Heart of Stone

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Heart of Stone Page 29

by Dakota Willink

Only for a minute, Cole.

  Because a minute was all that I could afford to give.


  I held Krystina tight against me, with her head resting under my chin. Using my index finger, I traced the line of her spine and the shape of her shoulder blades. She hummed under my touch, satiated from the throws of passion.

  I brushed my lips over the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her hair. Her intoxicating smell caused desire to surge blistering hot through my veins.

  God damn, but I want her again.

  I closed my eyes and took a few measured breaths, fighting off the urge to take her once more. I couldn’t, at least not just yet. If we were going to venture into a true BDSM relationship, there were certain things that I had to attend to first. In the past, I had always felt it was the responsibility of the submissive to attend to their personal needs after playing. However, Krystina was different. If I ignored certain aspects of my world, it would be a huge mistake that we would both regret.

  “Sit up, angel. I need you to drink a glass of water,” I told her, shifting us both into a sitting position. I reached onto the nightstand to get the vanity cup that I had filled while in the bathroom.

  “Thanks. I’m parched,” she said groggily, but eagerly took the glass to quench her dry mouth.

  “Easy, not too fast. You need to hydrate, not make yourself sick.”

  “I’m thirsty, Alex. Don’t worry. I don’t think water will make me ill,” she laughed, but her words were still sluggish. I didn’t like the coloring of her skin. Through the dim lighting I could see that her cheeks were flushed, but the rest of her was ghostly pale. I closed my eyes briefly. Guilt swelled in my gut.

  I was too hard on her. Dammit!

  I knew better than that. Going too rough on a first-timer could have devastating results.

  “I’m serious, Krystina,” I insisted. I moved to position myself behind her and began to lightly massage her shoulders. “It’s important that you take care of your body after a scene like we just had.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t hold much back with the flogger. At any point tonight, did you find that you lost your focus at all? Almost as if you were in a trance?”

  She turned her head to face me, brows furrowed in question.

  “Actually, I did. Why?”

  “It’s a natural occurrence for a submissive, and part of the reason why I want you to stay overnight with me tonight,” I explained, continuing to knead and press my thumbs into the muscles of her shoulders. “It’s important that you are cared for properly after feeling that way. What you experienced is something called subspace, and it’s not something that should be considered lightly.”

  Her nose pinched up in confusion.

  “Subspace? Isn’t that something from Star Trek?”

  The purity of her question was so unexpected and completely disarming. A low chuckle emerged from me. I was amazed at how easily I was able to laugh with her. To simply be myself.

  “Possibly, I guess. I’m not sure. I’ve never seen Star Trek,” I admitted.

  “You’re kidding! Everyone has been a trekkie at one point in his or her life – it’s like a right of passage. You must have had a very boring childhood,” she scoffed. Her words were beginning to sound a little more energized and the coloring of her skin was retuning to normal.

  Good. She’s coming down.

  “Well, perhaps it’s in a science fiction movie, but I assure you – what I am referring to is anything but fictional. It’s a very real thing.”

  “How do you know so much about this stuff?”

  “Time. Practice. I learned a lot from the clubs. What I didn’t learn from there, I read about. Besides, it’s what I like. Why wouldn’t I make it my business to know a lot about it?”

  She got quiet then, her expression thoughtful as if she were mulling over my words. After a minute, so cast her gaze down and started fiddling with the sheets that were tangled around us.

  “Water, back rubs, sleepovers…do you take care of all your submissive women this way?” she questioned timidly. It was almost as if she were afraid of the answer.

  “No. You are the first,” I openly admitted.

  She slowly looked back up, eyes round and disbelieving.


  Her insecurity hit me square in the chest.

  Angel, don’t you know? You’re not just another random girl in my bed.

  To see such fragility beneath her iron core resolve, threw me off kilter and I struggled to find my balance. I reached up to tenderly push a stray curl away from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

  “Yes, angel. Really. With the exception of my first stint with BDSM, my experience has been limited to one or two night affairs. Until I met you, I’ve never taken the chance with a more long term arrangement.”

  She turned back around and settled herself against my chest once again.

  “Who was your first? I mean,” she paused, giving herself over to a yawn. “You told me that you’ve been into this for years, but I guess what I really want to know is if all of your relationships have been this way.”

  Whether it was her captivating curiosity or the docile way she lay in my arms, I couldn’t stop the words from flowing if I tried.

  “I was eighteen. I was seeing this girl from my neighborhood. We were only together for a couple of months, but she was into it. When I look back, what we did was like playing in the minor leagues, but it sparked more than just a simple curiosity for me. As I got older, I learned that money had a way of talking. I started traveling in different social circles, in particularly circles that included a few millionaires with diverse tastes. Eventually, I was propositioned to join a club. Everything just fell in line after that.”

  “So, it’s that easy? You just go to a club and pick out a random girl?” She posed her question indifferently, but I could hear a small measure of disgust hidden beneath her tone.

  She doesn’t understand.

