Aaron's Patience

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Aaron's Patience Page 2

by Tiffany Patterson

  I shrugged. Whatever. I was only in Chicago for one more night, I might as well live it up.

  “Fine!” I told Judy and stepped around her, heading straight to the bar to order us two beers.

  “That’s what I’m talking about. Live a little. Single moms deserve a night off,” my friend yelped, twirling her hand in the air in time to the loud music that blared.

  I grabbed my beer and made a beeline for the dance floor, grabbing Judy’s arm to accompany me. We danced and laughed as we continued to sip our beers. When Judy caught me nursing mine, she practically forced me to finish it and quickly ordered us a second round, which all too soon was followed by a third round. Never having been a heavy drinker, I was definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol by the third beer. I refused another one, wanting to keep my wits about me and still remembering that we had another full day of the conference left. However, Judy was far from done for the evening. She begged me to let her take me to yet another bar turned nightclub, and I obliged. There we met up with a few friends of hers and danced some more. I stuck to seltzer water for the rest of the evening, doing my best to avoid a hangover. But I will admit it was the most fun I’d had in a long time with anyone over the age of five.

  “Admit it, you enjoyed yourself!” Judy pressed as we stumbled into my hotel room. It was late and I didn’t want Judy taking the train home alone, so she agreed to stay with me for the night. Her fiancé was out of town anyway.

  “I had fun,” I admitted a bit stubbornly.

  She clapped, giddy with excitement. “If you enjoyed tonight you’re going to love what I have in store for tomorrow night.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not doing anything tomorrow night besides—”

  “Oh, come on! It’s your last night in Chicago. Plus, what you told me earlier deserves a little investigation.”

  My eyes widened. “Are you crazy?”

  Judy giggled at my obvious mortification. While out with her friends, the conversation got a little heated when the subject of sex was brought up. One of her friends brought up a secret fantasy and before I knew it we all were sharing our deepest sexual fantasies. I’d spilled about wanting to be tied up and spanked. As soon as the words were out, I denied them, claiming it was the alcohol. I wouldn’t dare tell them the truth was that I’d already done that with someone, but I’d never trust anyone else to be that vulnerable with again.

  Judy let out an exasperated sigh, reminding me of Kennedy when she doesn’t get her way. “You’re taking this whole librarian thing a little too far.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows. “First of all, you’re a librarian, too. Have you forgotten that? Second of all, I’m not being a prude or whatever you call me. Just …”

  “Just what?”

  My mouth opened but nothing came out. I didn’t have the time or energy to explain it to her so I said nothing.

  “Exactly. You have no explanation. You’re coming out with me tomorrow. And we’re going shopping beforehand because you are not wearing that outfit again.”

  Frowning, I looked down at the T-shirt and dark blue slacks, and black two-inch pumps I’d worn for the evening. “What’s wrong with my outfit?”

  Judy rolled her eyes before plopping down against the king-sized bed, arms wide. “You’re such a librarian.”

  “Whatever,” I retorted.

  Chapter Two


  “Mr. Townsend, if you look at the quarterly and annual projections on page eighty-three of the annual report we provided, you will see–”

  “Bob, is it?” I let my eyes slowly roll up from the documents before me to the man standing at the front of the room. I blinked slowly, waiting for an answer to my question.

  “Y-yes,” he answered, clearing his throat.

  “Oiltec’s quarterly net earnings last year were one-point-four million, one-point-three million, two-point-one million, and one-point-nine million, respectively. The document you’re telling me to refer to projects your quarterly net earnings will double despite the fact that your expenses have risen dramatically over the last year.” I paused, placing my elbows onto the shiny wood of the conference table, and leaned in. “What type of game are you playing, Bob?” My tone was hard, and afterwards you could hear a pin drop despite the fifteen or so people who were in the room.

  “Well, uh …” Bob Lundy looked to his side of the table for answers.

  “Mr. Townsend, we assure you that Oiltec is an extremely viable company. In spite of–”

  I cut my eyes in the direction of the man who spoke. He sat opposite me. “I asked Bob a question. Not you.” I turned back to the President of Oiltec. “Oiltec is viable, yes, the numbers say so, but your projections are extremely overinflated. Your expenses are too high given output, and your marketing and research divisions are woefully inept when it comes to developing alternative energies. It will take Townsend Industries at least six months to get the newly acquired Oiltec’s R&D division up to speed, and that’s if everything goes smoothly. There’s no way we’re paying asking price for this acquisition. Make a better offer.”

  I cut to the chase. It has been meeting after meeting to see through this acquisition. It was my duty as CEO of Townsend Industries to ensure we took on the best deal that would enable our company’s growth. There was nothing I took more seriously than doing my job right.

  Sitting back in my chair, I watched as Bob’s eyes darted from one employee to another.

  “We’ve been at this for hours now. How about we break for lunch and then return with clearer heads?” Bob offered.

  “We’ll order lunch in,” I firmly stated. “While we wait, you and your team can come up with a better offer.” I watched as Bob went out to tell his assistant to order lunch for the meeting. He then came back and began discussing, in whispered tones, with his team. While that was going on, I conferred with my legal and financial team that I’d brought to this meeting.

