Ever Fallen In Love

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Ever Fallen In Love Page 5

by Wendi Zwaduk

  "Is Megan with you?"

  "Affirmative.” Tucker scrubbed a hand over his eyes. As soon as he got off the phone, he and Megan would have a long talk and more getting back to being a twosome. Fuck work.

  "I'll assume you're...busy.” On her end of the line, Janine sighed. “Look, I like you. I don't really know you other than your persona on track and interviews, but I like you. You seem good for Meg in the short run. I'd love to see something work out in the longer run, but hear this. If you screw with her—I mean fuck her up like Rick the Rat—I will break your legs and feed your dick to sharks. That's not a threat. It's a promise. I know people."

  "Understood.” Tucker pocketed his phone. He wasn't sure he wanted to know how Janine Walters knew anyone who could potentially feed him to sharks, but he believed every word of her warning. “We need to talk and then head back. It looks like King's gonna get his way. I can't run for you."

  "I figured as much. Things were going too smoothly in my direction."

  "You don't sound pissed like I thought.” Tucker snuggled her close. “At least I can be at the shop. I'll work with Mat on the down-low and get him ready for the last two races. Plus, it lets me see you. I can't race for anyone, per a clause in my contract, so it makes us being a couple perfectly safe."

  "Work with Mathew until Janine gets things straightened out. I'm also going to move Mat over to Eric. I want you to get him used to Eric's way of working."

  "And us? I want to talk about this thing brewing between us. I'm not ready to give up.” He slid his index finger underneath the delicate knot work of her necklace. “This shows me you haven't, either."

  Megan wriggled away and turned her back to him. “Our having sex shouldn't have happened. You work for me. I'm violating my own rules. End of story."

  Damn her need to always keep up her defences. Tucker slipped his arms around her and tipped his head. “What happened is way more complicated than just being able to dismiss me with the wave of your hand. You know it. I saw a side of you I thought I'd never see again and damn it, I like that uninhibited girl. I miss what we had.” He cupped her chin to meet his gaze. “Compromise. Please? Rules are meant to be broken."

  "Let's just let things ride and see what happens.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “I'm in over my head and time's made me cautious. My heart's telling me not to trust you and my brain is screaming I've made a mistake. Other than great sex, I'm not sure we have something between us."

  "I doubt that.” Tucker breathed a ragged breath. He'd made some progress, albeit not in the direction he wanted. He rubbed the top of her head with his cheek. “Just don't expect me to ignore you."

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  Chapter Five

  * * * *

  Megan massaged her temples. Two weeks’ worth of paperwork, cranky phone calls and dodging Tucker had frayed her nerves. She toyed with her pen. Memories of their tryst at the track came to mind. Her pussy warmed and she licked her lips. She could almost taste his kiss. He knew where to touch and lick to bring her to the brink. He enjoyed her secret kink, pushing her to try more without stepping beyond her limits. Hell, he'd introduced her to spanking and the bondage play. Did he still get off on dominance? The thought of him fluttered her pulse. Almost like being in love.

  Love. Worthless emotion. He'd left her high and dry when the bright lights of fame had beckoned. Rick had claimed to love her until a younger, slimmer model showed up. Where had love left her? Alone to pick up the pieces.

  Sure, Tucker said he wanted to keep seeing where things would lead, but what about when the hiccough in his career mended? Love, even in its infancy, sucked.

  A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. “You in here?"

  "Come on in, Janine."

  "I brought you a present,” Janine said in a sing-song voice. She swept into the office, a bouquet of yellow roses in her hands. “Florist just dropped these off. Think they're from Tucker?"

  "No clue.” Megan opened the enclosed card. “And this isn't helping much."


  "Tucker is a man of few words. I think it's sweet, in an overly alpha way."

  "He knows better. I don't belong to him, and I'm not wild about yellow anything."

  "Phooey. You do, too.” Janine pursed her lips. “Okay, so you don't like yellow, but it's still cute. Maybe he was being cautious? Red roses mean love and he's trying to ease you into caring about him?"

  Megan crooked a brow. “Don't put me on."

  "You wear that trinket like a reminder. It gives him ideas."

  "Maybe I'm the one who doesn't want to forget."

