Burials, dog, 136, 137
Burials, human: ceramics associated with, 138, 139, 169, 170, 171–72
practices, 168–72
Burr, John: British artist, 239
Byrd, Col. William, of Virginia, 251
Camp, Mrs. Helen, 110
Canada, Indians in, 246
Candelabrum, German bronze, 43, 44, 45
Cannonball, 46
Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell, 197
Caroline of Brunswick, 159–61, 161, 295
Caron House, Lambeth, 24, 26
Catalogues, trade, 228–29
Cataloguing, 26, 284, 285
Caveat emptor, 282
Centipede, portrait of, 262, 263–64
Ceramic collecting in America, opportunities for, 145
Ceramics, British in America, 86–87, 88, 127, 145–48, 153–54
commemorative, 147–63, 148, 151, 152, 154, 155, 157, 158, 161, 162, 291–95, 292, 294
datable marks on, 144
foreign influences on British, 146
restoration of, 273–74
Rhenish, 108, 109, 110, 164
Roman, 11, 19, 20, 37, 127–39, 128, 129, 133, 135, 137, 139
techniques of manufacture, 11–13, 11, 13, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 158
Victorian: alleged vulgarity of, 156, 270–71
Cesnola, Luigi Palma di, 2
Chairs, respect for, 63
Chamber pots, 156
Chamber vouchers, London, 215
Chambers, Ephraim: quoted, 32, 224, 229–30, 234, 246
Charles II, chamber pot honoring, 156
coins of, 107
Charleston Library Society, 45
Chests for bottled beer, 80
Church, A. H.: quoted, 270–71
Church Street (London), 261
Circumcision knife, 27
Cleeve Prior, Worcestershire, 79
Cleland, John, 250
Cleopatra, figure of, 36
Clocks, 57–59
lantern, 58
Coach, Lord Mayor of London’s, 213
Coffins, 169–71
Coin “hoard” from Thames, 107
Coining, penalty for, 105–6
Coins, British, 103–8, 113, 114, 233, 236
forgeries of, 103, 104, 105–6, 108, 122
Roman, 86, 89, 91, 112, 113
found in America, 119–23, 121
Colchester, Essex, 287
Coliseum, London, 285
Collecting, psychology of, 16–21, 4849, 64, 269–71
Collections, disposal of, 285–89
Collectors, American, 14–19, 48–49, 183
British, 48–49
death of, 285–86
Collinson, Peter, 184
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 9, 184, 193, 202, 253–54, 257
Compilations, research: making one’s own, 258–60
Convicts, transportation of, 213–16
Cooper, James Fenimore, 249–50
Corkscrew, 262, 265
Cotton, Sir John, 36
Counters (jettons), German, 110, 111, 112
Court records, 233–35
Cow creamers, Staffordshire, 144–45
Cox, William: ironmonger, 112, 113
Creamware, 153–54, 171
dog, 136, 137
human, 138, 139
Creswell, Nicholas, 251
Crocker, Robert: Boston brazier, 254
Cromwell, Oliver: head of, 36
Crucibles, glassmaking, 123
Cummings, Syer: Victorian antiquary, 100, 102–3
Curiosities, scarcity of, 237
Cuspidor, American earthenware, 13, 227
Custis, Daniel Parke, 189–91
Custis, John, 184–92
bottles made for, 184, 185, 187, 188
portrait of, 186
will of, 184, 189
Custis, John “Jack,” 189–90
Cutlery, 18th century, 74, 242, 423
Curators, museum, 140–41, 271
Cybele, Roman goddess: ritual forceps of, 85
Cyclopaedia: see Chambers, Ephraim
Daily Sketch (London), 247
Dandridge, Martha (later Custis Washington), 184, 190–92
Dates, bogus, 275
Davis, Elizabeth, 214
De-accessioning, the danger of, 288
Deaven, William: tavernkeeper, 116, 118–19
Defoe, Daniel, 250
Delaware River, wreck in, 73–75
Delftware, British: origins of, 146
faking of, 275–76
London, 11, 87, 88, 123, 169, 170
Dendera, 295
Denman, Thomas, 160
Depew, Chauncey Mitchell: quoted, 156–58
