The Race Against the Mammoth Car

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The Race Against the Mammoth Car Page 4

by Chase Wheeler

Meanwhile, Spritle and his pet chimpanzee, Chim Chim, were still stowed away on the small plane parked outside the mine shaft. With all of Cruncher Block’s men busy with Speed and Trixie, Spritle saw their chance to get off the plane and help.

  “Don’t make a sound, Chim Chim,” he warned his pal. “We don’t want anyone to know we’re here.”

  They hid for a moment under the plane and then raced for cover behind some abandoned mining equipment.

  Chim Chim pointed toward the mine shaft and grunted in alarm.

  “Shhh!” Spritle warned him. “Those men are going to do something bad to Speed and Trixie!”

  Chim Chim shivered.

  Spritle and Chim Chim watched the men guarding the Mach 5.

  “I’ve got to help my brother!” Spritle said.

  Chim Chim quietly hooted his agreement. He had had enough! He could not let those men hurt Speed or Trixie, or even the Mach 5! Suddenly, he leaped out of the shadows and flung himself, hooting and screeching, at one of the bad men. But the man turned around quickly and knocked Chim Chim to the ground. He was much, much bigger than Chim Chim had expected.

  “Aaaah!” cried Spritle.

  Spritle and Chim Chim ran screaming into the mine shaft. Then they fell, head over heels, down the steep slope until they landed on the tracks. None of the men raced into the mine shaft after them.

  Spritle and Chim Chim tried to keep quiet as they crawled toward the light. There, around the corner, they could see Speed and Trixie. They had been tied to a mining cart. And they were surrounded by the crew of the Mammoth Car!



  Speed and Trixie woke to find themselves tied to a mining cart in a large cavern with the Mammoth Car.

  It was some kind of secret hideout. The Mammoth Car was hooked up to a large gas tank.

  Trixie glared at the men holding them captive. “What do you plan to do with us?” she yelled to them.

  An enormous man wearing a bright white suit and hat walked into the cavern. He was Cruncher Block.

  “I’ll tell ya,” he boomed in Trixie’s direction. “So you’ve found my secret place, eh? Well, I’m finished with this secret headquarters, so I’m gonna get rid of it, and the two of you while I’m at it!”

  Speed stared him down. But there was little he could do, tied up with rope as he was.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do,” Cruncher Block yelled. “And it’ll be way more interesting than just knocking ya into Lake Icy-Chill!”

  “Why, I’ll ...” Speed mumbled. He was shaking with anger.

  “What do you think is in that cart you’re tied to?” Cruncher Block bellowed. “Three tons of dynamite! ”

  Trixie gasped in horror.

  “Yeah, that’s right, ”Cruncher Block continued. “Once we light that fuse, we’re going to push that cart down into the deepest levels of the mine.” He laughed heartily. “Somewhere deep down in that tunnel the fuse is gonna set off the dynamite, and that’ll be the end of both of you. Then nobody will learn what you found out about my Mammoth Car. Too bad you have to lose the race, and your lives.” He laughed some more. His loud laughter echoed sinisterly throughout the mine shaft.

  Then he tipped his shiny white hat and said good-bye.

  Outside the mine, Cruncher Block’s men had orders to destroy the Mach 5 and get rid of all the evidence that Speed and Trixie had ever been here. But first they wanted to have some fun with the race car.

  A man held an ax up to the clean white exterior of the car.

  “Ready!” one of the men called.

  “Cut it!” cried another.

  The man was just about to lower the ax when a hand reached out from nowhere and grabbed it away from him. “No you don’t!” a voice said. The man that had been holding the ax was flipped over and knocked hard to the ground.

  Then all the other men were knocked out, too.

  Racer X had come again at just the right moment. He’d saved the Mach 5, but could he save Speed and Trixie?



  Back in the mine shaft, Cruncher Block left his men so they could light the dynamite fuse and get rid of Speed and Trixie. But before they did, they made sure to have the Mammoth Car driven out of the mine shaft. It had to get back to the No-Limit World Race. With the Mach 5 out of the picture, the Mammoth Car would win the race for sure. And by staying in the race until the finish line, it would make it over the border and out of the country.

