The Hands of Time

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The Hands of Time Page 6

by Irina Shapiro

  Finn rode for about an hour before taking pity on Dante and turning back toward the castle. The horse would no doubt be tired and hungry, and he could certainly use a bath himself. It was a warm day, and he was sweaty, hot, and terribly thirsty. Finlay threw the reins to Robbie and went into the castle, going down to the kitchen first to get a cool drink and charm Cook into giving him a piece of pie or a slice of ham with some bread to tie him over until supper. He had missed the midday meal and he was hungry after his exertions. Finlay smiled to himself as he finished the pie and headed up the stairs to his room. He wondered what Mistress Crane was doing at that precise moment, and if she had any regrets about allowing him to make love to her. She might be worried about the future, but he would soon put everything to rights.

  Finlay stripped off his clothes, thankful that Robbie had hauled the water for his bath in record time. The copper tub stood in front of the unlit fireplace, the water warm and inviting. He was just about to get into the tub, when the door flew open and Nell stood on the threshold clutching a towel to her chest. She blushed furiously at the sight of his naked body,

  “I ‘ave brought ye a towel, sir.” She curtsied, and Finn nearly burst out laughing at the ludicrous tableau they must have made, him stark naked and her curtseying like a loon. He already had a towel, but he took it from her anyway and asked her to leave, holding the towel in front of him to spare her embarrassment and watching her execute another curtsy.

  Damn the girl, he thought, as he lowered himself into the bath. She was always barging in on him. He had told her repeatedly to knock, but she was too slow-witted to remember. He chuckled to himself at the memory of her face when she saw him. She wasn’t nearly as shocked as she let on. She was staring at him like a woman who likes what she sees, and would not be too quick to push him away should he make a move. Finlay dismissed Nell from his thoughts. She was just a silly child, and his desire for Valerie was muddling his thoughts and making him see things that weren’t there. He closed his eyes and allowed his mind to return to the meadow and Valerie’s willing body.

  Chapter 14

  I pulled the bell to summon Betty and asked for a bath, when she finally appeared. I felt a little guilty, knowing the effort involved in carrying buckets of hot water up to my room, but I hadn’t had a bath in days, settling for just washing parts of myself with a wash rag. I wanted to wash my hair, and the slickness between my thighs left me feeling strangely excited and ashamed at the same time.

  Half an hour later, I was lying in luxuriously warm water, hauled up by poor Robbie, and enjoying the feeling of actually being clean. Bathrooms with running water would have to be at the top of the list of things I missed, putting aside Louisa and my parents. I had forbidden myself to think of them since that made me cry, partly out of pity for myself, and for the anguish they must be feeling not knowing what happened to me. I never realized how much I took for granted living in the twenty-first century. I still hated using the chamber pot under my bed, and my daily shower had to be substituted by occasional washing of various parts.

  I desperately missed the electronics as well. My fingers longed for the feel of a computer keyboard, the keys clicking away as I typed an e-mail or looked up information, and I desperately missed music. What a luxury it was to just put on my iPod and choose a playlist which suited my mood. I hadn’t heard music since I came to the castle, and I longed for the sound of a melody, any melody. I’d never been a huge fan of TV, but now I would kill for a DVD. How wonderful it would be to distract myself by watching a story made entirely for my entertainment. The only thing that I’d found to occupy my mind was books. There were several more plays, two by Shakespeare and one by Christopher Marlowe, and a few volumes on Greek Mythology. I’d love a steamy romance or a murder mystery, but I had to settle for what was available to me.

  I closed my eyes and thought of Finn. I hadn’t seen him since this morning. He brought me back to the castle and seemed about to come in, when he suddenly changed his mind and took off. Was he upset by what happened? Maybe he felt that now he had some kind of an obligation toward me, and wished he never touched me. I wondered if he would come home in time for supper. I hadn’t seen Alec either. Betty had mentioned that a messenger had come from Plymouth, bringing Alec some letters, and I wondered if he and Finn would be off again soon. I didn’t like it when they were gone.

