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Crave Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “Thank you.”

  Closing the door, Kasey rushed toward him, moving onto the other side of the bed and kissing him, over and over.

  “I take it you were worried.”

  “I didn’t want anything to happen to you. I’ve been so worried all day. I … I don’t even want to think of anything else right now. I just want to be happy that you made it out of there alive.”

  Chip stroked her cheek.

  “Is the danger gone?” she asked.

  “Yeah, the danger is gone. Duke had everything under control. I should never doubt that son of a bitch.”

  She laughed.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked.

  “I’m so happy. I don’t want anything to happen to you, and if I had any doubts about being in love with you, I know they’re unfounded. I love you so much, Chip. It kind of scares me how much. I’m not used to feeling this way.”

  Chip smiled. “I love you as well, baby. So much. All I could think about was getting home to you, loving you. There’s so much I want to do with you, baby. I want us to build a life together.”

  “I want that as well. I don’t care that it has only been a matter of weeks, but I can’t lose you. This was too close for me.”

  “I know.”

  He pushed some of her hair off her shoulder, and his gaze moved to her mouth then up to her eyes. “I want you to marry me,” he said.


  “Yes, marry. I want you to marry me. I want us to have a family. That’s not going to change.”

  “You know, I’m not going to say no, but I think before we make plans for a life together, we really should get you well.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Kasey snuggled close to him, feeling at peace for the first time in her life, or at least, since she’d lost her brother.

  “You know, it’s just my leg that’s injured. My dick is more than fine,” Chip said.

  She burst out laughing. “A bullet won’t keep you down, will it?”

  “Nothing is going to keep me down.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Chip made his recovery last as long as possible. He loved having Kasey wait on him, and she also took some time off in the early days after his injury to attend to his wound and his every single need.

  Providing the bedroom door was locked, she’d sit on the bed, completely naked, legs spread, playing cards. The first time he asked, they hadn’t closed the door, and Pie had walked in to bring them a drink.

  Kasey had dived over the other side of the bed to hide herself, and he’d thrown pillow after pillow at the man’s face to get him the fuck out of his room.

  Of course, Pie kept trying to make excuses, but Kasey kept the door locked at all times.

  Finally, after a month of care, and with no way at all for him to prolong the wound, the doctor told everyone he’d been good to party for a long time.

  On that Friday night, he sat on the edge of the bed watching as Kasey got ready to go for a girls’ night out.

  Landon had agreed to be their driver, and Chip didn’t want her to go. She looked so sexy wearing a dress that hugged her curves, and made him ache to fuck her brains out.

  “I can’t believe you told a little lie. You were well all along,” Kasey said. “Be honest, when did you start to feel better?”

  “Around the second week but I loved your attention, and you spent a lot of time doing what I wanted. So please stay home, and I can totally make you forget your name.” He took her hand, pulling her close.

  “Nope, not going to happen. I’ve put off girls’ night because you were injured. I’ll keep an eye on our pregnant girls, Zoe and Mary.” She kissed his lips. “But I really want to be there tonight to have some fun. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever gone out with the girls before. This will be a brand new experience for me.”

  Chip stood and stroked her cheek. She wore a little makeup, some lipstick, but no foundation.

  To him, she didn’t need the enhancement of beauty products. When she got home tonight he was going to tell her truth about the old lady claiming. He’d been putting it off as he didn’t want her to be pissed or worse, not agree to do it.

  There was a knock, and Lindsey entered the room. “Come on, girlfriend, I want to go and party. Hey, little liar. Feeling okay?”

  Lindsey had taken to calling him “little liar” and other little names that were digs at him keeping Kasey with him for longer.

  “I’m more than okay. You’ll keep an eye on my girl tonight?”

  “Totally. I’m going to make sure she dances with guys who run their hands all over her body.”

  Chip pulled Kasey against him.

