Forgotten By You (Redeeming Love #2)

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Forgotten By You (Redeeming Love #2) Page 17

by Carlie Sexton

“I hope you’re right, Daddy. I need him back so desperately.”

  “He needs you too, sweetheart. He needs you too.”

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Hearing footsteps coming near, I wondered who was visiting me. Hopefully someone I wanted to see…Kate, Natalie. Nope. The perfume said it all. It was my mother.

  I had purposely instructed the hospital not to notify my parents I was awake. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with my mother just yet, so pretending for a day or so was what I intended to do. Plus they’d kept me busy for hours with tests and probing. The doctors seemed surprised I was able to have coherent thoughts and communicate so clearly so quickly. They attributed it to my age and good physical condition.

  “Mitch, I have something to tell you. I want you to hear it from me and not someone else,” my mother said, her voice quivering.

  What the fuck now? I was so tired of being an emotional punching bag. I waited because there was nothing else I could do even though part of me wanted to shock the crap out of her.

  “I did a terrible thing. I was just looking out for you and Heather, trying to protect your relationship. You have to understand,” she gasped.

  Understand what? She was beginning to freak me out. I wanted her to get on with whatever she had to say, but she was crying, so it could take a while. It was a lot harder pretending to be in a coma than I thought it would be. I wanted to yell at her to get on with it.

  “Remember when we went with Heather to fill your prescription? Well, I didn’t want you to have the medication the doctor prescribed, so I made a deal with the pharmacist, Eric, and he gave you something else. I just wanted you to be with Heather and for Charlie to be out of your life. But Eric got caught and is on trial for drug tampering. He just testified in court that I’m part of this. Of course, I can finagle my way out of it, I always do. But I just had to tell you, Mitch.”

  Now was the time to open my eyes. “Really? You knowingly had that psycho give me something other than what the doctor prescribed because you wanted me to be with Heather? Have you lost your mind, Mother?”

  My mother stared at me with her mouth gaping open. It was the first time I’d ever seen her speechless. What a welcome relief.

  “Mitch, you’re awake. It’s a miracle. I need to get the doctor.”

  “I woke up yesterday. I just didn’t want to deal with you yet. I was already pissed at you for bringing Heather back into my life. But now? Now I just want you out of here. Out of my life. You risked my health and happiness to have your way. What kind of a mother are you? Not one I want to have anymore.”

  “Mitch, please…please just hear me out. I was doing what was best for you.”

  “What was best for me? Are you kidding? You were doing what you wanted for you. It’s always been that way. You’ve controlled me for the last time and I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

  “Mitch, you can’t mean that. I’m your mother.”

  “Stop reminding me. It sickens me to know you. I heard you and Heather talking at the house. You took her to get an abortion. I thought she’d aborted my child. But that’s not the worst of it. It was someone else’s baby and you knew. You betrayed me then, just like now. You wanted me to be with a viper just like you. Dad’s suffered for years being married to you, a woman who never loved him. You’re vile and you make me sick. Get out.” My mother didn’t move. She stared at me dumbfounded. “Did you hear me? I said get out.”

  She got up and slowly made her way to the door. “In time you’ll see I was only doing what was best for you, Mitch.”

  Before I could say anything else, she went through the door.

  My nostrils flared as I exhaled. Best for me? She was out of her mind. Nothing she’d done was with my best interest at heart. I was hurt. I was in pain. Not physically, but emotionally. It felt as though I’d been in some nightmare. The fall, Heather, my mother, the fight with Garrett, the attack, and now the drug tampering. Plus Charlie’s pregnancy. I have no real idea how much time had elapsed, but I just wanted it all to go away.


  Kate and Neil came into focus as I opened my eyes. My friends. Kate had always been a true friend and I’d always trust her.

  She rushed over to me and grabbed onto me. “You’re awake. I’m so happy to see those blue eyes of yours.”

  “I’m happy to see you too. I’m out of my subconscious nightmare, now in the reality of what’s all gone down.”

  “What do you mean? Do you have all your memories back?”

  “Yes, and I heard everything that was said to me. I remember everything.”

  Neil came around to the other side of the bed. “Man, so good to see you on the mend.”

  “Thanks,” I said, shaking Neil’s hand. “I’m not sure how I’m going to mend from all of this. My brain is on overload.”

  Neil nodded. “It’s going to take time. Healing always does. We’ll be here for you every step of the way.”

  A nurse came in to take me to physical therapy, ending our visit. Kate promised to come back tomorrow. She knew I needed to talk with her. Thank God I had her.

  Chapter Forty-Five



  The trial was over and I wished things would get back to normal, but I had a feeling it’d be a long road to normal. Eric had cut a deal with the ADA at lunch that day, giving up Lillian for a lesser sentence. She’d been arrested and was facing her own trial. Eric was sentenced with three years since Mitch had woken up and a doctor testified he didn’t have any issues from the drugs Eric had prescribed.

