Tagged & Ashed (The Sterling Shore Series #2)

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Tagged & Ashed (The Sterling Shore Series #2) Page 3

by Owens, C. M.

  “Well, just let me take Ash, and you can drive them back.”

  “She’s bleeding. We both know how you are around blood,” I quickly interject, and he grimaces while damn near leaping backwards.

  “Right. I’ll just go get Bity then,” Wren says with a gagging reaction.

  “No,” she murmurs in quick objection, and my smile quirks up. “Billy is… he’s not too good with blood either. Just get me to the sidewalk. I can make it from there,” she murmurs while pointing with her eyes.

  I frown. That’s not why I thought she was objecting. I thought it was because she was enjoying me being with her. Her body feels so good in my arms. I know we almost kissed.

  Why doesn’t she want me or Bity around?

  “Well, no offense, but if you’re bleeding, I’d rather you were carried. I don’t want blood in the house because I’ll faint, and that wouldn’t be very masculine,” Wren says to her while chuckling. "Just make sure to wrap it up,” he says while turning to me.

  My eyes trail down her perfectly smooth, glistening legs to the side of her ankle that holds the small slither of blood. She huffs in distaste, and I restrain a telling smile as my devious wheels begin turning with rapid excitement.

  “I have no problem wrapping it up,” I say with my enigmatic grin that seems to make her blush.

  Apparently she just had a scandalous thought. Finally!

  “Give the boys the address, if you will. I’ll take care of Ash,” I say to Wren, and he nods while quickly turning away before he catches a glimpse of red.

  “Squeamish much?” she huffs under her breath.

  I snicker a little too loudly, surprised by my accidental outburst. I wasn’t expecting her to be funny. I quickly try to recover, and she lets a genuine smile creep across her face.

  “Wren hasn’t ever been able to handle blood. One sight of it, and he’s out like a light.”

  “I can really walk just fine. My blood is going to be dripping.”

  “That’s why he told me to wrap it up.”

  She blushes fiercely, further proving her earlier thoughts were scandalous when he said that. She thinks like me. Oh, I’d love to take a peek inside her pretty little dirty mind right now.

  “Ah. Well, how are you going to wrap it up while you’re carrying me?”

  she asks when we reach the backdoor.

  I set her down on the bench, and then I slip through the door and rush to a nearby bathroom. After grabbing the first hand-towel I can find, I nearly sprint back outside to see another guy has already squatted before her and started examining the wound.

  Damn it. Does she have some pheromone secreting from her that calls men from miles away?

  I almost growl under my breath when I see it’s Keith, Melanie's sister’s son.

  “Hey, Tag,” he chirps while rubbing his hand up her leg, just above her calf. “I thought I’d check for a sprain.”

  Right. I’m sure that’s what you’re doing.

  “I’ve got it, Keith. Just do me a favor and go tell Melanie we’ll be a while,” I mutter, deliberately sounding misleading.

  Ash laughs lightly while shaking her head, and then she pats Keith on the shoulder.

  “It was nice meeting you, Keith.”

  Good. She’s dismissing him.

  “I should probably help you out. I’m a trainer, after all. I deal with stuff like this all the time,” he says while flashing her a flirty grin.

  “I think Tag has it under control. It’s just a scratch. Will you tell Billy where I am?” she says sweetly.

  Shit. Bity.

  “Yeah. Sure. Let me know if you need anything,” he drawls while standing, and I make sure to step in between them quickly to tie the towel around her foot.

  “You can spray the sidewalk off if you want to be helpful, Keith,” I degradingly release. “You know Wren can’t handle blood, and she’s left a few small drops here.”

  He narrows his eyes at me, and then he offers her a conniving, sweet smile as I scoop her up.

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  Before she can thank him, I whisk her away and head inside toward the stairs.

  “There are a lot of really nice people in Billy’s family. I can’t believe I haven’t met any of them before,” she says while resting her head against me.

  She smells too good for me to think straight.

