Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2)

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Michelle Woods - Animal Passions (Blue Bandits MC Book 2) Page 14

by Unknown

  “I think you’re lying, baby,” he whispered right next to her ear as he licked the edge of her lobe with his tongue before nipping it lightly and hearing her gasp.

  “No–no, I am not–” she stopped on another loud gasp as he cupped her pussy with his fingers dipping inside her, pressing her panties just inside the entrance.

  “Really, baby, then why are you so wet I can feel you soaking my fingers? Hmm––why’s that, Sam?” Animal rubbed over her clit, feeling her hips jerk into his, making him let out a growl of need. It felt damned good being between her legs like this, feeling her hot pussy pouring its juices over his hand like a fountain.

  “I don’t––Animal, I think this is a bad idea. Untie me.” Sammy’s eyes were wide and her mouth was parted as he rubbed her, his grin wicked. She wasn’t saying the safe word and until she did, he wouldn’t pull back.

  When she did finally get frightened enough to say it, he would stop to reassure her but he knew that he wouldn’t stop altogether. If she uttered the word because she was fearful and he allowed it, then she’d never get over what that bastard had done to her. He’d realized it the moment he had her tied to the bed. Being a submissive was about trust and he needed to be sure her objections were really her objections, not the fear the man who hurt her had instilled in her.

  “No,” he said gruffly, waiting to see what her reaction would be to the blatant denial of her request.

  Her breath caught and she looked at him with wide blue eyes, her lips parted in astonishment as she tugged at the bonds that held her. Fear was lighting in her eyes so he moved his fingers, rubbing against her to soothe her. She didn’t know it yet but he was in control of this situation and her fear wasn’t going to be an obstacle that prevented their building trust. He wouldn’t allow that.

  Sammy eyes closed to half-mast and her hips moved jerking into his and he felt a sense of blinding satisfaction that he had made that blissful look appear on her face. His other hand buried in her hair, pulling her lips up to meet his as he pressed her button gently again, making her into a breathy mass of limp body parts. He felt his beast jerk at the reins wanting out. It wanted to dominate, to take, and to own which he couldn’t allow. Not yet. Next time, he promised his inner dominant as he gently brought her to a slow climax that had her moaning and writhing beneath him.

  Animal bit at her lips, growling in pleasure that she was here with him. Knowing that the blissfully pliant Sammy would soon become a not so compliant one if he didn’t start getting down to business, he stood and stripped off his clothes. She lay on the bed with her arms tied over her head and her eyes closed. He needed to get her clothes off quickly so he reached down, grabbing the knife from his discarded boot. He needed to get this damned thing out of sight before she opened her eyes. He quickly used it to cut through the shirt.

  Animal knew by the stiffening of her body and the way she seemed to hold her breath that she had opened her eyes and seen it. Damn, he hadn’t wanted her to be aware of the knife but it was the only way to get the shirt off because ripping it wouldn’t have worked; the material was too thick and would have hurt her.

  He dropped the knife into the bag and ripped the shirt the rest of the way off her, pausing to slide his hand over her smooth soft stomach for a moment because he was unable to resist.

  “You with me, babe? You’re safe with me. I wouldn’t hurt you. Just breath, okay.” He watched her eyes dart from left to right and she fought her bonds, suddenly trying to break free. He knew that he needed to stop that movement before she chafed her wrists. The material was soft but with the vigor she was using to fight them, she would end up with burns anyway if he didn’t do something quickly. Maybe the knife had been a mistake but he’d thought she was sufficiently distracted by her climax.

  He lay down covering her with his body, his hands going to link their fingers together to hold hers still. She cried out and the tears in her eyes broke his heart a little because she was so fearful. It was that bastard’s fault. He had suspected that the bastard had cut her up and this reaction confirmed it. Not only had he burned her but he’d also cut her and when he found the sorry son of a bitch he would make sure that every single cut was paid back because no one should have hurt her.

  Animal felt the trembling of her body beneath his and tried to soothe her with his voice, speaking softly and trying to calm her.