  "Maybe he doesn't, either.” Janine folded her arms. “Well, you're in a mood and my other news won't buoy your spirits either. Rick's here."

  "Oh joy.” Each positive had at least three negatives to bring it down. “What's he want, other than to irritate me, yet again?"

  Janine picked at her manicure, her nails clicking together.

  "Spit it out, Janine. Stalling won't make it any less...whatever it is."

  "We know Tucker's not with MPR, and now I know why. Rick used his manly charms on Julia. She changed the contract without Tucker's knowing. In turn, Rick bought out Tucker's contract. Since Tucker doesn't have a decent publicist, he screwed himself. Rick probably found out you two were together and figured it would be a good wedge."

  Megan replayed the words in her head twice to make out Janine's fast delivery. Great. Rick wanted to play dirty. Time to make things right, or as right as they could be. “Send Rick in when he's ready. I'm tired of his bullshit and I want it over with. He can't play race-God and win. I won't let him.” She put her finger in the air. “But Tucker and I are not together."

  Janine plunked down in the closest chair and folded her hands. She stared at Megan for a long moment. “Don't screw him over because Rick's a dick. Tucker is a decent guy any woman would love to be with. He might not be ready to tell you, but he does love you.” She spoke in low tones. “Keep telling yourself you aren't in love with him, but we can all see it.” She jerked in her seat and sat up straighter. “Bullshit, entering stage right."

  When Megan looked up, the door slammed open. Rick swaggered into the room. “Hello, beautiful. I see you got the flowers I sent."

  King followed two paces behind Rick. “Afternoon, ladies."

  "King. Mr Rodney. Thank you for the flowers, but you didn't need to. We aren't married any longer."

  Rick leaned on Megan's desk, butting Janine out of the way. “Your formal speech doesn't suit you. I'd rather hear you call my name when we make love on my desk. I'm sure King agrees.” He knocked on the wood. “At least it's solid. I hate shitty building materials."

  "Wait a minute.” Megan blinked. “Your desk?"

  "That's what I said, honey lips.” Rick bobbed his brows. The black flecks gleamed in his eyes as his voice dropped to a growl. “I'll bet your pussy is still as sweet."

  "You're slime,” Janine spat. “Get out of here."

  "Shut up.” Rick slapped both hands down hard on the desk. “Annoying waste of space."

  Megan took a deep breath, let it out slowly and willed her lunch to stop reversing course. “What are you doing here?” She glared at King. “Unless you have actual business to discuss, get out."

  "You have such a pretty pink pussy—I mean, private place.” Rick rounded the desk and kneeled in front of her. “Damn, I want to fuck you right here on the desk. You loved it when I showered you in rose petals."

  "No, I didn't,” Megan snapped. She glanced around her desktop for something to use as a weapon. Where's my letter opener when I need it? Damn it.

  "Rick, get the fuck out of here.” Janine stomped around Megan's desk and gave Rick a punch in the arm. “If you have no business, then blow."

  He crooked one brow. “Honey, I wasn't planning on a foursome, but I could change my mind."

  "Fun could do you a world of good—both of you.” King inched out of Megan's line of sight. She crinkled
her nose as the scent of King's spicy cologne wrapped around her. His hands massaged her shoulders. “Just some harmless fun."

  "Go to hell!” Janine climbed on Rick's back and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I know kung fu and I will feed your fat ass to the sharks!"

  "Jesus.” Rick shrugged Janine onto the floor. “King, deal with her."

  Squealing, Janine thrashed in King's arms. “Let me go."

  "Shut her up.” Rick grabbed a hank of Megan's hair, tugging her head backwards. “Don't fuck with me. You wear this piece of shit, but I know you're still in love with me. Screw this game and let's get naked."

  "No.” Megan fumbled blindly for her phone and pressed the button to connect to whomever she called last. The screen lit up. Hinging her bets on someone actually answering, she shouted, “You threw it away when they didn't win, Rick. King, get off her.” The phone clamoured to the ground, clacking on the plastic runner under her chair.

