The Inferno (The Divine Comedy series Book 1)

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The Inferno (The Divine Comedy series Book 1) Page 70

by Dante

Cassius, XXXIV.67

  Castel Sant’ Angelo, XVIII.32

  Catalano, Fra, XXIII.104

  Cato, XIV.15

  Cattolica, La, XXVIII.80

  Caurus, XI.114

  Cavalcante de’ Cavalcanti, X.53

  Cecina, XIII.9

  Celestine V, III.59 [?]; XXVII.105

  Ceprano, XXVIII.16

  Cerberus, VI.13; IX.98

  Cervia, XXVII.42

  Cesena, XXVII.52

  Ceüta, XXVI.111

  Charlemagne, XXXI.17

  Charles I (of Naples), XIX.99

  Charon, III.82

  Charybdis, VII.22

  Chiron, XII.65

  Ciacco, VI.38

  Ciampolo, XXII.32

  Cianfa, XXV.43

  Cicero, IV.141

  Cinyras, XXX.39

  Circe, XXVI.91

  Ciriatto, XXI.122; XXII.55

  Clement V, XIX.82

  Cleopatra, V.63

  Cluny, XXIII.63

  Cocytus, XIV.119; XXXI.123; XXXII.22; XXXIII.156; XXXIV.52

  Colchis, XVIII.87

  Colonna, The, XXVII.86

  Constantine, XIX.115; XXVII.94

  Cornelia, IV.128

  Corneto, XII.137; XIII.9

  Crete, XII.12; XIV.95

  Curio, XXVIII.102

  Cyprus, XXVIII.82

  Daedalus, XVII.111; XXIX.116

  Damietta, XIV.104

  Danube, XXXII.26

  David, IV.58; XXVIII.138

  Deianira, XII.68

  Deidamia, XXVI.62

  Democritus, IV.136

  Dido, V.61

  Diogenes, IV.137

  Diomedes, XXVI.56

  Dionysius, XII.107

  Dioscorides, IV.140

  Dis (city), VIII.68

  Dis (Satan), XI.65; XII.39; XXXIV.20

  Dolcino, Fra, XXVIII.55

  Don, XXXII.27

  Draghignazzo, XXI.121; XXII.73

  Duera, XXXII.116.

  Egypt, V.60; XXVII.90

  Electra, IV.121

  Elijah, XXVI.35

  Elisha, XXVI.34

  Empedocles, IV.138; XII.42

  Empoli, X.91

  Ephialtes, XXXI.94

  Epicurus, X.14

  Erichtho, IX.23

  Eteocles, XXVI.54

  Ethiopia, XXIV.89

  Euclid, IV.142

  Euryalus, I.108

  Eurypylus, XX.112

  Ezzelino, XII.110

  Faenza, XXVII.49; XXXII.123

  Fano, XXVIII.76

  Farfarello, XXI.123; XXII.94

  Farinata, VI.79; X.32

  Fiesole, XV.62

  Filippo Argenti, VIII.32

  Flanders, XV.4

  Focaccia (Vanni dei Cancellieri), XXXII.63

  Focara, XXVIII.89

  Fonte Branda, XXX.78

  Forlì, XVI.99; XXVII.43

  France, XIX.87; XXVII.44; XXIX.123; XXXII.115

  Francesca, V.74

  Francesco d’Accorso, XV.110

  Francis, St., XXVII.112

  Frederick II, X.119; XIII.59; XXIII.66

  Friesland, XXXI.64

  Furies, IX.38

  Gaddo, XXXIII.68

  Gaeta, XXVI.92

  Galen, IV.143

  Gallahault, V.137

  Gallura, XXII.82

  Ganelon, XXXII.122

  Garda, XX.65

  Gardingo, XXIII.108

  Garisenda, XXXI.136

  Gaville, XXV.151

  Genoa, XXXIII.151

  Geri del Bello, XXIX.27

  Germany, XVII.21; XX.62

  Geryon, XVI.131; XVII.1; XVIII.20

  Ghibellines, X.47

  Ghisolabella, XVIII.55

  Gianfigliazzi, XVII.59

  Gianni de’ Soldanieri, XXXII.121

  Gianni Schicchi, XXX.25

  Giovanni Buiamonte, XVII.72

  Gomita, Fra, XXII.81

  Gorgon (see Medusa)

