Static Line

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by Неизвестный

  Addie stood off to the side, watching as some children ran around the gym, others slept in their strollers, and still others sat with family members. She was rapidly rethinking the dark blue dress that she’d put on and the nude heels. Standing wasn’t an issue, it was trying not to fall on her face when she got off the bleachers. She’d pulled her mass of crazy hair into a low ponytail, because the rain and humidity wouldn’t let her do anything else with it.

  Looking at her watch, it read two-fifteen in the morning. They were delayed from eleven, to about three at the latest was the last she’d heard officially when one of the officers came in to let everyone know. Despite the late hour, the gym was a hive of activity and the air was palpable with excitement. She watched as some of the wives drank the coffee that was provided in the lobby. She’d tried a cup, but it was just sludge, and couldn’t choke it down, so she threw it out, opting instead for a bottle of water instead.

  The gym was decorated with streamers and welcome home signs hung on the walls from the Family Readiness Group (FRG) had made and had all the family members sign and have them color in their handprint. Some families had made their own signs. Addie knew a handful of the wives so she went around to make sure that everyone was as comfortable as could be and didn’t need anything except to have their Soldier come home.

  After a few more minutes of looking around, Addie longed to wait outside, but it was cold and rainy, so she stood off near the wooden doors to the entryway of the gym. A flash of light caught Addie’s attention, so when she tilted her head a little to look out of the main glass doors of the gym, saw the headlights from busses reflect off of the glass doors as they made their way into the parking lot. Two officers came in and ushered everyone into the main gym and away from the entryway.

  “If I could get everyone’s attention please!” One of the officer’s spoke into the microphone. “The busses are pulling in. We know that you want to see your Soldier…trust me, they want to see you too. We need everyone to stay in the bleachers until both Able and Battle Companies are dismissed. I promise you…it won’t be very long. They are going to come in through the doors from the entryway and file into formation quickly. Once they are dismissed, you can take them home. Thank you for being so patient, and congratulations.”

  Addie stepped up into the bleachers, staying on the edge, but making sure she was out of the way of the path that the Soldiers would make come into the gym. When the doors were opened, she watched as the Soldiers marched in, in rows of two and filled the far side of the gym first, until they were all in formation. As the first Soldiers made their way across the hardwood floor, screams and cheers hit the air. It all happened so fast, but she didn’t see Conrad and her heart sank.

  As the Battalion Commander got up to the microphone in front of the two companies, Addie wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying, as she was searching the rows of Soldiers for Conrad, where she still didn’t see him standing in. Worried that maybe he’d stayed longer with another company, her heart sank. She hadn’t heard from him in a week. He’d told her in their last Skype session that he had to help get the turnover complete and then the ride to Bagram. From there another stop at an Air Force Base, then to the States. He’d called her from Bagram to let her know that they were on their way home. He just couldn’t give her the exact timeline.

  Before she knew it, there was mass chaos as the family members clashed with Soldiers in squeals of excitement and tight hugs. As she looked around, she still didn’t see Conrad. She didn’t even remember seeing Nathan come to think of it. Soon enough, the gym started to empty, and still no Conrad or Nathan. She figured if she ran into Nathan, Conrad wouldn’t be far behind him telling him to take his hands off his wife. But, neither was there.

  Dread was starting to settle in the pit of her stomach as she stepped off the bleachers and made her way through the foyer and out the front door. The rain had stopped, so when she got out to the curb, she looked up at the sky trying not to cry and took in a deep breath of cold air. As she released it, she looked ahead of her to where Conrad’s truck sat in the parking lot and started toward it. There were much happier people surrounding her, putting bags into trunks and their children into car seats.

  Chapter Nine

  “Were you just going to leave me here?” A familiar voice from behind her called out.

  Stunned, she stopped and turned around and saw him. He had a huge smile on his face as he walked toward her with his bag in one hand and his backpack on. He was only two cars away, behind him was Nathan with a smirk on his face.

