Nevermore, The Complete Series (Boxed Set) (Twin Souls, Hybrid, Sacrifice, and Destiny)

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Nevermore, The Complete Series (Boxed Set) (Twin Souls, Hybrid, Sacrifice, and Destiny) Page 62

by K. A. Poe

  “Jace…” I whispered, suddenly feeling like I was going to cry. “I’m so sorry; no amount of words could describe how sorry I am that you have to go through this. I just hope that Eila can give you the happiness you deserve and with time, you’ll forget about your feelings for me.”


  “You two will be happy, she really likes you Jace…loves you,” I replied and leaned across the table and pecked him lightly on the cheek. “I love you too, Jason Banner, always.”

  I stood from the table and left him staring at me, his hand against his cheek and a look of dismay painted across his face. It pained me to see him looking so miserable, and knowing that it was in some way my fault. With him like this, maybe it was best he move away for a while – just him and Eila. I soon forgot about what had just happened as Salem called me away to get into the limo awaiting us that would take us away to our much anticipated honeymoon. He wouldn’t even give me a clue about the location or how long we would be there, but I could hardly wait.


  My friends and family waved at us as the limo pulled away from the scene. I turned and waved back at them, imagining in my mind that Mom, Karen, and Paul were among the crowd. Salem pulled me away from the window and kissed me lightly and I briefly forgot about everyone else.

  “Where are we going?” I asked with a sly grin.

  “You will see soon,” he smiled. “It is something that I think we both can enjoy, and I hope you aren’t disappointed.”

  “I don’t see how I possibly could be.”

  “Keep your eyes focused inside the vehicle at all times,” he insisted.

  When we pulled up at the location, I was surprised by how quick the trip had been. Salem leaned forward and knocked on the window that blocked the driver from hearing our conversation and it started to roll down. He then asked him to wait with me in the car while he prepared something outside. I stared at him curiously as he exited the car without another word.

  “So, your honeymoon, huh?” the driver asked as he glanced back at me. He was a chunky fellow with thick black hair and matching beard. A grey and black golfer’s hat sat on his head.

  “Yes,” I confirmed with a smile. “Are you married?”

  “Nah,” he chuckled. “I don’t have time for that. It’s just me and my job right now.”

  “You spend all of your time driving other people around?” The man had to have been at least forty, which made me sad thinking how lonely he must have been.

  “Pretty much, but you meet so many interesting people.” Maybe he wasn’t so lonely, after all.

  “I guess so,” I replied with a shrug and glanced away awkwardly. I was too anxious for random conversations with this man, and it felt like Salem was taking forever to return.

  “Congrats, by the way,” he continued. “Most of the folks I drive around are getting married, going to their honeymoon or going to a club or something.”

  “That sounds about right.”

  “Looks like your fella is coming back,” he commented and Salem pulled my door open.

  “Keep your eyes shut,” Salem whispered as he undid my seatbelt and helped me out of the car. Before I had even a chance to touch ground, he had me cradled in his arms. “Thank you for the ride, Stewart. Your payment is in the backseat.”

  “Much obliged, sir! Have a nice evening!”

  I heard the roaring of the limo’s engine and the sound of the tires grinding into dirt, then the noises faded into the distance and I was left with nothing but our steady breathing and the beating of our hearts. Soon, I could hear the crunching of leaves beneath Salem’s feet, then his shoes hitting against what I assumed was concrete. He lifted me over something and I was welcomed with a rush of cool air and the smell of fresh roses. My eyes almost flew open to inspect my surroundings but I forced myself to keep them shut until Salem said it was okay. He gently set me down on the ground and turned me toward him, placed his lips against mine and whispered for me to open my eyes.

