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Crave Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Diaz, Raoul, and Pike had captured the man who’d been asking a lot of questions he should. Duke had simply removed that head from his body. The moment he’d gone to the basement and begun talking with Abelli’s man, hearing that Francis wanted to know everything that was going on in the Trojans MC,

  Duke had lost it.

  Between nearly losing his wife to whatever fear that had gripped her, the loss of Russ and Sheila, the pain he felt at the core within his club, he’d snapped.

  The little messenger had paid the price with his life.

  “The Capo wants them gone, Pike. I heard a story many years ago of someone who was in Abelli territory. He was asking a lot of questions, and so Francis Abelli did no more than take the man, torture him until he was unrecognizable, and then made an example of him by displaying his head on a pike within one of his warehouses. He’d done it to send a message out to anyone that would dare talk about him with anyone else.” Duke looked at Pike. This was his right-hand man. The man he trusted to have his back.

  Their wives were the best of friends, and he knew without a doubt that if anything happened to him, Pike would take care of his woman and kids, no questions asked.

  “Sounds … crazy.”

  Duke nodded. “Abelli sent a messenger into my town and thought he could get away with it. I told him to leave us alone. I made it clear that under any circumstances he shouldn’t make an enemy out of me.” He’d kept Anton alive, and when Francis had come into the room, he’d made it clear that he would make Abelli’s life a misery. He’d threatened to turn all evidence he had on Francis Abelli over to the police, to let them deal with him.

  Francis had decided to leave, and promised not to return.

  That hadn’t lasted long. Between the flowers sent to his woman, and the guy walking his streets, whatever niceties that Duke had intended had long gone.

  Maybe he was making a big deal over nothing. His club wouldn’t stand down, nor would it give in to monsters like Abelli.

  He wasn’t a rat.

  There’s no way he’d hand anything over to the cops. Duke dealt with his problems himself, and the Trojans didn’t walk away from a threat.

  “I won’t let him destroy this club.”

  “If this turns to shit, our entire club will be gone,” Pike said. He didn’t say it as a warning, merely a statement.

  “You don’t have to come. None of the club has to.”

  “You’re insane, right? You’re our Prez. If you think for a second that anyone would let you leave this on your own, you’re even crazier than I thought. The club will be at your back, like always. Nothing is going to change that.”

  Pike held out his hand, and Duke took it.

  “Brothers for life. I promised to serve you, Duke, and I don’t see a problem with sending a message to Abelli.”


  Mary stared down at Starlight, who was already fast asleep. It had been a long day, and she tucked her hair behind her ears to look at her daughter. Glancing around the room, she saw all of the kids were asleep.

  Movement toward the door had her turning to see Pike, her husband, there. The somber look on his face had her going to him. He took her hand and she closed the door.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  He didn’t speak, waiting until they got to their own room.

  Pike took a seat on the bed and pulled her between his thighs. He pressed kisses to her already swelling stomach, and she knew something bad was going to happen.

  “What’s going on, Pike?”

  “I’m heading out tomorrow with Duke.”

  “Is this about the Abelli problem?” she asked.

  She knew Abelli had been causing a few troubles. Holly had finally told her everything, and she knew the club wouldn’t let Abelli’s interference stand.

  “Yes. We’re going to do what is right for the club.”

  “It’s dangerous?”

  He didn’t say anything, pressing kisses to her stomach, and she closed her eyes, feeling her eyes begin to fill. This was their perfect little family, and she didn’t want to lose that.

  “There’s money in the safe at home. You know the combination, and I’ve also put enough aside for you so that you’ll never have to worry.”


  “Go to Mac. He’ll get you out of town, and take Holly with you.”

  “No, Pike. Don’t.”

  “I will always put something in place to take care of you. I have no intention of dying tomorrow, but if I do, know that I love you more than anything else in the world.”

  She shook her head. “Not this.”

  He pulled her into his arms and took her down to the bed, kissing her lips.

  Mary loved this man more than she loved anyone else in the world. She couldn’t imagine being without him. Mac had been a problem between them in the past, and she couldn’t imagine Pike trusting him.

  “Do you really think it could end like that?” she asked.

  “I don’t know how it will end. It all depends on how stubborn Duke and Abelli are.”

  She took a deep breath. “I … please, don’t do anything that will get you killed.”

  “I won’t, babe.”

  They both knew it was a lie. Pike would stay to defend Duke. He’d stay to protect him to the bitter end.

  Holding him tightly, Mary prayed that nothing bad would happen. Not when everything had been going so well between them. They didn’t have the easiest of relationships, as it had been fraught at times. It didn’t stop her from loving him, though. She’d never stop loving him, not ever.


  Zoe didn’t need to be told that shit was going down. Raoul never kept a single secret from her, and as she stood outside, he moved up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  She stared up at the moon, marveling at its beauty filling the sky.

  “You know, on the opposite side of the world, it’s daytime, and to think that they’re living the next day while we’re finishing this one, it’s kind of surreal, don’t you think?”