  I had to rein her in before the conversation went south.

  “It’s not quite as simple as you’re making it sound, Krystina. There is a process involved – it’s not a difficult one, but steps are taken to make sure that all parties are safe and discreet. That’s why I typically favor the club scene. The women there know the rules, they have the experience, and they can keep emotional attachments out of an arrangement.”

  “Hmm…I think I’d like to go to your club one day,” she mused.

  Oh, hell no.

  Knowing Krystina’s inquisitive mind, I should have predicted that she’d want to go to the club once she knew about it. I cursed myself for not considering that possibility. The thought of her being inside Club O made me feel sick, but I couldn’t tell her that without an explanation.

  She didn’t know what went on there, despite the controls that were put in place. She would be vulnerable to any number of controversial behaviors, depending on who was in attendance. As it was, she had already been rattled by what she had found on the internet. Seeing it in person would be an entirely different experience – one that I didn’t think she could handle. And I’d be damned if I would be the one to expose her to the depth of licentiousness that could happen.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s not the sort of place you’d like,” I tried to dismiss.

  “Either way…” she paused, giving herself over to another yawn. “I’d like to go someday to see for myself.”

  I could tell she was fighting off sleep, so I quickly took advantage of her exhaustion to dispel any thoughts she may have about pushing the subject further.

  “You need sleep, angel. We’ve talked enough tonight and you have to rest. Just close your eyes.”

  Unsurprisingly, it didn’t take much convincing. Within minutes, Krystina’s breathing was soft and even. It was all I could do not breathe a sign of relief. I knew that if she had her full wits about her, I wouldn
’t have been let off the hook so easily. My involvement with her was moving at a rapid pace, and I often found myself inadvertently giving away too much information. I had to remember how green Krystina was to my scene, and disclose information at a more measured pace. If I continued to give her too much all at once, I’d risk pushing her away.

  I shifted her weight to the side in order to lay her down beside me. She barely stirred as I slid the covers up over her body. Propping a pillow under my elbow, I rested my head on my hand and stared down at her for a long while. Her lips parted ever so slightly with each breath she took, her alluring face soft and tranquil. She was beautiful when she slept.

  I couldn’t help but to think about how perfect she looked here, in my bed, like she was destined to be there. I was surprised by how easily I had adapted to the idea of having her here on a regular basis. The feelings that she stirred were unfamiliar, but I couldn’t say that they were unwelcomed. Being with Krystina made me realize how empty my life had been. She was unknowingly filling a void that I hadn’t known existed before.

  However, I could not ignore the steadfast pull in my gut, the constant reminder that I shouldn’t get too close. I knew that if I wanted to keep Krystina around, I needed to find a way to balance the past with the present before I got in any deeper.

  Giving into a yawn, and fought against my eyelids that had suddenly become heavy. It was barely ten o’clock, but I felt exhausted.

  I can’t fall asleep…not yet.

  I didn’t think that Krystina was going anywhere anytime soon, but there was no way I would chance her slipping out on me again. I had to keep the sandman away for just a little while longer.

  I got out of bed and went over to the far side of the room to hit the dimmer switch for the bedroom lights. Moonlight shown through the glass wall, casting dark shadows over the walls. I was considering pouring myself a nightcap, when I heard Krystina mumble incoherently.

  “I’m sorry. What did you say?” I asked her, moving back towards her.

  “Alexander,” she murmured.

  “Yes, angel.”

  No answer.

  She must be talking in her sleep.

  I smiled at that, finding the sound of my name on her lips to be endearing, even during sleep. Foregoing the drink, I climbed back into bed and settled in along side of her.

  “I…no, I shouldn’t. I have to go,” she mumbled, words barely audible. Through the glimmer of the moonlight, I saw her brow crease up, like she was tormented over some thought or another.

  “Shh, Krystina. You don’t have to go anywhere,” I whispered to her, but she didn’t respond.

  I pulled her tight against me and stroked the top of her hair.

  You’re staying right here, angel. Where you belong.


  As my body clock dictated, I woke up before sunrise to the feel of Krystina still in my arms. She was pressed up against me, her naked body warm and inviting. Almost too inviting. I slowly rolled onto my back before a certain part of my anatomy decreed that Krystina wake up too.

  Reaching over to the nightstand, I grabbed my smartphone to begin the usual routine of checking emails and looking at the schedule for the day ahead. Before I opened my inbox, I saw that I had a slew of text messages that Matteo had sent the previous night.


  8:30 PM, Matteo Donati: What are you doing? Want to meet up for drinks?

  8:41 PM, Matteo Donati: I text Bryan. He’s in. Meeting at Social Lounge in an hour.

  I scoffed after reading that.

  Of course Bryan was in.

  My accountant was always up for a party – especially if it was at a hot pick up joint.

  10:02 PM, Matteo Donati: Where are you?

  10:15 PM, Matteo Donati: You’re always glued to your phone. I hope you aren’t answering because you’re getting laid. How is the girl by the way?