Diamond Jubilee, Queen Victoria’s, 156, 157, 158
Diaries and diarists, 150–51
Dickens, Charles, 19, 97
Dictionaries, 231–32
Diderot, Denis, 230
Dietz, Johann Jacob: countermaker, 110, 111, 112
Dilettanti Society, 22
Directories, trade, 252–53
Dirty Dick’s, a London tavern, 36
Documents, destruction of, 212, 216–17
Dodo, 27, 33, 34
destroyed, 33, 288
Dolin, the Lady, 248
Dolls, heads for, 237
Doodles, 267, 268
Dorchester, Hampshire, 165
Dorlaston, Essex, 248
Dorset, Mary, 214
Doubloon Salvage Co., 75
Dowgate (London), 88, 90
Downs, The: anchorage in, 78–80
chart of, 78
Dryden, John: quoted, 211
Duff-Gordon, Lady Lucy: quoted, 298
Dwight, John, 146, 291
Early Attempts, painting by William
Henry Knight, 240, 241
Eaton, Charles: see Billie and Charlie
Edward VIII, coronation ceramics, 158
Edwards, Amelia B.: quoted, 298
Eggesford House, Devonshire, 66–70, 68, 69
Egyptology, the lure of, 17–18, 296–97, 300, 302
Egyptomania, 19
Elers, David, 146
Elizabeth II, 158, 198
Elgin, Thomas Bruce, 2
El Kab (Egypt), wall painting at, 297
Encyclopaedia Americana, 230–31
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 230
Encyclopédie, Diderot’s, 230
See also Chambers, Ephraim
English Rogue, The: Victorian forgery, 250
Experts, fallibility of, 107–9, 140–42
Fable of Midas, The, Jonathan Swift’s: quoted, 222
Faïence, Rouen, 194
Fakes and forgeries, 97, 99–106, 101, 122, 274–80, 298, 299, 300
Fanny Hill, John Cleland’s, 250
Farquhar, George, 179
Fellowes, Newton Wallop, 67
Felons, female: transported, 214–15
Fiction, 18th century, 249–50
Fielding, Henry, 249
Figures, Staffordshire, 276, 277, 278
faking of, 276, 277
First Fleet to Australia, 213–14
Flasks, glass, 241
stoneware, 157, 291, 292, 294, 295
Folk art, 266
Forceps, Cybeline, 85
Forrest, Ebenezer, 242–43
Fossils, Miocene, 187
Franklin, Benjamin: quoted, 163
chair belonging to, 46
Frederick II (the Great), objects associated with, 148
French and Indian War, 148
Furniture, burning of, 205–7, 208
country, 205–6, 239, 240
kitchen, 206
Gardeners, colonial, 184
Garrick, David, 179
Gentleman’s Magazine, The: quoted, 40, 170
George II, trunk from household of, 255, 256, 257
George III, coins of, 105, 106
on chamber pots, 156
IV, coins of, 105
scandal surrounding, 159, 161
George VI, coronation of, 198
Gibbon, Edward, 179
Girdles, nuns’ penitential, 27
Glass, alchemical, 241
deceitful restoration of, 280
repair of, 273, 280
Roman, 14, 27
See also Bottles and Flasks
Gloucester County, Virginia, 120–21
Golden Hind, cannon trunnion from, 27
Goodwin Sands, 77–80, 78
Gothic revival, 280
Graffiti, 296, 297
Grave goods, 1, 168–72
Gravel Lane, Southwark (London): factories at, 123
Gray, Arthur, alleged rapist, 233
Great Fire of London (1666), 119, 169, 181
Great Plague (London, 1665), 114, 250
Great Smith Street (London), book discovered in, 218, 219
Great Storm of 1703, relics of, 77, 79–80
Green, Robin, 84–85
Green-Bag Crew, 160, 161
Green Park, Jamaica, 171
Green Spring, Battle of (1781), 59
Griffin, 32–33
Guildhall, City of London’s, 212
Guildhall Library (London), 213, 255
Guinea, Negroes in, 246
Guyana, 83, 86
Hadrian, bronze head of, 85
coin of, 113
Hallsands, Devonshire village: destruction of, 7, 8
Hamstone Rock, Devonshire, 7
Hamer, J. H., tobacco-box maker, 149
Harlot’s Progress, A, 244, 245
Harley, Sir Robert, 37
Hayter, Sir George, 157, 295
Hecate, 136–37