  Gorgona, XXXIII.82

  Governolo, XX.78

  Graffiacane, XXI.122; XXII.34

  Greece, XX.108; XXVI.75

  Griffolino, XXIX.109; XXX.31

  Gualandi, XXXIII.32

  Gualdrada, XVI.37

  Guido Bonatti, XX.118

  Guido Cavalcanti, X.63

  Guido da Montefeltro, XXVII.4

  Guido da Romena, XXX.77

  Guido del Cassero, XXVIII.77

  Guido di Monforte, XII.118

  Guido Guerra, XVI.34

  Guido Vecchio da Polenta, XXVII.41

  Guiglielmo Borsiere, XVI.70

  Hannibal, XXXI.117

  Hautefort, XXIX.29

  Hector, IV.122

  Hecuba, XXX.16

  Helen, V.64

  Henry II, XXVIII.135

  Henry (Prince of Cornwall), XII.120

  Heraclitus, IV.138

  Hercules, XXV.32; XXVI.108; XXXI.132

  Hippocrates, IV.143

  Homer, IV.88

  Horace, IV.89

  Hypsipyle, XVIII.92

  Icarus, XVII.109

  Ida, Mount, XIV.98

  Ilium (see Troy)

  Imola, XXVII.49

  India, XIV.32

  Ino, XXX.5

  Isaac, IV.59

  Israel, IV.59

  Jacopo da Sant’ Andrea, XIII.133

  Jacopo Rusticucci, VI.80; XVI.44

  Jason, XVIII.86

  Jason (of Maccabees), XIX.85

  Jehoshaphat, X.11

  John the Baptist, XIII.143; XXX.74

  John (the Evangelist), XIX.106

  Joseph, XXX.97

  Jove, XIV.52; XXXI.45

  Judas Iscariot, IX.27; XIX.96; XXXI.143; XXXIV.62

  Judecca, XXXIV.117

  Julia, IV.128

  Juno, XXX.1

  Laertes, XXVI.95

  Lamone, XXVII.49

  Lancelot, V.128

  Lanfranchi, XXXIII.32

  Lano, XIII.120

  Lateran, XXVII.86

  Latinus, King, IV.125

  Lavinia, IV.126

  Learchus, XXX.10

  Lemnos, XVIII.88

  Lethe, XIV.131; XXXIV.130

  Libicocco, XXI.121; XXII.70

  Libya, XIV.14; XXIV.85

  Linus, IV.141

  Livy, XXVIII.12

  Loderingo, XXIII.104

  Logodoro, XXII.89

  Lombard (dialect), XXVII.20

  Lombardy, I.68; XXII.99

  London, XII.120

  Lucan, IV.90; XXV.94

  Lucca, XVIII.122; XXI.38; XXXIII.30

  Lucifer, XXXI.143; XXXIV.1

  Lucretia, IV.128

  Lucy, II.97

  Luni, XX.47

  Maccabees, XIX.86

  Maghinardo Pagano, XXVII.50

  Majorca, XXVIII.82

  Malacoda, XXI.76

  Malatesta da Verrucchio, XXVII.46

  Malatesta, Gianciotto, V.107

  Malatesta, Paolo, V.74

  Malatestino da Verrucchio, XXVII.46; XXVIII.81

  Malebolge, XVIII.1; XXI.5; XXIV.37; XXIX.41

  Malebranche, XXI.37; XXII.100; XXIII.23; XXXIII.142

  Manto, XX.55

  Mantua, I.69; II.58; XX.93

  Marcabò, XXVIII.75

  Marcia, IV.128

  Maremma, XIII.9; XXV.19; XXIX.48

  Marquis, the (see Azzo of Este)

