Forgotten By You (Redeeming Love #2)

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Forgotten By You (Redeeming Love #2) Page 15

by Carlie Sexton

  The doctor I’d spoken with at the hospital about the drugs Mitch was taking had found out Eric had filled the prescription for Mitch, so the ADA had filed charges against him for drug tampering. A trial hadn’t been set, but I was doing everything in my power to help build the case against Eric. I’d done several interviews with the ADA, detailing at great length the relationship I had with Eric years ago. I hated reliving those bad memories and knew I was going to have to testify about them at his trial, but I was the motive for Eric’s crime and I’d do anything to make him pay for attempting to hurt Mitch.

  It’d be interesting to see if Lillian had anything to do with it. I would assume she’d been the one who filled the prescription. I must be losing my mind, because I knew there was no way Lillian would do anything to harm Mitch. She’d been a fierce lioness since the moment I met her.

  Time had been a whirlwind and I couldn’t seem to get my energy back, but I’d returned to work. Staring out the window of my office, I daydreamed about marrying Mitch on February 22nd, a date that had slipped away from me weeks ago, like sand through my fingers. A knock at the door brought me out of my reverie.

  I looked up and saw my boss, Trace, standing in my open doorway.

  “I know it’s been crazy here the last couple of weeks, but I wanted to check in with you, see how you’re doing.”

  “I’m hanging in there,” I said, nodding.

  “Maybe you need to try a little harder to convince me. I’m concerned about you. We all are.”

  “Thanks, Trace. I have to admit, this is the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. The not knowing when Mitch is going to wake up is killing me.”

  “I can’t imagine. I’d be lost if anything happened to Angelina. She’s my rock.”

  I looked down, thinking about how Mitch was my rock, and I missed him desperately. “I know what you mean.”

  Trace came in and shut the door behind him, making his way to my desk. He sat in the chair in front of me. “You don’t have to put on a brave front for me or Angelina. We’re both here for you. If there’s anything you need, just say the word.”

  “Thank you. That means so much. I’ve been staying with my parents, and they’ve been a huge support. Plus, my two closest friends have been by my side.”

  Trace smiled. He was such a handsome man, but more than that, he had a big heart. Angelina was as lucky as I was in the man department. I hoped she knew what an amazing man she was engaged to. “So, how are your wedding plans coming along?”

  “Well, I say yes to everything my bride wants and so we haven’t had a single problem so far.”

  I laughed out loud. “Smart man.”

  “Yeah, I learned when it comes to weddings, it’s all about the bride. My two sisters taught me that.”

  “They’re both married?”

  “Yeah, and their husbands nodded a lot and gave them their way. So, I’m following their lead. Anyway, I’ve got a meeting. I’m glad you’re doing okay,” he said, getting up to take his leave.

  “Me too.”

  Working helped to keep me occupied, but my mind still wandered and I had to put all my effort into concentrating. I hadn’t been feeling like myself lately and had been sleeping more than usual. My mom thought it was all the stress, but if I didn’t get back to normal soon, I was going to visit my doctor.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Charlie’s mouth grazed my neck as her hand made its way toward my cock. Wrapping her fingers around me, she began stroking and every nerve ending was lit on fire. I couldn’t wait to be inside of her, feeling her grip my cock and her legs wrap around me.

  Who is that and why did they have to come here now? I wondered as I heard someone approaching. Things were just getting good…in my mind.

  “Hi, Mitch,” Heather said.

  I thought I was done with her and she’d decided to bow out gracefully. I was so frustrated I couldn’t say this to her out loud.

  “I wanted to come by and talk to you.”

  Obviously. Just say what you have to say and go. Please. Shit. I sounded like a cranky asshole in my own mind.

  “First, I’m so sorry for manipulating you like I did. I just got caught up in the moment of having you back. I didn’t think about the consequences and I know I only brought more pain and confusion.”

  Heather picked up my hand and held it tight. “I guess this is the only way I can hold your hand now. You have to be unconscious. I really made a bigger mess of things. If only I’d listened to you when we were in high school. Trusted you. Things would be different. Now I have to get over you all over again.”

  Her heartfelt words made me feel sorry for her. She’d been manipulated by my mother back then and again now. My mom was a master at it.

  “I remember the first time you asked me out. In the hall, by our lockers. When you spoke to me, everything in the world stopped and all I could see or hear was you. I was so excited. I think I walked on air the rest of the day. You made me feel special and cherished during our entire relationship, Mitch. I’ll always love you for that,” she said, her voice cracking.

  Please don’t cry. I hate it when girls cry. I wanted to reach out and comfort Heather even though I was angry with her. If my mother hadn’t have interfered in our lives, we could’ve had a shot at making things work. But I had moved on and Charlie was the woman I loved. Nothing was going to change that. Nothing.

  “Well, I should go. You won’t be seeing me again. I’ve decided to move to Texas. I have an aunt who lives there and all my cousins. Being with you again made me realize just how lonely I’ve become here. I wanna be with family and leave the past in the past. I’ll always love you, Mitch.”

  With that, she kissed me on the lips and left.