  “I’m surprised I’ve never met you before. I come to every Christmas, birthday… well, everything. How have the two of you been friends for so long and yet I’ve never even heard of you?"

  Amusement darkens her eyes.

  “Well, I’m not sure how you haven’t heard of me, but I’ve heard of you.”

  Damn you, Bity.

  “Care to elaborate?” I ask while arching an eyebrow.

  “Not really. Just carry me onward,” she says with a exaggerated breath and a secretive laugh.

  “Tell me.”

  She giggles more as I start heading up the steps, and my eyes narrow.

  “Fine. He just isn’t your biggest fan,” she says while snickering more, possibly making fun of me.


  Bity has probably told her every indiscretion of mine, but I’m sure all of his skeletons are still buried behind a locked vault.

  “Really?” I mumble through gritted teeth.

  “Well, you did show up with two dates, so I think he’s pretty spot-on with his characterization.”

  Why did I bring two damn dates?

  “I think I might have made the wrong impression,” I mutter, slowly trying to dig myself out of the hole I’m in.

  She tosses her head back and laughs harder, and despite my anger toward Bity, her beautiful, carefree smile makes mine etch up involuntarily. She’s unbelievably beautiful like this.

  “How so?” she snickers as I top the stairs and head down the hallway.

  “I’m assuming you’re staying in the princess room, considering Melanie has always put her favorite girls in there.”

  She smiles and nods.

  “You're very right. I always stay in the princess room.”

  I see the cracked door, and then I turn around to nudge it open with my back.

  “I didn’t mean to make you think I’m some sort of playboy. I actually don’t get around quite as much as you think,” I lie.

  Why am I lying? She already knows the truth - and then some.

  She laughs even harder as I gently place her on the bed and head to the bathroom. I’m so glad my desperate attempt to redeem my name has amused her.

  Fucking cock-blocking Bity.



  It’s almost cute how eager he is to prove he’s not a complete jerk. Unfortunately for him, I know the truth. Billy hasn’t held back on the details of the promiscuity Tag throws around.

  I wish he wasn’t so damn gorgeous. Why are all the hot guys completely full of themselves and total whores?

  He walks over, and I swear his cheeks are flushed.

  “Blushing?” I tease.

  His head bobs with a bit of a laugh as he kneels down in front of me and unravels the towel from my ankle. I wish he didn’t have hair that desired to be touched.

  My hand reflexively moves down and brushes a stray twig into place. He looks up, and his grin spreads.

  “Can’t keep your hands off me?” he jokes.

  My cheeks burn with their blushing color, and then I shake my head.

  “You’re smooth; I’ll give you that. Too bad I’m already taken and your charm holds no power over me,” I mock a little too flirtatiously.

  He’s that cocky sort of hot that gets under my skin. He’s so guarded yet sincere. Even though it’s all a big show, it seems like there’s something so genuine in his tone. I have to stop flirting.

  “Well, I’m not trying to be smooth right now. This cut is a little deeper than I was expecting. I need to clean it up a little better than I originally planned, so this might burn a little,” he murmurs gently while pre
ssing the dampened swab over my affected area.

  I grimace as the fire tingles against the cut, and then his warm yet cool breath finds it as he blows against it. I bite back a smile as he studies my cut very carefully.

  It’s actually a little endearing to know Mr. Playboy can be this sweet to a girl he hasn’t fucked. Of course, I’m sure if he screwed me, this wouldn’t be happening.

  All part of the game, Ashiara.

  “Have you done this before?” I ask with a shaky breath as his hand slides down my leg to turn my ankle toward him better.

  I groan inwardly at how good his touch feels. I was already falling apart when he was holding me. Now I’m barely fighting off a shiver.

  “I’m a guy. Guys tend to get fucked up pretty regularly. You have to know your way around gauze, bandages, and rubbing alcohol.”

  I laugh lightly, amused by his authenticity. He’s not trying to impress me right now, but he is.

