Chasing Brynn (A Tempting Novel Book 2)

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Chasing Brynn (A Tempting Novel Book 2) Page 24

by Angela Corbett

  “Do you have anything we can use for traction?” I asked.

  “Not on snow this deep.”

  He stepped back, looking at the snow, the ditch, and the embankment we’d have to climb to get back up onto the road. He turned back to me, a dismal look on his face. “There’s no way we’re getting out of here without help.” He pulled out his phone and thumbed through his contacts. He hit send, and heard several beeps. “No service. Damn it.”

  Of course there was no service. Just like in every horror movie, they’re miraculously in a no-phone zone. I didn’t think those still existed. Apparently they do. In Colorado. During blizzards. I checked my phone, too. No service. It was either weather-related, or our phone companies needed to improve their reception. “This stretch of road is pretty deserted at night, especially in a storm. There aren’t any houses around for miles.” He shut off the engine. “I think our best bet is to wait until morning. We’ll be able to be seen from the road by then, or we can at least get out and wave someone down for help as cars start to pass by.”

  I nodded and followed him to the SUV. He opened the back doors one at a time, and folded the back seats down. Then he pulled out a heat-retaining blanket that looked so much like a foil anti-alien hat that I questioned whether it was really capable of containing any heat at all.

  He opened the back lift gate and unfolded another blanket—this one with some actual batting inside—and spread it out on the floor of the car. Then he put the foil blanket on top of that. “Climb in,” he said, pulling the foil back.

  “Climb in? What are you going to do, tuck me in?”

  “I’m going to tuck us both in.”

  Cuddle time with Cade/Master Z? I certainly wasn’t going to turn that opportunity down. I crawled under the blanket and Cade followed, pulling the lift gate down once he was inside. We both had our coats on, and the car was still fairly warm from the heat that had been running when we slid, but I knew it was only a matter of time before it cooled down. Staying warm was key. Cuddling and conserving body heat would help that.

  “I have a winter emergency kit. It has water and some snacks, so we should be fine. We just have to keep warm until someone finds us.” I turned, pressing my back to Cade’s front, his arms wrapped around me protectively. He made me feel safe and calm, two emotions I wouldn’t normally have under these circumstances—the difference was Cade. I realized I trusted him, and for the first time in my life, I was comfortable with having that feeling about a man.

  I felt his breath on the back of my neck, warming other parts of me as well. I knew about survival basics. I also knew the best way to stay warm was to cuddle with someone while you were both naked. I grinned at that. I wasn’t sure I could handle naked Cade. That would surely lead to other things—which might not be a bad idea since we were trying to keep the heat level high. Apparently Cade was thinking the same thing, because I felt something long and hard pressing against my ass. I blew out a breath. It was going to be a long night. I decided to try and get both of our minds on something other than each other’s naughty bits. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He’d been quiet since we cuddled up.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  The one word answer followed by silence didn’t convey reassurance. “That had to be scary,” I said. “Considering what happened with Ivy and the accident.”

  I felt his chest press against me as I heard him take a deep breath, and then felt him release it. “The fear comes up every once in a while. Specifically in circumstances that remind me of the accident, like this.”

  “That’s totally normal,” I said, trying to soothe him. “Past trauma can be triggered by something similar happening in the present.”

  “That’s what my therapist said when I was going through counseling after the accident, too.”

  I ran my hand over his in gentle circles, hoping the touch and movement would help him relax. “I’m glad you got help and talked through it. Too many people don’t, and then the mental trauma can affect them for years to come.”

  “It wasn’t really my choice. My parents were insistent.”

  I smiled and tilted my head back so he could see my face. “You have good parents. A lot of people don’t believe in therapy—they’re usually the ones who need it the most. I’m glad your parents supported helping you deal with a traumatic circumstance, and wanted the best for you. Was Ivy in therapy too?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “She handled the whole thing far better than I did, and she was the one who was hurt. The fact that she so readily accepted her fate and moved on made me feel even worse.”