  We spent the rest of the day and well into the early evening going over price purchase per share until we finally came to an agreement. It was far less than Bob’s initial offer, but given his real numbers, it turned out to still be a profitable merger for Oiltec. Before we even exited the building, I was on the phone with my people in Williamsport, informing them of our next moves to get Oiltec up to speed and make sure this merger went as smoothly as possible.

  I sat back in the town car as it began pulling off and blew out a steep breath. The weight of the months leading up to this merger were settling around me. The pressure from my job was nothing new—I thrived on it—but it was starting to feel as if there was something missing. I refused to let myself go there. Instead, I pinched the space between my eyebrows and inhaled while I waited for my cell to ring. Two heartbeats later and the distinct tone I’d set for this caller began to chime in my hand.


  “Did you get it done?”

  “Is my name Aaron Townsend?”

  “Goddamn right it is.”

  “Then it’s done.”

  “My boy.”

  I cleared my throat.

  “When will you be home?”

  “My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon. I should be home in time to make Mother’s family dinner.”

  “Good. You know your mother lives for these dinners.”

  I grunted.

  “As do I. All my boys under one roof. Makes a man proud. You bringing anyone?”

  I frowned. “Why on earth would I do that?”

  “Just asking. Your mother thought it might be time. Since Carter married, she thinks you’re next.”

  I let out a sigh. “And you didn’t do anything to thwart her nonsense notions, did you?”

  “Why would I do that?”

  I laid my head back against the seat.

  “I want to see all of my sons happy.”

  Here it came. Yet another speech by my father on the importance of family.

  “A man can’t survive this world alone.”

��m not alone.”

  It was my father’s turn to grunt. “You’ve got us, but you deserve more. And those one-night stands or dates you keep on standby for work events aren’t cutting it.”

  Rolling my eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose again. Ever since my older brother, Carter, got married, both of my parents have been talking about relationships more frequently. It was getting redundant but I didn’t dare interrupt my father. I just zoned out, making a mental list of everything I needed to do for business that evening.

  As I hung up the phone with my father and readied myself to exit the vehicle in front of my hotel, a thought came to mind. My father’s talk of relationships had stressed me out more than the day-long negotiations.

  “I’ll need you back here at seven to pick me up,” I informed the driver as I exited the car door he held open.

  “Seven this evening?”

  I blinked. “Is that a problem?”

  “No, no, sir. Just checking to make sure I heard correctly.”

  I nodded and then sauntered off, breezing through the door held open by the concierge. I deserved a night out and Chicago had just the right spot for such an occasion.


  What the fuck am I doing here? That was probably the first common sense thing I’d asked myself since stepping out of the back of my town car. I glanced around the underground garage, and undid the button of my Tom Ford suit jacket.

  “Would you like me to escort–” The chauffeur's question was cut off by the sharp slicing of my hand through the air.

  “I got it from here.” I turned toward the metal doors of the elevator. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” I told him, not even looking over my shoulder.

  “I’ll be right here, Mr. Townsend.”

  I didn’t waste time acknowledging his statement. Of course he’d be there waiting on me. That’s what he was paid for while I was in Chicago on business. But as I slid the shiny black keycard into the slot next to the elevator, it was obvious that this little venture was anything but business. I’d spent the entire past seventy-two hours in business meetings and beating any adversary over the head with my strategy. I needed this outlet like I needed my next breath. Not that a quick blow job or a frenzied fuck would ever be enough to ease all of the tension rolling through my body, but it would offer a short respite.

  I turned to the opposite side of the elevators upon hearing the dinging of the bell, and the doors spread open, revealing the comforts of The Cage’s fourth floor. Just as I stepped off, a long-legged blonde dressed in only a pair of leather shorts and matching pasties, with a leash around her neck, passed. Holding onto the opposite end of the chain, leading her, was another woman, this one with dark chocolate skin, shaved head, and dressed head to toe in a pinstripe black suit. I watched the pair strut down the hall. The bondage room. That’s where they were headed.

  “Welcome back, Mr. Townsend,” the petite redhead behind the registration desk offered with a smile.

  I returned her graciousness with a curt nod.

  “Your table has already been set up for you. As promised, two women will be by shortly. We hope they are to your liking.” She smiled, revealing perfect, pearly white teeth.

  I moved around the registration booth, past the leather loveseats where groups of twos, threes, and fours were in various stages of undress. Removing my suit jacket, I carefully laid it on the back of the loveseat, and sat down, picking up the glass of cola with three ice cubes that I always requested be waiting for me on my arrival. I took my fill of the club. Another couple made their way down the dark hall into either the bondage room or eating area. The elevator door opened and a pair of women stepped off, dressed in only short bathrobes. They must’ve come from the Wet Room on the third floor, I surmised.

  I found myself watching the women as they moved closer, hand in hand, one finally catching my gaze. One was the color of cinnamon while the second had skin the color of sandalwood. Both average height, with small yet curvaceous bodies. They moved to stand in front of me, and I was pleased to see that my preferences had been noted by whoever sent these two.

