to his defense saying that the little boy was NOT his son, that it was a way for Lisa to trap Conrad into marriage or whatever, but she’d asked for the picture to be taken down because her brother was deployed. Her comment was five minutes ago.

  She drove home and parked in the spot Conrad always did, at the end, so no one could hit his truck. She grabbed her purse and work bag and walked up the stairs. After locking the apartment door, she’d dropped her purse and bag on the floor and slipped out of her shoes. Taking a look around, she wondered if he’d lied to her. If the condom really did brake and he didn’t just flush it down the toilet. Or maybe, just maybe he didn’t use one at all. He’d never used one with her. She wondered if he was just trying to placate her. She sat on the leather sofa where she and Conrad had make love so many times and leaned back into the soft cool leather for a few minutes.

  Sitting up, she grabbed her laptop off of the coffee table and opened it, logging on to her Facebook account. It should be called Dramabook for all that happened on there, seemed to be nothing but drama surrounding it lately. Clicking on Conrad’s profile page, she saw that Jessica, her friend and receptionist from Fort Bragg had posted under the picture as well. ‘That bitch Lisa is nothing but a Drama Queen!! That kid belongs to Wayne Huggins, he’s on his DEERS and he’s paying child support. That kid isn't Conrad’s any more than I’m his wife!!’

  Although that made her feel better, the picture was still there and it wasn’t a great reminder of the fact that she still hadn’t heard from Conrad. Scrolling through her feed, she saw that other wives had heard from their husbands a few different times and were super excited. Addie put the laptop back on the coffee table and decided to make a sandwich when the gallon of milk decided to take a tumble and spill on the floor.


  She couldn’t seem to catch a break. After cleaning that mess, she ate her sandwich, went in and closed the laptop and decided to go to bed. It was Friday...she wasn’t going anywhere.

  It was after two in the morning when her phone started ringing. The screen showed an ‘unknown’ phone number. She almost didn’t answer it. But then at the last minute decided to.


  After a long pause, “ that you sugartits?”


  The tears immediately started. “Conrad. Ohmygod.”

  “You okay?” He asked.

  “Yeah, tough week,” she answered.

  “It’s been busy here too baby. I don’t have much time, we’re getting ready to roll out to our FOB soon and it’ll be a little bit before we get coms to talk again. But, I don’t want you to worry. I’ll be okay,” Conrad said.

  The sobs came then. She couldn’t keep them back. “I know.”

  “Aww, come on baby, don’t cry,” Conrad soothed her. “I hate it when you cry and I’m not there.” There was another long pause. “Tell me how your week was.”

  “You don’t want to know,” Addie answered, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “The water line for the dishwasher exploded, flooding the dining room and the people downstairs, my car got a flat, and the insurance folks sent a wrecker and he pushed it into the ravine that was full of water, so it’s totaled. And today I learned that Lisa is parading her kid around as yours. It’s been a shit week Conrad...” she started to cry again, “I want you to come home. I can’t handle this shit.”

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Conrad said, soothing her. “I’ll be home in six months and we’ll spend Christmas with my Pop, Jeff, Kerry and Roger. The first week is the worst babe. It’ll be okay. As for Lisa, I heard about that from Nathan. Baby, we talked about this. I don’t have any kids, that’s not mine.”

  “I know...but it’s so frustrating to see that she’s doing that.” Addie wiped her nose.

  “Just ignore it babe. We know the truth. I’ll have it taken down,” Conrad said. “So...what’re you wearing?”

  “Size five X sweats and grandma panties,” Addie answered.

  “Ew, so not sexy.”

  “Yeah, can’t have you sporting a boner while you’re deployed.”

  “Good point.” Conrad answered. There was commotion in the background. “Babe, I gotta go, we are loading up. As soon as we have coms, I’ll call or email you. Love you baby.”

  “Love you more.”

  “That isn’t possible Addie. My love for you…” he started, but didn’t finish. “Gotta go. Smooches.”

  Then the phone went dead.

