Angel of Auschwitz

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Angel of Auschwitz Page 14

by Tarra Light

  “Rise above” was the message that helped me survive the dark days at Auschwitz. I rose above fear to find courage and faith. I rose above anger to find compassion for my enemies. I rose above my own suffering to minister healing to my people. Rising above the mood of the collective, I stayed tuned to my higher guidance, and true to the voice of my heart. I trusted the wisdom of love to guide me and to light the way ahead.

  In death I was victorious because I met the challenges of my life. I honored my commitment to serve the Light and to stand up for the Truth.

  The Book of My Life

  CARRIED ALONG BY THE winds of heaven, I traveled by temples of healing and celestial universities. In the distance, I saw a white alabaster hall with tall columns on each side of the entrance. The wind dropped me in the courtyard, and I found myself standing on the doorstep of a vast cosmic library.

  “Welcome to the Hall of Records,” I heard a melodious voice greeting me. “You have been brought here to read the book of your life.” A guide from the hall handed me a volume with a green cover, with my name embossed on it in gold letters. Opening the Book of Life of Natasza Pelinski, I read the dedication page: “To Truth, Freedom, and Justice.” Now I understood the purpose of my life.

  The Wheel of Time

  THE CELESTIAL WIND SWEPT me along, past dreamlands and fantasy worlds, carrying me to the gate of a heavenly amusement park. A trumpet sounded, and the gate swung open. I heard the music of the spheres playing from the loudspeakers. Bears danced gaily to a lively tune, acrobats performed amazing feats, and jugglers swallowed balls of fire. A sky-blue angel with gossamer wings handed me a ticket for a ride through time. Like a revolving wheel of time, a giant Ferris wheel turned around and around. As each seat passed by me, I saw an aspect of myself as I was in a previous life.

  On the first seat of the Ferris wheel sat an Incan medicine woman holding a pouch of herbs. Behind her I saw the Andes Mountains of Peru. During that lifetime, I practiced the art of healing and prepared brews and potions for my tribe.

  On the second seat sat a young woman resting in a field of lilies. She was among a gathering of disciples of the Christ. During that lifetime I learned about the power of love to heal and to transform the ways of mankind.

  On the third seat of the wheel of time sat an Egyptian pharaoh. Behind him shone the sun, the one god whose rays bore the breath of life. During that lifetime I rebelled against tradition, sweeping away the past. I was a spiritual revolutionary, with a passionate sense of purpose.

  Next to him sat a young man he was mentoring, a student of metaphysics and the occult sciences. I recognized those intense dark eyes. In this life he was known as Adolf Hitler.

  To my left, a second Ferris wheel went round and round. The images of the people on the seats were fuzzier, representing me in future lives. On the first seat sat a young Jewish woman to be born in the United States. She was to become a writer and seeker of Truth. And so it shall be, the next lifetime of Natasza Pelinski.

  Call of the Soul

  EVEN WHEN THE ARMY of Light is victorious and wins the Second World War, the force of evil will attempt to subvert the authority of Truth. The battle between Light and Dark will continue in the hearts and minds of humankind. Only when we recognize that our separation from God is illusion will the struggle cease. When humanity realizes its innate divinity, the Truth will triumph and freedom will reign.

  To know God is the purpose of life and the true calling of the soul.

  Time to Heal

  THE MASTERS OF LIGHT have opened a window of grace for the healing of humanity. It is time to forgive the past, to set the future free. It is the need of the hour to claim our power, to cast off the yoke of victimhood.

  Spiritual warriors all, answer the call. Everyone is being called to the throne of Truth and Freedom. Freedom is the choice of the brave who dare to live the Truth. Freedom is the birthright of humanity. Claim it now.

  Prayer for Peace on Earth

  We pray for a united world of brotherhood, with tolerance and understanding among all peoples.

  We pray for an end to war,

  The alleviation of suffering

  The cessation of violence, bloodshed, and torture,

  The healing of sexual abuse,

  An end to the subjugation of women,

  The abolition of animal cruelty.

  We pray that humankind shall respect and honor the Earth and the kingdoms of nature.

  We pray for a global awakening of humanity,

  Grace for all the world,

  Victory for the forces of Light,

  The fulfillment of the Divine Plan.

  Peace: Arabic: salam; Cantonese: peng on; Cherokee: dohiyi; Dutch: vrede; Ancient Egyptian: hetep; Inuktitut: erkigsnek; French: paix; German: frieden; Greek: eiphnh; Hebrew: shalom; Hindi: shanti; Indonesian: damai; Italian: pace; Japanese: heiwa; Kongo: kikoendi; Kurdish: ashti; Navajo: ke; Polish: pokoj; Portuguese: paz; Russian: mir; Sanskrit: shantih; Spanish: paz; Tibetan: zhide; Turkish: baris; Zapotec: layeni.



  NOW THAT YOU HAVE finished reading this story, take a break before beginning the Afterword. Allow your subconscious mind and emotions to process what has been brought up for you. Allow time for personal transformation to take place. Please release any emotions that may have been triggered for you. Ask yourself the question, “What lessons does Natasza have to teach that I can apply to my own life?”

