Nevermore, The Complete Series (Boxed Set) (Twin Souls, Hybrid, Sacrifice, and Destiny)

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Nevermore, The Complete Series (Boxed Set) (Twin Souls, Hybrid, Sacrifice, and Destiny) Page 40

by K. A. Poe

  I chased after him through each room and then he spotted the front door hanging wide open and ran down the stairs.

  Salem was leaning against my car, staring up toward the twinkling stars in the dark sky. I watched him turn around to face us, “Paul?” he said, “Is it over?”

  “Oh, it’s about to be,” Paul snarled. “I never took the time to think about it before, but it all makes sense now!”

  Arching a brow, Salem eyed the crossbow in my father's hand and frowned. “I don't know what you are talking about, Paul. You must be mistaken.”

  “No, I'm not mistaken, Salem. You never should have come here. That's what led to all of this. You.”

  “Dad – stop. You‘re just upset. You need to relax,” I begged and grabbed onto his arm.

  He thrust me aside and I hit the stair banister, falling to my knees. “Stay out of this Alex. You ought to have realized it by now, too. Salem is the reason behind everything! If he had never come here, Raziel wouldn't have been in Colorado eighteen years ago! Your mother would still be alive, sane and healthy, and so would you!”

  “What? That’s crazy!” I yelled as I pulled myself to my feet. “Any other vampire could have killed mom just the same, or turned me. All of this could have played out the same with or without Salem. What happened happened…and there is nothing anyone could have ever done to change it.”

  Paul shook his head. He appeared almost as demented as Destiny had. “Destiny… it whatever you want. All I know is this bastard owes me for all the pain he has caused.”

  The crossbow shook in his unsteady hand as he lifted it and pointed toward Salem.

  “You're making a huge mistake, dad!” I shouted, leaping toward him. The sound of the trigger going off reached my ears as I tackled him to the ground.

  It was going to be okay. He had bad aim. He never hit the target. Salem would be okay. Then why did I refuse to look up? Why was I so afraid that he hadn't missed? Why didn't I hear Salem? Not even a scream...

  Hesitantly, I looked up. I saw the Alero, glittering slightly under the moonlight. I saw the Jeep Wrangler parked beside it. Where was Salem?


  I tore the crossbow away from Paul, elbowed him hard in the head and left him unconscious in the gravel. Climbing to my feet wasn't easy, I felt like I couldn't move – I was afraid to move. Then I spotted him, sprawled on the ground beside my car.

  “Salem?” I said as I approached him. My voice was shaky and sounded unusual to me. “Salem, please...”

  Kneeling down beside him, I found the arrow embedded in his chest. The blood soaked through his white T-shirt and formed a pool beneath his body. He wasn't breathing, but that didn't mean anything...did it?

  “Salem...” I cried, “No, no no…this can’t be happening!”

  I shook him, but he didn't react. “Please, Salem!” I frantically tore at his shirt, ripping through the fabric to reveal just where the arrow had struck. It was was too close.

  Still no response. “This ought to get your attention...” I said hoarsely and ripped the arrow out of his chest, but he didn’t move. “Come on...Salem...”

  I laid my head against his abdomen, wishing the tears would come so that I could relieve myself of the anguish I felt.

  “Paul is unconscious, if you’re pretending, you can stop now...please...” I begged.

  “That was a close call,” he whispered and pulled me into his arms. I fought the urge to slap him for scaring me, but I was too relieved to care about anything else but the sound of his voice and feel of his touch.

  “We need to get out of here,” I said, eying Paul's body. “We need to go to the Victorian, get what we can, get Hannah and leave Willowshire.”

  His brow furrowed as he stared at me. “But Alex, your friends are here...your family...”

  “My family wants to kill you – and quite possibly me as well!”

  “And what about your friends?” he asked.

  “They’ll be okay without me. They’ll probably forget all about me eventually anyway. Jason has his new girlfriend and Karen…Karen’s almost like a stranger to me now...”

