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Crave Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “I was teasing,” she said.


  She chuckled. “This couldn’t be any more awkward if we tried. I know you like me, Chip. I know you want to date me, and I also want to date you.” She stared up at him. “Can I be honest with you?”

  “About everything. You don’t have to hold anything back.”

  “I’ve never felt anything like that downstairs.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sex. I’ve … it has always been so mechanical, and I’ve never … you know. Wow, I’m a thirty-year-old nurse, and I can’t even say it.”

  “You’ve never had a guy bend you over, and fuck you so hard because he couldn’t resist for another second not doing it?”

  She sighed. “You make it sound so perfect.”

  He chuckled. “It can be so perfect, Kasey. There’s been many a surface I’ve wanted to just fuck you on. Of course, I’ve not done that. I don’t want you to think I’m hurting you. I want you. I hope you have no doubt about that.”

  Placing his hand at her knee, he began to slide it up and down.

  She stared at his hand. Her pussy was already wet, now even more so just from his touch alone. He made her ache.

  Taking hold of his hand, she locked their fingers together, wanting his touch.

  “I don’t know what to say or do half the time,” she said. “Dating. This, whatever it is, I don’t … I’m not used to any of this.”

  He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back so that she looked into his green eyes. “Why don’t we take it one step at a time? Don’t plan anything. You’re my woman, and I’m your man.”


  “I won’t step out on you. I won’t fuck this up, and we’ll go at your pace. I’m not in a rush. I want to take my time. Get to know you, and for you to get accustomed to me.”

  The way he looked at her, the hunger in his gaze—unable to resist for even a moment longer, she held the back of his head, and pulled him down to kiss.

  The moment his lips touched her, her nipples beaded and she released a little moan, needing more, needing him.

  He stroked her cheek at the same time she teased her tongue across his lips. When he opened his mouth, she plunged in, tasting him.

  Her pussy was on fire with the need to touch, but she didn’t take it any further than kissing him.

  “I only have so much control,” he said, pulling away.


  He took her hand, placing it over his dick. “This is what you do to me. I can only take so much.”

  She squeezed his cock, and feeling a little more brazen, she placed his hand over her pussy, the jeans she wore offering another layer of protection. Taking his lips once again, she kissed him as she rubbed his cock.

  The palm of his hand pressed between her thighs, and she gasped as he pressed the seam of her jeans between her slit. The panties she wore just seemed to get in the way, but every single nerve ending seemed to catch a light with the barest touch of his palm no matter the number of clothes she wore.

  “I bet you’re soaking wet for me.”


  “I want to taste you. I want to strip you naked and kiss every single inch of your body right now.”

  Pulling back a little, Kasey bit her lip. She wanted that, too, but it had only been a couple of dates.

  All of her life, apart from her little delve into darkness, she’d waited, she’d done the right thing. Even when dates had been going better than she thought they were, she’d wanted things to progress, but the men she’d been with had always held back.

  She no longer wanted to hold back.

  Standing up, she stepped in front of him, meeting his gaze.

  “Do you want me?”

  “More than anything else in the world.”

  Nodding her head, she liked his answer. Slowly, she began to open the buttons of her shirt.

  Staring into his eyes, she didn’t lose her nerve as his gaze followed the direction. That morning, after waking from a very good, very explicit dream, she’d dressed in a sexy red lacy lingerie set.

  Removing her shirt, she let it drop to the floor.

  “Fuck me,” he said.

  He stood up, and she watched him remove his leather cut, followed by his shirt, which he tugged over his head.

  Reaching behind her, she unsnapped the button, and slowly dropped the bra to the floor.

  Chip put his hand on her waist and pulled her closer.

  “You look utterly breathtaking,” he said.

  The hand on her waist moved up to cup her breast. The moment he grazed her hard nipple, it sent another wave of pleasure straight to her core.

  Putting her hands on his shoulders, she stared into his eyes once again, feeling herself getting lost in his embrace.

  “You’re a lot taller than I am,” she said, chuckling.

  He laughed, bending down and taking her lips.

  Sliding her hands down his body, she fingered the belt holding his jeans up. She loved the look of his ass in jeans, and a couple of times that she’d seen him, she’d admired him. The tux had looked sexy as hell, but nowhere near as good as his jeans.

  As she opened his belt, Chip did the same with her jeans. Within seconds they were both naked as he took her panties with him.

  His boxer briefs were the only things he wore. The hard outline of his dick pressed against the front, and she reached out, touching him.

  He gripped her ass, pulling her closer, and she gasped once again.

  Chip took charge, dropping her to the bed, and she spread her thighs to make room for him.

  “It’s like you were made for me and me alone,” he said, taking her lips as he kissed her. The fire between her legs built, and she wanted his cock.

  She wanted him to fuck her, to take her, and to make her his.

  He broke from the kiss, and began to trail his lips down her body, going to one breast then the other, and back again to take a nipple into his mouth.

  She cried out as he bit down. The pain mixed with pleasure, making it impossible for her to concentrate on anything else as he drove her wild with need.