  I finally forced myself to get out of the tub once the water became cold, and began to dress for dinner. My hair had nearly dried, so I brushed it out and pinned it up. Walking around with my hair loose around my shoulders was considered wanton, whereas the men wore their hair loose and thought nothing of it. I slipped my feet into shoes and went to the dining room. Alec was already there having a brandy, and he poured me one as well.

  “What have you done to Finlay? He took off as if the hounds of Hell were after him this afternoon.” Alec was obviously joking, but I saw the surprise on his face when he saw me blush. Oh, God, Finn wouldn’t have to make an announcement after all. I think I just did that all by myself. Alec gallantly looked away for a moment and then cleared his throat and began again.

  “I have had some post this morning. We have been invited to a Midsummer Night Ball, a week from Saturday, by Lord Weston. He is a good friend and a longstanding client. How would you like to go to a ball, my lady?” He bowed to me elaborately and took me by the hand giving me a twirl. “Do you like to dance?”

  “I do. Will there be music?” I asked hopefully.

  “Of course. They will have players for dancing, a masque, and possibly even fireworks. Lord Weston loves to show off his wealth and I, for one, am very happy to allow him to share it with me and mine.” I felt suddenly happy to be referred to as one of “his” and I sank into a deep curtsy, lowering my head and looking up at him through my eyelashes, batting them theatrically. “My Lord, I would be most honored to attend the ball with you, but I’m afraid I am in sore need of a gown.”

  This time it was Alec’s turn to blush. “As it happens, I knew that we would be invited, as we are invited every year, so I took the liberty of purchasing a gown for you when last in Plymouth. I do hope you like it. You can try it on after supper if you wish.” I was speechless with surprise. I tried to imagine Alec going into a shop and looking for a gown for me, choosing a color and style, and possibly asking the seamstress to model it for him. I couldn’t wait to see what he had chosen.

  “What are you two looking so pleased about?” Finn strode into the dining room, looking as if I wasn’t the only one who’d wanted a bath. His hair was still slightly damp, and he’d changed into a clean shirt and pants and a different doublet, this one in dark brown.

  “We are going to the Midsummer Night Ball at Lord Weston’s estate,” I announced, “and Alec has bought me a gown.”

  Finn gaped at his brother for a moment, before turning to smile at me. “If Alec bought you a gown, then it is up to me to provide the jewels. Now all you need is a story.”

  “Not to worry, I have it all worked out,” chimed in Alec. “We will simply tell everyone that she is our cousin from Virginia. She can be one of Uncle Thomas’s daughters. No one has ever met any of them, so no one would raise an eyebrow.”

  “Splendid idea. Or maybe we can introduce her as my fiancée.” A hush fell over the room, as the two brothers faced each other over the table. I got the impression that this wasn’t a joke. Finn was openly laying claim, and Alec suddenly looked as if someone had punched him in the stomach. I felt it was time to intervene.

  “I think being your cousin is a much better idea, that way I can pay an equal amount of attention to both my handsome escorts, and no one would think anything of it. Come to think of it, I think I’ll require some dance instruction. I am not used to dancing.”

  That broke the tension and they instantly offered to teach me the latest dances. “We will ask John to play for us tomorrow, and you can have your dance lesson. He is quite skilled with the lute,” suggested Finn.

  I found th
at both of them were watching me and I felt my cheeks begin to redden again. Something happened in the dining room this evening, and it wasn’t just an invitation to a ball. I suddenly felt that if they’d been dogs, they would be pushing each other out of the way to pee on me to mark their territory. I had to admit to myself that secretly, I was very flattered. How many women had two good-looking men fighting for their affections, but I had to be very careful, because not many women share a house with the men in question and depend on them for their very survival.

  Chapter 15

  I woke up, my heart pounding like a drum, and held my breath, afraid of making a noise. There it was again, the sound of stealthy footsteps that stopped right outside my door. I watched the doorknob, waiting for it to turn, but the footsteps resumed, walking away down the hall. Who could it be? There were only four of us at the castle during the night. Betty slept upstairs on the top floor, Finn and Alec on the floor above me, and anyway, the steps sounded too light to belong to a man. Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs had their own cottage on the grounds, and Robbie preferred to sleep above the stable with the horses.