  Mars, XIII.144; XXIV.145; XXXI.51

  Matthias, XIX.94

  Medea, XVIII.96

  Medusa, IX.52

  Megaera, IX.46

  Melanippus, XXXII.131

  Melicerta, XXX.5

  Michael (archangel), VII.11

  Michael Scot, XX.116

  Michel Zanche, Don, XXII.88; XXXIII.144

  Mincio, XX.77

  Minos, V.4; XIII.96; XX.36; XXVII.124; XXIX.120

  Minotaur, XII.12

  Mohammed, XXVIII.31

  Mongibello, XIV.56

  Montagna, XXVII.47

  Montaperti, X.85; XXXII.81

e, XXXI.41

  Montone, XVI.94

  Mordred, XXXII.61

  Morocco, XXVI.104

  Mosca, VI.80; XXVIII.106

  Moses, IV.57

  Mount Giordano, XVIII.33

  Mount Viso, XVI.95

  Myrrha, XXX.38

  Napoleone degli Alberti, XXXII.41

  Narcissus, XXX.128

  Nasidius, XXV.95

  Navarre, XXII.48

  Navarrese, XXII.121 (see also Ciampolo)

  Neptune, XXVIII.83

  Nessus, XII.67; XIII.1

  Niccolò, XXIX.127

  Nicholas III, XIX.70

  Nile, XXXIV.45

  Nimrod, XXXI.46

  Ninus, V.59

  Nisus, I.108

  Noah, IV.56

  Novarese, XXVIII.59

  Opizzo of Este, XII.111; XVIII.56

  Orpheus, IV.140

  Ovid, IV.90; XXV.97

  Padua, XV.7; XVII.70

  Palladium, XXVI.63

  Paris, V.67

  Pasiphaë, XII.13

  Paul, II.28

  Peleus, XXXI.5

  Penelope, XXVI.96

  Penestrino, XXVII.102

  Pennino, XX.65

  Penthesilea, IV.124

  Peschiera, XX.70

  Peter, St., I.134; II.24; XIX.91

  Phaeton, XVII.107

  Philip IV, XIX.87

  Phlegethon, XII.47; XIV.77; XV.2; XVI.104; XVII.118

  Phlegra, XIV.58; XXXI.94

  Phlegyas, VIII.19

  Phoenix, XXIV.107

  Pholus, XII.72

  Photinus, XI.9

  Pier da Medicina, XXVIII.73

  Pier delle Vigne, XIII.32

  Pietrapana, XXXII.29

  Pinamonte, XX.96

  Pisa, XXXIII.30

  Pistoia, XXIV.126; XXV.10

  Plato, IV.134

  Plutus, VI.115; VII.2

  Po, V.98; XX.78

  Pola, IX.113

  Polenta, XXVII.41

  Polydorus, XXX.18

  Polyxena, XXX.17

  Potiphar’s wife, XXX.97

  Prato, XXVI.9

  Priscian, XV.109

  Proserpina, IX.44; X.80

  Ptolomea, XXXIII.124

  Ptolemy, IV.142

  Puccio Sciancato, XXV.35

  Pyrrhus, XII.135

  Quarnero, IX.113

  Rachel, II.102; IV.60

  Ravenna, V.97; XXVII.40

  Red Sea, XXIV.90

  Reno, XVIII.61

  Rhea, XIV.100

  Rhone, IX.112

  Rimini, XXVIII.86

  Rinier of Corneto, XII.137

  Rinier Pazzo, XII.137

  Robert Guiscard, XXVIII.14

  Roland, XXXI.18

  Romagna, XXVII.28; XXXIII.154

  Romena, XXX.73