  “It certainly puts a great deal into perspective.”

  “The world is bigger than just one of us. It’s made of many people, many things, and it means you don’t have to follow the rules. You don’t have to … do something that could get you killed.”

  She turned in his arms, seeing the pain in his eyes and wishing it was different.

  “I can’t do what you need me to do, Zoe. My club needs me.”

  Grabbing his hand, she placed it on her stomach. “I need you. We need you.”


  “I know. I know. No matter what I say. No matter what I ask. You’re going to go, but please know that I love you. I love you and this club, and even though it kills me to know you’ll be going out there, and possibly getting killed, I will still love you.”

  He gripped the back of her head and kissed her.

  Zoe held onto his leather jacket, unable to deal with the pain that was currently filling her chest. She had fallen for Raoul, and over the years that love had gotten deeper. The thought of anything happening to him created a pain unlike anything she’d ever felt or known. She didn’t want to think about it, and refused to believe that anything could happen to him.

  “I love you, Zoe. You and our child.” He placed a hand on her stomach, and she rested her head against his chest, not wanting to let him go.


  Leanna was already crying when Crazy carried her to their room. They didn’t spend that much time at the clubhouse anymore, but the time they did was often filled with lots of dirty sex where she didn’t have to worry about making any noise.

  “I know, baby. I know.” They lay on the bed, wrapped around each other.

  She didn’t tell him that he didn’t have to go as she already knew that he would. Nothing would stop him from going, nothing.

  “I know without a shadow of a doubt that you would take care of our children. That you’ll love them, and give them a
life no matter what happens.” He kissed her lips, and like the first time, she fell for him a little bit more.

  She’d been taking care of Strawberry when his wife at the time would dump her because she really hadn’t wanted a kid.

  Leanna loved Strawberry as if she were her own. She’d taken care of her so much that Strawberry even called her “mother,” and if Suz—Crazy’s ex—came to pick her up, she’d scream and cry.

  It didn’t matter if she told him not to go. In the time she spent at the club, she knew the brothers were bound together, and she’d never forgive herself if for even a second, something happened and Crazy hadn’t been there because of her.

  “I love you,” she said.

  He kissed her at the same time he began to remove her clothing. She didn’t fight him. There were no words. She craved him just as he much as he did her.


  “Please, don’t say anything. Don’t tell me that I’ll be happy, and that you’ve gotten everything ready so that I’ll live a happy life. Me and Tanya,” Maria said, looking at Daisy.

  He didn’t say anything.

  Instead, he walked up to her, pulling Maria into his arms, and holding her tightly to him. He loved this woman more than anything else. She’d become part of him, showing her every single day that until he had her in his life, he’d only been partly living, never really grasping what he’d been missing out on.

  “Everything is going to be okay.”

  “You can’t guarantee that.”

  “I trust Duke. He’s never steered us wrong, and he’s not going to do it now.” He cupped her face, forcing her to gaze into his eyes. “I’m not a stupid man, baby. I wouldn’t put you or our little girl in danger.”

  She took a deep breath. “You’re going to pick a fight. You told me that Abelli is not a man to mess with.”

  “Neither is our club, and I’m not going to stand back while he does what he does.” He kissed her lips. Whatever happened, Daisy believed deep in his heart that taking the fight to Abelli was the right thing to do.

  Sitting back and doing nothing, letting this slight go unpunished would only open them up to further attack.

  He wouldn’t bring that kind of pain to his town, to his family.


  “I’ve been thinking what to say to you,” Beth said. “I can’t … I’m … in a pretty bad place right about now.”

  Knuckles stared at his blonde, beautiful woman. She owned his heart, his soul, was his very reason for breathing. He’d gone head to head with Daisy to prove his love for this woman. She’d gotten under his skin, inside his heart, and there wasn’t a person in the world that could ever do that to him.

  He imagined each of the brothers were doing this right now. The old ladies had been together in the kitchen, waiting, expecting the outcome.

  Beth knew even before he came to her.

  Pressing his head against hers, he didn’t say anything.

  There was nothing to say.

  He wouldn’t let Duke ride out to Abelli alone. The club was strong together, and with that, they were all going to fight for their club.


  “Are you wishing you married someone else right now?” Brass asked.

  His naked wife pressed against his side.

  “No, I don’t wish that for a second,” Eliza said. “I know you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.”

  He kissed the top of her head.

  Her hand rested on his stomach.

  “Duke’s a good man,” he said.

  “I know. I’m not going to beg or ask you to stay at home. I know you can’t do that, but please be safe.” She looked up at him. “I love you. Your greasy bike, and dirty sex. I couldn’t be without you, and I don’t ever want to think about a life without you either.”

  “You’ve got no chance of that ever happening.” He took a deep breath. “What will probably happen is Duke will pull his dick out, Abelli will do the same, and we’ll all be in a room with a ruler, measuring how big our dicks are. We’ll win,” he said. She laughed. “You know it.”