  I let the kiss linger for a moment longer before finally opening my eyes. To my surprise, we were in the house we had looked at before we had went to Florida. At first I was a little confused, why were we here? Then the full view came to me and I spaced out asking how he had gotten the place as my mouth fell open in shock. Rose petals littered the ground leading to a brand new door. The window at the top of the door had been replaced with what appeared to be the exact stained glass intertwined bat and raven. He walked to the door and nudged it open with his hip and I noticed immediately that the path of roses continued forward and down the side hall to the master bedroom. The door was closed yet I could see a faint flickering of light underneath which I could only assume was candlelight.

  “Are you disappointed?” Salem asked as he placed me back onto my feet and observed my reaction.

  “No way!” I said excitedly. “This is perfect. Beyond perfect! How…? How did you do this?”

  “I knew you had your heart set on this place. The other night as you slept I went on your laptop and searched and found that the place was still available. Luckily for us it seems property around here does not fly off the market. Over the next couple days I talked to your Aunt Kim, your grandfather, and most recently even Desmond. I told those that did not already know about our Victorian, and thankfully they were all eager to help. They leant us the money to buy it outright. I figure we can sell the old home to help pay some of the debt soon now that no one will be staying there, then pay the rest over time, unless Jason and Eila decide to stay. It is Desmond that we owe the most. I…I hope that was okay,” he said, looking somewhat ashamed.

  “It is more than okay, I love it! I love you! Thank you…I know it must have been hard…asking them that.”

  “You have no idea…” We laughed together and then he whisked me up again and entered the bedroom.

  The room was dark aside from a few candles scattered throughout illuminating it. The rose petals continued into the room, nearly covering the entire floor, then leading onto the bed, another perfect replica of the one we had lost in the fire. I stared up at Salem curiously and he smiled wickedly as he laid me on the bed and climbed gracefully over me. My heart began racing as his lips met mine and I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck.

  “Before we do anything,” I whispered when I got a chance as he stopped to gather his breath. “We should get out of these outfits.”

  He didn’t reply but silently rose off of the bed and I watched, mesmerized, as he removed his coat and shirt. I admired the shape of his body, anticipated the touch of his smooth skin against mine. I rolled off of the bed and fumbled around with the zipper but couldn’t quite reach it. With a gasp, I felt Salem’s hand wind around my waist as the other pulled down the zipper and helped slide the dress off of me. I felt a little self-conscious all of a sudden as I realized how little clothing I had on. I turned around and was met by a completely topless Salem who pulled me tightly against his body and kissed me deeply. I had never seen him so passionate, so eager…but he had waited such a long time for this, and so had I.

  My arms wound around his back and I caressed his bare skin as he attempted to remove my bra. I tried not to chuckle but it was difficult not to. I reached back and unlatched it for him and he slowly slid it off of my shoulders and tossed it to the floor. He pushed me back onto the bed and I swallowed hard as he undressed down to his underwear and climbed back onto me. His lips pressed firmly against mine as his hands explored my body, lingering on my chest as he trailed his kisses along the side of my face, down my neck and toward my collarbone.

  The passion intensified as time passed and I was overwhelmed by how gentle he was, and how it felt so much better than I had ever imagined. He gripped my hands loosely and held me tight against the bed. My mind was spinning with exhilaration and my breaths grew heavier until we were suddenly distracted by the sound of a cell phone ringing. Ignoring it, Salem’s lips were against mine again and I was about to ask him if he had some sort
of protection when the phone rang again. I glanced at the nightstand, at the vibrating cellular device, and wondered who in their right mind would be calling us when they knew it was our honeymoon.

  “Do you think it’s an emergency?” I asked as he, too, looked over at it.

  He sighed and reached over to grab the phone. “It’s Desmond,” he said and offered it over to me, about to move off of my body but I forced him to stay.

  “Just…be quiet for a second,” I said with a nervous giggle. The phone rang once more and I finally answered it. “Hello?”

  “Alexis, it’s Desmond,” my foster father said hastily. “I know this is probably a bad time…but, it’s sort of urgent.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong, but I forgot to ask of you something, and I have very little time to get an answer.”