  Addie ran toward Conrad, who had just enough time to drop his duffel and shrug out of his backpack when she jumped into his arms. As his arms came around her, he swung her in a circle a few times before he set her down and took her face in his hands and kissed the living hell out of her.

  “I’ll ah, just put everything in the truck,” Nathan joked.

  Neither Addie nor Conrad let each other go for a few minutes. Conrad was quite happily exploring his wife’s mouth with his tongue and kissing her lips and then kissing her jaw and neck up to her ear.

  “Missed you MRS. Renner.”

  “Missed you too MR. Renner,” Addie said, as she squeezed him around his waist.

  “Let’s go home. I want you naked,” Conrad said, smiling as he looked Addie in the eyes.

  She just smiled and blushed a little. He swatted her on the butt as he held her hand and walked to his truck.

  “Hey, let’s hit Denny’s on the way home,” Nathan suggested from the back seat.

  “No,” Conrad Answered.

  “A drive thru?”


  “Aw man. I’m hungry,” Nathan whined.

  “I’ve got some leftover pasta you can have,” Addie said.

  Nathan chuckled. “I was teasing…kinda. I know you two want to get home.”

  The drive home was short and sweet. Conrad held Addie’s hand over the console of the truck, his thumb rubbing her hand. Pulling into the apartment complex, the rain had started to pick up, so they got out quickly and grabbed the bags from the back. Addie had run up to the apartment to unlock the door for Conrad and decided to go get the leftover pasta in the plastic bowl to give to Nathan when Conrad made his way in the front door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to give this to Nathan,” Addie answered, showing Conrad the plastic bowl.

  “Fucking Nathan,” Conrad mumbled. “Could you get the shower started for me please?”


  Addie had no sooner took her coat off, turned around, got the water heating up to turn the shower on and pulled the curtain closed, when Conrad made his way into the bathroom.

  “Wow. That was fast.” Addie’s eyebrows went up.

  “I threw it at him.”

  “What?” Addie shrieked.

  “He caught it.” Conrad shrugged, taking his uniform off. He sat on the closed toilet seat and untied his boots and peeled his socks off next. He looked up and saw Addie leaned against the sink with her arms crossed over her chest.

  “You mad at me?”

  “Nope. Just watching my husband undress.” Addie smiled.

  Standing in front of her naked now, Conrad’s hands slid over her hair to the ponytail in the back, and pulled on the elastic to let her hair free. He kissed the top of her head and took a step back.

  “Why’d you stop?” Addie whispered, trying to find her voice. Her body was humming with anticipation to have her husband’s hands on her.

  “Because I smell like ass. I haven’t been able to shower for like three days. I want to fuck your brains out…but I don’t want to have you hold your nose while I do it.”

  Addie laughed. “Okay. Get a shower stinky. I’ll turn the covers down and get naked. So, you better hurry and get clean.”

  Leaving Conrad to get his shower, Addie walked to the closet and hung up her dress and put her shoes in line with the others. She walked over to the bed and pulled the
covers down, slipping under them and waited for Conrad, which didn’t take very long at all.

  He walked into their bedroom with just a towel around his hips and a smile on his face. He dropped his towel and slid under the covers, pulling Addie to him.

  “Need you baby,” he said, taking her mouth with his. His tongue explored her mouth again, re-acquainting himself with her again.

  Addie didn’t have to say anything. He flipped her on her stomach and he kneeled behind her, pulling her hips back so that she was on her knees. She knew that he liked it when she was face down in the pillows. Conrad pushed the covers back behind him as Addie stretched out her arms and wrapped her hands around the bars on the headboard.

  Conrad leaned down licked Addie’s ass cheek, then bit it gently. Grabbing his hard cock, he slid it against her pussy and felt just how wet she was. They both groaned.

  “So wet.” Conrad groaned, as he threw his head back at the feel of his wife.