  "King, toss the bitch in the closet and help me get my wife out to the car. She's not feeling well. Overcome with the need to suck my cock.” Rick kissed her neck, both of her wrists clenched in his calloused left hand. He stepped forward, mashing her phone into a mess of circuits and crackled wiring. “You shouldn't have tried to call someone. This is a private party."

  King had stopped cold and placed Janine on her feet. “Go.” He stared at King as Janine tore out of the room. “Whoa. No one said anything about forcing her.” He shook his head. “I can't play this way."

  "Fuck the way you play,” Rick growled. “Now go."

  Megan struggled against Rick's grip. “I hate you.” She needed to keep calm. Freaking out wasn't going to help, but damn if he didn't manhandle. At the doorway to her office, she kicked as hard as she could muster.

  "Fucking bitch.” Rick clapped her hard on the cheek. “No one fights me."

  Stunned, Megan stared at him through teary eyes. He'd been a jerk. Cheated on her more times than she could count, resorted to locking her in the house when he didn't get his way, but blatant violence? Bad press meant he'd lose his ride. And where was Janine? Megan blinked, regaining her bearings. Rick relinquished his grasp a bit as he struggled to push her through the open door.

  "Wait, man.” King slapped the door shut. “You said she wanted to be with the both of us. I don't do against-her-will shit."

  At least King had some sense. Not much, but some.

  "Meg?” Tucker's heavy steps slapped on the tile floor. “Rodney, go to hell."

  Megan ducked as Tucker's fist connected with Rick's face. Blood splattered all over the foyer glass and slate grey floors of the hallway. Crimson streaks blurred on her blouse. “Leave her the fuck alone."

  Not wanting to see the ensuing fight, Megan scrambled back through the lobby and down the hall to her office. Her heart pounded and her knees gave out. She collapsed next to the couch and buried her face in her hands. The more she sucked in air to calm down, the harder it became to breathe. Her body quaked.

  A strong pair of arms encircled her. “Shh."

  "Let me go!” Swinging out with both arms, Megan fought off the embrace. “Just let me go."

  "Whoa, little girl.” Tucker loosened his grip and turned her around. “I'm not him and I never want to be.” He brushed her hair from her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder. “Breathe, babe. I won't ever let him hurt you again. Breathe for me."

  Megan folded over. The harder she tried to catch her breath, the more her lungs ached. She shouldn't succumb to the bones-deep need to curl up against him. Shouldn't want to lose herself in his kiss, but in the midst of the maelstrom around her, he offered the comfort she craved. She inhaled the woodsy scent of his soap then blew out a long breath.

  "Want to tell me what's going on? How'd the fucker hurt you?"

  Fat tears burned down her cheeks. “Same shit, different day. He wants the team."

  "Son of a bitch.” Tucker rubbed his cheek on the top of her head as he stroked her back in long, languid strokes. The action did little to mask the tension in his voice. “Good thing you called me."

  "I did?"

  "Someone wanted you to get me. You came up on my phone. Shocked me, so I came running. Damn good thing I did."

  "Thanks, Tucker.” She clasped his shirt in her hands and closed her eyes to calm down, basking in the safety of his arms.

  Her heart slowed to a normal pace and she sighed. She rubbed her cheek on his chest. The man wore soft shirts. A knock interrupted the quiet moment. Megan opened her eyes and glanced over Tucker's shoulder. “Who's there?"

  "Megan, it's King. Talk to me a moment?"

  The muscle in Tucker's jaw tensed. “What in the name of fuck's sake do you want, King?"

  "I need to explain. You can leave the door open. Handcuff me. I don't care. I just want to talk."

  "Then say it from your side of the door,” Tucker snapped.

  "Tucker. I'm begging you. Please?"

  "You were in on this. I don't trust you for shit."

  Megan drummed her fingers on Tucker's chest. Hiding wasn't going to solve her problems, but the shit had to end. “Open the door, Tucker, but stay right here.” Megan squared her shoulders and finger-combed her hair. “I'd love to know what the hell King and Rick had planned.” She unlocked the door and held it open. “You have thirty seconds."

  "I don't like this, but I'm dying to know what's going on,” Tucker said through clenched teeth. He folded his arms, placing himself between Megan and King. “Make it quick, King. If I had my way, I'd smear your ass all over the place."