  I took some deep breaths to relax, and my heart eventually began to return to its normal pace. Just as I began to drift off again, the footsteps returned, only this time, they were heavier, definitely belonging to another person. I watched the doorknob turn as Finn slid into the room wearing only a pair of breeches and a linen shirt. His feet were bare and his hair fell to his shoulders, released from its customary thong.

  “You nearly gave me a heart attack,” I said accusingly. “Why are you creeping around the house at night? Did you come here a few minutes ago?”

  Finn gave me a strange look. “I just came down now. There is no one else here except us, Alec and Betty, and I am sure they are sound asleep. I was the only one lying awake, longing for you.” With that he pulled me close to him and slid his hand under my nightdress. “I meant what I said earlier. I want us to be wed as soon as possible.”

  “Finlay, you barely know me. What’s the urgency?”

  “I know you well enough, my sweet,” he said sliding his hand between my legs and making me gasp, “and I see no reason to wait. I want you, and based on your response to me, I think you want me too. You might already be with child for all we know, so we should make it legal in the eyes of God and man. What better reasons are there to be married?” I thought love was a good reason, but this was a different place and a different time, and Finn would not be the first man to confuse lust with love. I had no doubt that he desired me, but I wasn’t sure that love entered into it. I desired him too, but I wanted his love as well. As for the phantom child, there was no danger of that, so I wasn’t worried about being an unwed mother.

  “Finn, I need a little time. Will you give me that?” Finlay pulled me on top of himself, impaling me and moving my hips with his strong hands, making me moan with pleasure.

  “As you wish, my lady. I am not going anywhere and at the present, neither are you.”

  Chapter 16

  Alec rolled onto his back groaning with frustration. He had been tossing and turning for hours, but sleep would not come. The house had been quiet as a tomb, until he heard the floor in Finn’s room creaking as he got out of bed, and snuck barefoot past his own door toward the stairs. No doubt he was going to see Valerie. He was probably in her bed right now, caressing her, tasting her, and sheathing himself in her willing body. The attraction between them was undeniable, and he knew that he had lost before he had even begun. The ironic thing was that he had not been interested in a woman since the death of Violet. He had known her since she was a girl, and she had always been the one for him. Finn talked him into going to a brothel a month before his wedding, convincing him that he couldn’t go to his bride a virgin. He would embarrass himself and turn her off to the act of love if he didn’t know what he was doing and he went obediently, getting a very thorough education from a buxom blond named Millie.

  He had not looked at another woman since Violet, and finding himself wanting Valerie came as a shock. It wasn’t just her beauty that attracted him, he had plenty of pretty girls paraded in front of him since the death of his wife, it was some other quality he couldn’t quite name. There was a vulnerability about her, coupled with quick wit, curiosity, and natural warmth. Finn had obviously found a way to break through her reserve, drawing her out, and winning her love. He only hoped his brother would not break her heart. He had a habit of getting bored with his toys, throwing them into a corner never to be played with again. Many a hopeful woman ended up on this pile, to be replaced by another within a short time. It seemed different this time though. Finlay must be genuinely in love if he proposed introducing Valerie as his fiancée. Perhaps he truly meant to marry her.

  The thought of marriage and wedding nights brought him back to his own predicament. His cock was hard as a rock, and he needed release if he was to find any peace tonight. Images of Valerie with Finn tormented him, as he took himself in hand and stroked quickly and rhythmically, breathing heavily until his demons were exorcized.

  Chapter 17

  The gown was lovely. Alec must have put some thought into it, because it couldn’t be more perfect for my coloring. It was made of satin, the color changing from a deep blue to violet with every shift of the light, and it almost exactly matched the color of my eyes. The dress consisted of three parts, an embroidered bodice with a square neckline that made my breasts, pushed up by the corset, swell above the fabric; a full skirt, the hem embroidered with the same pattern, and sleeves slashed to reveal more embroidery. It must have cost a fortune, and it was fit for a Queen. It reminded me of the gowns I saw Queen Elizabeth wear in films, and I twirled in front of the looking glass to the admiring looks of Alec and Finlay. There were also kid slippers to go with the gown, supple and dainty. Alec thought of everything. He even bought a hairnet studded with sapphires to dress my hair. I’d never owned anything so glamorous in my modern life. Even my wedding dress, which had been simple and elegant, couldn’t hold a candle to such extravagance.

