Revolution 1989
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allows rival parties
Austrian border
‘black’ economy
Bush visits
ceases to be People’s Republic
collective farms
and Danube Circle group
allows GDR citizens to leave freely
democratic elections planned
dissident groups
East German refugees in
foreign debt
Historical Commission
under Kádár
legalises political parties
new constitution introduced (1949)
New Economic Mechanism (NEM) reforms
nuclear weapons based in
occupation by Russian troops
Red Army withdrawal
retreat from communism
Romanian refugees in
secret service
testing ground for reforms
Transylvanian refugees in
troop movements on Romanian border
Husák, Gustáv
Hyland, William
ICEHCM (Romanian chemical research laboratory)
Iliescu, Ion
Illing, Hans
Initiative for Peace and Human Rights
Institute for World Economy and International Relations
Institute of Religious Workers
intelligence-gathering operation, RYAN (roketno yadernoye napadenie)
Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (1987)
Iran, Shah of
Iran-Contra scandal
Iron Curtain
Iron Guard
Jäger, Lt-Col. Harald
Jagiellonian University
Jagielski, Mieczysław
Jakeš, Miloš
plan to remove (operation Wedge)
Jaroszewicz, Piotr
Jaruzelski, Gen. Wojciech
agreement with Wałsa for elections
and Archbishop Glemp
becomes head of government
calls referendum
consulted on Hungary
criticised by Party members
and elections
and formation of government
and loss of power
and martial law
meets Bush
and the Pope
raises prices
and Solidarity
stands as president
tries to discredit Wałsa
Jazz Section group
Jena, border post near
Jiu Valley
John Birch Society
John Lennon Peace Club
John Paul II, Pope (formerly Karol Wojtyła)
assassination attempt
meets Gorbachev
meets Reagan
meets Wałsa
and Polish government
and Solidarity
visits Poland
Jozwiak, Jerzy
left-wing coup
Kádár, János
Kádár, Mária
Kalina, Jan
Kalugin, Oleg
Kania, Stanisław
Kant, Hermann
Kaolinovo, Bulgaria
Karagodina, Yulia
Kárpáti, Col-Gen. Ferenc
Katayev, Vitali
Katsch, Gen. Günter
Kaufmann, Sylvie
Kennebunkport, Maine
Kessler, Heinz
and Able Archer 83 exercise
and Afghanistan
bugs Vatican
and Bulgarian coup
in East Berlin
Maclean’s memo
and Matthias Rust
moves against corrupt magnates
and murder of Georgi Markov
and Polish elections
and Pope John Paul
RYAN (roketno yadernoye napadenie) intelligence-gathering operation
spies in Eastern bloc countries
Khomeini, Ayatollah
Khrushchev, Nikita
and Berlin Wall
exposes Stalin’s crimes
‘secret speech’
Kim Il-Sung
Kis, János
Kissinger, Henry
Kiszczak, Gen. Czesław
and elections
and Glemp
made prime minister
meets Wałsa
and Solidarity
Klíma, Ivan
Klimova, Rita
Ko-Ko (Beriech Kommerzielle Koordinierung - Bureau of Commercial Co-ordination)
Kocáb, Michael
Koch, Edward
Kochemasov, Vyacheslav
Kohl, Helmut
Kołakowski, Leszek
Koldunov, Alexander
KOR (Komitet Obrony Robotnikow - Committee for the Defence of Workers)
Korean Airlines Flight KAL-007
Kornai, János
Kornienko, Georgi
Kornukov, Gen. Anatoli
Korotich, Vitali
Kostov, Tchaiko
Kovács, Gyula
Kovács, Maria
Kozma, Imre
Kremlin, the
and Able Archer 83 exercise
and Afghanistan
convinced of nuclear attack
and cost of protecting empire
and crisis in Poland (1981)
decision-makers in
and Gorbachev
and Helsinki Accords
meeting on election of Pope
and Poland under martial law
reaction to Gdask Accords
reaction to rise of Solidarity
St George’s Hall
and Shah of Iran’s regime
Krenz, Egon
and Berlin Wall
and demonstrations
and election
and GDR foreign debt
and Honecker
as new Party boss
travel restrictions eased
Kryl, Karel
Kryuchkov, Vladimir
Krzywonos, Henryka
Kühnpast, Andreas
Kukliski, Col. Ryszard
Kulakov, Fyodor
Kulikov, Marshal Viktor
Kultura magazine
Kundera, Milan
Kunert, Günter
Kuro, Jacek
Kwasniewski, Alexander
Labuda, Basia
Laghi, Archbishop Pio
Lange, Bernd Lutz
Lässig, Jan
Lausitz region
Lean, David
city neglected
Gewandhaus concert hall
railway station
Lengsfeld, Vera
Leninakan, Armenia
Lennon, John, see also John Lennon Peace Club
Leon, Nica
Leonhard, Wolfgang
Leuker, Pastor Leo
Libération (newspaper)
Liebknecht, Karl
Ligachev, Yegor
dissidents in
Little Land
loans from the West, see also individual countries’ ‘foreign debt’ entries
Lomakin, Viktor
Ceauescu visits
Gorbachev visits
Waterloo Bridge
Lorenc, Gen. Alois
Lorenz, Siegfried
Lublin, Catholic University of
Lucan, M
Lucas, Edward
Luceafrul (newspaper)
Lukanov, Andrei
Lupescu, Magda
Lushev, Gen. Pyotr
Lutheran Church peace group
Lutheran pastors
Lux, Harry, Sylvia and Danny
Luxembourg, Rosa
McDonald, Larry P.