  Before Addie knew it, Conrad slid in quickly, balls deep. He paused for a moment to give Addie time to adjust around him. He leaned down against her back, Propped up by his hands. He used one, to more her hair out of the way so that he could see her face. With one sweep of his hand, the pillows were on the floor as well. He gave her open mouth kisses for a few moments, before he started to move. Slowly at first, giving them both time…for what he didn’t know. But he knew that he didn’t want to pop off like a randy teenager. It was when Addie pushed against him and moaned that he knew she was ready to be good and royally fucked.

  “You want this hard cock don’t you baby?” Conrad hissed. “Nine months of no dick and you want me bad don’t you baby?” He pulled out until the head of his cock remained inside of her. Then pushed in without any finesse at all.

  “Oh…God, yes!” Addie cried. “More…of fuck, Conrad…more!”

  “Anything you want baby.”

  Then Conrad started to move, hard, He fucked her hard. The only sounds in the room where the slapping of wet, heated flesh and the harsh breaths of two lovers.

  “Take it Addie,” Conrad breathed hard. “Take my fucking hard cock in that tight wet pussy of yours.”

  She was being pounded so hard that she couldn’t respond. She moaned loud, letting Conrad know that she loved his dirty mouth and the way he fucked her. She didn’t want soft and loving. She needed him this way. Nine long months. She wanted it rough.

  Conrad slid a hand around her hip, while the other slid down to wet clit. When he barely touched it, Addie screamed his name.


  “That’s what gets you off doesn’t it? Having me rub on your clit…you love it when I’m fucking you and rub your clit don’t you Addie?”

  “Yes…oh, yes!” Addie screamed out.

  “Let’s tell the neighbors that your husband is home,” Conrad smirked. Then he rubbed gently on Addie’s clit, applying just enough pressure to set her off. He felt the walls of her pussy start to quiver and grip his cock tighter. He felt her push back against him as he rocked into her.

  “Come on Addie…come for me. Come on my cock baby. Do it.” Conrad encouraged her.

  He felt the gush of fluid as Addie came around him. “Con-rad! Aaah! Conraaaaad!”

  “That’s it baby,” he crooned. Then went after his own rush, pushing into her at first with a steady rhythm that quickly became short jabs as his orgasm hit. His toes curled, his spine arched, throwing his head back as he called out Addie’s name when he came.


  She felt every splash of his semen as Conrad came inside of her, she couldn’t move. She relished as Conrad called out her name and then lay over her on his forearms so that he didn’t crush her. After a few minutes, he took turns reaching up and peeling her fingers from the around the bars of the headboard, massaging them softly. He rolled on his side, take Addie with him. When his sweat started to cool, he reached down and pulled the covers up.

  “Fuck it,” he whispered, “we’ll wash the sheets tomorrow when we get up.” Then he pulled Addie tight against him and they fell asleep.

  Conrad woke up again, just as the sun was about to rise and laid Addie on her back, stretching her arms out above her head, making love to her slowly. Again, when they both finished, he pulled her to him and they fell asleep again.

  Chapter Ten

  Addie woke up at almost noon. The shades were closed and when she reached for Conrad…he wasn’t there. Had she dreamed last night? Moving her legs, she felt the wetness of their union. Nope…she hadn’t dreamt anything. She was sticky. Stretching, she felt the familiar aches that came with loving Conrad and relished in them. She was getting ready to move the covers when Conrad appeared in the doorway from the bathroom…holding his…deodorant?

  “What…” Addie started.

  “Come Addie Renner,” Conrad started talking in his best Darth Vader voice. His arm with the deodorant held high body like a lightsaber, his other hand outstretched toward her.

  “Come to the dark side. Get a shower and come with me.”

  Addie couldn’t help but laugh. Deep belly laughs. “Where are we going?”

  “To dark forest moon of Endor or some shit, I don’t know. Maybe Hoth. Or just kill some fucking Jedi and blow shit up. It will be epic. With you by my side…we can rule the galaxy.” He curled his hand in a fist and shook it at her.

