A Rehearsal for Love

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A Rehearsal for Love Page 6

by Alexandra Warren

  “Alright, ladies. Ms. Malia set the tone, so now ya’ll really gotta show out. Partner up and let’s get into it.”

  I was already making my way back to my original position when I felt a gentle hand against my wrist, stopping me dead in my tracks.

  “Nah, little mama. You stayin’ up here with me. Unless you really wanna dance with someone else.”

  The ball of nerves inside of me was renewed as I answered, “No. I mean… I can stay with you. If you need me to.”

  “Please,” he added, giving my wrist a playful tug. And who would I have been to say no to dancing with Knox Riley again? Better question; why had I even partially considered turning down the offer in the first place?

  It was as if I felt guilty for doing it, guilty for engaging with another guy on such a level that was obviously more personal for him than it was for me. But still, what was holding me back?


  Even while being in the same room as him and his girlfriend - looking smitten as hell in back may I add - I still felt some type of loyalty to him which was completely outrageous. We shared a kiss, had already agreed to it being a mistake, and were in the process of moving forward accordingly.

  And what better way to move forward than with another dance - and maybe more - with Knox Riley?


  I was sick as I watched Malia get sucked in by Knox’s charm.

  For as long as I had known him - which was a long ass time - he had always been a ladies’ man with a resume that included a good percentage of the female professional dancer population along with the singer population, and the actress population, and the model population. And now he was preying on Malia who probably couldn’t see the dog in a guy if she tried.

  I was just getting ready to go bust up their little party when Charlotte whined, “Can we go now? I’m hungry and it stinks in here. Smells all… sweaty and stuff.”

  My first reaction was to tell her to shut up, but instead I suggested, “How about you go wait for me upstairs in the apartment? I’ll be there in a minute, and then we can go eat.”

  She huffed but surprisingly took the tip, leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek before she left. She had been especially affectionate all day as if she could sense I was on the verge of breaking up with her. But there weren’t enough passionless kisses in the world to get me to change my mind.

  It wasn’t that Charlotte didn’t have any good to her; more so that her bad just severely outweighed it. And now that I knew different - had partially experienced different - I was turned off from her for good.

  I just hadn’t let her know that yet.

  Once she was out of sight, I made my way over to Malia and Knox who were in the middle of a laugh.

  “Aww man. Don’t tell me I missed a good joke,” I said, as I positioned myself especially close to Malia to subtly prove the point that she was off-limits.

  Wait, why is she off-limits?

  Knox shrugged as he answered, “Nah, I was just tellin’ her ‘bout that time in Miami when you missed a performance with that nasty hangover.”

  Malia turned to me, creating a little extra space between us as she added, “Yeah, Blaise. I can’t believe you were stupid enough to get drunk the night before a show.”

  “I was like eighteen when that happened. First time to South Beach. And my bro here didn’t exactly lead me down the right path.” In fact, it was Knox that kept encouraging me to take more shots claiming I’d be fine since it was top-shelf alcohol.

  He laughed, bumping me in my arm as he replied, “You were the life of the party, B. I didn’t wanna knock you.”

  Of course he would come up with some bullshit excuse for having me look foolish. It wasn’t exactly in his nature to take responsibility for his mistakes. But instead of being mad over a situation that was completely expired, I decided to change the subject.

  “Good shit today though, man. I really appreciate you coming through and blessing the studio.” Having Knox visit and teach a class was like the perfect stamp of approval, even if it came along with him going after my… student.

  “Ah, it’s not a problem, B. Especially since you have such talented dancers like Ms. Malia here. She alone made the trip worthwhile.”

  I watched Malia blush as Knox continued, “I’m surprised you haven’t snatched her up yet.”

  Malia’s face scrunched in disgust as she said, “Snatched me up? Oh please. He’s more like a… brother to me. Showing me the ropes and getting me up to speed. Isn’t that right, Blaise?”

  I couldn’t answer right away because… damn.

  Now I’m like a brother?

  Just last week I was...

  “Uh… yeah. That’s… that’s right.”

  I looked over just in time to see Malia do a quick roll of her eyes before plastering on her usual pleasant smile.

  And it was obvious that Knox had missed the notion as he took her hand and said, “It must be my lucky day then.”

  My jaw twitched and my hands turned into fists as I watched him lay it on thick. “I’m only here for the night, but I’d love to be able to take you to dinner, Ms. Malia. If you’re up for it.”

  I could tell Malia was getting sucked right into his trap as her eyes grew with excitement before turning somber.

  Wait, that’s a good sign.

  “I’m sorry, Knox. I actually have to work tonight,” she told him, looking legitimately disappointed though I honestly wanted to celebrate because I didn’t want her to fall for him… for her own good… or somethin’.

  Still, Knox held onto her hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss that damn near turned her to putty.

  Not a good sign.

  “Aww come on, Ms. Malia. I’m sure you can sneak away for the night; find someone to cover for you.”

  She could hardly push out a response now that she was completely under his spell. “I’ll umm… ask around and let you know. Matter of fact...”

  We both watched as she dug in the side pocket of her duffle bag and pulled out a pen. Then she flipped Knox’s hand to his palm and wrote down her number.