  He licked, sucked, kissed down her body, dipping into her belly button before he rested just above her pussy.

  Moving up to her elbows, she spread her thighs wide.

  “You’re so wet already.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks.

  “I love that. I love how wet you are. Has anyone ever taken the time to love this body?”

  She shook her head.

  “No one ever tasted this pretty cunt?”

  Again, she shook her head.

  He groaned.

  Chip spread the lips of her pussy, opening her up, and she gasped as he slid his tongue between her slit, touching her clit, then going down to her entrance, and he circled her pussy before sliding inside.

  She cried out his name as the pleasure rushed forward.

  It was unlike anything she’d ever felt.

  The feel of his tongue was pure rapture, and she couldn’t look away nor did she want to.

  Chip held her completely at his mercy.


  The kids were asleep in their room in the clubhouse. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, Duke watched as Holly finished wiping down the table. The dinner had been a raving success, and Mary used the time to take snaps. He’d already gotten the alert on his phone about a new post from his wife’s blog.

  Yes, he followed her cooking blog. He loved to see what new creations she made, and there were times the club, and work within the club, took him away.

  He’d never intended to fall in love with Holly. There was an age gap between them, but their differences hadn’t mattered. He’d wanted her, fallen in love with her, and her troubles were his, and vice versa.

  She moved toward the kitchen sink, and he made his way up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and kissing her neck. She sighed, leaning against him.

she said.

  “You’re the only one still here, and I don’t think you can make this room any cleaner. They could do surgery the place is that clean.”

  “It wasn’t when I came in. The place was disgusting.” She shuddered.

  “I’ve been so busy with everything else, the cleanliness of the club seemed to be bottom of the list,” he said.

  Every night he’d wanted to get home, to help Holly, to be there for his family while she struggled.

  When she withdrew from Mary, and he’d been informed that she’d told everyone to get the fuck out of their house, he’d known he was in trouble. Mary and Holly were the best of friends, the kind of friendship where they could speak the truth and still be friends afterward. Mary had warned him that Holly was in a dark place, and he needed to get her out of it.

  “It was good to see Mary. I apologized. The last time I saw her, I was a bitch to her, and everyone else at the club. I think Pie wanted to kiss my feet.”

  Her food and Mary’s had always gotten a rave response at the club.

  “This is your place, Hols. Always has been, and always will be.”

  She hugged him back, and he closed his eyes, grateful that his wife was back.

  “Do you think he’s going to hurt the club?”



  “I won’t let him hurt the club.”

  “I don’t want him sending flowers, or trying to make a connection. I’m done. Russ was my father, and I didn’t get the chance to tell him that before he died. I was so angry with him.”

  “Nothing that happened was your fault. This was Anton. Not you.”

  “Tell me we’re safe.”

  “We’re safe, baby. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”


  Kasey’s pussy tasted so damn good. Chip licked her clit, sliding his tongue back and forth before plunging down into her cunt. She tightened around him, and he loved that no other man had ever gotten a taste of her. She belonged completely to him, and he wouldn’t let any other man take his place.

  “That feels so good,” she said, gasping as he plunged two fingers deep inside her.

  His cock was so hard it hurt for him to move.

  Working her pussy, he sucked her clit into his mouth using his teeth on the nub, which drew a scream from her. He loved the sounds she made as they echoed throughout the room. He’d never get tired of hearing her come.

  They were the best sounds in the world, as far as he was concerned.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said.

  Her orgasm began to build, and he worked her pussy until he threw her over the edge, and she went with a cry.

  Licking up her cream, he kept her there, right at the peak, hurtling her into a second orgasm. He didn’t want her to stop thinking about what they were doing for a single second.

  Pressing a final kiss to her clit, he moved over her, holding Kasey in his arms.

  She rolled over, her hand going to his stomach. Her cheeks were a shade of pink, and a hint of a smile was on her lips.

  He’d imagined this moment so many times, in different ways.

  “What about you?” she asked.

  Chip took hold of her hand as she was about to cup his dick. “Tonight was about you. You taste amazing.” He kissed her hand, and she pulled away, pushing him to the bed.

  “I’m not a selfish person, Rufus Jones.”

  He groaned as she used his real name. “Can’t you forget I told you that?”

  “Nope. I like it.” She moved to straddle his waist, and he cupped her ass, holding her still. Her pussy rested just above his dick. Her hands went to rest either side of his head. “What was I saying? Ah, yes, I’m not a selfish person, and you’re not going to go without.”

  She leaned down, kissing his neck, sucking on the pulse.

  He gasped as pleasure rushed through him. Sliding his hand up her back, he held her hand, tugging her down to claim her lips.

  When he tried to push her so that she went to her back, she wouldn’t let him, determined to stay in position.

  “Nah, ah ah, I’m the one in charge right now.” She eased up, moaning as he kneaded her ass cheeks.

  All he wanted to do was lift her up, and slide her down on his dick, but he held off, loving the way she smiled at him, the wicked temptation on her lips as she sucked on the bottom one.