  Chapter 14

  Sammy knew that she shouldn’t be reacting so crazily. Animal hadn’t hurt her and she knew in her deepest heart that he wouldn’t because he just wasn’t that type of man. But faced with the knife, she knew only mindless fear in the moment she’d opened her eyes after the small hot climax she’d had. She’d tensed in absolute terror and Tom’s leering face was suddenly transposed over Animal’s and she remembered screaming and fighting while he sliced her with tiny cuts.

  There had been about two hundred cuts that the doctor had to close and he’d commented in a disappointed voice that she was lucky she hadn’t died from blood loss. Sammy had wanted to tell him that it wasn’t her fault but how could she? She was the one who’d asked to be tied up by Tom and treated to rough sex. She hadn’t asked to be sliced like a nice juicy steak but she did give her trust to a man she barely knew so that she could have sex with him.

  The fear was overtaking her and she began to fight her bonds, tears streaking down her face and her eyes sightless even as she listened to Animal try to soothe her. She felt his hands sliding against hers and some of the fear slipped back away from the forefront of her mind, allowing her to process that he was lying on top of her with his hands linked to hers.

  She couldn’t seem to pull herself from the fog of panic and her brain seemed to push the fact that he was soothing her, not hurting her, away. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She wanted him and had in fact only seconds ago climaxed from his fingers pressing against her clit. How could she fly into a fear so debilitating that it had made her mindless? She was too broken, there was nothing that could fix her.

  Tears began to flow from her for another reason. Sammy was mad at the reaction she’d just had and she didn’t want to think about the other triggers this crazed fear had. She felt anger at Tom fill her and she wanted to rage at the world for what had happened to her. Her other feelings weren’t so clear. She was feeling disappointment because now Animal wasn’t going to want anything to do with her and her madness, and a numbness that seemed to break into a million pieces spreading through her as helplessness filled her up making her feel useless.

  She didn’t want to feel all these emotions crashing into her at once as she lay there beneath him panting with tears on her face. Animal seemed to be waiting until she calmed to let her go and she knew that as soon as he thought she was calm he would leave. He wasn’t the type of man to want to help a woman work through her issues; he just wasn’t that giving. He would want out of here fast. Sighing, she tried to rub the tears off her face, only the bonds on her wrists prevented it.

  “I’m sorry. Just go, I’ll be fine,” Sammy told him, wanting to be alone so that she could break down again over this debacle.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” he demanded, his face covered in a dark scowl with his hazel eyes narrowed and thick masculine jaw that was obviously clenched.

  “It’s fine, Animal. Just untie me and you can leave,” Sammy told him quietly, thinking he was being nice which was out of character for him, but maybe he just wanted to be nice in that moment. She didn’t know but she wished he would leave so that she could get the serious crying jag over with as she bemoaned the way she’d ruined her one chance to ever get over what Tom had done to her.

  “The hell I will, babe. I am not leaving tonight or any other night until I am damned good and ready. You wanted me and now you have me so get the fuck used to it.” Animal was pressing his nose into hers and his voice was barely recognizable as human it was so gruff. She felt a shiver move down her spine that had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with that g
ruff, sexy voice.

  “Look, you don’t have anything to prove here, Animal. We both know that this wasn’t meant to be. I’m too damaged.” Sammy wanted to get up off the bed to put some space between them but his heavy weight on top of her and the bonds tying her wrists to the bed wouldn’t allow it.

  “Really? That’s what you think is going on, that this is about me proving I can fuck you? That’s not what this is, Sammy,” Animal told her, still pressing her into the mattress with his heavy weight on top of her.

  “Let me make this easy on you,” Sammy told him, glaring at him now. “Red.” She thought he would get off her and leave, only he just smiled widely and leaned in, his lips hovering over hers. Sammy felt her heart pick up and her hands gripped the ties. She wasn’t prepared for his whispered words and they managed to take her breath as they caressed her ear just before his lips did.