  “No, they wouldn’t. You and I both know that. You have left a great impact on their lives. You need them and they need you. Paul will come to his senses eventually.”

  “I'm not so sure he will, Salem,” I frowned. “You weren’t there. You didn’t see him…hear him. I think Destiny dying put him over the edge. We need to leave, even if it's only for a little while...”

  “Where will we go?”

  “Anywhere! We'll just get in the car and drive until we find somewhere we like...we can tell everyone that we're going on vacation or something. It’ll give Paul some time to set himself straight...I hope.”

  Salem stared into my eyes and pondered the idea. I heard Paul grunt and glanced in his direction. He was still unconscious, but I didn't know how long it would last. “Okay. We will do it. Let's go home. We will tell Richard that he can stay in the Victorian for as long as he likes. Then you will pack up your laptop, I will find Hannah, and we will leave – temporarily. You will send letters or e-mails to Jason, Mitchell and Karen and inform them that we have left for a vacation and we will be back sometime...just promise to keep in touch with them.”

  “Deal,” I replied with a slight smile. “Now, let's get out of here before he wakes up.”



  “Your arm…” he pointed at the mangled mess of bone that I had somehow forgotten about during everything that had happened.

  “Oh, right.” I closed my eyes and concentrated on my arm. This time I was prepared with some relaxing thoughts. I thought about my mom…my real mom. I thought about Janet. About being chased through the yard of the old house with a water hose on a hot summer day. About being tickled and laughing. Memories of a childhood when everything was so much simpler. Before I could imagine the events of this night, even in my wildest dreams.

  I opened my eyes and all trace of the injury was gone.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  When we arrived at the house, I was relieved to find that my grandfather was asleep in the guestroom and I got to avoid any awkward goodbyes. I scrawled a simple note on a piece of paper Salem summoned for me and explained what happened and requested that he try to convince Paul that he was mistaken. Hannah was out hunting but returned moments after we showed up. She was furious upon discovering Paul nearly killed her half-brother and at first was keen on the idea of going after him. After a bit of calming she finally agreed that it was wisest to leave. She didn’t want to be tempted back to her old ways, even if he ‘deserved it’ as she put it.

  I unplugged my laptop, and reflected on the day that Jason had given it to me. I took the computer out to the car, along with my volume of Edgar Allan Poe stories, sat them in the backseat and sat down. Taking my cell phone out, I dialed Jason's number and was unsurprised that it went directly to voice mail. The beep came and I sighed.

  “'s Alex. I am happy for you and Eila, really – you deserve to have someone like her in your life. Salem and I are going out of town for a while; I don't know when we'll be back. Tell Karen and Mitchell for me...I love you all and will miss you,” I paused for a moment, and then added in a hoarse voice as the words fought to come out, “Goodbye...”

  Hannah had practically begged to take the driver’s seat and I happily agreed. It was nice having someone else drive for a change. Salem and I sat together in the backseats, my head leaning comfortably against his shoulder as I skimmed through the book he had created for me out of the plain black leather diary Janet had given me. My makeshift bookmark was still in pristine condition, regardless how many times I had shifted it between different sections of the book as I read. It struck me that I was almost finished with the entire volume, and my eyes trailed eagerly down the last few pages as we passed by the sign saying we were leaving Willowshire.

  Salem glanced down at t
he book, “You have made a lot of progress,” he commented.

  Turning the final page of the book, I flinched and pulled back as the paper sliced along my index finger. It was sort of funny, paper cuts still hurting even as a vampire. As I smiled I noted the drop of blood splotched onto the aged papers and before I had the chance to say anything to Salem, I noticed something else. The pages transformed right before my eyes from the words of Edgar Allan Poe to a scrawled text that was hardly decipherable. Flipping back through the previous pages, I noticed that all of the words Salem had magically summoned into the journal were vanishing and becoming replaced by this unfamiliar text.