  Releasing her ass, he held his hands above his head. “Okay. Do your worst. I am completely at your mercy.”

  “You’re mine to do with as I please?”

  “Yes. Whatever you want, just do it. Take what you want, baby.”

  “Now that is a tempting offer.”

  She placed her hands at his wrists, holding them either side of his head, giggling as he pretended to fight her.

  “I’ve got you now,” she said.

  No, he had her, and he’d always have her. Nothing would change that.

  She took his lips once again, and he’d never been one to enjoy kisses. He often found them overrated. When it came to Kasey though, he was starting to see the appeal. She broke the kiss first, and began to work her lips down, flicking his nipples with her tongue, and down even more, licking a path toward his dick.

  When she moved between his thighs, he sat up to watch as she wrapped her fingers around the length. From the base up to the tip, she worked her hand over him. Pre-cum was already leaking out of the tip, so she used it to coat his length.

  He was hard as a fucking rock.

  She licked the tip, sucking off his cum before taking the entire head of his dick into her mouth.

  Kasey moaned, the vibration going up the length of his cock at the same time she took him to the back of her throat, pulling off him as he did.

  Keeping the head of his dick in her mouth, she began to bob, and he reached down to move her hair out of the way so that he could get a good look at her sucking on his dick.

  She glanced up at him, and he stroked her cheek.

  “So pretty, baby. So pretty seeing that mouth of yours on my dick.”

  He hit the back of her throat once again, only this time, she didn’t stop, swallowing more of him down, and he cursed, the pleasure sending another wave of pre-cum coating her throat.

  She swallowed it down. Clenching his hands into fists, he tried to keep his composure, to not just spill his cum into her mouth, but it was next to impossible to do. Her mouth felt so good, and he’d imagined this for a long fucking time, even before he’d realized that he wanted Kasey as his own.

  Kasey had become the woman he imagined. The woman he wanted.

  The first time he’d seen her was all those years ago when Crazy had been at the hospital. It had only been a passing glance at the time, and he’d not known much about her. Over the past couple of years, he’d seen her on and off, but never known her name. Just knowing that he liked to look at her. At times he’d followed her to make sure she got home safely, being the caring fellow that he was.

  At the funeral, Crazy had finally told him her name, and everything had clicked into place in his head.

  “Fuck, baby, if you don’t stop, I’m going to come. If you don’t want my load in your mouth, pull up.”

  The pleasure was intense but Kasey didn’t stop, and he groaned as she kept on sucking his cock.

  Spilling his cum into her mouth, he felt her swallow him down, taking every single drop and not wasting any of it.

  She licked his cock clean, and he stared down at her, stroking her cheek.

  This was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.


  There was always someone else who was the boss. He should have known, and should have done this long before he ever talked to Abelli, but this was supposed to be a family matter. Duke waited as he watched the car pulling into the lot. This was a very private meeting. Duke hadn’t told anyone of what he was doing, but if everything went as planned tonight, he’d let his club know what he’d put in motion.

  The Cap
o family were the ones he should have gone to. The Abellis held a great deal of power, but the one holding all the families together was none other than Alexander Capo.

  “I want you to know this is absurd, and entirely embarrassing to be meeting at such a place,” Alexander said.

  “If I could have found a better place, I would have.” Duke held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “I wouldn’t say the same if it wasn’t for the unpleasant business we need to discuss.”

  Duke wasn’t a stupid man. He was aware that going after the Abelli line would come with severe consequences. No one took out a member of the mafia and lived all that much longer afterward. They were a close family, tightly-knit, and prided themselves on being a force to reckon with.

  He’d been getting word that Abelli wasn’t as well liked as he’d originally thought. Francis Abelli had to constantly clean up Anton’s messes, and because of that, it had made him a weak link within.

  “Francis Abelli. I want him dead, at my hands, at my club’s hands,” Duke said.

  Alexander urged his guards to back down, and turned toward him. “I’m listening.”

  “I know if I take out Abelli, I’ll be disrespecting you, which is why I’ve come to you. I’m aware of your embarrassment over what Anton caused.”

  The man before him cursed. “That man is a fucking pig. Getting your own daughter beaten and gang-raped, then to have it recorded for others to see.” He spat on the ground. “The worst insult to our names. Abelli is supposed to reflect all of us, and he’s caused nothing but grief.”

  “The Capo want him gone?” Duke asked.

  Alexander took a long inhale on his cigar. “What do you want?”

  “I’m killing Abelli no matter what. Now, you can see it as I’m doing you and your friends a favor, or you can see it as a slight against you. I don’t want my club harmed.”

  “You’re asking me for permission,” Alexander said.

  “I’m Prez of the Trojans MC. I don’t ask for permission.”

  The man before him laughed. “I like you, Duke. You dealt with Anton in the way the Capo was going to do it. He couldn’t have lived after what he did to his daughter. Francis kept protecting him. Now that we hear he’s trying to hurt our good friends the Trojans MC, we’re more than happy for you to deal with our problem, and we will look the other way.”


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