  “I’m kidding, mister possessive. We’re going to have fun, dance, and I’ve taken a vow of no men, so that means all of them will be over me.”

  Kasey laughed. “How do you figure that out?”

  “It’s karma, right? I say I don’t want a man, so I’ll find my perfect man. With you and Chip being all loved up and making plans, I want that. I want to find a guy to love me for me, and screw everyone else, and everything else.” She flicked her hair over her shoulder.

  Chip watched her leave his room, and he followed Kasey downstairs to where the other old ladies were waiting. He quickly saw that several of the club brothers were not impressed with this girls’ night out either.

  “You could have your girls’ night here,” Duke said.

  “Not going to happen,” Holly said. “Don’t wait up.”

  Chip moved out toward the waiting car. Kasey climbed into the back seat, and Landon took the wheel. The girls can drink, but the pregnant women couldn’t.

  He watched them go, and looked toward Pike and Duke. “Any of you wanting to follow them?”

  “We do, but we can’t do it. They’ll make our lives hell,” Pike said.

  “How do you figure?” Chip asked.

  “They go out on girls’ night every once in a while. We start to make a big deal out of it, and they’ll make it every single week,” Duke said. “So just go sit on your ass, drink a beer, and wait until she comes back.”

  The men slapped him on the back. Seeing no reason to worry, he followed the brothers inside, taking the beer that Pie offered him.

  “Are you hanging in there?” Pie asked.

  He glared at Pie, who held his hands up.

  “Go easy on me. I’m not the one that said yes to your girl going out. That was all you, and I had nothing to do with it.”

  “You’re just jealous that I got the girl,” Chip said, smirking.

  “Nah, there’s plenty of pussy. I didn’t want her after all, and I’m certainly not pining or anything.” Pie grabbed his dick. “I’m too good to fall for one woman.”

  “You keep on saying that,” Duke said. “There’s going to be a woman for you before you know it.”

  Chip sipped at his beer. Pie was way too confident. A woman was going to make Pie fall, and when that happened, he wanted to be there to see it.


  “So do the guys know about the male strippers?” Kasey asked, taking a sip of her cocktail. She didn’t even know what it was called, just that it was nice and fruity. She’d never been out with the girls.

  Holly finished off one cocktail and ordered another.

  Mary looked toward the male strippers and shrugged. “I don’t really come here for the eye candy. Mine is at home, and I can touch without having to put a dollar in his pants. Pike will dance for me for free.”

  “It’s not so bad,” Zoe said, sitting back. “They look a little … clean. I know they’re slicked in some kind of body oil, but there’s no ink, and they’re so pretty and perfect.”

  “Raoul’s pretty and perfect,” Holly said.

  “Yeah, but he’s got ink and that badass vibe. I’m just not into the whole good boy thing. Give me my bad boy any day,” Zoe said, rubbing her stomach.

  “And now you’ve got your own bad boy,” Lindsey said to Kasey. “I’ve seen th
e way Chip looks at you, and there’s no mistaking how much he loves you. My girl is totally loveable.” Lindsey rested her head on Kasey’s shoulder.

  “I really do like you,” Mary said, pointing at Lindsey. “It’s refreshing to have a woman without a filter.”

  “I can’t keep crap to myself. I tell it how it is. I’ll be back with another round.” Lindsey jumped up and took their empty glasses.

  An upbeat song began to play, and Holly took the lead, going to the dance floor. Being part of the circle, Kasey danced with all the women, finally letting go and relaxing.

  Lindsey brought their drinks to the table, and they all sat around sipping. Mary and Zoe had sodas while the rest enjoyed cocktails.

  Landon kept a good distance away, and Kasey saw he was reading a book, which she found so cute.

  “He’s not going to join in?” she asked the table.

  “Nope. He always catches up on his reading when we have girls’ night. He’s the only one that offers to be our chauffeur for the night. He’s such a good guy,” Zoe said.