  I was proud of Heather for having the courage to face me and say goodbye. She’d grown up and decided to be a stand-up person instead of a manipulator like my mother.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  Waiting for Eric to go on trial had been tedious to say the least. It was finally scheduled, but not for a few months. I was fortunate I hadn’t run into him, but I had hid away in my parents’ home, so it was unlikely I’d run into anyone. Fear was still controlling my life and sleep eluded me. But today I was going to the doctor to get some anxiety medication. I felt ready to jump out of my skin all the time and I knew I needed some help. Maybe I’d be able to sleep again with the meds.

  The nurse called my name and I was escorted into the back. She took all my vitals and weighed me before showing me to the exam room.

  “The doctor will be right with you.”

  “Thank you,” I said, grateful that relief would soon be on the way.

  A knock came at the door, followed by it being opened. “Miss Andrews, I’m Dr. Flores,” he said, extending his hand to mine. He had a kind face and seeing him relaxed me somehow.

  “Good to meet you, Dr. Flores,” I said as I shook his hand.

  “So, I see you’ve come in for anxiety. What specifically seems to be the problem?”

  I went on to explain to the doctor my symptoms of being tired, loss of sleep, and general fear due to the break in. He was very sympathetic.

  “Before I give you a prescription, when was your last menstrual cycle?”

  Sitting there for a long moment, I couldn’t remember my last period. Strange. It was nearly April, and I hadn’t thought about my period at all. The stress had been too much with Mitch being hurt and laid up in the hospital. I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten about having a period.

  “Well, I’m not regular, but honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been under so much stress—I just don’t know,” I said, squinting my eyes.

  “Well, a simple urine test will tell us if you’re pregnant.”

  “Pregnant? I doubt I’m pregnant.”

  “Are you not sexually active?”

  “I am. I just always use protection.” The words escaped my mouth, but the thought of Garrett and I captured m
y brain. Shit. We didn’t use protection.

  Before I could say anything else, the same nurse was showing me to the bathroom and pointing to the cups on the counter for me to pee into. After closing the door and locking it, I stood there, staring at the cups. This couldn’t be happening. It. Just. Couldn’t.

  A few moments later, I was handing the cup to the nurse. “How long will it take for the results?”

  “Oh, just a few minutes. I’ll let you know as soon as I know,” she said, returning me to the exam room. “Dr. Flores will be with you shortly.”

  As I sat in the chair, my mind was spinning, replaying that night with Garrett. I knew I hadn’t slipped a condom on him before I wrapped my body around his. All I could do was hope I was late because of all the stress I’d been under. Please, God. Let it be that. But the fact I couldn’t remember my last period had my heart racing. How had this escaped me? Months had gone by.

  Dr. Flores returned. “Miss Andrews, I can’t prescribe anxiety medication for you today because your test came back positive. You’re pregnant.”


  Before stepping out into the lobby, I texted Kate that I needed to see her right away. She texted back to come over anytime.

  My dad was waiting for me, reading his Kindle. He looked up as I approached.

  “Everything okay, sweetheart?”

  “Yes. Everything’s fine. The doctor gave me some instructions on relaxing. He wants to wait to prescribe any meds.”

  “Really?” my dad asked. “Usually they are more than happy to give out drugs.”

  “Well, I think Dr. Flores has a more holistic approach. Anyway, Kate texted me, inviting me over for a visit.”

  “Well, let’s go then. I’ll drop you off and I can pick you up when you’re ready.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  I barely said two words to my dad on the drive to Kate’s. He was singing along with the radio and didn’t seem to notice. He waited in the car while I knocked on her door. When she opened it, he waved at her, but didn’t drive off until I was safely inside. He’d always been and always would be protective.

  I didn’t waste any time delivering the jaw-dropping news to Kate. Especially the part where Garrett was most likely the father.

  “Oh Charlie,” she said, grabbing me and hugging me. “Maybe you’re wrong. Maybe the baby is Mitch’s.”

  I could always count on Kate to be positive. I knew she wanted the best for me and would do whatever it took to help me.

  “Maybe. But somehow I doubt it. I don’t remember using protection with Garrett. Mitch and I had been together the morning of his accident, but we used a condom. We always do because I’m allergic to birth control pills.”

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. But it’s still possible for the baby to be Mitch’s.”

  “I was with Garrett about three days after being with Mitch. So, I guess it’s possible, but with how my life has been going, highly unlikely.”

  “Well, condoms aren’t a hundred percent,” she said, her face riddled with sorrow for me.

  “You’re right,” I whispered. Even talking had become too much for me.

  Kate put her arm around me and began guiding me to the sectional in the living room. “You sit and I’m gonna make us some tea. Are you hungry?”

  “No. But the tea would be good.”

  “I’ll be back in a minute. You just try to relax.”

  Kate went into the kitchen and I closed my eyes.

  My mind drifted and soon I was seeing myself pregnant with a dark-haired man holding me, telling me how much he loved me and our baby. Pulling back to see his face, it was Garrett, looking at me adoringly.

  My eyes shot open suddenly, a gasp escaping from my mouth. It was just a dream.

  Kate returned with our tea and I literally cried on her shoulder as she tried to reassure me everything was going to be okay.