  “That makes sense. You felt responsible. Guilt is like a disease. It’s often easier to forgive others than it is to forgive ourselves.”

  He moved his arms, holding me tighter. “It took me a long time to do that. Sometimes I still don’t think I have.”

  I wrapped my hands around his arms and squeezed him back. “That’s okay. It’s a process. Mental mind-fucks can screw you over worse than physical ones sometimes.”

  “I believe that.”

  We cuddled in silence for a while. I watched out the window as the snow continued to fall. The flakes were huge, and I had no doubt the car would be covered in several inches by morning. As I watched, I started thinking about Cade and his family. He’d said he’d never brought a girl home before. We weren’t even in a real relationship…at least, not a defined one…yet. The fact I’d added that “yet” caveat gave me pause. Was I really ready for a relationship? After all of this time? I pressed my lips together, thinking that the reaction was something I was going to have to analyze.

  Cade was certainly ready…that was no secret. He’d just had me meet his sister and mom. Family meetings were usually reserved for when two people became serious. His relationship with his last girlfriend had sounded pretty damn serious, and even though his ex had idiotic opinions about Ivy, it was still strange he’d never introduced her to them when he’d brought me over after less than six months. It made me feel special, but also curious.

  “Why did you want me to meet your sister?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer for several minutes. I was questioning whether he actually would answer it when he said, “My sister is one of the most inspiring people I know. She’s outgoing, and smart, and takes life by the horns. She doesn’t let anything—even a disability—affect her self-esteem. She is who she is, and you take her or leave her. You remind me a lot of Ivy. You’re both smart, strong, independent, incredible women. But, like you, my sister had to overcome something. Your struggles were different, but they were still physical, emotional, and damn difficult. Yet, you both faced those fears and ghosts with absolute courage, and you did it exceptionally. I wanted you to meet Ivy. To recognize yourself in her, and see that what you look like really doesn’t matter, B. That even when you were mistreated, you were strong and intelligent, with a huge heart, and still are—regardless of what a scale or number on a tag says.” He threaded his hands between mine. “I would have fallen for you in high school as much as I’ve fallen for you now—because I understand that the physical representation of a person isn’t who they are. I want you to understand that, too. You’re beautiful, every part of you, but the parts I love the most aren’t the ones on the outside.”

  My heart constricted abruptly, and then felt as hot as the sun, and ready to burst. Everything I’d ever wanted a man to say to me, everything I’d ever wanted a man to make me feel, was summed up in those sentences Cade had spoken. For years I’d lived in fear of relationships and being hurt again. I thought every man only wanted a woman for what they looked like, and I’d be cheated on or dumped again if I didn’t fit the physical mold. Even though I’d had no interest in relationships, I was subconsciously aware of what I thought men wanted, and kept attempting to meet their standards. I didn’t let men affect me like that, or anyone treat me that way in any other aspect of my life. I gave zero fucks what people thought of me in every instance, but when it came to what I looked like, I
couldn’t stop caring. Why had I allowed others to have that kind of power over me? It was a disservice to myself, and I was done doing it.

  I turned over in his arms so I could see his face and look into his eyes. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For teaching me to push past my fear.”

  His eyes darkened and his hand came up to the side of my face, cupping my cheek. “Does that mean you’re ready for more than just dating?”

  I held his gaze. “I can’t imagine being your girlfriend would ever be boring.”

  He sawed out a breath and placed his forehead against mine. “Thank fuck.”

  I grinned, reaching my own hands up to his cheeks.

  He mirrored my expression. “You know, it’s only a matter of time before we have to get naked to maximize body heat conservation.”

  “Mmmm,” I said, dragging my bottom lip back with my teeth. “I was thinking about that earlier.”

  He leaned down, his mouth a hairsbreadth away from mine. “Then why are you still wearing clothes?”

  He pressed his lips to mine, the kiss hard and wanting. I returned it with just as much need.