  Mitch. My man had been through so much. He was still in the hospital and going through rehab to regain his strength. The plan was for him to stay with Kate and Neil when he was released. Kate was doing everything in her power to remain neutral and be both of our friends, which was a difficult task to say the least, and she must have felt like she was walking a tightrope. I was grateful he’d be staying with her because if anyone had a chance to help him forgive me, it was her. She knew a thing or two about forgiveness, having been through her own struggles when David died.

  My dad had taken me to the doctor and I was almost four months pregnant. He’d been doing everything for me that I had hoped Mitch would do when we had our child, but I knew Mitch wasn’t in a place to see me, let alone take care of me. I was fortunate to have my parents. Moving back home with them was a huge help and would be even more so when the baby came.

  Baby. I was going to be a mother soon to an innocent baby. My love for my little nugget was boundless, and I was beginning to understand how much my parents loved me. In some ways, I couldn’t wait. My mom had been taking me shopping on weekends and we were preparing the guest bedroom as a nursery. If only…if only Mitch could be here with me to enjoy this time.

  “Charlie,” I heard someone say. I turned around at my desk and saw Chip standing in the doorway.

  “Hey, Chip.”

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?” he asked.

  “No, just a little daydreaming,” I said, hoping he wouldn’t read into my staring out my office window in the middle of the day.

  “Sometimes those are the best dreams,” he said, coming toward me. “I need to do some updates on your computer. Is now a good time? It’ll only take a couple of minutes.”

  “Sure. I have a couple of things I can do out of my office. The computer is all yours.”

  “Great,” he said, but didn’t smile.

  I walked out of my office, wondering if Chip had ever had a girlfriend. He didn’t seem to have the normal social skills, but he made up for it in his brilliance with computers. He was a critical team member and we’d be lost without him some days. He was a nice guy and I wished I knew someone I could fix him up with.

  Chapter Forty-Six



  Staying with Kate and Neil had been a godsend to say the very least. I didn’t want to live where Charlie and I had been living and there was no way I
was going to live at home. My mom had gotten out on bail, but her trial would be starting sometime in the next six weeks. Dad had moved out and filed for divorce. Finally. Maybe he could carve out some happiness in his life without her. He sure hadn’t found any with her.

  Sitting at the table with Kate and Neil having dinner, I couldn’t help but feel a pang for Charlie. My heart was broken but I missed her desperately. We’d been inseparable for so long—being without her here was strange. That didn’t mean I was getting back together with her or had gotten over the fact that my brother’s baby was currently growing in her belly. The thought of it made me sick.

  Kate and Neil talked about their day while I remained quiet. I had returned to work, but nothing was the same as before my accident. Everything was different and I knew I was different. The doctor had told me head trauma patients could change, and not be themselves anymore.

  “Mitch, how was your day?” Kate asked, bringing me out of my reverie.

  “It was…okay,” I said. The same old, same old.

  Kate sized me up pretty quickly, like she always did. “You’re allowed to miss her, you know.”

  Neil looked at me, then at Kate. “Kate, he probably doesn’t want to talk about it,” he said, coming to my rescue.

  Kate tilted her head and gave me her gracious smile. “You don’t have to talk, but it would be good for you if you did. Bottling it all up isn’t gonna help—it only makes matters worse.”

  I mulled over what Kate was saying. She was right. I knew she’d worked hard to get over losing David and I had to do some work too, to figure things out.

  “You’re right. I do need to talk.”

  Kate’s face gleamed with excitement, probably because she thought she was finally getting through to me.

  “Neil, do you have time to hang out for a while after dinner?”

  “Yeah, man. I’ve got all the time in the world.”

  Kate no longer looked so pleased with herself, but I knew she was glad I’d talk to Neil.

  After clearing the plates from the table, Neil and I headed out to the terrace and gazed out at the ocean for a couple of minutes.

  “I miss her, Neil.” I couldn’t believe how choked up I sounded. But I was choked up and missing my girl even though I was angry with her.

  “Mitch, the only thing stopping you from being with her is you.”

  “I know, but…I haven’t gotten over the betrayal.”

  “Maybe it’s not something you get over. Maybe you have to decide to move past it.”

  I thought about what Neil was actually saying—let it go. But how?

  “You have to ask yourself this: Is the betrayal more powerful than the love you two have shared?”

  I soaked in Neil’s question. He had a good point. “You always give me something to think about.”

  “I try,” he said, nodding slightly. “Do you think Charlie would forgive you if the situation were reversed?”

  “I’d like to think she would,” I said, running my hand through my hair. Now I knew why Neil was so good at being a lawyer. He knew how to cut to the core of the matter.

  “I’m not suggesting forgiving this would be easy. It’s not. It’s damn hard, but is your relationship with her worth it?”

  “Here I thought I was gonna do the talking, but you have stumped me with your questions.”

  Neil laughed. “Sorry, man. I’m here to listen. I just want to help in any way I can. But Mitch, I have to say this. Charlie would never intentionally cheat on you. And, it was only days after you fell that Garrett moved in on her. So, if you had sex right before your accident, it’s possible the baby is yours. But, you need to decide here, man, whether she cheated or was actually manipulated. And does that make a difference in how you see her?”