  “Salem…” I muttered nearly inaudibly, “what…what’s going on?”

  “This must not have been just an ordinary journal after all…” he replied and glanced at the words developing on the page. “It looks to be a very ancient journal belonging to someone who was very well versed in the ways of vampires…”

  “What gives you that idea?” Hannah asked from the driver’s seat and looked back at us.

  “The writer mentions them on nearly every page that Alex has turned through,” he answered as he flipped through some more of the pages, “and keep your eye on the road, Hannah!”

  “What do you think this means?” I asked, staring at the words as they evolved on each page Salem turned to.

  “I think it is going to prove to be more useful to you than Janet ever imagined…”



  Book Three

  1. EZRA

  Hannah pulled the Alero to a stop outside a gas station just as we exited Willowshire. She leaned over the driver seat to stare at the words developing on the pages of what we had once thought to be just an ordinary journal. I skipped through a lot of the book that seemed to contain detailed information about vampires and hunting, until I came across a few that stood out and made me curious:

  August 10, 1514

  The worst possible thing has occurred to me this night. Whilst out hunting, I fell prey to a vampire – the wound is still fresh, the hunger to feed is overwhelming even so early into the transition. How I maintain the urge to kill them – my own kind – I do not understand. I have become the hunted.

  They will be after me now, when once we were comrades in this battle against evil, we now are enemies fighting against the same opponent.

  Ezra N. Chase

  August 12, 1514

  The blood of animals is not enough to sustain this thirst I feel. It is with much regret that I admit to the heinous crime of inflicting murder upon a mortal to feed myself…and I fear that they shall not be the last.

  Ezra N. Chase

  September 30, 1514

  Rumor has been spread of a fountain across the ocean, in this ‘New World’, that replenishes one’s youth and cures their ailments. I cannot help wondering if this sacred water could be the answer I seek.

  What harm is there in trying?

  Ezra N. Chase

  October 14, 1514

  Traveling by boat has been tense. The scent of the crewmen’s blood surrounds me as we make our voyage to where we hope to discover the fountain. There is no livestock on the boat, thus I keep to myself below deck as far from the crew as possible to avoid what I fear most. One mistake and this chance could slip through my fingers.

  A man huddled in the dark belly of a ship, feasting off stowaway rats – what have I become?

  Ezra N. Chase

  October 20, 1514

  The shame that I feel on this night is…indescribable. One of the crewmen ventured below deck…before I had the chance to consider my actions, he was limp in my arms. My only option was to give the rest of the crew the same fate and guide the ship by myself.

  The journey has been rough thus far, but my strength has been restored. I am nearing a week’s time into this voyage, from the logs I can assume I am almost half way to this ‘New World’.

  Ezra N. Chase

  October 29, 1514

  With much effort I have reached my destination. Despite my knowledge of sailing, it was beyond a chore navigating the ship to this land. Handicapped with a crew of zero I had to abandon the ship a mile or more from shore and swim the remainder.

  I was near instantly met by a brown skinned man who looked beyond shocked to see me. With nothing more than wood and stone weapons he stood little chance to my hunger. As much as I despise myself for it I regret to say there is something marvelous in the act of feeding, a primal exhilaration I have never felt prior.

  God forgive me.

  Ezra N. Chase

  November 9, 1514

  I have searched many supposed sites of the rumored fountain – so far to no avail. I pray it was more than just rumor! This land is vast beyond belief; there is no telling where it might be.

  I have decided to return to the ship, pull anchor, and attempt to sell further down the shoreline in search of my quarry. I can only hope the hull has maintained integrity.

  Ezra N. Chase

  November 13, 1514

  The ship has run aground on some unseen obstruction below the waters. If I am to find evidence of the fountain then it shall be by foot.

  Perhaps it is Fate that has brought me to this place.

  Ezra N. Chase

  November 14, 1514

  Humans are scarce on this new found land, but I feel it is best this way. The thirst I feel is undeniable and I fear if I were to see more they would run the same fate as my crewmates and the native.