  The door bursts open, ruining the flirty air in the room, as Billy rushes in.

  “What the hell happened?” he gushes out.

  Tag doesn’t even acknowledge Billy. His eyes continue their examination as his gentle touch continues to work over me.

  I look at Billy, wondering what he’s going to say now that he sees Tag’s hands on me. That was my only rule - not to get Tagged.

  “Two drunk girls, a broken heel, and a gravel mosh pit. You can figure out the rest,” I grumble.

  His eyes narrow down at Tag, and then he comes to stand closer.

  “I’ll take care of Ash’s cut. You can get back to the party.”

  Tag smirks, but he doesn’t pull away.

  “That sounds good, actually,” he says mildly. “Since my dates had to be bounced from the weekend festivities, I’ll need someone to do the couple activities with. I should probably go talk to Rene, since she’s one of the few single girls here that I know.”

  Oh crap. He’s figured it out.

  I look toward Billy, wondering how he’s going to play this out. He’s not giving anything away immediately. He looks torn about what to say or do.



  I love fucking with Bity. I might be a little slow to catch on, but it’s so obvious now why she’s pretending to be his girl. I knew she was too phenomenal for this weasel.

  “Actually… I… um… maybe you should finish up with Ash. I need… to… um… I told Rene I would show her the beach this afternoon,” he stammers out foolishly.

  I don’t know how in the hell he can obsess over Rene Ballinger when Ash is sitting right here - her short dress showing everything respectably, her perfect legs taunting the wandering eye, and her fruity scent deliciously coating the room.

  “Oh?” I add, a hint of mockery in my tone.


  “Yeah, um, Ash... you okay?”

  My gaze travels up until I'm deliberately staring her in the eyes. Her face is expressionless, giving nothing away before returning her gaze to him.

  “I’m fine. Go show her the beach.”

  He tightens his lips, and then darts out before I have the chance to make Rene putty.

  “You’re not jealous?” I ask teasingly once the door shuts.

  She rolls her eyes while leaning back to prop up on her elbows, keeping her legs pressed together enough to hide what I might be trying to see, and then she bites back that incredible smile.

  “Real cute. You’re an ass. When did you figure it out?”

  I want to laugh and pout at the same time. It’d be much more fun if she were too oblivious to realize I'd caught on.

  “When he came rushing in here, pissed but not furious. He hates me enough to take a swing at me if I was really touching his girl.”

  She grins, and then I slip on the Band-Aid before standing up.

  “Well, you should be a doctor. I feel all better,” she says with a playful tone while staring down at her ankle.

  “I can make you feel a little better than you already do,” I daringly release, making her body visibly shiver as she slowly turns to meet my eyes.

  Definitely getting to her. Thank fuck.

  “Um, you should probably let me change. The gravel sort of messed up my dress. I’ll see you around.”

  She tries to sound dismissive, but she’s too strained in her tone to sell it. I lean over, my body hovering over hers, as her lips tremble.

  “Or, I could undress you and you could change later.”

  I don’t give her a chance to respond. Before I realize what’s going on, I’ve pushed her onto her back and fallen between her parted legs before sliding her farther up on the bed.

  My lips press against hers, and her devilish little tongue sweeps in, surprising me. I'm suddenly so hard that it's painful. I really hope she ends this torture for me.

  She moans into my mouth as her fingers tangle in my hair, a desire-ridden tug following her soft caress.

  She's mine now.



  What the hell am I doing?

  Have I lost my damn mind all of the sudden?

  He’s lying between my legs, and I’m wrapping them around him like some hormonal fool unable to control myself. He’s nothing but bad for me, and yet I’m spiraled around him, grinding against his incredible erection meant for me.

  “Ash,” he whispers as he slides my dress up. “I want you so damn bad.”

  My blood boils through my veins as everything within me ignites in unison. I want him, but this isn’t right. I don’t do this shit. But what could it hurt to have a little fun? With a stranger I barely know? At my best friend's mother's house?