  Roncesvalles, XXXI.16

  Rubicante, XXI.123; XXII.40

  Ruggieri, Archbishop, XXXII.125; XXXIII.14

  Sabellus, XXV.95

  St. Peter’s, XVIII.32; XXXI.59

  Saladin, IV.129

  San Benedetto dell’Alpe, XVI.100

  San Giovanni, X.87; XIX.7

  Santerno, XXVII.49

  Sardinia, XXII.89; XXVI.104; XXIX.48

  Sassol Mascheroni, XXXII.65

  Saturn, XIV.96

  Savena, XVIII.61

  Savio, XXVII.52

  Scarmiglione, XXI.105

  Scipio, XXXI.116

  Scylla, VII.23

  Semele, XXX.2

  Semiramis, V.58

  Seneca, IV.141

  Serchio, XXI.49

  Seville, XX.126; XXVI.110

  Sextus (Pompeius), XII.135

  Sichaeus, V.62

  Sicily, XII.108; XXVII.7

  Siena, XXIX.109

  Silvius (Ascanius), II.13

  Simon Magus, XIX.1

  Sinon, XXX.98

  Sismondi, XXXIII.32

  Socrates, IV.134

  Sodom, XI.50

  Soracte, XXVII.95

  Spain, XXVI.103

  Stricca, XXIX.125

  Strophades, XIII.11

  Styx, VII.106; VIII.10; IX.81; XIV.116

  Sultan, V.60; XXVII.90

  Sylvester, XIX.117; XXVII.94

  Tagliacozzo, XXVIII.17

  Tambernic, XXXII.28

  Tarquin, IV.127

  Tartary, XVII.17

  Tebaldello, XXXII.122

  Tegghiaio Aldobrandi, VI.79; XVI.41

  Telemachus, XXVI.94

  Thaïs, XVIII.133

  Thales, IV.137

  Thames, XII.120

  Thebes, XIV.69; XX.32; XXV.15; XXX.2; XXXII.11; XXXIII.89

  Theseus, IX.54; XII.17

  Thibaut, King, XXII.52

  Tiber, XVIII.29; XXVII.30

  Tiresias, XX.40

  Tirol, XX.63

  Tisiphone, IX.48

  Tityus, XXXI.124

  Toppo, XIII.121

  Trent, XII.5; XX.67

  Tristan, V.67

  Trojans, I.74; XIII.11; XXVIII.10; XXX.14

  Tully (see Cicero)

  Turkey, XVII.17

  Turnus, I.108

  Tuscany, X.22; XXII.99; XXIII.76; XXIV.122; XXVIII.108; XXXII.66

  Tydeus, XXXII.130

  Typhon, XXXI.124

  Ubaldini, Ottaviano, X.120

  Ugolino, Count, XXXII.125; XXXIII.2

  Uguiccione, XXXIII.89

  Ulysses, XXVI.56; XXVII.1

  Urbino, XXVII.29

  Val Camonica, XX.65

  Valdichiana, XXIX.47

  Val di Magra, XXIV.145

  Vanni Fucci, XXIV.97; XXV.1

  Venedico Caccianemico, XVII.50

  Venice, XXI.7

  Vercelli, XXVIII.75

  Verona, XV.122; XX.68

  Verrucchio, XXVII.46

  Vitaliano, XVII.68

  Vulcan, XIV.57

  Wissant, XV.4

  Zeno, IV.138

  Zita, XXI.38


  * * *

  This index is meant to help the reader find subjects, treated in the notes, that may not be readily remembered as being related to a particular passage.