MacEachin, Douglas
McFarlane, Robert
Maclean, Donald
Magdalenka, Poland
Maksimichev, Igor
Maléter, Pál
Malinowski, Roman
Malta summit (1989)
Maluan, Lt-Col. Vasile
Man of Iron (film)
Man of Marble (film)
Manescu, Manea
Mao Zedong
Mares, Lt-Col.
Markov, Georgi
Marx, Karl
Marxism-Leninism, principles of
März brothers
Massoud, Ahmad Shah
Masur, Kurt
Matlock, Jack
Maximichev, Igor
Maxwell, Robert
Mazowiecki, Tadeusz
Maul, Henryk
Medvedev, Vadim
Mehmet Ali Agca
Melinescu, Nick
Merkel, Chancellor Angela
Michnik, Adam
and the Church
and dissidents
and Gorbachev
and KOR
and Solidarity
Mielke, Erich
orders files to be destroyed
plans to oust Honecker
speech to Stasi
Milea, Gen. Vasile
Milewski, Jerzy
Militaru, Gen. Nicolae
military budget, cost of
military exercises
military production, Soviet industry geared to
Miłosz, Czesław
Mindszenty, Cardinal
Minev, Romania
Minotaur, The
Miodowicz, Alfred
Cruise intermediate-range
Pershing intermediate-range
SS-20 medium range nuclear
Stinger ground-to-air
Mittag, Günter
Mitterrand, François
Mladenov, Petar
Mlyná, Zden
Modrow, Hans
Mohammed Najibullah
Mohammed Taraki
Moiseyev, Gen. Mikhail
Möll, Col. Günter
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Money (Polish film)
Moscowsee also Kremlin, the
GUM department store
Lenin School
meeting of Warsaw Pact generals
Mitterrand visits
reaction to fall of Berlin Wall
Red Square, see Red Square, Moscow
St Basil’s Cathedral
Moscow State University
Mot, Petre
Mueller, Dr Matthias
Musatov, Valeri
music, pop, in Czechoslovakia
Muslims, Bulgarian
Mutually Assured Destruction
Mzhavanadze, Vasily
Nagy, Gyula
Nagy, Imre
Nagy family
Nagymáros, Hungary
dam project
Najibullah, Mohammed
National Salvation Front (Romania)
Neagoe, Gen. Marin
Németh, Miklós
and Austrian border fence
and East German refugees
and Nagy’s funeral
Népszabadság (newspaper)
Neues Deutschland
New Forum (East Germany)
New York
Ceauescus visit
Gorbachev visits
Governors Island
Times Square
New York Times
Nicholas I, Tsar
Nixon, Richard
NKVD (secret police)
nomenklatura political patronage system
Nor, Ferdinand
Noriega, Manuel
Norman, Sir Richard
Nowa Huta, Lenin Steelworks
NOWA Independent Publishing House
Nuclear Forces Treaty, Intermediate (1987)
nuclear missiles based in People’s Democracies
nuclear reactors, water-cooled RBMK
Nyers, Reszö
Ogarkov, Marshal Nikolai
Ogonyok (news magazine)
oil sales
Olympic Games (1980)
Olympics, Winter (1984)
Operation Rose
Opletal, Jan
Orbán, Viktor
Orlando, Florida
Orlov, Yuri
Orwell, George
Orzechowski, Marian
Osipovich, Col. Gennadi
Özal, Turgut
Pacepa, Ion
Palach, Jan
Palme, Olof
Palmer, Mark
Pan-European Picnic
Papp, Bishop László
Ceauescu visits
Conference on Security and Co-operation summit (1989)
Left Bank
Pasternak, Boris
Paul VI , Pope
Punescu, Adrian
Pavlov, Gen. Vitali
Peasant Party (Poland)
Pkala, Lt. Leszek
Peking rallies
People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan
People’s Militia (Bulgaria)
People’s Militia (Czechoslovakia)
perestroika (‘restructuring’)
Perle, Richard
Petrescu, Anna
Petrescu, Gheorghe