  She knew from Chip that Landon and Zoe were best friends and had gone to college together.

  Protecting Zoe had earned Landon his patch along with many other jobs he’d done.

  The night wore on, and between drinking cocktails, dancing, and eating some potato chips that came with the service, Kasey was buzzing. Tomorrow she would totally have a headache, but that was okay.

  She had the day off, and she intended to spend it with her man. Just thinking about Chip filled her with so much love.

  He was her man, and she was his woman.

  Later that night, before they headed back to the clubhouse, Mary suggested they stop for Chinese. While they were there, cameras were out, taking selfies, which Holly and Mary said would go on their blog. Eating her way through a large pile of noodles, Kasey couldn’t recall a time she’d felt so happy.

  Lindsey excused herself, and Kasey stole a coconut fried shrimp.

  “So, has Chip told you about taking you as his old lady?” Holly asked.

  “He said that he needed to talk about it. He calls it a ceremony. I don’t know. It’s not that big of a deal.” Holly slurped up her noodles, and looked around the table to see that all women were staring at her. “What? Do I have sauce on my chin?”

  “Has he told you what happens during it?” Mary asked.

  “No, we haven’t talked about it. He says it’s important, but I figure he’d tell me when he was ready.” She shrugged. The look on their faces didn’t make her feel so good though. “What?”

  Holly sighed. “My mother told me. For the guys to claim an old lady in the eyes of the club, he has to have sex with you in front of several members. No one else touches—”

  “Wait! What?”

  Kasey listened as they told her how an old lady was claimed in the eyes of the club. “That’s total … bullshit!”

  “It’s the club law,” Holly said. “It’s their way of making a distinction between a club whore that anyone can touch, and being an old lady. Several of the guys were there with mine, and they’ve not made me feel uncomfortable.”

  Kasey put down her chopsticks. “Have you all done it?”


  She tapped her fingers on the table.

  They had each become an old lady by being fucked while other men watched.

  Biting her lip, she understood quite clearly why her man didn’t tell her what it meant to become his old lady.

  “This is a … surprise,” she said.

  “It’s not that bad,” Eliza, Brass’s woman, said. “I found it to be quite erotic, actually.”

  “Duke doesn’t like to share. Looking back, I see that it actually showed his very possessive side. No one else was allowed to touch me, but they knew I was his special lady,” Holly said.

  Lindsey came back from the bathroom, and any conversation about it ceased.

  They finished their meal, and Landon waited in the car. He dropped Lindsey off, and her friend was so drunk that Kasey got out of the car, asking for them to keep it running. She helped her friend home and climbed back into the car.

  There was no way she wanted to wait to become Chip’s old lady. She was a little drunk, but she couldn’t wait another day.

  She ignored the conversation going on around her and focused instead on the road ahead. Her thoughts all over the place as she thought of Chip and what they were going to have to do.

  It was … stupid.

  Screwing women in front of the club just sounded so lame, but it kind of made sense. What she didn’t like was that Holly had been the one to tell her, not her man.

  Landon pulled into the clubhouse parking lot. Kasey didn’t wait around to see if Chip came out. Entering the clubhouse, she went straight to him. The smile on his face when he saw her didn’t stop her from going to him.

  He stood up by the time she stepped close to him. Staring up the length of his body, she was once again taken by the pure maleness of him. Licking her dry lips, she forced that to the back of her mind, and thought about right now.

  “I want you to make me your old lady,” she said.


  “You heard me. Holly’s told me the truth of how it happens, and even though I’m a little upset for you not telling me, I want you do it. Right now, tonight. I’m your old lady, and I’m never going to step out on you, or rat on the club. I don’t even know all the terms, but I’m loyal, Chip. I love you, and I’m a loyal person. There’s no one else I want, and if you want me to be your old lady, then you’ll do that right now, tonight. I can’t wait another second.”

  His gaze moved past her shoulder, and she looked behind her to see Holly and Duke there.