  “Dear, dear Sammy. Did you think that would work? That saying ‘red’ would fix this. It would if you meant it but you don’t, baby. You think by saying it you will eliminate some need I have to prove that I’m alpha but that’s not what’s happening here.” Animal licked over the shell of her ear making her feel like she was suddenly on fire with the sexual haze of need his caress unleashed. “Now, let’s talk about how when tonight’s finally over I will own you. Every inch of this silky smooth body will be mine and mine alone.” Sammy felt his teeth nip at the junction where her neck and shoulder met. His hands were on her bare hips making Sammy realize that he’d cut off her shirt and thrown it aside, leaving her naked except for her underwear.

  Her heart pounded in time to the stress she felt as his hands moved over her hips, cupping them to tilt her into his hardened cock as he slid across her wet curls. She wanted to protest only she couldn’t seem to think in that moment because she was too caught up in her body’s reaction to this firm hold he had on her. Animal slid his hands up, moving to cup her breasts.

  “Such a naughty girl, aren’t you?” Animal asked, his lips moving down towards her breast, making Sammy pull against the binds. She wanted to get away; not because she was frightened anymore but because she was becoming overwhelmed by the sensations his touch was causing. Never in all the times she’d been with a dominant before the Tom incident had she felt this strong desire to please a man. She wanted to be owned just as he said he would own her. She wanted to give him complete control and it scared her in a very different way, making her feel vulnerable.

  Animal tugged hard on her right nipple, eliciting a moan that parted her lips and arched her back towards him off the bed. Dear Lord, that felt divine. Sammy felt her breath leave her on a gasp as he did it again, tugging harder and adding a light twist at the end.

  Animal felt almost feral as he watched her arch off the bed towards him when he administered the punishment for trying to get him to leave. He didn’t like the fact that he had frightened her but he knew that it was bound to happen again. She was in a fragile place at the moment.

  Leaning in so his breath could fan over her nipples, creating goose bumps over her skin that satisfied the beast inside his chest, he took one tip into his mouth. His teeth tugged on the tip gently until he heard Sammy cry out. Animal growled and sucked hard on that bud while tugging at her other one, pinching it roughly as he rolled it between his thumb and index finger. Sammy was panting and her body moved sensually beneath his. He pulled back, leaving her nipple swollen from his attention.

  He looked at the hard buds for a moment before he sucked the second one into his mouth, giving it the same treatment he had given the other one. Moaning, she tugged at the bonds but she wasn’t trying to get away as she had been before. Now she was trying to get closer to touch him, he knew, because her eyes were heavy-lidded and her breathing was coming in loud pants. Satisfaction ripped through his veins and something inside him roared out a possessive claim that had him pulling back to reach into the bag on the floor beside the bed.

  Pulling the nipple clamps and two of the vibrators free of the bag, he slipped the finger vibe on his index finger and set the rabbit and clamps on the bedside table. Looking at Sammy, he saw she had calmed and was now looking up at him with a wary expression on her face. He settled beside her with half his body hovering over her. She didn’t know what to expect, which was normal anytime a submissive took a new dominant into their bed.

  Sammy lay on the bed almost naked with her nipples hard and swollen. Her body was revealed to his gaze and he wanted to lick and kiss every inch but she needed him to focus right now. Animal twisted the finger vibe and a light buzzing could be heard in the room over her breathing, which was still a bit quick.

  Animal rubbed over first one nipple then the other and Sammy almost screamed from the sensations the lightly vibrating tool caused over the already sensitive tips of her breasts. Sammy knew that she should protest this; she’d said the safe word, he should have stopped and left. Only he hadn’t and she was too turned on by the sensations he was creating inside her to say anything about his choice to ignore the safe word that was meant to prevent her from being overwhelmed.

  Sammy moaned as his hands slipped down moving towards her stomach, the lightly vibrating finger vibrator making her clench in anticipation of that feeling on her clit because she knew that was where his hand was headed. His lips moved covering her nipple, sucking it into his mouth, his tongue curling over it, making her moan. Feeling the unhurried move of that damned vibrator as he slowly inched downwards, she wanted to scream at him to get on with it already because the anticipation of the pleasure it would bring was making her feel so needy.