  Nope. Not happening.

  I moan slightly as his lips crush mine, pinning me at his mercy as he slides my dress up around my hips. Both the devil and the angel in my mind cease to sway my thoughts, as surrealism sinks in its claws, and I become a victim of my own primal needs.

  The tips of his fingers finds their way under the waistband of my panties, and then I gasp as they strum over my sex, finding the moisture that has gathered - thanks to his touch.

  “Fuck,” he breathes, letting his delectable breath travel across my face as my hands tangle in his hair, and then he lets his finger slip in.

  He pulls back and then jerks his pants down, before reaching up to start tugging at my underwear.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “Stop,” I squeal as I jerk my dress down and my panties up.

  “What? What’s wrong?” he breathlessly releases while staying half dressed.

  I roll my eyes before slipping free from his clutches as I try to compose my panted, exhausted breaths.

  “I can’t do this. Hell, I don’t even know you. The only thing I know about you is my best friend hates you.”

  He scrubs his face in frustration, acting as though he feels tortured - which is comforting since I feel pretty damn tortured. I’m so glad his shirt is still on.

  He sniggers as he walks toward me in his shirt and boxers.

  “I’m not worried about Bity’s disapproval. I want you, and I happen to know for a fact you want me. Let’s just end the suspense."

  Did my knees just wobble? It had to be my imagination.

  “No. We-”

  “Hey, Tag. Where you at?” Wren’s voice chirps from down the hallway.

  “Shit,” Tag groans while jerking his pants back on and tucking his shirt in as quickly as he can.

  “Tag, come on, man. We’ve got pictures to do,” Wren bellows while opening doors left and right, all of them slamming as he restlessly continues his search.

  Tag ducks behind the door just as it swings open, and Wren looks me over as he fills the doorway. Right now, I’m praying my hair isn’t an absolute mess to display... whatever that was.

  “Hey, Wren,” I murmur awkwardly.

  “Hey, have you seen Tag? Mom wants us to pose for some pictures before the sun completely sets.”

  “Um, I haven’t seen him since he bandaged me up, but I’ll t
ell him if I do.”

  Tag grins lightly while relaxing out of Wren’s view.

  “Do… have you… um, my brother is outside with Rene. Do you want me to send him up after the pictures?”

  I stifle my grin, while Tag suppresses a laugh.

  “No. I’m about to come down. I just need to change, since this dress is a little messed up from the gravel. I was just about to do that when you walked in.”

  His body stiffens as anxiety crosses over his face. I can see the worry in his eyes for what he thinks he almost saw, but he has no clue what he almost saw. I was damn close to caving and throwing myself at Tag.

  “Yeah, I’ll… see ya.”

  He rushes away, and the door clicks behind him as Tag walks back toward me with his predatory stalk.

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever heard Wren so rattled. Apparently I’m not the only one getting Ashed around here.”

  Ashed? I don't think so.

  “Oh hell no. Don’t turn my name into a verb like yours,” I huff while crossing my arms over my chest.

  He smirks as he continues to strut toward me, and then he grips my waist in his hands as he pulls me against his lingering, damn near irresistible erection.

  “Too late. You’re Tagged and I’m Ashed. Now, how do I make you comfortable enough to give up this game of cat and mouse?”

  Keep looking at me like that, and it won’t take long to find out.

  “Not happening. Believe it or not, I have a firm policy about knowing someone before I screw them. I don’t even know your last name.”

  “That’s because you never asked. I’m a little pissed Bity has refused to mention even that much.”

  It’s Masters. I know it, but I don’t want him to know I know.

  “Masters. Now, what else do you need to know before I can make you give in?”

  I fight back a giggle, and then I twirl free from his clutches as I head over to the closet where my stuff has already been neatly unpacked for me.

  “You forget; I just helped you carry your dates out. You’re hot, but not hot enough to overcome that.” Surprisingly, I manage to sound convincing. Very slowly, I start unzipping my dress. “You can go now.”


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