  Several of the guys nodded, and she returned her attention to Chip.

  He stepped toward her, cupping her face. “You’re a little drunk.”

  “I’m not drunk. A little tipsy maybe, but I want this. I want you, and there’s no way I’m going to be backing away from this. I want you, and I believe you want me.”

  “There’s no doubt about that.”

  Kicking off her heels, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his head down. She kissed him hard, moaning as his tongue traced across her lips. The lipstick she’d worn earlier had long gone, and he tasted of chocolate and beer.

  Slowly, he moved her back, and she didn’t let go of him.

  All of her life she’d been able to zone out everything that distracted her. Years of being a student had perfected that, so she focused on Chip. She didn’t think of Pie, Duke, Holly, Raoul, Zoe, Bertie, Floss, or the others as they sat down.

  He lifted her up, dropping her down onto the pool table, and she noticed he did it so she couldn’t see anyone but him.

  “I don’t want anyone to see what belongs to me, and I also don’t want you getting ideas of being with someone else. You’re mine, Kasey.”

  “Yes, I’m yours. I’ll always be yours, and nothing is going to change that.”

  He took possession of her mouth, and she moaned as his hands moved up her thighs, taking the skirt with him as he pushed it to her waist. She lifted up a little, and he tore her panties off, pocketing them.

  His hands went to her breasts, cupping them. Fire ignited inside her, and she couldn’t believe how aroused he was making her, especially with their audience.

  Ignoring that, though, she kept her gaze on him, not wanting anyone, or anything else.

  “Fuck, I love you, baby, you have no idea how much.”

  She cupped his face, kissing him back. “Take me, Chip.”

  He opened the zipper of his pants, unbuttoning it, pulling out his length. She wrapped her fingers around his dick, running her thumb across the tip, relishing his moan as she worked him.

  “Fuck, baby, that feel so fucking good.”

  She couldn’t agree more. It did feel good. Being his woman always felt so good.

  Chip was already rock hard, and when he pushed her back just a little, spre
ading her thighs, he teased the tip across her clit before sliding down.

  Her pussy was slick from his touch alone.

  He pushed the first couple of inches inside her, gripped her hips, and slammed the rest deep inside her core.

  She cried out his name as his cock stretched her pussy. He reached between them, sliding his finger back and forth, drawing her closer to orgasm.

  “I want you to come on my cock, baby. When you do, I’ll fuck you, and you’ll be mine.”

  He used two fingers to stroke her clit, and she gasped with each flick across her nub, which set her on fire for more. She didn’t want him to stop, and he didn’t, not until he made her come.

  Her pleasure echoed off the walls, and Chip didn’t hold back in claiming her. He fucked her hard, consuming her.

  Everything else fell away, and they became the only two people that mattered in the world. He drove her crazy, and she basked in his touch. The fire he started filled every part of her heart and soul. There was no coming down from the peak, and when he came, they didn’t linger. Chip pulled out of her pussy, and the dress fell down to her thighs.

  They rushed out of the main room and he took her to his, closing and locking the door.

  He pinned her up against the door, holding her in place. “I just fucked you without a condom.”

  “I know.” She felt his cum leaking from her pussy.

  “I want you to have my babies. I want you to be my wife. I want … everything with you.”

  “That’s a lot of wants.”

  “Don’t be angry with me for not telling you.”

  “I’m not angry.”

  “Don’t be disappointed either.”

  “I’m not disappointed,” she said. “Actually, I’m a little disappointed, but I tend to get over that really fast. Just don’t hide anything like that from me again.”

  “The first time I met you, I had no idea just how much you’d come to mean to me.”

  “When did we first meet?”

  “When Leanna was in the hospital. I passed you on the stairs, and asked you where I could find her. You gave me directions.”

  She frowned. “I can’t remember that?”

  “It was a long time ago. A whole other life. You were marking stuff on your chart.”


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