Helmet, Iron Age: found in Thames, 84
Roman, 286
Herzogin Cecilie, wrecked 1936, 7, 8
Historical Society, Philadelphia, 74
Hogarth, William, 176, 242–46
engravings and drawing by, 180, 243, 245
his trip to Gravesend, 243
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 26
Holme, Randle, 231
Hordern, Hilderbrand, 179
Horn, powder, 261–66, 262
Hseih Ho, Chinese philosopher, 270–71
Hulks, prison, 213
Hume, R. K., 296
Independence Hall, Philadelphia, 46
Indexes, 217, 251
India, artifacts from, 42
Insulators, electric telegraph, 51, 268
Insurance, 283–84
Inventories, household, 235–36
Investment: see Antiques as an
Ireland, John, 242
Irons, box, 253, 281–82
Jacksonville, Florida, 123
Jamaica, 82, 114, 115, 120, 156, 171, 261–66, 264
Jamaica, Institute of, 265
James II, coins of, 106, 113, 114
James River Bridge, Virginia, 122
Jamestown, Virginia, 108, 181
Jefferson, John, 182
Jefferson, Thomas, 45
Jenkins’ Ear, War of, 150
Jim Crow, 292–93
Johnson, Samuel: his dictionary, 232
Jupiter, figure of, 86, 87, 124
Kerwin, Eleanor, 214
Kettle, tea, 253
Key, 233–35
Keys, Florida, 82, 193
King’s Head Tavern (Northampton?), 182
King’s House theater (London), 177
Kingsley, Charles, 69
King, Thomas: highwayman, 249
Knife: see Cutlery
Knight, William Henry, 240
Kniston, Thomas: London clock-maker, 59
Lady Juliana, transport ship, 214–15, 216
Laika, 136
Lake Havasu City, Arizona, 85
Lancaster, Osbert, 211
Langland, William: quoted, 98
Lark Rise to Candleford, Flora Thompson’s: quoted, 237–39
Layton, Thomas, 84
Leeds, E. Thurlow, 173
Leg, wooden, 169
Legislation, buyer protection:
American, 279
British, 282
Leicester, churchyard discoveries at, 170
Leicester House (London), 39
Lever, Sir Ashton, 38–40
Lewis, C. Bernard, 265
Lind, Jenny, 294, 295
Lock, brass rim, 233, 234, 235
spring, 233–34
stock, 234
London Bridge, 85–86, 123
London, Corporation of, 54
London Journal, The: quoted, 247–48
London Labour and the London Poor, Henry Mayhew’s: quoted, 159, 236–37
London, Roman, 54–55, 85, 90–96, 92, 95, 141, 173
“London” ware, 127, 128
Lords, House of, 159–60
Long, William and Mary, 177–78
Lottery, museum, 37, 40
Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, 148, 154
Louisville, Kentucky, 291
Love spoons, Welsh, 64
Loyd and Cooper, London mercantile agents, 187
Lunatic asylums: see Bedlam
Machapunga River (now Pungo), North Carolina, 121
Madagascar, 33
Maine, artifacts from, 111–12, 183
Manatee, 266
Manhole covers, 268
Marathon, Florida, 75–76
Marryat, Frederick: quoted, 46
Martinique, capture of (1762), 149
Mary Queen of Scots: cannonball shot at, 46
Marx, Robert F., 114
Mason jars, 201, 202
Maspiro, Sir Gaston, 295
Masterpiece, cult of, 271
Mauritius, dodo from, 27, 33, 34
Mayhew, Henry: quoted, 159, 236–37
McClinton, Katharine, 149
McKinley Tariff Act (1891), 144
Medicines, patent, 199, 200
Medway Marshes: see Upchurch Marshes
Mermaid, 262, 265–66
Merrifield, Ralph, 122
Microfilm, 217
Milan Commission (1818), 160
Milk bottle collectors’ club, 14–15
Mill Hill, London, 187
Minories, The (London), 141
Mint, Royal, 108, 113
Miseno, Italy: discoveries at, 4
Mitchell, J., 261–66, 262
Mithraeum, in London, 91, 92
Modbury, Devonshire, 267
Molding, ceramic, 11, 12, 13, 151–53
Monk, William, 103
Monkey, African green, 262, 264–65
Montgomery Ward, Inc., 228
Moody, Anne, 189–90
Moorfields, London, 223–24