  “I can’t believe all of this is happening, Kate. It’s just too much. Mitch is never gonna forgive me and I can’t blame him.”

  “I know you’re overwhelmed. Somehow, everything’s gonna be okay, I promise. I really believe Mitch will understand in time.”

  “Would you? If Neil slept with your sister, if you had one? Could you forgive him if she were pregnant with his child?”

  Kate opened her mouth, but then closed it. She breathed in deeply, prolonging her answer. “I honestly don’t know. I’d like to believe I’d forgive him, but I’m not a hundred percent sure. What about you? Could you forgive Mitch?”

  “I wanna say yes, of course. But I really don’t know either.”

  In the midst of our conversation, Neil came home. He kissed Kate on the top of her head.

  “Hi, baby. Hi, Charlie. Sorry to interrupt.”

  “You’re not interrupting,” I said.

  “Sounds like you two are having an important conversation. Has something happened to Mitch?”

  “No,” Kate said. “Mitch is the same.”

  Neil nodded.

  “I didn’t cook anything for dinner, so maybe we could get takeout.”

  “Sure, what do you feel like having?”

  Kate looked at Charlie. “I think we need some Italian comfort food.”

  “I’ll order three or four dishes and we can all share?”

  Kate and I nodded. I was too overwhelmed to choose something for dinner, so Neil’s suggestion was perfect. He had a way of sizing things up and knowing just what to do. Something he and Mitch had in common.

  Neil was back with bags of food in no time. He had enough for a party, even though it was just the three of us. We gathered around the kitchen island and Kate began helping Neil unpack the bags.

  “Did you order enough food?” Kate asked, laughing.

  “Well, I got five different dishes, plus salad, and dessert. I think dessert is in order tonight. I’ll pour some wine for us.”

  “None for me, thanks,” I said, wishing I could have some.

  Neil raised his eyebrows. “You can stay in the guest room, so you don’t have to worry about getting home.”

  “That’s not the reason,” Kate murmured.

  “Let’s dish up the food and talk while eating.” Neil and Kate agreed with that plan. Once we sat at the table, I began telling Neil what was going on.

  He didn’t say much at first—astonished, I assumed.

  “Wow, Charlie. I’m sure you’re beside yourself.”

  “Yeah, that’s an understatement. So, counselor, what’s your advice?”

  “I don’t have any. I wish I could tell you something to do to make everything okay again, but the truth is you’re gonna have to wait until Mitch comes out of his coma and see his reaction. I can’t predict how he’s gonna feel about this news.”

  “I know,” I said glumly. I put my hand to my forehead. “This is a giant CF.”

  “I’ve known Mitch for a long time and, as you know, he has a huge heart,” Kate said. “When we spoke about you and Heather, he figured Heather had cheated on him and that was why they broke up. But as I said to him and have said to you, you’re each other’s soul mate. Will he look past the accidental sex? Probably, but it may take time. I think the same applies to the baby, Charlie. I think he loves you too much and wouldn’t be able to turn his back on you or the baby. It may take time to get your relationship back on track, but I feel it should work out in the end. It may take patience.” Kate reached her hand across the table to squeeze mine. There was my best friend, doing all she could to make me feel better. I could always count on her.

  “Did the doctor determine your date of conception? I think they’re pretty accurate,” Neil asked.

  “I didn’t think to ask when I was in his office, but I Googled pregnancy conception dates on my phone when my dad was driving me over. The conception date is an estimate based on the first day of my last period. I seriously have no clue when I had my last period, let alone the date it started. I just…can’t remember. Too much has happened in our lives.”

you think the baby belongs to Garrett? Why?”

  “Because we didn’t use protection and I used protection with Mitch. But, Kate pointed out condoms aren’t one hundred percent, so maybe the baby is Mitch’s. God, let it be Mitch’s.”

  Neil had such compassion in his eyes. “Charlie, we’re here for you and we’ll do anything to help you and Mitch through this when he comes out of his coma. Try your best to relax.”

  I knew Neil was giving me good advice and I had to calm down. Feeling stressed over this wasn’t good for the baby or me.

  Chapter Forty


  It was hard to tell when I was sleeping and when I was awake unless someone was in the room with me. Of course, the nightmares of Garrett and I fighting told me I was sleeping and I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact we had come to blows. Things got out of hand so quickly and at one point, I thought I was going to kill him or he was going to kill me. Some days I wished he had. Living in this state of limbo, my new existence, was horrible. I was a shell with an active mind, hearing everything going on around me, but incapable of participating in any way. I knew there was no guarantee I’d ever come out of this, which made me wish for death on a regular basis.

  Someone entered my room and I could sense their presence, smell their cologne, but they didn’t speak. The scent clued me into the fact it was a man. A woman wouldn’t wear a woodsy cologne like that. Who was he and why wasn’t he talking? An uneasy sensation spread over me while I waited for something to happen. I hated being vulnerable like this, unable to defend myself if I had to.

  He came closer to me and hovered over me. What the hell do you want? My heart rate had increased significantly, my instincts telling me something was very wrong. Then he whispered, “After I make her mine, I’m coming back for you.”


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