Petrisor, Nicolae
‘Philby’ espionage ring
Piekowska, Alina
Pietruszka, Col. Adam
Piotrowski, Capt. Grzegorz
Piteti, Romania
Pithart, Petr
Plastic People of the Universe, The (pop group)
Podkrepa (Bulgarian free trade union)
Pojarleff, Ionni
after Solidarity legalised
agreement for elections
aware of US/Vatican support for Solidarity
Bush visits
‘centres of special rehabilitation’
Council of National Salvation (WRONA)
described by Jean-Paul Sartre
difficult to control
economic crises
factories strike (1976)
and Father Jerzy Popiełuszko
foreign debt
under Gierek
‘illegal’ newspapers
industrial conditions
industrial unrest (1980)
Lower House (Sejm)
martial law imposed (1981)
under martial law
martial law lifted (1983)
Mazowiecki elected Premier
occupation by Russian troops
and Pope John Paul
and presidency
presidential election
riots following price rises (1970)
Roman Catholic Church
Round Table talks
Sejm (Lower House)
Senate (Upper House)
Soviet invasion planned
strikes (1980)
strikes (1988)
support for military regime from Soviet Union
Upper House (Senate)
police, Polish riot (ZOMO)
police, secret
Bulgarian (Durzhavna Sigurnost)
Czech (Státní Bezpenost - StB)
East German, see Stasi
Polish (Slu
ba Bezpieczestw - SB)
Romanian (Securitate)
Polish Communist Party
Cement Group
Polish riot police (ZOMO)
political prisoners in Bulgaria
political prisoners in Romania
Polytechnic of Central London
Pomaks, see Muslims, Bulgarian
Pommert, Wilhelm
Ponomarev, Boris
Popa, Col. Gic
Popiełuszko, Father Jerzy
Popowo, Poland
Poppe, Gerd
Poppe, Jonas
Poppe, Ulrike
Postelnicu, Tudor
Powell, (Lord) Charles
Power of the Powerless, The
Pozoga, Władisław
Pozsgay, Imre
after fall of Berlin Wall
Czech National Theatre
GDR refugees in
general strike
Gorbachev visits
Kampa Park
Letná Park
Lobkovitz Palace (West German Embassy)
Lucerna shopping mall
Magic Lantern theatre
Národní Street
National Cemetery, Vyšehrad
‘Palach Week’ rallies
rallies to commemorate John Lennon’s death
SSM demonstration
Wenceslas Square
Prague Castle
Prague Spring (1968)
Pravets, Bulgaria
Privolnoye, the Kuban
publications, Samizdat
in Czechoslovakia
in Romania
Pushkin, Aleksandr
Puzanov, Alexander
Pyjas, Stanisław
Pyongyang rallies
Radio Free Europe
Radom, Poland
Radom Tapes
Radomski, Aram
father of
Rákosi, Mátyás
Rakowski, Mieczysław
and elections
Rat, Lt. Florian
Rathenow, Lutz
Reagan, Ronald
and Afghanistan
and Armenian earthquake
arms reduction moves
and Berlin Wall
CIA memos to
commitment to nuclear disarmament
and Gorbachev
and Korean Airlines flight
meets Pope
and the nuclear button
and Star Wars project
wants to talk with Russian leaders
Red Army
in Afghanistansee also Afghanistan
in East Germany
Fortieth Armyt Reconnaissance Division
and Hungarian Uprising
reduction in
withdrawal from Afghanistan
withdrawal from Hungary
Red Square, Moscow
Renneberg, Klaus-Peter
Reykjavik summit (1986)
Reykowski, Dr Janusz
Rice, Condoleezza
Rijeka, Croatia
Rila monastery
Robotnik Wybrzea (The Coastal Worker)
Rogowski, Capt. Marek
Roman, Petre
Roman, Walter
Roman Catholic Church in Poland