  “Your beauty is beyond words, but there is one thing missing.” Both Alec and I turned to Finlay. What could he mean? Finn waited a moment, savoring our curiosity, then pulled out a necklace from the pocket of his doublet like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It was a sapphire set in gold and diamonds on a thick gold chain. He came up behind me and fastened the necklace around my neck, his fingers brushing against me intimately. “Now, you are perfect. Are you ready for your dance lesson? ”

  I spent the next two hours learning complicated steps of the modern dances, and I had to admit it was fun. Both Alec and Finn were skilled dancers, and they expertly led me around the floor to the sounds of the lute played by Mr. Dobbs, who was a surprisingly good musician. I nearly tripped on the hem of the gown a few times, but I avoided disaster by catching myself in time, and learning when to raise the gown a few inches during a turn or dip. I had to admit that I was getting excited about the ball, and about the prospect of seeing something of the society in which I found myself. I wondered what Lou would think if she saw me now, dressed in this gorgeous gown and dancing with two dashing men, but I nipped the thought in the bud since it instantly brought tears to my eyes.

  “I believe we have worn you out, Valerie,” Alec said noticing the change in my mood. “Maybe that is enough for today.” I curtsied prettily and thanked him again for the dress.

  “It is my pleasure. It has been a long time since I had an occasion to buy a gift for a lady. I am happy you like it.” With that he gave me a bow and left the room leaving me alone with Finn, who gave me one last twirl and patted my bottom when Mr. Dobbs wasn’t looking. “You are beautiful and you are mine,” he whispered in my ear.

  Betty was busy helping Cook with the baking, so Nell helped me undo the lacings of the gown and hung it up. She caressed the fabric reverently, her eyes shining with wonder. “I ‘ave never seen anything so beautiful, Miss. Mr. Finlay has such fine taste.”

was Mr. Alec who chose the gown,” I told her, carefully taking off the necklace and laying it on the dresser. Nell let go of the gown and turned back to me.

  “Mr. Finlay got the necklace, ‘e did, and it’s ever so beautiful.” She looked at the necklace, but didn’t touch it, and I suddenly wondered if Nell had a little crush on Finn. He’s nearly twice her age, I thought, but then again there weren’t too many men around for her to admire and Finn was certain to appeal to an impressionable young girl. I dismissed the thought, and picked up my everyday gown, slipping on the skirt. I could do with some fresh air. The room felt stuffy, and I felt a sudden urge to get away from Nell.

  Chapter 18

  I tried not to gape as the carriage rattled down the gravel path lined with ancient oaks toward the Weston estate. The drive to the house stretched for at least a mile until the house finally came into view, surrounded by manicured lawns dotted with Greek statues, little fountains and a maze. Lord Weston must be very rich indeed. The house itself was made of beige stone, which glowed golden in the late-afternoon sun, and sat large and solid amid the perfectly laid-out gardens. A liveried footman helped me out of the carriage, then turned to deal with our luggage, surrendering the carriage over to a groom. Most of the guests would be arriving tomorrow, but Alec had some business with Lord Weston, so we were asked to come on Friday instead and enjoy an extra night of Lord Weston’s hospitality.

  The drive from the castle had been pleasant giving me a chance to see something of the countryside, and acquire a sore behind due to the lack of shocks in the carriage. Neither Alec nor Finn seemed similarly afflicted and alighted from the carriage full of energy, escorting me inside and bidding a good evening to our hosts. I was glad to stretch my legs, and hoped I might have a chance to walk around the garden before supper. Alec and Finn would be occupied with the master of the house, and I would have some time on my own to change out of my traveling attire and explore the grounds.


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