  My present life is in many ways a continuation of Natasza’s journey. In this life, my soul has chosen to experience extreme abuse and intense suffering. I have had to struggle, as Natasza did, with a conflict between the higher and lower aspects of my nature, between rage and self-hatred on the one hand and compassion and forgiveness on the other, for the people who caused me trauma. I have pursued a path of self-healing and finally feel free of the emotional burdens that I carried for so many years. In the course of self-discovery, which includes the writing of this book, I have found that understanding the interplay of Light and Dark has provided me with a framework in which to make sense of my own struggle. It has helped me realize my role and purpose and how I might best contribute to the healing of the world.

  I have learned some powerful truths in this life, and I want to share them with you. I feel responsible to warn you about the strategies of the Dark Side, to spare you the suffering that I went through. I cannot put down my pen with a clear conscience if I do not at least attempt to expose their plans and intentions to take away our freedom. The forces that brought about Nazi Germany are still active in the world today.

  I want to reveal to you the secrets of the Dark so they may be brought into the light. The dark ones will lose their power when we become aware of their presence and their methods of control and manipulation. Fear is their weapon. In order to survive and become master of my destiny, I have learned to face my fears and overcome them, and to trust in the invincible power of God.

  Your light is needed. I wish to inspire you to discover your role in the Divine Plan. I wish to encourage you to make a commitment to serve the Light. We need all hands on deck, steering spaceship Earth home to the Heart of our Creator.

  Two of my main writing guides are Kuan Yin and Saint Germain. Kuan Yin is assisting humanity to experience mercy and compassion. Saint Germain is a great master of wisdom helping humanity learn how to be free. Some of this section is based on my own life experience of what I have come to believe and know. It represents the best of my understanding at this stage of my life and is not intended to convey an ideology or absolute truth. It may speak to you, or it may not. If it does not resonate with your personal truth, you may take from it what is useful to you, or you may skip this section and go to “Healing the Wounds of the Past.”

  I am inviting you, if you wish, to delve more deeply into understanding the underlying causes of the Holocaust, and I am offering suggestions for healing the past. This part will help you view the events of the story within a larger
spiritual context. Please take time now for healing as it may apply to you before proceeding on.


  Play of Duality

  BEFORE TIME BEGAN, THE Planners designed the game of duality to advance spiritual evolution. As part of the game plan, two opposing forces are competing and vying to win the allegiance of humankind. The Light serves the Creator and the Divine Plan, while the forces of Darkness seek to subvert God’s will. The Adversary creates obstacles, blockages, and challenges for individuals, groups, and nations. The force of opposition can serve as a catalyst for breakthroughs and transformation, accelerating our spiritual growth. As we surmount obstacles and overcome difficulties, we strengthen our faith and power of will. Some people need to experience tragedy—the death of a loved one, the breakup of a marriage, a major illness—before they embark on a path of self-examination and spiritual discovery. The qualities of patience, courage, loyalty, and perseverance are developed through the trials of human life.

  The Planners reside in the higher realms and oversee the entire process. Each side has a master plan, an agenda, and strategies of operation. For millennia the army of Light has battled the Dark Lords for control of our planet. The struggle continues on the world stage today. Everyone is being prodded to take a stand and make the choice between service to the Light and submission to the Dark.

  Step into the Oneness

  When humanity lives in the heart, we shall know that we are one. When humanity lives in unity, peace will prevail on Earth. The Masters of Light are offering the Torch of Liberty to every man, woman, and child. The gift of grace is available to everyone. Our souls are calling us to step into the oneness and realize the truth of our innate divinity.

  Let the light of our consciousness

  Ignite the fire of love in the world.

  The Journey Home

  WHEN THE PEOPLE OF Earth lived in oneness, they knew who they were. With the Fall from grace, the game of duality commenced. Veils of illusion were placed over their spiritual sight and they forgot their divine nature. Humanity began a journey Home to divine reunion. They were given free will to navigate the course. The consequences of their choices determined their progress on the path to knowing God.

  As humanity awakens, the veils are progressively lifted. As their spiritual sight is restored, people will know the Truth. The game of duality will come to completion. People will realize that they were never separate from God. They never left Home.

  In the heart of the darkness,

  The light is always shining,

  Calling us forever,

  To return home to love.

  The Masters of Light:

  The Divine Plan

  THE OPERATION OF OUR universe is managed by an organization of spiritual helpers called the Hierarchy of Light. Each of these great beings has a purpose and function to perform in service to the Creator. They comprise the divine government of our planet, solar system, and galaxy.

  There is a plan for the spiritual evolution of humanity, and the Masters of Light are responsible to carry it out. They bring forth the energies to direct and accelerate humanity’s progress. They inspire writers and inventors with new ideas and offer spiritual guidance to those who ask.

  The Divine Plan is unfolding in stages. Each timeline has established parameters and governing principles. Free will is the learning tool for the age we are living in. Free will interfaces with the Divine Plan. When human will and divine will are one, then we shall see the Day of Liberation.