  "Twenty seconds.” Megan fisted her hands on her hips. Tucker's jaw clenched and unclenched, but he stayed quiet. Good thing he could look somewhat composed. Calm wasn't happening for her. Not a bit.

  "I'll be blunt. Rick wants you back."

  "No shit,” Tucker spat. “Tell us something we didn't know."

  Megan put her hand on Tucker's arm. “Let him finish."

  "We all know he pulls stunts. It's his style. Apparently, he thought he'd come here, act smooth and you'd fall into his arms. For God only knows what reason, I thought you had feelings for me and I played along. I was wrong.” King plopped down on the couch. He leant forwards, elbows on his knees. “You probably know, but he bought out Tucker's contract. Well, what was left of it. About twenty-four hours before Guy let you go. Rick had Julia add another addendum stating you can't race for anyone other than Rodney Racing and if you do, it's breach of contract."

  "Damn it all to hell."

  "Chill.” Megan took Tucker aside. “You need to calm down. I love seeing you feisty and commanding, but right now I need to settle this. You getting angry isn't helping."

  "Love?” he repeated before his soft gaze turned to a glare and settled on King. “I'm not leaving you alone with this asshole."

  "I'm glad you're right here, but this isn't your fight.” Megan turned back to King. “Why are you telling us? What's in it for you?"

  "Things blew up in ways I never imagined. I had it figured you'd either give me the go-ahead or you'd show us both the door. I let my cock run the show because I thought you liked me."

  Tucker snorted. “She's got more sense than that."

  "I'm right here and I can speak for myself.” Megan slid her hand into Tucker's back pocket. If anything, the gesture would keep his temper at bay. “What do you want me to do?"

  King snorted. “Poston probably wants you to hang me from the nearest flag pole. He's got an eagle-eye on you."

  "This isn't about him.” Megan held her ground. “Not completely."

  "Come on. You can't tell me I didn't have a chance until he started coming around. We had something."

  Tucker inched away from Megan. “You had something...with him?"

  "Tucker...” Her voice trailed off.

  "And I suppose that wasn't supposed to happen, either?” Tucker's eyes narrowed. A combination of hurt and frustration swirled in the honey- and olive-coloured depths.

  "Lots of things aren't suppos
ed to happen.” She placed her hand on his chest, but he swatted her away. “King and I have never dated."

  "Because she loves you, Tucker,” King interjected.

  "Excuse me.” Tucker's mouth pinched into a tight line. “Butt the fuck out."

  "Oh, fuck you. It's as plain as the nose on my face. Always has been.” King snorted and shook his head. “Now I see why you liked him, Megan. He's an asshole and he can't just accept shit. You two are so meant for each other. Make him work for it, though.” He shifted his weight from his left foot to his right. “As for my punishment, I'd like to keep working here, but I realise I destroyed your faith in me. I'll turn in my keys."

  "Aside from an observation you know nothing about, you're taking this a bit too well.” Megan folded her arms. “What's the deal?"

  King's shoulders slumped. “Every man has a breaking point. I found out today just how low I could go, and I didn't like it. I'm sorry.” He placed his Blitz badge in her hand. “Consider me for next season, maybe?"

  "I'll think about it.” Megan sighed and accepted the badge then followed King through the lobby of Blitz. “But don't expect anything."

  "Bullshit,” Tucker growled and shoved the foyer doors open. “A sack of fucking shit."

  Megan groaned. “Just what I need."

  King shrugged and his mouth kinked into a half-smile. “Keep an eye out for Rick, but keep Tucker closer when he calms down. Goodbye, Megan.” He dipped his head once and stepped out into the parking lot.

  As King's truck disappeared down the road, Megan sat down heavily on the bench. The steel bit into her backside but compared to the rawness of her heart she barely noticed. King's proclamations sat on the forefront of her mind. Did she still love Tucker? She'd kept the necklace. Adhered to his rule. “Once this goes on, it doesn't come off." The tiny chunk of precious metal felt as much a part of her as her own arms or legs. She closed her eyes. What about when the fame came back? The man could drive the wheels off whatever vehicle he climbed into. When he got back into victory lane, would she be expected to step aside again?


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