  I don’t even have her number!

  “Give me a call when you wrap up here and we can figure something out,” she told him with a smile.

  Then she turned to me, her face less than impressed as she said, “See you later, Blaise.”

  Knox and I both watched intently for different reasons as she strolled away and out of the door. And once she was completely out of sight, Knox wasted no time whistling, “Damnnnnnn, B. I don’t know if you screwed that up or just didn’t try, but I’m glad either way.”

  “Chill, Knox. She’s a good girl.”

  He let out a cocky chuckle as he replied, “Oh she’s gonna be a good girl, alright. Perfect girl for daddy tonight.”

  Before I could even think twice, I had already pushed him dead in his chest. “Yo, man. I’m serious. Don’t do her like that.”

  Knox put his hands up in defense, laughing again as he said, “Alright, bro. My bad. I was just playin’. But now that I see you like her ass, I’ll go wash her number off my hand.”

  “I don’t like her, Knox. I just don’t want you to do her wrong for the fuck of it like she’s just some random girl.” And that was the truth… the second part that is.

  His face scrunched as he tossed his head back and said, “Aww come on, man. I don’t roll like that. I’ll show her a good time and if she’s up for it, a little more. But only if she’s up for it.”

  I sighed, sticking my hand out to Knox and pulling him into a bro hug knowing that was all I could ask for without looking too suspicious.

  But deep down inside, I prayed she wouldn’t even answer her phone.


  “So… how long have you been dancin’? If you said forever, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as I replied, “Yeah, somethin’ like that. Not nearly as long as you though.”

  The sentiment made a proud smile bloom on Knox�
��s face as he leaned back against the booth we were sharing, his large frame taking up most of the space. I still couldn’t believe I was having dinner with him of all people on this universe. But then again, why not?

  I mean, I was a dancer and so was he.

  Well kinda.

  I was single and he was… maybe single?

  I guess I had gotten so caught up in rubbing it in Blaise’s face that I hadn’t even taken the time to really think things through. But it was too late to worry about making a big mistake.

  So instead, I continued to smile as I listened to him say, “Yeah, I can pretty much guarantee that. Been dancin’ since before you were born.”

  I smacked my teeth, rolling my eyes teasingly at the one thing I actually did know. “You’re not that old.” I damn sure wouldn’t have came if that was the case.

  “But I’m older than you and I’ve been dancin’ since I was in the womb, so I’m pretty sure that gives me a one up.”

  “Touché,” I said with a nod as I held up my glass of water before taking a sip.

  We sat in a comfortable silence, but I could feel him watching my every move as I reached into the bread basket, pulling out a roll that I’d be a fool to eat all of with the audition coming up soon. So instead I broke off a little corner and popped it in my mouth, opting to just let it melt so that I could savor it.

  Knox let out a little laugh as he said, “Damn, girl. Do you really make everything look like a peep show?”

  “A peep show?”

  “Yeah, a peep show. I mean, who in the hell makes eatin’ bread look sexy?”

  Wait what?

  I bit my lip, suddenly feeling shy under his watchful gaze. But I swallowed hard so that I could tell him, “I uh… I didn’t do it on purpose.”

  “That’s the best part. It’s a natural gift, just like your dancin’,” he said as he leaned into the table, appearing to take up even more space than before. And with his eyes locked on mine, it felt like I was frozen; unable to move, unable to think, unable to breathe. It was almost like I was suddenly under some sort of spell by the time I heard him say, “So tell me the truth, babe. You and Blaise got a little somethin’ goin’ on between ya’ll?”

  The question snapped me back to reality, allowing me to sink into the booth and create a little extra room between us. Even with the table, he still felt entirely too close for me to even look at him when I finally answered, “What? I mean… no. Not at all.”

  He still didn’t look convinced, putting a hand under his chin and smirking at me.

  “Are you sure about that? Cause when I said somethin’ about courtin’ you earlier, he damn near whooped my ass.”

  Wait… he did what?

  I tried to hide my shock, keeping my voice completely leveled as I tossed out, “I don’t know why he would’ve done that.”

  “Well even if you’re gonna pretend like you don’t know, I’m gonna tell you. My bro likes you, Malia. Like… a lot. So much so that he was about to fight me over you and we’ve been friends for over a decade.”

  While I should’ve been flattered by the gesture, the only thing on my mind was the fact that…, “He has a girlfriend, Knox. You saw her yourself.”

  I still couldn’t believe Blaise had brought her to the studio. It was almost like he was trying to put me back in my place with her presence.

  But if Knox is telling the truth...

  With a wave of his hand, he brushed off my comment. “Nah, that chick isn’t Blaise’s speed at all. I don’t know what he’s doin’ with that. But I can tell he’s diggin’ you, babe. He just… has a weird way of showin’ it.”

  Weird is the understatement of the century.

  “I get it though. If you’re not feelin’ him, keepin’ him in the friend zone and shit, that’s cool too. I just thought I’d let you know why I’m not pursuin’ you myself. Nothin’ personal, just bro code.”

