Midnight Disclosures

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Midnight Disclosures Page 19

by Rita Herron

  They were simply human beings. Human beings who’d made mistakes. Human beings who’d found each other in spite of their imperfections.

  Thanks to Mark, they had the rest of their to atone for those mistakes. And a future to look forward to together.

  She gripped the tiny picture frame as she opened her eyes. The blinding darkness she’d lived in all these months greeted her, then slowly faded. She blinked, the darkness blurring then a faint light gave way to Mark’s handsome face, full of emotions, of love, of promises to keep.

  And his eyes, they were that brilliant almond color with tiny slivers of yellow around the rims, just like sunshine.

  Those eyes were filled with love and passion. And tears. She clutched the picture frame in one hand, then lifted the other toward him.

  He caught her fingers in between his, a smile curving his mouth. “I can’t believe it. You’re all right.” He hugged their joined hands to his heart. “I love you, Claire.”

  “I love you, too, Mark.” She squeezed his fingers. “Your smile is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  His eyes widened. “You can see me?”

  She nodded and reached up to touch his cheek. “Thank you for giving me back my life.”

  “Claire…” Mark said in a gruff whisper, “I want us to have that life together.”

  She wet her lips. “I want that, too.”

  He traced a finger along her jaw. “You won’t mind being an FBI agent’s wife?”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I don’t care what you do or where we live, Mark, as long as we’re together.”

  Then he lowered his head and kissed her, the promises in his gentle touch a hint of everything they had to look forward to in the future. The cycle of love had been born again, giving them a second chance, the empty black slate now painted with the vibrancy of colors.

  Claire intended to share the palette with him forever.


  Claire’s sister adjusted the train to Claire’s wedding gown. “You look beautiful, Claire.”

  “I’m so glad you’re here, Paulette. And I’m so grateful we had a chance to talk.”

  Paulette dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “I can’t believe you thought I had the perfect life when I’ve been so miserable this last year.”

  Claire hugged her sister, saddened that Paulette’s marriage was ending when hers was just beginning. Paulette wanted to escape the confines of being the obedient, submissive wife and follow her own dreams for a change, instead of cowing to her dictator of a husband. Claire had had no idea how unhappy her sister had truly been. She’d been so caught up in her own tragedy that she’d been unaware of her sister’s pain. Paulette had wanted Claire to live with her because Paulette had needed her as much as Claire had needed someone.

  “I’m proud of you,” Claire said. “It takes guts to do what you’re doin

  “I have to admit I’m a little scared, but I’m also excited.”

  Claire lifted her sister’s chin. “You’re going to do great.”

  Paulette blushed, looking younger and happier than she had in years. “I have a good role model.” The sisters hugged, both waving off tears as the wedding march began.

  A few seconds later, Claire stood in front of the glowing candles, gazing into the eyes of the man she loved. A few of her friends at CIRP had arrived to celebrate with her, and Mark’s best friend’s wife and son sat amongst the guests. In the past three months, they had become a second family to both Mark and Claire. Mark had finally taken Kevin to see the Atlanta Braves play. In true fashion, Javier Lopez had hit a grand slam—Kevin had sworn his father had seen it in heaven. Mark had agreed.

  Luke Devlin was Mark’s best man. Paulette was her bridesmaid. She missed not having her father there to give her away, and vowed when she and Mark had a child, he or she wouldn’t grow up without his.

  At least that was what Mark had promised.

  The preacher said a simple opening and prayer, then Mark took her hand in his.

  “Claire, I fell in love with you the first moment I looked into your beautiful eyes. In them, I saw the soul mate I had been searching for. My lover, my friend, my life.

  “But in the darkness of the past year, when I thought I’d lost you and that light, I was lost myself.” He squeezed her hand, his fingers caressing hers. “But today we stand here together, evidence that traveling through the tunnel of darkness is the way to see the light. And the love that brought us back together will shine forever.”

  Claire swallowed back tears, gripping his hand tightly. “The darkness that existed for you was a mere extension of myself, for you are right. You are my lover, my friend, my life. But I once was blinded by that darkness, clinging to the threads of forgotten dreams, until you took my hand and led me back. And in doing so, you restored my sight.

  “There are all kinds of heroes in the world, men who fight for their country, for their honor, for their families, for their lives. You are all of those things and more, Mark. You’ve stood by your friends when they’ve fallen by your side, by their children when they are gone and by me when I needed you most. I love you now, tomorrow and always.”

  Without waiting for the reverend’s permission, Mark dragged her into his arms and kissed her, sealing their vows with the tenderness and passion that Claire knew would carry them through the worst of storms and the sunniest of days.

  Just as the reverend pronounced them man and wife, Mark swept her up against him and nuzzled her ear. Claire looped her arms around his neck and hugged him, kissing his mouth. Her wedding night loomed with all the possibilities of passion and romance and promises of tomorrow. It was a new beginning, a symbol of a long future together.

  One in which they would create a new child and cement a love that would last forever.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7857-2


  Copyright © 2004 by Rita B. Herron

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  †Nighthawk Island

  *The Hartwell Hope Chests

  ††Trading Places

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Six




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