  “Well, ask already!” I said harsher than I intended.

  “There is a man that Mel and I met in Romania, I had sort of spaced it out of my mind during the wedding and forgotten until Mel found his card among some clothes here in the hotel and reminded me. Anyway, when we were there we became pretty good friends and we told him all about you. He seemed to really want to meet you,” he explained. “We want to invite you and Salem on a trip back with us.”

  “What?!” I gasped, “We can’t afford that and, why would this guy want to meet me of all people?”

  “I would pay for it, dear, or he would. He seemed very wealthy to me. I think he just wants to meet you because Mel and I got to meet his sons, I am not sure. He also seemed fascinated by how highly I spoke of your piano skills.”

  I looked at Salem and gulped. “Did you say Romania?” I asked in a mere whisper.

  “Yes, Romania,” Desmond responded.

  All I could think about now was the story Destiny had told me about Malik. Could this all just be coincidence? Then the memory of Salem’s familiar voice played through my head:

  There are no coincidences.



  Book Four


  Desmond was far too distracted by taking Salem and me on sightseeing trips. We had already spent two weeks in Romania without even a mention of the mysterious man that wanted so desperately to meet me. The most memorable place so far had been the botanical gardens in Cluj-Napoca. It was a peaceful journey with sights portraying forestry, grassy plains, and exotic plants I had never seen before. He also took us by the Orthodox Cathedral in Sibiu. The interior walls were painted in large murals and statues stood all over. Antique wooden pews lined the path to a beautiful altar decorated with fresh flowers. Overall, I appreciated the trips to places I would otherwise never even have considered visiting, but I was yearning to meet this man he brought me here to see. I refrained as much as possible from asking about it as I did not want to seem ungrateful or rude, but I was beyond anxious.

  Our honeymoon had ended abruptly due to this spontaneous trip. Thankfully we had gotten to enjoy a brief weekend together before leaving. After that however, we had had very little time alone. Even the hotel rooms had not been enough to earn us any privacy. Desmond always got single rooms with two beds, perhaps hoping to prevent us from doing anything he disapproved of—despite the fact that we were a married couple now.

  After putting up with this for far too long, I finally decided it was time to get some alone time with Salem. As much as I had enjoyed catching up with my childhood dad, I needed a break from the constant discussions of previous expensive journeys he and Melissa had been on. I was also sick of hearing about their grand plans for the future. If they told me one more time about Hawaii being their next Christmas destination I would scream. It felt like Desmond was shoving it all down my throat. Whether he intended it or not, after a while all I heard was bragging about how he led a life of luxury. I had been left to my single, zoo-keeping foster mother to scrounge out a living while he circled the globe. Regardless, I was happy with my life—if I had been off on worldly adventures with Desmond and Melissa, there was no telling if or when I may have met Salem.

  When we left from dinner at Corso Café, I told Desmond that Salem and I were going to go for a brisk walk and would meet him back at the hotel later. He seemed uneasy at first, then with a forced smile he agreed to leave us be. I observed him quietly as he climbed into a cab with Melissa and headed toward the hotel. I sighed deeply with relief and pulled Salem against me in a tight hug.

  “Finally!” I cheered enthusiastically and kissed him gently. It was still odd feeling warmth in his lips, but it was a good thing.

  Salem smiled tenderly and took my hand in his. “He is just trying to make up for lost time, Alex.”

  I shrugged. “That doesn’t mean he has to always be around.”

  “You are right, of course…but you must understand how he feels. I am sure he is full of guilt about what he did.”

  Stopping in our steps as we passed the restaurant, I stared deeply into his violet-tinted blue eyes and arched a brow. “He’s been talking to you, hasn’t he?”

  “Occasionally, when you have fallen asleep, or make use of the restroom,” he admitted. “Desmond feels horrible for what became of his relationship with you and Janet, and he is struggling to get closer to you.”

