Breaking us Both 4: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Public Humiliation & Sharing

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Breaking us Both 4: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Public Humiliation & Sharing Page 1

by Tinto Selvaggio

  Breaking us Both 4

  Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Public Humiliation & Sharing

  By Tinto Selvaggio

  Copyright 2016 by T. Selvaggio

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author. Reviewers may quote brief passages in reviews.


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  Cover Design by D. Luck. Cover Images: ‘Young Couple Standing’ by stil333 & ‘Businessman with arms crossed’ by Ambro. Courtesy

  This work of fiction contains graphic sexual content and is for mature audiences only. It is intended only for those eighteen years of age or older. All sexually active characters portrayed in this ebook are consenting adults eighteen years of age or older. As a work of fiction, any similarities to any situations or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.


  What happens to a cuckold husband when his wife’s dominant alpha male lover wants him to give up his role as a man?

  Cuckolded Vaughn is a submissive husband trying to cope with the increasing influence of a wealthy, dominant older male on his marriage.

  But forced into long term chastity, sexually denied his own wife and even made to serve the bi bull in front of her - Vaughn is struggling.

  He wants to keep the couple’s increasingly depraved sexual activity separate from their everyday lives and the people they know. He wants to salvage at least some degree of dignity and self worth. Most of all he wants to keep the love and respect of his beautiful young hotwife.

  None of this is going to be easy.

  Vaughn’s young wife is becoming ever more devoted to this older male Richmond.

  Vaughn himself is fighting his own growing obsession with pleasing and serving this other man.

  Meanwhile the dominant bull seems determined to expand his control over the couple, deepening their submission and humiliation. Shaming them in front of people they know, sharing them with a group of virtual strangers and introducing the young hotwife to lesbian sex and submission.

  As if that weren’t enough, Richmond plans to completely strip Vaughn of any last trace of his masculinity.

  Could Vaughn really cope with all this and risk what it might do to his wife’s feelings for him?

  Or will the submissive husband refuse Richmond and chance losing the kind of incredibly intense cuckold relationship he’s always yearned for?

  This novella-sized 21k+ word wife sharing erotica ebook adventure, written from the husband’s point of view, contains explicit descriptions of sexual action and other activity including public humiliation, group sex, forced bi and sissy humiliation, feminization, submission and cuckolding.

  Only mature adults who won’t find that offensive should read this.

  Chapter One

  “Do you ever worry about it Vaughn?” Lily stops prodding her salad with her fork and slowly looks up at me from the other side of the table. I pull my sunglasses away from my eyes to try and read her face better. The sun is still high here in the beer garden and I have to shield my eyes with one of my hands.

  “Richmond I mean,” her voice is hesitant.

  Wrestling emotions surge through the pit of my stomach.

  A sense of almost joyous ‘relief’ that my wife seems concerned about the effect her lover is having on our marriage. That maybe she isn’t quite as blindly obsessed with this other, older man as I’d begun to believe.

  Yet at the same time, her words have my belly swirling with disappointment. I might be comforted by her concern for our relationship, but I’m not certain I’d want this torturous situation to come to an end. Fifteen increasingly agonizing nights in chastity can do that to a husband.

  “How do you mean ‘worry’ about it Lily?” I want to understand the reason behind her original question before I tell her how I feel.

  “Some of the things we’ve done I guess,” her eyes descend to her plate and a lock of her long blonde hair slides from behind one ear. Slender fingers retrieve the hair but she doesn’t look at me.

  “It’s probably just nerves about tomorrow. You’re bound to be anxious starting a new job working for him,” I reach across the knotted wooden table and rest a hand on the top of one of hers. My nerve endings tingle at the touch of her. There actually is something very reassuring about my beautiful wife not being as excited about this new role as she was when she first accepted it.

  “I wish I hadn’t done that in the cellar” she mumbles and feline green eyes flick quickly at me before descending again. “You know, with Richmond’s friend.”

  My face burns at the memory of my wife being directed to her knees by Richmond. The woman I love at the feet of someone she’d met only an hour or so early. Anthony, a man Lily would never have looked once let alone twice in our ‘everyday’ lives.

  I pull my Ray-Bans back down over my eyes and dig at my tortellini pasta.

  “We’ve both done things we wouldn’t normally do,” I clear my throat. She’ll know exactly what I mean.

  A couple pass us carrying their drinks to an adjacent table. Lily leans towards me. Her large breasts swell forward in her lacy white dress, allowing my eyes to linger on her wonderful cleavage.

  “You don’t think I’m being a slut do you?” she whispers, her perfect white teeth playing at one corner of her mouth.

  The question seems almost bizarre coming from such a beautiful face.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I love you,” I take both her hands in mine and speak softly, “Like I said before; we’ve both done things haven’t we?”

  “I still don’t really know why he wanted me do that; with his friend,” She shakes her head, her voice still quiet.

  “I guess it’s about control.” I shrug, my own voice little more than a whisper now.