  It wasn’t for two weeks that Addie had heard from Conrad. He’d posted a picture on his Facebook and tagged her. There were two regular size Pringles cans that had a Post It note on each one that read, ‘SFC Pringles’ and ‘Mrs. Pringles.’ There were three snack size Pringles cans in front with Post It notes on them that each read ‘Baby Pringles.’ He’d captioned it ‘Love you Sugartits...’ For the first time in about three weeks, Addie really and truly laughed.

  There were the usual emails that talked of their day and going on and the occasional phone call. He was able to Skype with her a few times too, but the internet connection in the area that he was at in Afghanistan made it difficult. What made Addie happy was the possibility of Conrad coming home for Christmas that she had clung to. Her parents were going to see her brother’s family in Germany, where he was stationed, so Addie accepted her father in-laws invitation to have her come out for Christmas so that she wasn’t alone. He’d said that if Conrad could come home to, well that was just bonus.

  Kerry announced that she was finally into her second trimester and was really excited to announce that she was pregnant with a little girl. So told Addie to come visit over Christmas too and they could go baby girl shopping. She had another ultrasound and wanted her to be there were Roger, Keith and Jeff too. Addie was going to video the event for Conrad.

  The dates still weren’t solid, but it was going to be a few days before Christmas or Christmas day that he flew in, for two weeks. So, she’d went through the motions and packed a few things for Conrad just in case he came home. He said he’d take her out to shop for his family when he got home.

  Chapter Three

  So, here she was. On an airplane with a chatty ass, smelly fucker on her way to Pittsburgh. Keith had told her that he and Jeff would pick her up at the airport and get her settled in. Kerry and Roger were going to come over for dinner tonight to see her too. The Steelers were playing after Christmas, so they were all set to go to the game as well. It would be her first ever NFL game.

  Afraid to open her eyes to give the guy next to her hope that she wanted to talk, she actually fell asleep until the Captain announced that they were making their initial decent into Pittsburgh International. She straightened up, but kept her attention out the window as much as she could so as not to give chatty-stinky a chance to start up again. Landing without a hitch, and ma
king it off the plane and to baggage, she spotted Keith and Jeff.

  “There she is,” Keith said, giving her a tight hug. “How was your flight doll?”

  “It was good dad,” Addie smiled. “Glad I’m here though.”

  “Didja get stuck next to one of those chatty people that want to tell you about their life story?” Jeff asked.

  Addie laughed, nodding her head. “Yes. And he bad.” Addie scrunched her nose.

  Keith and Jeff laughed. They grabbed her bags and caught up on all the things they were going to do while she was here. Parking the car in the back of the row house, they walked in through the kitchen and got Addie up to the room that she and Conrad had stayed in before they got married, on the second floor.

  “Kerry and Roger won’t be here for a few hours. So, take your time honey. The bathroom is down the hall if you need it. Or if you just want to take a nap...” Keith started.

  Addie turned around, setting her purse on the bed, she walked up to her father in law and gave him a hug. “Thanks dad.”

  “I miss him too,” he said, hugging her back. “Why don’t you lay down and I’ll come up and get you when dinner’s ready.” Keith smiled at her and wiped a tear that had slipped down her cheek.

  Closing the door, Addie sat on the edge of the bed. She was surrounded by Conrad here just from the pictures up on the walls. Looking around, she saw that someone had put a five by seven of her and Conrad at their wedding on one of the night tables. She walked over and picked it up smiling as her tears fell. She pushed her shoes off her feet and lay down on the bed, clutching the picture to her chest and cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter Four

  Conrad was looking around his makeshift shelter that was made of plywood and sandbags. He was sitting on his bunk getting for another busy night in the TOC, making sure that the patrols that were out came back in safely. They had been engaged several times. So far everyone was in one piece, albeit a little worn for wear though. It was a little dicey out lately and the commander had told them to take extra care and if they found something not quite right, make the right decision and take longer walking back, instead of being careless. They’d been mortared a few times too, which put into perspective that even though they were up in an overlook position, they weren’t far from harm. He opened his laptop to check his email. Coms out had been touch and go lately, so he took advantage when he could. The winter was a bit milder than expected and he wasn’t complaining.


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