  Achilles, lance of XXXI.1–6

  addresses to the reader VIII.94–96

  aleppe (Hebrew “aleph”) VII.1

  aliger (wingèd), D. as XXVI.1–3

  Alypius (in Confessions) XXIX.1–3

  angels, neutral III.37–39

  anger, three kinds of VII.109–114

  anger, incontinent/willful XII.16–21; XII.33

  ape as mimic XXIX.136–139

  Apostolici (Apostolic Brethren) XXVIII.55–60

  apostrophe (direct address) VIII.94–96

  autorità (authority) IV.113

  avarice (in the Aeneid) VII.25–30

  Babel, Tower of XXXI.70–81

  Baptistry, D.’s deed in XIX.16–21

  barking (creatures in hell) V.4–5

  Boethius VII.62–96

  book, words for I.84

  brigata spendereccia XIII.109–126; XXIX.124–135

  brows (as locus of Pride) X.45; XXXIV.35

  Cacus, as centaur XXV.19–33

  canto, canzone, cantica XX.1–3

  cantos, “connected” XIII.1–3; XV.1–3

  cantos, lengths of VI.28–32

  captatio benevolentiae II.58; II.109–114; V.88; XXIX.85–90; XXXI.125–132

  catalogues of sinners V.58–67

  Celestine V, Boniface’s view XXVII.103–105

  chaos (Empedocles’ theory) XII.40–45

  Cherub guarding empty Eden XXVIII.37–40

  Christ as “Good Shepherd” XXI. 34–36

  Christ as “Man of Sorrows” X.33

  Christ’s descent into hell IV.52–54

  city, hell as III.1–3

  color (in Virgil’s face) IX.1–3

  colors (rhetorical) III.10

  comedy (and see “tragedy”) I.86–87; IV.88–90; XVI.124–132; XX.130; XXI.1–3; XXXIV.139 />
  conception possible to poet II.7–9; XXXII.1–9

  confession V.8; V.138

  confusion of tongues XXXI.70–81

  Constantine, Donation of XIX.115–117; XXVII.94–97

  contrapasso III.52–57; XXVIII.142

  cord worn by D. I.32–34; XVI.106–108

  crossing rivers, problems of III.136; XII.114–115

  Daedalus XXIX.109–120

  D. as author/narrator IV.145–147

  D. as Old Testament prophet XVI.76

  D. as soldier at war XII.75; XXI.95

  date of journey I.1; I.11

  date of poem’s composition VIII.1; XIX.79–87; XXI.112–114; XXVII.76–81

  Deiphobus disfigured XXVIII.65

  demonic resistance VII.1

  Dite (see “king of hell”)

  doves, “program” of V.82–84

  dreams, truth of at morning XXVI.7

  dying to sin XXXIV.22–27

  “Ecce homo” parodied XVII.1–3; XXXIV.20–21

  Empedocles (see “chaos”)

  entry into Dis as military campaign IX.106

  envy VI.49–51; XIII.64

  epic I.1; IV.86; IV.95–96; XXVI.90–93; XXVIII.7–21

  eternal and sempiternal III.7–8

  exemplarity V.46–49

  fable (vs. history) XVI.124–132; XXIX.58–66

  fame as motivation XXIV.49–51

  “five words w. understanding” VII.1; XXXI.67

  forgery, varieties of XXIX.37–39

  Fortuna as “Angel of Earth” VII.62–96

  “foundation myth” of sin XIV.94–102; XXXIV.121–126

  Francis and the black Cherub XXVII.112–114

  frati gaudenti (Jovial Friars) XXIII.103

  fraudulent counsel XXVII.116

  friendship, spiritual II.61

  future (known to the damned) X.100–108

  gate of hell as triumphal arch III.1–9

  Ghibelline views (D.’s) II.20–21

  Ghibellinism (when Godless) X.89–93; XIII.73–75

  giants, size of XXX.58–66; XXXIV.30–31

  golden age (see “foundation myth”)

  “golden mean” (Aristotle) VII.25–30

  Guittone d’Arezzo XXVIII.7–21

  harrowing of hell IV.46–51; VIII.121–126

  heavenly disregard for sin II.85–93; IX.100–103

  Hebrews harrowed from hell IV.55–61

  hell, as mouth XXXI.142–143

  heresy as sin of will IX.127–131

  Holy Spirit, spiration of XIX.25; XXXIII.106–108; XXXIV.4–7

  honorific voi as “You” X.49–51

  “humanism” of D. IV.13

  indignation, righteous VIII.40–45; IX.33; XXXIII.148–150

  Inferno, measurement of XXIX.8–9; XXX.82–87

  interpolations in narrative VIII.1

  invocations II.7–9; X.59; XXXII.10–12

  Jason, referred to in Par. XVIII.86–96

  Judas, Pier delle Vigne as XIII.73–75

  justice III.4

  king of hell (Dite) VIII.68; XXXIV.20–21

  Laocoön XII.22–25; XXV.10

  Latin in Inferno XXXIV.1

  latino (meaning “Italian”) XXII.64–66

  Limbo, population of IV.30; IV.102

  Manto, bilocation of XX.52–56

  Maundy Thursday I.11

  Mercury (as intercessor) IX.85

  Michael (archangel) VII.10–12; IX.85


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