Morgan, John Pierpont, 42
Morgan, Philips: mason, 255
Mosaic, Romano-British: proposed sale of, 287
Mudlark, 88, 98, 236
Mug, meditation on a quart, 163, 165
pewter, 116, 118–20
stoneware, 164
Mulberry Garden, The, Sir Charles Sedley’s, 178
Mummy, hands from, 301
head from, 36
Murray, Grizel, 233, 235
Musaeum Tradescantianum, 26, 35
Museums, American:
Charles Willson Peale’s, 46, 47
Henry Francis Du Pont Winterthur (Delaware), 229, 253–54
Mariners’, Newport News, Virginia, 81
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2, 42, 288
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 35, 48, 96
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, 42
Western Museum of Cincinnati, 46–47
Museums, attitudes toward private collections, 286–88
Museums, British:
Ashmolean, Oxford, 23, 25–26, 28, 30, 32–33, 107, 173
Brentford Public Library, 85
British Museum, 23, 37, 41, 85, 210, 229, 231, 286, 302
Guildhall, 84, 93, 95, 141, 276
Leverian (London), 38–41, 39
London, 85,
Maidstone Museums and Art Gallery, Kent, 128
Northampton Central, 182
Rochester’s Eastgate House (Kent), 19–20, 128
Victoria and Albert (London), 229, 270–71
Museums, provincial, 38, 43–46
Music, sheet, 292, 293
Nantes brandy, 244, 245, 246
Napoleon Bonaparte, 158, 196
National Park Service, U.S., 81
National Safe Deposit Company (London), 96
Nefertiti, plaster head of, 300
Negroes, 246, 292
Nelson, Horatio, 147, 154, 155
Nero, coin of, 121
Newgate Prison, 106, 213, 215, 217
Newport, Captain Christopher, 28
Newport, skillet from, 253
Newspapers, 28, 247–48
New World of Words, The, Edward Phillips’s, 232
Nicol, John: cooper, 214–15
Norris, Edward: London clock-maker, 58
North, John: tavernkeeper, 119
North, Margaret, 118–19
Nostalgia, 19
Notebook, 18th-century poet’s, 218–24, 220
Nugent, Lady Maria: journal quoted, 263–64
Numismatics: see Coins
Obsolescence, 205
Oglander, Sir John: rained on, 27
Old Bailey (London), 233
Old Bailey Sessions Papers, 233
Old England: A Pictorial Museum, quoted, 32–33
Oliver, Anthony, 292
Otterham Creek, Kent, 129, 130
Oxford University, 28, 30–31
Pains and Penalties, Bill of (1820), 160
Paintings and engravings, evidence of, 240–44, 239, 240, 242, 243, 245
Papboat, ceramic, 227
Paper, declining quality of, 217
Paradisus Terrestris, John Parkinson’s, 30
Park Prospect (London), 219, 221
Parke, Frances, 184
Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 71
Parkinson, Mr.: museum lottery winner, 40
Payne, George: Victorian antiquary, 128–29
Peale, Charles Willson, 46, 47
Pearlware, 154, 156
Pedlar, The: painting by John Burr, 239
Peddlers, 238–39
Pemaquid, Maine: excavations at, 110
Pennant, Thomas: quoted, 40
Pennsylvania Gazette, Benjamin Franklin’s: quoted, 163
Pepys, Samuel, 178–79
Perth Amboy, 183
Pether, W.: his name on Bow porcelain, 168
Pevsner, Nikolaus: quoted, 69
Phillips, Edward: lexicographer, 232
Phoenix, tail of, 33
Philosophical Hall, Philadelphia, 45–46
Pigouchet, Philip, 207
Pilgrim badges, 98, 99, 100
Pillar, fragment of Roman, found, 141
Pipes, tobacco, 27, 159, 243
royal arms decorating, 149
Pipkin, French earthenware, 183
Pistols, toy, 90
Pitt, William: vilified, 147
Plantation coinage: see Tokens, plantation
Plate fleets, wrecks of Spanish, 71–73, 75
Plates, delftware, 11, 169, 170, 275–76
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