  Animal felt the anticipation that moved through Sammy and wanted to crow in triumph. He knew that she had debated demanding he stop but he was already giving her pleasure by then and she was starved for pleasure. A woman like Sammy who was used to having her needs satisfied and who had denied herself for months because of that idiot meant that now her body was aching to be fulfilled and he was just the dominant to make that happen.

  When she left this bed tomorrow she’d be well pleasured and she would know that she belonged to him, he thought as he slowly moved his hand down between her legs. Just barely brushing the vibrator over her swollen clit, he heard her breathy gasp as it vibrated on her for just a second before he pulled it away. His other hand moved to tug her panties down, roughly ripping them in his haste to get them off. He grinned around her tight nipple, sucking it deeply into his mouth.

  He jerked her panties again, ripping them away from her while pushing her legs further apart, resting the vibe a few inches from her wet pussy. His head was swimming with the need to own and possess, which left him feeling out of control. He knew that wasn’t a good thing but at the moment, with her legs spread and her nipples hard points while she let out those needy moans, he didn’t give a fuck.

  Sammy cried out, “Please, oh please.” As she wiggled trying to get closer to the finger vibe by moving her hips, Animal smiled in grim satisfaction.

  “No,” he told her, hearing the whimper she released when he slowly brushed her clit before moving away again. He rose to his knees beside her, moving between her legs and looking down at her. He reached out, grabbing the vibrating clamps. Sammy watched him silently, her body trembling and her breath coming in quick short pants. “Not till we have you ready.”

  He clamped first one nipple and then the other before he pushed the little button on the controller, making her gasp as the light vibration of the clamp moved through her body. Leaning forward, he kissed her long and deep before pulling back, leaving her wiggling in pleasure. He spoke sternly to her as he moved his lips down her neck, cupping it with the finger vibe still buzzing against her skin.

  “You can’t come until I say.”

  Sammy felt like she was on fire. The need that ran through her body at the multiple sensations, the vibe against her pulse, his lips on hers, and the nipple clamps that vibrated gently on her nipples, were all bringing her so close she felt like the slightest touch to her wet opening would
make her come hard and he was commanding her not to come. How was she going to manage that?

  “I––oh God––ah, I can’t. I–I need to,” she managed to get out as his hand moved to rest on her pelvis, his finger slowly inching towards her clit which was swollen and distended in her extreme need.

  “You won’t come or I promise that you’ll be wearing the panty vibe all day while we’re at Ink Bandits tomorrow,” Animal growled, his face covered with a wickedly hot look of male satisfaction at the suggestion.

  “What? I can’t––oh yes,” Sammy cried out as his finger brushed over her clit, pausing for a long moment that made her thrash her head from side to side moaning.

  “You can, baby. You don’t have to work and I do so you can come with me and hang out with Sarah while I work,” Animal insisted, moving his finger away from her again and resting it on her thigh. Sammy wanted to scream. She had been so close to coming and he knew it. She tilted her hips trying to rub against him but he made a low clucking sound of disappointment before moving away.

  “Naughty, naughty girl.” He moved his mouth down her body, kissing across her collarbone and down between her breasts, pausing to increase the speed on the clamps. Sammy moaned, unable to silently stand the sensations of the vibrating clamps and his lips caressing her. When she felt his mouth kissing around her navel, she realized that he was going to add the sensation of his mouth on her to the blissful torture he was inflicting and she almost lost her mind. There was no way she would be able to stop herself from bursting into orgasm if his mouth caressed her too.

  “Do not come, baby. I haven’t allowed it yet and I will punish you,” Animal muttered as the finger with the vibe landed on her clit and his tongue moved to slowly enter her wet entrance. Sammy almost exploded instantly when the two sensations hit her at once echoing the sensations already vibrating through her from the clamps. Sammy’s hips thrust up and she moaned with abandon as she felt her body trying to clamp around his tongue in order to explode into orgasm.


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