  “You’re so bad. We shouldn’t be laughing about this.”

  “I don’t want my night here to be filled with you worrying,” he said, stroking his thumb down her arm.

  “You’re not worried?”

  He thought about it, and shook his head. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “What will be will be, and nothing is going to change that.” He kissed her lips. “Just think of a roomful of men measuring their cocks.”

  “You should totally send a selfie of that, and send it to me.”

  Brass knew she played along with him, and he didn’t blame her at all. The threat they faced was real.


  “Dad,” Matthew said, staring at his father’s back. For the first time in his life, he saw Duke looking so fucking cold.

  “What’s the matter, son?”

  “I want to come tomorrow.”

  “No. You’re not coming.” Duke moved toward him, putting his hands on his shoulders. “I need you home.”

  “Tell me how real this threat is and be honest. Don’t lie.” Matthew knew the club didn’t always handle legal shit. He wasn’t a fool, and knew that Abelli wasn’t something to be happy about.

  In the past month his father had aged some. The darkness in his eyes was clear to see, and that of Holly’s.

  “It can go two ways. Abelli listens to me, understands that I mean business, and we leave. He doesn’t come near Vale Valley, and I don’t hunt every single business he has, and cost him a fortune.”


  “Or we’ll be digging some graves.”

  Matthew gritted his teeth. “I don’t want anything bad to happen.”

  “Do you love Luna?” Duke asked.


  “I’m not an idiot, son. You’ve made it so she can go away to college, and I saw the way you looked at her. You nearly knocked her up.”

  “That’s all in the past.”

  “Life has taught me one thing, Matthew, don’t let the girl of your dreams get away. This life, it’ll swallow you up, and spit you back out when it’s done. What makes life bearable is having a woman that you love, and a family at your back. Remember that.”

  Duke tapped his face with a smile, and turned to leave.

  “Love you, Dad.”

  “Love you, too, son.”

  Watching his father go, Matthew pulled out his cell phone and stared down at Luna’s number.

  He’d been tempted to call and to text her for some time, but he’d held off, always finding a reason not to do it.

  Taking his father’s advice, he sent a text.

  Matthew: I hope college is treating you well. Kind of dull around here at mo. Got any gossip to keep me alive?


  Holly waited on the stairs, stopping Duke’s climb. She’d heard what he said to Matthew, and his words touched her heart.

  She stared at the man she’d tried not to fall in love with, but it had been inevitable. There was no way she couldn’t love him. Duke moved toward her, captured her lips, and with ease, he lifted her up, carrying her through to their bedroom.

  Words were not needed. They’d been together long enough to know that they loved each other.


  Maya stood in the doorway of Landon’s room. She knew what was going to happen, and she’d come to see Landon as a brother.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  He looked up.

  The entire club was on a point of no return.

  Her grandfather sending that man started a turning point. She hoped nothing happened to the men in the club.

  “Yeah, I’m good. You know we’re heading out tomorrow?”

  She nodded.

  “You got any words of advice?”

  Maya stared at the floor. “His strongest men won’t be behind him. They’ll be the men closest to you, and they’ll have one hand on their gun at all times.
They’re fast. Take them out, and you might surprise him.”

  Landon chuckled. “I don’t see Francis Abelli only having two strong men.”

  She shrugged. “It’s what I remember my father telling me. You’re like a brother to me, Landon. Please don’t get killed.”

  “I don’t plan to.”

  Chapter Ten

  Kasey woke the following morning with a smile on her face as she stared at Chip. He was wide awake. Slowly, she saw that not only was Chip awake, but he was also dressed.

  The memory of the night before came rushing back to her.


  “Yes. Everyone is getting ready downstairs.” He held a mug up. “I brought you coffee.”

  She sat up in the bed, lifting the blanket as she did. The pleasure of the night before ebbed away as she looked at Chip. His hair was slicked back from running his fingers through it so often.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “About an hour. I didn’t want to waste a moment of my time with you.” She took the cup from him, taking a sip of the coffee. It tasted good with a hint of vanilla.

  “This is good.”

  “Duke loves a good cup of coffee. There’s always some weird syrup shit to put in it.”

  She chuckled.

  “How long do we have?” she asked.

  He started to laugh. “Come on. Don’t do that. This isn’t bad or anything. I’m not never coming home.”

  “But the risk is still there, right? You may not make it home.”

  “I’ll come home.” He kissed her lips. “Now drink that coffee, and stop worrying. You’ve got work today?”


  “I’ll keep in constant contact with you. That way you won’t be worrying about the little things.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever stop worrying about you.”

  He smiled. “I’m not going to complain like that.”

  She smiled.

  “So, when I get back, will you still be my old lady?” he asked.

  Kasey smiled. “Nothing has changed since last night, and I have to say with how good last night was, I don’t see anything changing any time soon.”

  “Good, because, there’s kind of a … ceremony that we need to complete. It’s nothing bad, but we’ll talk about it more.”


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