  “He doesn’t need to do that,” I said, somewhat aggravated. “Besides, he should have thought about all of that years ago.”

  “There is no sense in thinking like that,” Salem said and we resumed walking. “Appreciate the time you are given now, because you never know when you might run out.”

  The streets were lined with dim-lit lamps; occasionally one of them would flicker and die out and give the place an eerie vibe to it. Very few cars came by as we continued on our stroll through town, and nearly all of the buildings appeared vacant. I stared up toward the sky and briefly admired the twinkling stars above and the moon curtained in light gray clouds. Perhaps this wasn’t the most peaceful place to be for our first night alone in two weeks, but it was better than being cramped in a bedroom with two other people.

  “Do you think the tales of Dracula were true?” I asked suddenly as we turned around a corner and headed down another empty, forlorn street.

  Salem glanced at me with an amused grin, and then brushed a strand of ebony hair away from his forehead. “That is an interesting subject to bring up. While I might disagree with the legends of ancient vampires such as ‘Dracula’, I do believe there were indeed monsters like him back then. The undead have been roaming this planet for far longer than either of us can even imagine. Whether he existed or not is a question we may never have an answer to—but I can guarantee that there did exist a vampire that inspired Bram’s tale.”

  With a slight nod, I pondered the idea of vampires. Only a mere month ago I had been one myself, and now here I was, walking the streets of Transylvania with a beating heart and flushed cheeks. It felt like it all had been a dream, yet I knew it had all happened. I was admittedly grateful that my world had turned upside down in the midst of what had seemed to be an ordinary September day, when the hidden secrets of the world had been revealed to me. Yet at the same time, I had lost so much thanks to it. But, deep down, I selfishly knew that I was thankful for what I gained, regardless of what had been lost. Salem was worth everything to me—and I felt sick to my stomach to think that he was worth sacrificing the lives of people I loved in order to keep him in my life.

  I stopped abruptly and forced my hand across my mouth as I felt a rush of bile flow up my esophagus. Salem took me aside, alarmed at my sudden action, but I pulled away in order to protect him from the gush of regurgitated food that pooled out from my mouth. I glanced at the stinking puddle of filth before leaning on Salem with wobbly knees as he helped me sit against the side of the nearest shop. My eyes shut tightly as I fought off the urge to vomit again, and his soothing hand wiped the sweat from my brow.

  “Are you all right?” he asked in a sincerely concerned voice as he carefully sat beside me. />
  My head nodded slowly, if it even moved at all. The world around me felt as if it was constantly spinning, as though I were on a merry-go-round at full speed with little strength left to hold onto my ride. I was positive that I was going to fall over, despite the fact that I was sitting down.

  “I-I don’t know,” I managed to mumble. I held my head between my legs and groaned. “Something I had at dinner must have not agreed with me.”

  “Most likely,” Salem replied thoughtfully as he rubbed my back. “Shall we return to the hotel?”

  With a frown, I mumbled an agreement. I didn’t want our time away to stop so short, but neither did I want to spend the entire time sitting on the ground throwing up my dinner. We walked slowly and steadily to the hotel. I leaned on Salem the entire time, wondering if I might hurl again—but fortunately there were no more spontaneous upchucks to interrupt our evening. When we reached the hotel room door, he embraced me and kissed me on the cheek—both of us knowing it would be our final private moment of the evening.

  The hotel door squeaked quietly on its hinges as Salem pushed it open and helped me inside. Desmond and Melissa were curled up on one of the queen sized beds watching something on the tiny TV across the room. I could barely hear the chatter of a newscaster when we stumbled by and Salem lifted me gently onto our bed.

  “How was your walk?” Desmond asked after muting the television set.

  “It was…okay,” I said with obvious disappointment. “We didn’t get very far.”

  My foster father sat up and glanced at me, obviously aware that something was wrong. “Are you feeling okay?”

  I shrugged and leaned back against the thick fluffy pillows. “I think something I ate a dinner didn’t like me.”


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