  Down in the mine, Speed and Trixie were still tied to the mining cart.

  “Now!” one of Cruncher Block’s men ordered. “Light the fuse! ”

  Speed and Trixie were in total shock.

  A man lit the fuse and undid the brake on the cart. Then the men ran out of the mine, leaving Speed and Trixie to fend for themselves.

  With the brake no longer keeping the cart in place, it began to inch forward along the tracks. The fuse hissed. The cart picked up speed, carrying them deeper and deeper into the mine. There was no stopping it now.

  But as they turned the corner, something-or someone—landed on top of the mining cart. It was Spritle and Chim Chim. They’d been hiding around the bend and had been waiting for their chance to help Speed and Trixie.

  “It’s you!” Speed cried, startled.

  Spritle and Chim Chim knocked the dynamite off of the cart.

  Then Chim Chim gnawed at the ropes that were holding Speed. With his sharp teeth, he was able to set Speed free in no time. But when the rope broke, Spritle, who was trying to untie Trixie on the other side, lost control. Spritle started swinging in wild circles all around the mining cart as it gained even more speed.

  “Yow!” Spritle cried. He was accidentally winding the rope back around Speed and Trixie!

  The rope was holding, and the cart was quickly rolling toward a head-on collision with another cart. It seemed like there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

  Just then Racer X came running in! Racer X hit a switch on the tracks, diverting the runaway cart that Speed and Trixie were tied to so that they sped down another line of tracks and missed hitting the other cart. Then Racer X quickly leaped onto the cart with Speed, Trixie, Spritle, and Chim Chim.

  “Huh?!” Speed said.

  Racer X expertly undid the ropes, setting everyone free. “You just avoided that crash,” Racer X said.

  “I don’t know how you got down here, Racer X,” Speed said. “Or how you even knew to find us, but thank you for switching those rails in the nick of time.”

  “You saved us,” Trixie gushed.

  “We’re not out of the mine yet,” Racer X said. He turned the cart on the tracks and started heading for the exit.

  As they approached the mouth of the mine, the dynamite that had been knocked off the mining cart earlier exploded in the distance with a loud burst of noise and falling rocks.

  “And you two saved us also,” Trixie said to Spritle and Chim Chim. “If you hadn’t knocked the dynamite off of the cart, I don’t want to think what could have happened.”

  “We were very lucky today,” Speed said.

  They emerged from the mine, all in one piece.

  “If I hadn’t arrived, you would never have gotten out of that mine,” Racer X said. “Cruncher Block and his men will do anything to win.”

  “Chim Chim and I were hiding on that plane,” Spritle said. “That’s how we found Speed. But I don’t get it, Racer X, how did you know where to find us?”

  Racer X didn’t answer.

  “You always seem to arrive when we need you the most,” Trixie added.

  Speed was staring intently at Racer X. There was something about him that was so ... familiar. Racer X was a famous race car driver. He always wore a mask. But even so, even with the mask on, there was something odd about Racer X that Speed couldn’t put his finger on.

  He sort of reminds me of my big brother, Rex, Speed thought.

  Racer X turned and saw Speed staring at him. “Is something the matte
r, Speed?” he asked. “You’re looking at me strangely. What’s going on?”

  No, Speed thought. That would be impossible. There’s no way my brother Rex and Racer X are the same person.

  Little did Speed know that his hunch was right.

  “Nothing’s the matter,” Speed said. “I’m just thinking of the race.”

  “And look,” Spritle said. “The Mach 5 is fine. Those bad men didn’t hurt your car at all, Speed!”

  The Mach 5 was unharmed and parked just where Speed had left it. There wasn’t a scratch on it—thanks to Racer X.

  Racer X was now the one staring intently at Speed. “I hope you never leave your car in the middle of a race again,” he said. “Now hurry! You may be able to catch up to the Mammoth Car.”

  Speed nodded. Racer X was right; he never should have left the Mach 5. “Thanks for everything, Racer X,” he said. Then he shook thoughts of his brother Rex out of his mind and hopped in his car with Trixie.