  He pulled back, his eyes searching. “Are you sure? Because I can’t do this only once, and I won’t share you. I want you, Brynn. Only you. If you want something different, I need to know now. In about five seconds, I won’t be able to stop.”

  I held his gaze, every part of me, from my nipples to my core, burning with desire. “I don’t want anyone but you, Cade. Only you.”

  His hands went over my coat, unbuttoning it, then made quick work of my sweater underneath. I pushed his coat off as well, then pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it to the side of the SUV. My bra was red, lacy, and kept nothing a secret. He ran a finger over the cups, my breasts pushed up and enlarged with need. He took my nipple in his mouth through my bra, and I moaned as I leaned my head back. He sucked and bit, the texture of the lace rubbing in a delicious way, then repeated the tongue tease on my other nipple. “As much as I like this,” he said, reaching a hand behind my back and with the skill of an expert, undoing the clasps of my bra with one hand, on the first try, “I like what’s underneath even more.”

  “Did you practice that one-handed clasp move?” I asked.

  His lips slid up. “I’m a bra magician.”

  “You’re not kidding. I can’t even get it off that fast.”

  He pulled my bra off, throwing it to the side. Then sat back, looking at my breasts. I was a modest C-cup. Not too big, not too small. Enough to give me a decent amount of cleavage, and an enormous amount with a push-up bra.

  “Your nipples look like the prettiest pink roses I’ve ever seen.”

  I blushed, thinking it was the first time I’d ever been compared to a delicate flower.

  He leaned down and took my nipples in his mouth again, one at a time. It was a completely different sensation than I’d felt with the lace of the bra. His tongue was rough against the sensitive skin, and when I thought I couldn’t take the sensation anymore, he started alternating between sucking and biting. I was already wet, if he kept this up, I was going to orgasm before he even got inside me. I pushed him back. His eyes were dark and he didn’t look happy about the interruption. “I want to see you,” I said.

  He pushed off of me, holding my eyes as he undid his belt. Then so slowly it was painful, unzipped his pants, and started to slide them down. His stomach was flat and hard, and I wanted to trace the muscles with my tongue. I could see the bulge pushing against the side of his jeans, but it was still covered. “I see I’m not the only one who goes commando.”

  He gave me a wolf-smile and slowly moved his head back and forth, still not taking his eyes from me. “I sleep naked, too.”

  I met his gaze. “So do I.”

  He pulled his pants off the rest of the way. “We’re not going to get much sleeping done when we have sleepovers then.”

  My gaze trailed down to the thick length jutting out from his body. It was long, uncircumcised, and perfect in every way.



  Cade was naked.

  Master Z was naked.

  Completely, totally, beautifully naked.

  “No,” I breathed out the word, unable to shift my gaze away from his muscled frame and hard cock, “we won’t.” He pulled a condom from the wallet in his jeans and rolled it on. Even the act of watching him touch himself to put on a condom was erotic.

  “I’m doing that next time,” I said, jealous he’d been touching what I yearned for. I pushed him down so he was horizontal, then got between his legs. I trailed my lips down his stomach, my hands splayed out firmly on his chest, holding him in place. As I got close to him, his cock jumped, pulsing with need. My mouth was half an inch away and with a smile, I passed by him, my breath the only contact with his length, and kept kissing down his thigh. He groaned, and I grinned between kisses. I licked my way back up, and repeated the same thing on the other side, my tongue leaving a trail of craving. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. On my way back up his thigh, I stopped above him, pulled my hair back so he’d have a clear view, and took one of his balls in my mouth, sucking. His hips popped up and when I took the other ball in my mouth as well, he let out a loud groan. I wrapped my fingers around the base of his cock, like a makeshift cock ring, licking and sucking his balls, then released them, moving my lips up. I took the head first—teasing it, light licks, like the tip was a lollipop. Up, down, and around, twisting my tongue. I relaxed the back of my throat so I could take him all. “Fuck, Brynn! You’re going to make me come!” My lips stretched against him and I kept going. Licking and sucking, licking and sucking, changing the depth and hardness. I could feel his cock getting even harder, his balls tightening, and just when I thought he was going to blow, I stopped. He threw his head back in frustration. I gave him a wicked look, then went back—this time adding some teeth. He moaned again, his hands in my hair. I went down harder, taking him completely. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to come,” he growled.