  Addie jumped up from the bed and grabbed her phone unplugging it from the charger, holding it as her lightsaber.

  “Ah, I have you fooled dark one,” she said, “For I am the chosen one.” She jumped on the bed and made a lightsaber noise. “I have the high ground Darth. Prepare to get your ass kicked.”

  Conrad put his hands down by his sides. “Jedi don’t say prepare to get your ass kicked.”

  “Spoiled sport. Darth Vader never said, hey baby, let’s go kill some Jedi either.”

  “That’s it.” Conrad turned as if he was making his way back into the bathroom when Addie plopped onto the bed. She was ready to get up when Conrad turned back around dropping his deodorant and tackled her on the bed.

  “If you were a great Jedi, you’d have known I was coming,” Conrad whispered in her ear.

  “Jedi don’t have powers like that.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Dude! Do you even Star Wars?” Addie laughed.

  Conrad kissed her lips and got up, pulling her up by her hands, her phone forgotten on the bed. “Come on, you need a shower.” Conrad sniffed her neck. “You smell like sex.”

  Addie kissed him quickly and followed Conrad in the bathroom where they made love in the shower before getting dressed. They picked up Nathan from his apartment across from them and drove into town to get lunch and then to Post so that Nathan could get his car. Then Conrad took Addie down to Lake Charles to go shopping and spoil her. They came back with a new black, Audi A5 coupe for her. When they got back, she gave him his Christmas presents and they’d made love again on the sofa.

  Chapter Eleven

  As the months slid by, Addie and Conrad slid back into their lives as husband and wife again. Addie was still working on post and Conrad re-enlisted indefinitely to stay in the Army. Keith had come down to visit with his son and daughter in law for a week. More than that and he felt he would be underfoot.

  It was Thursday, and Addie sat at her desk after lunch, Conrad was in the field, and had been for the past week. Red pen in hand, checking spelling on awards for Soldiers that had to be generated and signed by the Post Commander, she didn’t hear the commotion at the front desk until it spilled into her office.


  Looking up confused at the sound of a male voice calling her name, she saw a very distraught Nathan with camouflage on his face and dirt on his uniform coming into her office. Her stomach bottomed out and she started shaking her head slowly.

  “No.” She whispered, covering her mouth with her hands. “This can’t be happening to me again. Another accident. Please…not Conrad.” Even though she was
sitting down, she thought she would pass out. Not again. She couldn’t go through this again. Losing Charles to a jumping accident was enough. She didn’t think she could go through this. Not with how much she loved Conrad.

  “Addie, it’s going to be okay,” Nathan said, as he rushed around the desk to her side.

  “He promised me. He said that there was only one jump in this field problem.” Tears started to spill onto her cheeks, she felt like she couldn’t breathe.

  “He’s in the hospital. We drove him in. He was bitching the whole way.” Nathan stood Addie up and put his arms around her. Hugging her tightly. “The doctors are already doing tests.”

  She wrapped her arms around him tightly. “What happened?”

  “His chute collapsed. We aren’t sure why they do, but all of the air from the chute just went…poof. His chute collapsed, he was about fifteen feet up and there was no time to pull the reserve. It wouldn’t have filled with air in enough time.”

  “We…we better go.” Addie pulled back a moment and looked up at Nathan.

  “I need your keys. I’m not letting you drive.” Nathan stood there with his hand out.

  Addie grabbed her purse from beside her desk and searched inside to hand Nathan her keys. Taking her hand with his other, they practically ran to her car. Peeling out of the parking lot to the hospital.

  Conrad was getting pissed. He wasn’t sure how many damn doctors were going to shine that fucking light in his eyes. One more time, and he was going to low-crawl his way out of this fucking hospital if he had to. He’d suffer the consequences later. His head hurt…hell, his whole body hurt. When they scrubbed his camouflage off, he was sure that they took the first layer of skin with it.

  “So, Sergeant Renner. I’m Doctor Malin, the neurologist. Tell me what happened.”


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