  “Mr. Townsend,” one of the women giggled, causing a frown to mar my face.

  I glared at the two, over the rim of my glass, taking another sip of my drink.

  “How are you tonight?” the cinnamon-toned one spoke up. When I didn’t move, she took that as a sign to move in closer, placing a knee on the loveseat and crawling toward me. These women were beautiful, but I’d had plenty of beautiful women. They’d be fine for the night, I guessed…until one slid her hand up my forearm to my elbow, pushing the sleeve of my shirt out of the way. She gasped and jumped, when my other hand slammed down over hers.

  “Don’t touch me.” I tossed her hand away. “I do the touching,” I told both women, sternly. “Give me a dance while I finish my drink.”

  They blinked, looking between one another, before slowly sliding off the loveseat to stand in front of the table. I sat back, arm outstretched with my drink in the other hand. I watched semi-bored as both women began stripping one another.

  Movement at the elevators caught my attention. The doors slid open and a thirty-something Asian woman stepped off. She didn’t catch my attention, though she was pretty. It was her companion that made me sit all the way up, body going rigid.



  How on Earth did I end up here? I was in a sex club for God’s sake!

  “Patience, your I.D.,” Judy insisted, looking back at me.

  I began shaking my head. “Judy, I don’t think I should be here.” My eyes bulged when I glanced over Judy’s shoulder to see a half-naked woman sitting on one of the leather loveseats, straddling a man who I could only see from the waist down.

  “Patience, I told you to leave your prudish side at home,” Judy insisted, bringing my attention back to her five-foot-three frame.

  “I can’t leave my prudish side at home. I am a prude. I’m a librarian for goodness’ sakes! And a mom.” I whispered the last part, ashamed to admit that I was a mother in a place like this.

  “You weren’t such a prude when you were telling me about that little fantasy of yours. And your kids are all the way in Oakland. You’re in Chicago tonight. Live a little. You’ll be the same boring librarian and mother when you get back on the plane tomorrow morning. “’Kay?” With that, she snatched my wallet out of my hand, rifling through until she found my license. Then she flipped her long, dark, silky hair over her shoulder and turned to the hostess at the registration table.

  I sealed my eyes shut and inhaled a deep breath. Maybe she was right. The kids were at home, in the great care of their nanny, while I was there on a work conference. I could just make myself comfortable at the bar, have a couple of cocktails and let that be that. I wouldn’t bother to tell Judy that there was only one person who’d ever brought out the non-prude in me. And that was a long time ago.

  I sighed and blinked my eyes open, ridding myself of those memories.

  “You’re still meeting Kevin here?” I asked Judy when she returned my I.D.

  “Yup. He texted me. He’s on his way. Isn’t this place cool?” she questioned, looping her arm in mine and pulling me toward one of the loveseats that had a card at the center with the name “Russell” on it her fiancé’s last name.

  “It’s cool all right,” I murmured. “Look, I know I told you about my fantasy and everything, but that was just all in fun. I’m not doing anything with any of these men...or women.” I plopped down on the loveseat, looking around. I’m sure my facial expression mirrored a damn deer in headlights. I still couldn’t believe I’d gotten drunk enough to share my fantasy of being tied up and spanked with Judy the night before. Now, here I was, at some place in the West Loop where I was certain most of the people in here had more than just read about rope play, as I had.

  “You say that now.”

  “I mean it!” I hissed at Judy.

  She shrugged. “I said the same thing, when I fi
rst came. Then I met Kevin, and…” She just smiled and then giggled. “Oh, he’s here.” She pointed at the elevator and got up to greet her fiancé. I remained seated, still feeling so uncomfortable. When a man passed, throwing a smile in my direction, I returned it in kind but wished he’d keep moving. That wasn’t going to happen, apparently. He stopped.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hello.” I shifted in my seat, looking around.

  “You’re new here, huh?”

  “Just visiting.” Saying I was new gave the insinuation that I was planning to return but that would not be the case. This would be my first and last time at this place. A visit was the more appropriate term for this situation.

  “Have you visited the other floors yet?” He leaned his body against the loveseat, inching in just a tad bit closer.

  I wanted to squirm away, but I held my ground. “I just arrived.”

  “I’d love to take you to the Wet Room. A body like yours should never be covered up.” His pale green eyes slid down, stopping at the ample cleavage my black dress exposed. They moved farther down, pausing again at the sight of my exposed walnut-colored thigh. The dress had been Judy’s idea and I was regretting it. I shifted, pushing my long sister locks over my shoulders to cover as much cleavage as possible.

  “Beautiful brown skin like yours…” He paused, moving his hand closer to my arm. Just before I could pull away a voice sounded.

  “If you fucking touch her, I will break all two-hundred and six bones in your body.”

  The deep voice sent shockwaves through my entire body.

  It can’t be.

  As the strange man stood, moving out of the way, I nearly passed out when my greatest fear was confirmed.

  It was him.


  He looked a little older, and still just as mean as ever. And that was his appeal, part of it, at least. The man was handsome, bordering on beautiful by conventional standards. With his dark hair, hazel eyes, square jaw, and perfect nose with a splattering of freckles across the bridge.


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