  I completely respected Knox’s angle, and was honestly glad to hear it. Sure we were having a good time tonight, but I certainly had no interest in dating the man on any serious level.

  Still, I couldn’t help but tease, “Well I wish I would’ve known that before I wasted a good pair of panties.”

  His eyebrows flew up and his mouth went a little slack as he said, “Hol’ up… what was that?”

  And according to that reaction, I had a feeling he wouldn’t find it as funny as I did when I announced, “I’m kidding! But seriously though, I really do appreciate you… letting me know. And maybe when your boy is ready, he’ll let me know too.”


  For the first time in well… ever, I was actually early for a Saturday morning group session. Mama wasn’t awake yet when I left the house, so that saved me a ton of time that would’ve usually been spent tending to her needs.

  After talking with Knox - picking his brain about both dance and his friend - I knew it was mandatory to have a conversation with Blaise. I needed to know exactly where his head was at so that we could move forward accordingly for real this time. Not that I expected him to pour his heart out or anything like that. I just wanted to hear his side from his mouth instead of with Knox’s country twang.

  His office door was already cracked open, but I still felt the need to knock before I said, “Good morning, Blaise.”

  He peeked up to me with tired eyes and pushed out a weak, “Morning.” Before casting his eyes back down to the papers he was sifting through when I walked in.

  I couldn’t tell if he was intentionally being cold or if he was just grouchy because it was early in the morning. Either way, I suddenly felt uneasy about my visit. But since I was here on a mission regardless of his attitude, I still pushed forward.

  “Can I… speak to you for a minute?”

  This time he took a peek at his watch before he said, “Yeah, I got a minute.”

  And instead of beating around the bush like I was tempted to do, I dug right in. “I was… talking to Knox and....”

  “Malia, I’m not really tryna hear about your date. I’m glad you went and had a good time or whatever, but that’s ya’ll business.”

  “Well I know. But…”

  I jumped when he slammed a hand down on his desk and said, “But nothing, Malia. If that’s all you came in here for, I’m not fuckin’ interested. Now I have some work to get done before class gets started. So if you don’t need anything else…”

  I couldn’t even reply, too stunned by his unexpected fury. I had never seen Blaise so upset about anything, and certainly not without letting me speak first. I mean, if this was what Knox was talking about when he said he had a weird way of showing it, then quite honestly I was no longer interested.

  So I stepped back, practically whispering, “Um… no. I… I guess I’ll just… see you in class.”


  I felt like shit.

  I hadn’t meant to be upset with Malia at all about going out with Knox, but I honestly couldn’t help myself the second I laid eyes on her.

  I was… jealous.

  Jealous that he was the one getting to take her out on a normal dinner date, that he was the one that got to kiss on her in front of the whole class, that he was the one that made her bring her bubbly ass into my office early.

  Even though it was a whole week later, she was still beaming from whatever chemistry they had worked up during his stay. And I knew there was something brewing when Knox told me he’d be coming back to visit again next month.

  Malia was the only real explanation for that.

  But still, how unprofessional of me to come at her with an attitude when I was the one that had already apologized for taking things too far in the first place. An apology that I meant at the time, but was now beginning to question because if I really meant it, then I wouldn’t have been trippin’.

  This shit was a mess.

  I felt guilty as hell as I dragged myself into the studio that was already beginning to fill up with dancers. I noticed Malia sitting off to the back, minding her own busi
ness as she simultaneously stretched and scrolled through something on her phone. But then her fingers stopped as she threw her head back with a laugh and appeared to be typing something; maybe a reply… a reply to a text… a text from Knox.

  The second my fist clenched was the same second I realized I was really buggin’ the fuck out. I literally had no idea what she was doing on her phone and was already jumping to conclusions; jealous ass conclusions. I wasn’t even the jealous type, but something about Malia turned me hella possessive.

  And I hated that shit.

  So instead of heading her way, I went to the front of the room to do some solo stretching. Of course multiple dancers wanted to strike up conversations and I did my best to pay attention, but my eyes kept diverting back to Malia who was still face deep in her phone with a smile. She was always a happy individual, but something about these smiles felt different, like they came from a place I had yet to tap into.

  Again, the jealous side of me was provoked.

  I must’ve been staring too hard as she peeked up at me with a smirk, rolling her eyes before gluing them back to the screen of her phone.

  And that was the final straw.

  I left whoever was talking to me mid-conversation, stalking my way over to where Malia was sitting.

  She didn’t even look at me, just felt my presence enough to push out, “What, Blaise?”

  “I need to talk to you. In private.”

  She rolled her eyes again, popping up from the ground as she said, “You had your chance to do that and you kicked me out. So unless it’s really that important, you can keep it to yourself.”

  I sighed, trying to calm myself down as I told her, “It’s that important, Malia. Please. Just let me holla at you for a minute.”

  I reached out for her hand and instead she crossed her arms over her chest, rocking back and forth on her heels before pushing out a stiff, “No.”


  This time she shook her head. “No, Blaise. I don’t wanna hear what you have to say, the same way you didn’t wanna hear me out. You don’t get to just pick and choose when you want to deal with me. And quite honestly, I thought we were better than that. Clearly I thought wrong.”


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