  Cruncher Block was flying through the clouds in his plane. He gazed out the window at the ground far below and grinned.

  “Now we should have no more trouble,” he said.

  Then a radio signal cut in.

  “This is the Mammoth Car calling Cruncher Block,” came a voice over the radio. “Did you get rid of those kids? We’re running right on schedule. ”

  Cruncher Block went to the window again. Through the clouds, down on the road beneath the plane, he could see the long Mammoth Car speeding along the highway. It was a red blur, steadily moving toward the finish line as planned.

  “Yes. They won’t be bothering us ever again,” Cruncher Block boomed into the radio. “You finish that race, and then we’ll meet you at the boat.”

  The plane picked up speed and swooped away from the road, heading for the pier where Cruncher Block’s boat was waiting.

  Meanwhile, Speed and Trixie were making good time on the road. They were back in the No-Limit World Race, keeping their eyes peeled for the Mammoth Car in the distance. They hoped they could still catch up.

  They raced all day and all through the night in the Mach 5, and they passed the ocean just as the sun was rising over the water.

  Spritle and Chim Chim were riding comfortably in the Mach 5’s trunk. They opened the trunk to peek out at the sky as the sun came up. “Morning!” Spritle said to Chim Chim. “It looks like it’s going to be a great day.”

  Chim Chim gazed at the sun and hooted his agreement.

  The Mach 5 raced over sandy beaches and down seaside roads. It could win this race yet.



  At the checkpoint, Pops Racer and Inspector Detector were waiting anxiously for the Mach 5 to arrive. A group of racing officials stood by, ready to give each of the cars still in the No-Limit World Race an official stamp to keep going. A crowd of onlookers sat in the stands, watching the road. No cars had reached the checkpoint yet.

  Then a motor could be heard in the distance. Pops craned his neck to see who was approaching. The motor got louder and louder-it could only belong to the biggest of all the cars in the race.

  The Mammoth Car came into view, its tires taller than most cars. The crowd oohed and aahed at its amazing red bulk and its many segments. They waved up at the driver as the huge car slowed to a stop at the checkpoint. Dark black smoke billowed out from its front grille as the engine quieted.

  Over the loudspeaker, the announcer told the crowd, “This is the first car to reach the checkpoint!” The crowd cheered wildly.

  Using a very tall ladder, a racing official climbed up to the window. “So far the Mammoth Car’s winning!” he announced to the driver.

  “Well, of course we are,” the driver snapped. “And we’re gonna win the whole race. Now stamp the certificate with the time that we reached here. And don’t you lie.”

  The racing official stamped the Mammoth Car’s certificate with the correct time. “Now why would I lie?” he said. “You’re in the lead!” Then he climbed down the ladder to the ground far below.

  The Mammoth Car started its mammoth engine. A rumbling growl filled the area. Black smoke exploded again from the front grille.

  Then someone walked in front of the Mammoth Car to keep it from going anywhere. It was Inspector Detector. He held up his hand before the towering hood. “Hold it!” he yelled.

  Inside the Mammoth Car, the driver and his assistant driver exchanged glances.

  “The police! the assistant driver mumbled. ”What do you think they want?”

  Inspector Detector answered for him. “We want to inspect the car,” he called. “We think you might be smuggling.” Two other police officers stood beside him.

  “Again?!” snapped the driver. He rolled his eyes. Then he called down to Inspector Detector. “Go ahead, mate. We got nothin’ to hide.”

  “Yeah!” called the assistant driver. “You looked already, but look again if you wanna.”

  The driver pushed a button on the dashboard, and a door in the first compartment opened. A stairway slid down so the officers could climb inside.

  Inspector Detector turned to the two officers with him. “Inspect everything carefully,” he told them. “Don’t miss a single thing. Now go ahead. Get in there!”

  At the wheel, the driver and his assistant driver waited impatiently. The police officers were taking their time getting their equipment together. This inspection would take forever. Then the driver saw a flash of white in his side-view mirror.

  “No!” he cried. “It’s Speed Racer!”

  The Mach 5, with Speed at the wheel, was swiftly approaching the checkpoint.