  “I know you’re right. The baby could be mine and my brother did take advantage of Charlie when she was compromised. I’ve just needed some time to get my head on straight. I’m not completely sure it’s Charlie I feel the most anger toward. She isn’t a girl who would manipulate or cheat on me. Intellectually, I know this. But imagining her with Garrett just rips me apart. I’m sure you can understand.”

  “Of course. You’ve had more come at you in the last few months than most people have in a decade. Take whatever time you need.”

  “Thanks, man. You and Kate have been great. I appreciate you letting me stay here and being here for me. It means a lot.”

  “Absolutely. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”

  “Thanks. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

  After talking with Neil, I went to my room. Knowing Charlie was hurting over what was happening between us didn’t make me feel good. I hated what we were both going through. I hated everything that happened from the moment I fell off her dad’s ladder. If that hadn’t happened, we’d be married right now, enjoying our lives. Instead, we were in a huge mess and I didn’t know where to begin to clean it up.

  If only I hadn’t listened to my mother when she brought Heather back into my life. Of course, I’d asked for Heather, not knowing any better. It was hard for me to distinguish who I was angrier with: my mother, Heather, Charlie, Garrett, or myself. Maybe it was a tie. We were all participants in this whole ugly situation. But the person who got the shortest stick was Charlie. I had to figure out if I could get past what she and Garrett had done. Or rather, what Garrett had done with her. Doing it sooner rather than later would be good. We had a time limit: resolve prior to the baby’s birth.

  I took the anxiety pill the doctor prescribed. At least I could sleep if I had it. Sleep was the only escape, and I was finding I wanted more and more of it. Perhaps I needed a change of scenery. The Dallas office was beginning a special project that was supposed to take a couple of months, and I was more than qualified for the job. It’d be good to sink myself into something new and challenging. It could give me time to get my head on straight. Maybe it was just what I needed.

  Neil’s words were still running through my mind. No matter what I did, I felt life would never be the same.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  She’s so beautiful. Her smile, her eyes, her sweet heart. I hadn’t thought she could be more amazing, but growing the baby inside of her makes her glow. I can’t live without her. I won’t live without her. We’re meant to be together, and we will be soon. I’ll do whatever it takes to make her mine.

  No more sorrow for you, Charlie. No more sadness. What Mitch couldn’t provide, I’ll make up for. I’ll love and care for you forever.

  Everything was planned. All I had to do now was execute it. I could hardly wait to have her all to myself and love her the way she deserved.

  Chapter Forty-Eight



  I was grateful Mitch was staying with Kate and Neil, but it hurt so much not to see him. He’d asked for some time to sort through everything: David’s death, his brother’s betrayal, his mother’s betrayal on so many levels, recovering from his injuries, and me. He needed space from me. All I could do was what he asked. Even though it hurt like hell.

  Sitting to eat breakfast, my belly bumped the table and I felt the baby move. I gently rubbed my belly in a soothing manner and my little nugget settled down. With each bite I took of my cereal, I thought more and more about setting things right in my life. Time was marching on and forgiveness was the only way I could think of to set myself free. My baby deserved a mother who could love completely, not an angry one because of the things that had happened to her. All I wanted was to give my child the very best I could. The best of me. Nothing short of that would do.

  My mind was made up. I was visiting Eric today. For my health, I needed to forgive him. That didn’t mean I’d buy into his manipulations, but doing this would be a gift to myself and my nugget. Placing my bowl in the sink, I had a brief chill come over me considering how hard it might be to face a man that had caused me so much grief. But it had to be done and I wasn’t putting it off another day.

>   My parents had gone out shopping, so I could do this without any objection from them. I knew they wouldn’t want me to face Eric alone, but I was a grown woman about to have a baby. It was time for me to stand on my own two feet.

  It’d be the first time since the break-in that I went anywhere alone. I’d come to the conclusion even though the perpetrator seemed familiar, perhaps the whole thing had been random and I didn’t know the guy at all. At no time had I been or felt followed or watched. Of course, I’d be cautious and pay attention to my surroundings. Writing a note for my parents, I was feeling the weight lifting off my shoulders at making a decision to have some closure. Maybe I’d even work up the courage to talk to Mitch.

  An hour later, I was at the prison talking to a guard about visiting Eric. After I handed over all of my personal belongings, he brought me to a room with tables and chairs.

  “Wait here,” he instructed.

  I nodded, feeling a twinge in my stomach, not knowing what to expect. Bravery had encompassed me in the morning, but now that the moment of truth was upon me, I wanted to get up and run for the hills.

  As I contemplated fleeing, Eric was brought in. Saying he looked surprised to see me was a gross understatement. Seeing him made me realize I was doing the right thing and I’d feel good about this afterward.

  “Charlie, what are you doing here?” he asked sheepishly.

  “I thought we could talk,” I said, summoning courage from the crevices of my soul.

  “Absolutely. Anything you want.”

  “I have a question. Well, probably more than one.”

  “I’ll answer anything you ask. But can I say something first?”

  “I guess,” I said, bracing myself for one of his tactics. Manipulation came as naturally to him as breathing.


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