  I had to stifle a laugh after reading his last text, or I’d risk waking Krystina. Matteo was anything but subtle.


  After thinking about how I should respond, I began typing out a reply to my friend.


  5:37 AM, Me: Just saw your message. The girl is fine. When I get laid is none of your business. Hope you guys had fun. Sorry I missed it.

  I fired off the quick response to Matteo and opened my inbox.

  There was an email from Kimberly Melbourne, giving me a status update on the Turning Stone office remodel. According to her projections, the remodel will be completed as scheduled.


  There was an email from Bryan that said that the groundbreaking ceremony had finally been scheduled for Stone Arena.

  It’s about damn time.

  Obtaining all the required building permits had been a huge hold up. The delay had been costing Stone Enterprise a pretty penny, which had skyrocketed my accountant’s blood pressure. He was not happy about my endeavor with the soccer complex, or the price tag for the naming rights. But despite his reservations, Bryan had practically moved mountains in order to cut through all the red tape. I owed him, and few other key staff members, a thank you at the very least.

  TO: Bryan Davenport

  CC: Stephen Kinsley, Laura Kaufman, Hale Fulton

  FROM: Alexander Stone

  SUBJECT: Re: Stone Arena

  As you know, this venture is personal to me, and I appreciate all of your efforts on the project. Stephen will work out the remaining legalities with the arena board members. However, I’m going to break the mold with this and not hire out the usual planning firm for the groundbreaking. Hale will be heading up security and I want Laura to act as lead coordinator on the event details and PR. Every board member for the arena must be present when we break ground – this is not negotiable. We’ve gotten a lot a push back on this deal, and I’m sure the press will swarm us. I want a united front.

  Keep me apprised on the planning process.

  Alexander Stone

  CEO, Stone Enterprise

  I sent the email and moved on to the next.

  I was surprised to see a message from an old friend from college. I hadn’t spoken to him in a few months, but the title of the email had me arching my eyebrows in curiosity.

  TO: Alexander Stone

  FROM: Burke Dalton

  SUBJECT: Desperate


  I’m in charge of a convention for Boston Lifestyle and Investments. Our keynote speaker canceled on me at the last minute and I’m in a bind. You would be a perfect fill in. It’s a two-day event, this week Thursday and Friday. I know that this is last minute, but I’ll owe you big if you can make it happen. See what you can do. Your help is much appreciated.



  The last thing I wanted to do is go Boston this week, and I wasn’t sure if I could squeeze it in. I quickly forwarded the email to Laura to see if she could make it work. The woman had the ability to make miracles happen, but I didn’t want to confirm anything with Burke until I got with her on it.

  Once that was sent, I went on to read Laura’s daily correspondence, the one that summarized my schedule for the day. I smiled when I saw that I had a fairly light agenda planned. All in all, the day was already shaping up to be a successful one, even if I did have a potential monkey wrench for later in the week.

  I glanced down at Krystina, who was still sound asleep beside me.

  When was the last time I took a morning off?

  Today’s schedule would allow me to go into the office a little later than normal, and the idea of spending the morning with Krystina was appealing. On impulse, I sent Laura a very uncharacteristic message.

  TO: Laura Kaufman

  FROM: Alexander Stone

  SUBJECT: Re: Today’s Schedule


  I’ll be in the office a later than normal today. You can expect me in by 11 a.m. However, I’ll need an immediate response regarding Boston. Let me know as soon as you have it figured out.

Also, I need you to get in touch with Vivian ASAP. She will need to pick up breakfast fixings before she gets here (she’ll know what to buy).

  Alexander Stone

  CEO, Stone Enterprise

  I hit the send button and climbed out of bed. After allowing myself a good stretch, I threw on jogging pants and a t-shirt. The next order of business was a note for Vivian. I retrieved a notepad and a pen from my study and made my way to the kitchen. I jotted a quick note outlining my requests for the day, and placed it on the counter for her to see when she arrived.

  I really wish that woman would stop being so resistant to technology and get a cell phone.

  However, I easily dismissed the passing thought since she was so good at her job. I could rely on Vivian for almost anything, and had made the commitment to concede this one thing for the housekeeper long ago. There would be no changing it now.

  Can’t teach old dogs new tricks.

  I headed back into the bedroom to grab my sneakers and to check on Krystina. She was still sleeping like a baby, with her arms curled around a pillow and her mass of curls fanned out behind her head. The sun was just beginning to lighten the night sky, casting a luminous glow over her skin.

  I moved to lower the darkening screen in the room so that the light from the pending sunrise wouldn’t wake her. Satisfied that she would stay asleep for a while longer, I left her alone so that I could grab a quick workout in my personal gym.


  A rustling sound caused my eyes to flutter open. At first, I was disoriented, my surroundings unfamiliar. It took me a good thirty seconds to realize that I was in the penthouse. In Alexander’s bed. The sunlight that was peeking out from behind the window shade told me that I had been here all night.


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