  “What?!” the assistant driver cried. “I thought the boss took care of him!”

  The crowd cheered even louder as the Mach 5 pulled up to a stop beside the Mammoth Car.

  Inspector Detector hurried over to it. “Speed Racer, I’m so glad to see you!”

  Speed stood straight up in his seat and pointed atthe Mammoth Car. “Inspector, you’d better make a thorough inspection of the Mammoth Car!”

  Pops ran up, waving the Mach 5’s homing robot. The homing robot had reached its destination, just as Speed and Trixie had hoped!

  “He’s already doing it!” Pops said to Speed. “Thanks to you. We got your message! ”

  “Pops!” Speed said, surprised. “I didn’t know you’d be here. And we’ve got Spritle and Chim Chim with us in the Mach 5.”

  Now it was Pops’s turn to be surprised. “Huh?!” he said. He headed for the Mach 5’s trunk, but just before he reached it Spritle and Chim Chim jumped out and ran away. Pops found an empty trunk. “Speed, I don’t see them. Where are the little rascals?”

  “They’re both in the trunk,” Speed called.

  . “No they’re not,” Pops said. “There isn’t anybody back here, Speed.”

  But before Speed could get out to look for himself, he heard a man yell beside him, “Clear the road ! ”

  “The big car’s leaving!” Speed said.

  Sure enough, the engine roared and a burst of dark smoke rose out over the roadway. The Mammoth Car’s driver had decided to leave before the inspection was over. The stairway pulled up, knocking the police officers who were just climbing out of the back off onto the ground below. The door to the Mammoth Car’s interior closed. And with that, the Mammoth Car sped away.

  As it did, two small figures could be seen hanging onto the back end of the giant Mammoth Car.

  “That’s Spritle and Chim Chim!” Speed cried.

  Pops started running. “Stop that car!” he yelled.

  Inspector Detector and the police officers started running, too. “Stop!” he yelled to the Mammoth Car. “Stop!”

  But the Mammoth Car did not stop. Instead, it sped up and was soon out on the road where no one could chase it.

  Except for the Mach 5.

  “Hang on, Trixie,” Speed said. “We’re going after it! ”

  A racing officia
l ran up to Trixie’s window and quickly stamped the official racing paperwork. “Not before we’re sure you’re still in the race!” he yelled.

  “Hurry, Speed!” Trixie yelled.

  The Mach 5 took off in pursuit of the Mammoth Car.



  Inside the Mammoth Car, Spritle and Chim Chim looked around the empty chamber.

  “That’s funny,” Spritle said. “Don’t you think so, Chim Chim?”

  Chim Chim grunted. He did think it was quite funny.

  “What’s that?” Spritle said, noticing a button in the wall. He pushed it, and a door slid open to reveal one of the Mammoth Car’s driving crew—a big thug of a man—towering over them.

  Spritle gasped.

  The thug laughed sinisterly.

  Meanwhile, Speed and Trixie were speeding along the road trying to catch up to the Mammoth Car. Speed had the giant red car in his sights. “We’ll be able to catch them soon, Trixie,” he said.

  “Oh, good,” she said.

  In the Mammoth Car, the driver and his assistant were speeding along, unaware that they had two small stowaways onboard.

  “In a few minutes, we’ll be at the boat,” the driver told his assistant.

  But a police helicopter was also speeding overhead. It was quickly gaining on the Mammoth Car below. Inspector Detector and Pops looked out the window. The Mammoth Car and the Mach 5 were side by side on the road.

  “They’re getting close to the finish line,” Inspector Detector told Pops.

  “Good,” Pops said. “Then they won’t be able to go any farther. They’ll reach the finish line and you’ll arrest them.”

  The crowd at the finish line of the No-Limit World Race was much larger than the crowd had been at the checkpoint, or even at the start of the race. There were thousands of people in the stands, all waiting to see who would cross the finish first and be the lucky car to win the longest race in the world. An announcer sat high up in a black-and-white checkered lookout. Over the loudspeaker he kept the crowd informed. “As they come into the home stretch, the Mammoth Car and the Mach 5 are tied for first place! ” he cried.


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