  In the lack of humans, nature has definitely conquered this land in its entirety. Although the blood of the wildlife here is not enough to completely sate me, there is no end to its abundance.

  Ezra N. Chase

  November 17, 1514

  I fear that I may be going mad looking for this fabled fountain! Is that all that it is, a fable? Some made up object no more real than Olympus? Perhaps there is no sense in searching further, perhaps this is my fate.

  Ezra N. Chase

  December 25, 1514

  There are few words to describe how I feel today. Once, I may have been surrounded by family and friends in celebration of the holidays…now, however, I am stranded on unfamiliar land, alone and overcome with thirst. I have succumbed to days of weakness of both body and mind.

  It rained yesterday. I remember the cool of the rain against my skin, and the chill of winter. Now I feel nothing. My body acknowledges the existence, but nothing more. In my depressed state I did the unthinkable.

  Days prior I had stumbled upon a small camp of natives. They sat around a roaring fire, telling stories in a tongue I have never heard, and the universal language of laughter occasionally drowning out the crackling of burning logs. Among them were several children, all younger than ten. I was able to pull myself away from the scene, my will stronger than the thirst.

  Yesterday I returned there with mal intent. Why should these people be allowed to live so happy and oblivious when I was damned to suffer? It wasn’t fair. Before I knew what had happened I was kneeling among the dead, my lust for blood completely satisfied. Worst of all I did not regret my actions – until today.

  Ezra N. Chase

  January 13, 1515

  The corruption is upon me, I can feel it. The regret I once felt is dwindling again…all that matters now is the hunger that drives me.

  Ezra N. Chase

  January 22, 1515

  As I felt my last hope abandoning me, the fountain appeared before me as though a candle amongst the darkness. A spring of majestic water flowing with luminous fluid, as if it itself was made of light.

  I awoke from this dream with renewed hope. I had seen the path, a cove, a waterfall and an altar. I knew where to go although I knew not where the revelation had come from. Perhaps God had decided I had suffered enough. Like Job, I had lost everything, and he was sorry.

  Ezra N. Chase

  January 23, 1515

  My God, I have found the fountain from my dream! It is not exactly as I had pictu
red when I started this journey – but it is undoubtedly it. I have drank its water and bathed in its depths.

  I feel no different as of yet, the thirst is still within me and the lack of physical feelings towards my cold surroundings persist. There is no beating heart within my chest. I go to sleep beside the waters with hope I shall wake up renewed.

  Ezra N. Chase

  January 24, 1515

  The wonders I have witnessed!

  A young native girl stumbled upon my resting place. She was injured, vulnerable and weak…but somehow, the glimmer of youth in her eyes prevented me from taking away her life. Instead, I aided her.

  I wrapped her injury in cloth from my own attire, and cleansed her blood from my hands in the mystical spring. As the crimson swirled with the luminous water, the child informed me of a warmth that ran through her. Within moments, her injury was gone!

  It is blood that caused all this, and it is blood that shall rectify it. Tonight, I share my blood with the fountain.

  Ezra N. Chase

  January 25, 1515

  It is unbelievable! The rumors were true! Within minutes of my blood swirling within the waters I felt the warmth of life return to me! I could once again feel the cool touch of water, and the resonating beat of my own heart.

  Mortality is once again mine!

  Ezra N. Chase

  I stopped reading and glanced up at Salem, who had been reading just as intently alongside me.

  “This can’t be real, can it?” I asked, staring blankly at the page.

  “I haven’t ever heard of any real fountain of youth before, but that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be one,” he answered with a mixed look of doubt and hope on his face.

  I knew what must have been going through his mind. Salem wanted nothing more than to live an ordinary life after the opportunity had been stripped from him over a hundred years ago. Without speaking my mind – which wasn’t an easy task for me – I continued reading onto the next entry.


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