  “That’s the idea,” I said, the next time I came up for air.

  He shook his head. “No. The first time I come, I’m going to be inside you.” He picked me up, depositing me to the side, then he reached over to my waist, unhooking the button on my pants.

  The zipper came down and he pulled. In one swift movement, I was naked.

  He looked at me, completely bare and open to him and inhaled a ragged breath. “You’re everything, B. Not just beautiful, but everything.”

  He leaned down, his body over mine, his length pressed into my thigh as he kissed me deeply.

  I pushed him off, my breath coming out in pants. He looked at me like I was insane. “What is it?” he asked, struggling to maintain control. “Please don’t tell me you changed your mind.”

  I looked at him like he was insane. “Are you fucking kidding? Of course not. I’ve been waiting for this for months! I just forgot to take my socks off.”

  He froze, his face more shocked than I’d ever seen a person look. “Seriously?” His tone was full of incredulity and his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

  I shrugged, unapologetic. “I can’t have sex with socks on.”

  He arched a brow. “I’ve read Mistress A and she seems to do it just fine in heels?”

  “That’s different.”


  I wasn’t exactly sure. It just was. “I don’t know. But I can’t do it in socks.”

  He pressed his lips together and took a deep breath. “If I wasn’t so turned on right now, I’d want to analyze that,” Cade said, “but at this point, I don’t give a fuck. Get your damn socks off. Here,” he said, reaching down, “I’ll help.”

  We made quick work of the socks, and Cade was on top of me immediately, his mouth on mine. He reached down, centering himself at my entrance, then pressed into me. I gasped as he sighed. “You’re so wet.” His thickness filled me in every way. I’d neve
r been with someone who I had true feelings for, and who returned them. This wasn’t lust, or infatuation. This was so much more. And for some reason, that made it better than I ever expected it could be. Or maybe Cade was just that good.

  He pushed in and out, holding himself above me. I watched his muscles contract with the movement, his shoulders rolling forward and back.

  “Looks like holding plank at the gym is working out for you.”

  “And hang cleans,” he ground out.

  He started to move faster, and I could tell it wouldn’t last much longer. I shook my head. “What now?” he asked.

  “It’s my turn.”

  His expression turned sinful as he rolled me, switching positions so I was on top…a movement not easy to maneuver in an enclosed space, but we managed. He felt even bigger this way, and I clenched my muscles around him as I went up and down. I came almost immediately. He squeezed his eyes shut, almost pained trying to hold back his own release. After a couple of seconds he opened them, and I kept going. Up and down, circling my hips. He put his hands on my ass, controlling the movement. “You don’t like it when someone else is in charge,” I said, more statement than question.

  “Neither do you.”

  I pressed my lips to his, kissing him hard. “We’re going to have to work on that, Counselor.”

  He was getting close to release when I leaned down and said, “Next time, I’m riding you backwards.”

  He exploded and I followed, my walls closing around him like a vice. When we were done, I fell on top of him and eventually moved to the side, nestled into the nook of his arm where I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

  I woke up after about twenty minutes. Cade had apparently checked his watch before I dozed off.

  My head was on his chest and I was appreciating the work of art that was his body. His tattoo was visible, and while I hadn’t had time to closely examine it earlier, or the previous times I’d seen his naked chest, I had ample time now. “Your tattoo,” I said, tracing it lightly with my fingertips. It was a python, coiled and ready to strike, its teeth within biting distance of his scar. It was black and green, the coils standing out with various shades of fading. The eyes of the snake were bright purple. “Ivy drew this for you?”


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