  “But he knows I’d do anything for him. Why that?” her voice rises and the couple on the next table momentarily look across.

  We both blush.

  Something about her saying she’d do ‘anything’ for Richmond has my chastity belt constricting uncomfortably around my imprisoned flesh. Even with regular applications of Vaseline jelly my skin is so sore down there.

  “It makes me wonder what he really feels about me.” Lily swirls her spritzer.


  “I need the bathroom Vaughn,” she pats her lips with a napkin and pushes out her chair.

  The guy on the adjacent table averts his eyes from Lily when I look at him. That’s one of the hardest things about this situation. Envious, coveting looks from other men. Guys who wonder how I got a girl like her to wear my ring and share my bed.

  If they only knew the truth.

  I lift my drink and watch the swaying movement of my wife’s round ass and her legs as she makes her way back inside to the bar. God I need to make love to her again.

  This is the first time we’ve talked about what happened in the cellar of Anthony’s house. We were supposed to have gone back there a second time but Richmond cancelled it because of some business trip or other.

  I don’t know what’s brought this reaction on from Lily now. But I don’t think Richmond’s contacted her for a few days. That usually makes her anxious. Maybe she’s been bottling everything up and for some reason only now feels able to talk about it. Or perhaps she really is just nervous about the new job in his business.

te my almost permanent state of frustrated sexual arousal I’d be lying if I said I didn’t sometimes feel panic-stricken myself. Could I really stop a man like Richmond from taking my wife away from me for good if that’s what he wanted?

  I guess that very fear in some crazed way, forms part of my excitement with this whole situation.

  But it’s not easy living with myself after some of the things he’s made me do. I guess it should be no surprise if Lily feels the same about some of what she does for him.

  She hasn’t shown any signs of misgivings before now. Either she hasn’t felt them or she’s been good at hiding them.

  Out of sight under the table I adjust my chastity belt. What husband wouldn’t struggle with the frustration of being sexually denied his own wife by another man? Especially when that wife looks like Lily.

  Sometimes it’s almost impossible to manage. Your mood swings can be wild. You don’t think straight. Crazy, ecstatic euphoria one minute, defeated sadness and despair the next.

  I watch the gentle jiggle of Lily’s boobs in her dress as she returns. She smiles, if a little wearily and scoops her lacquered fingernails through her hair. I look up and down the length of her. The sunlight glints off her ankle chain. My whole body throbs with desire.

  “I get scared sometimes too you know Lily,” I say as she takes her seat opposite me. I move my clammy hand down below the table. I let it rest on top of her dress, just above her knees. Once, when we first got together, my merely touching her there like this would have been enough to turn her on.

  “Scared when you stay away from home. Scared I might lose you to him.” I’m telling the truth, but more importantly at this moment I want to help her put her own concerns into perspective.

  “Oh Vaughn,” she sighs, “I’ve told you before. You’re not going to lose me.” her hand takes mine under the table.

  “I know, but it’s only natural. I’ve seen you two together. I know he satisfies you Lily”. My hand moves on her thigh, my face burning.

  “Sex isn’t everything Vaughn. I don’t think I could ever be married to a man like Richmond. Even if he wanted to leave his wife.” She’s blushing, “He’s not dependable like you. He doesn’t love me like I know you do. I’d never be sure where he was, or what he was up to half the time.”

  ‘Dependable?’ Is that how she sees me now?

  “I think you’re right Vaughn. It probably is just nerves kicking in about the new job now it’s so close,” she looks in to my eyes. She smiles, but it looks a little forced.

  “You’ll be fine babe; you know he’ll look after you. You’ll make new friends and then there’s always the extra money.” I pat her hand.

  She smiles and suggests we go home.

  In our bedroom I’m stripped down to my underpants. Lily is in an agonizingly short black night dress at her dressing table when her phone rings.

  “Richmond, Hi” her face lights up as she pauses from taking off her make-up.

  “Yes, just getting ready for bed,” she speaks quickly, excitedly and then laughs at whatever he says in reply.

  “A bit nervous really,” she takes the phone in both hands and looks at me with her cheeks coloring. She’s gesturing towards the door with her head.

  “What?” I mouth, rather than say out loud.

  “Would you mind? For a few minutes Vaughn?” she has her hand over the mouthpiece of the phone. Her eyes move to the bedroom door.

  My stomach flutters. Sent from my own bedroom so she can talk to her lover in private.

  My chastity belt shifts in my shorts as I leave her and head across the landing to the bathroom.

  With this contraption between my legs I can’t go to the toilet standing up. So I sit like a girl and tug the hard shell of the cage away from myself; trying not to make a mess with my aim.

  When I’ve finished, I crouch outside our bedroom with my ear pressed against the door. Lily’s laughing inside the room, but talking too quietly for me to follow her conversation. Then she calls.

  “OK Vaughn. I’ve finished. You can come back in now.”

  I hesitate a moment or two before entering.

  Inside I hold my breath at the sight of her. She’s standing in front of the mirror brushing her glorious, glossy hair around her shoulders. Her pale breasts swell magnificently beneath her dark lingerie as she moves.