  Someday humanity will be free. Someday people will know the Truth. They will know who they are. They will realize that God is love. Love is our essential nature. Love is the answer.

  From the heart fire of God’s love, the universe blazed forth into existence.

  Every atomic particle and wave of energy is sustained by the grace of God’s love.

  Even the emptiness of space is filled with the love of the Creator.

  Love vibrates in the stillness. It vibrates throughout the universe, on all worlds, in all timelines and dimensions.

  Love is the essence of who we are. We are made in the image of God because we are an expression of His unconditional love.

  The Dark Forces

  THE FÜHRER SERVED A hierarchy of evil that seeks dominion over the Earth and its inhabitants. The Holocaust in one chapter of an age-old master plan to control and enslave humanity.

  The Master Plan

  The Dark Side intends to disconnect humanity from its sources of power and sustenance by separating humankind from God and nature. They intend to undermine the Divine Plan by diverting truth seekers from the spiritual path and by subverting the divine right of free will. They test, tempt, and mislead those working for the Light, attempting to weaken their resolve and hinder their spiritual progress.

  The Adversary intends to eliminate the dark-skinned races of the world that revere and honor the Earth. By desecrating the Earth and annihilating Earth religions, they seek to divorce humankind from its roots.

  The forces of Darkness create confusion over the nature of God and sow the seeds of conflict among the great religions of the world. The plan of the Dark Side is to prevent humanity from realizing that God dwells within each one of us and that God is known in the heart.

  How They Operate

  The Dark Brotherhood operates covertly to keep humanity ignorant of its plans and deeds. They are masters of deceit, twisting the truth to promote their agenda. They project fear and negativity into the minds of the populace to generate social unrest and dissatisfaction, fanning the fires of hatred and fueling the emotions that instigate war. They thrive on the pathos of human suffering.

  The dark ones prey on the weaknesses of human nature, testing a person’s ability to control their passions and desires. They are looking for cracks in one’s system of defenses to find those places where they are most vulnerable. They use a person’s greatest fears to sabotage their life, presenting opportunities to fall and to fail.

  The dark ones are self-serving. Because they lack empathy and compassion for others, they do not experience remorse for their cruelty. They do not respect personal boundaries nor the sovereignty of the individual. They violate the right to privacy and the inherent right to choose one’s path and destiny.

  The corruption of the human race stems from empowered illusions. The Dark Side attempts to obscure the truth by promoting false beliefs inconsistent with reality. They want to keep humanity shackled by fear, distracted and powerless. The people are programmed to worship the intellect and money as gods, rather than to look within the heart to discover the inner wealth of Spirit.

  The Controllers

  Working from behind the scenes, the Controllers attempt to limit the frequency of the mass consciousness. By inciting wars and creating economic crises, they trigger survival programming that fuels a fear-based collective reality. When people are functioning at a low vibration, they become less conscious and easier to control.

  Terrorism is a psychological weapon to control the population. Psychoterrorists, working for the Controllers, employ the frequency of fear to disempower the masses. A plague of fear can grip the hearts of the people so that they unknowingly surrender their rights, abdicating the responsibility of citizenship for false promises of security. The threat of terror fuels the economic engines of the war machine that line the pockets of the Controllers. The merchants of evil sell lies for a profit.

  Before the gears of the Nazi war machine began to turn, the truth became the first victim of the Third Reich. To governments that control with fear, the truth is the enemy of the state. Propaganda, censorship, and mass mind control produce homogenized thinking conforming to the will of the Controllers.


  The Three Virtues

  DURING MY LIFE AS Natasza, the welfare of thousands of prisoners was entrusted to my care. It was a heavy load to carry for a girl barely sixteen years of age. I promised God to save my people. I would not f

  My temptation was to indulge my emotions, to fall victim to anger, to be engulfed by grief. If I allowed myself to be vanquished by the pain, I would have been forced to abort my mission. I would have drowned in a sea of suffering. My dedication to the Truth gave me the inner strength to forge ahead. As a channel for healing love I drew down spiritual power. I was able to rise above the storm of human anguish and take a transcendent view of life.

  As a minister of divine love, I taught the three virtues. These I share so that humanity may take the high road to the future.


  The act of forgiveness is the invitation for the blessings of grace to enter our lives. It is our choice to surrender resistance to what happened in the past. As we give up our fight with reality, we open our hearts and experience inner peace.

  When we look through the eyes of judgment, we are not seeing the world as it actually is. The act of judgment constricts our vision, limiting the depth of our perception. The movement of energy becomes locked up in a rigid pattern, preventing change and causing the situation to repeat itself.

  By shining the light of understanding into a situation, we learn the lessons that attracted it to us. A shift in perception occurs as we realize a higher good, allowing us to let go of resistance. Under the illusion of pain is the grace of perfection, the miracle of each moment, with love and beauty everywhere. You may use the following prayer of forgiveness:

  Dear God,

  I choose to forgive __________________________ (fill in).


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