  Friction pain sears through the base of my shaft as it pushes against the tough casing of my chastity belt.

  “God Lily you look so hot,” I stand behind her, my palms resting on either side of her tiny waist. The front of my shorts moves gently against her fleshy ass.

  “You better not Vaughn,” she laughs and moves away from me. “You know you won’t be able to sleep if you get too excited.”

  She’s right of course. I don’t think I’ve slept properly since I was locked back in this thing and I’ve got an early start tomorrow morning for a client meeting.

  I groan loudly. My eyes linger on the outline of her round backside beneath her short night dress. I tug at the bondage of my chastity belt cage, pulling it away from my own swelling, longing flesh.

  “I feel much better after talking to Richmond.” Lily grins when she’s getting into bed,

  I know only too well how persuasive that man can be.

  “He says he’s sending me on an induction course for a few days later next week.” She moves her knees up under the bedcovers and hugs them to herself. “It’s at some swanky five star country hotel apparently.” She looks at me with her eyes glowing. Like I should somehow be sharing her excitement about the fact that she’ll be staying away from home with him.

  Chapter Two

  “Away with work?” George one of my buddies wipes his mouth and grins at me around his beer bottle. “I gotta tell you dude, you’re a more trusting man than me.”

  “What do you mean?” my stomach wobbles again.

  “Told you before, if my Marion looked like Lily no way I’d let her outta my sight overnight.” George shakes his head.

  “Vaughn; take no notice of that tool,” Roy, one of my other buddies gently shoves at George’s shoulder. “We’re not all cave men like you George. You can’t keep a woman locked up.”

  Further down the bar, behind the pair of them, a couple who look around the same age as me and Lily are gazing wordlessly into one another’s eyes.

  “The job’s a great opportunity for Lily,” I say quickly, “and it’s a lot more money for us both.” I hope I don’t sound like I’m trying to convince myself.

  I take a swig at my beer and try not to wonder how many other husbands would agree with what George said about Lily staying away overnight. His drunken words have my mind whirring.

  What if this new job with Richmond ends up being a much bigger lifestyle change than we imagined? What if we can’t deal with it?

  “So Lily’s gonna be the breadwinner is she Vaughn?” George laughs, “She’ll be wearing your trousers before you know it dude.”

  I’m beginning to wonder how great an idea tonight was for taking my mind off Lily being away. I only called the guys up because I didn’t want to sit at home alone all night with my imagination working overdrive like last night.

  I know George is probably right. Most ‘normal’ husbands with a woman that looked anything like my wife wouldn’t be in the position I am. Accepting my wife in a new job working with a guy who’s fucking her and who insists I’m denied her sexually. Not to mention the other things that man insists on from me.

  Shit. I can’t think this way. I’ll go out of my mind. Think of the money, the career advancement for Lily. Think about how hot this whole situation is. How it’ll feel once I finally get the weight of this chastity belt from between my legs.

  George climbs down off his bar stool and waddles across to the bar for refills for us.

  This induction course might well be necessary for her new job. But I’ve got to speak to Richmond after Lily gets back. I don’t want her being away overnight to become a regular t
hing. I said that to both of them before she took the job. Its one thing to know your wife is working for one of her lover’s businesses by day. Something else entirely if he expects her to be away from home with him as a matter of routine.

  “Roy’s got a buddy that works the same place Lily is at now don’t you Roy? Maybe you could get him to keep his eye on Lily for Vaughn?” George winks at me and spills some of his beer onto the table while putting in down on the mat.

  My stomach churns. Roy knows someone who works for Richmond?

  “Leroy’s not a buddy. He’s only a friend of a friend. I don’t even know what department he works in there. It’s a big company. In any case I’m sure Vaughn doesn’t need him or anyone else snooping on his wife. George you’re total asshole sometimes,”

  “Still, I suppose Lily being away from home overnight will have its advantages eh Vaughn?” George grins first at Roy and then me.

  “What do you mean?” I pick up my own ice cold bottle and press it to my lips.

  “Absence makes the hard-on grow fonder.” He laughs and attempts to simulate someone with rhythm in his hips. I laugh back but my insides are clenched with tension.

  George raises his glass at me.

  “So it went OK then?” Lily is back and I’m trying not to sound too eager to know everything. She’s leaning across her overnight bag unpacking in our bedroom.

  “Tiring,” she sighs, “But I quite enjoyed it. Everyone was really nice. There were a couple of other rookies from other departments on the induction too.” She turns a small plastic bag out into the linen basket, letting her worn panties and bra fall inside.

  I wonder whether Richmond told the course management to be especially nice to her.

  “Did you hear from Richmond while you were away?” my voice cracks.

  “He dropped in on the second day; to make sure everything was OK.” Her cheeks have colored and she looks like she’s concentrating hard on the inside of her case.

  He told me he wasn’t contactable before the weekend. I wonder if he fucked her in the hotel? My insides tighten.


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