A Holiday To Remember

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A Holiday To Remember Page 19

by Jillian Hart

  “You are the love of my life, too. I will love you forever.” His hand cupped her jaw. The pad of his thumb rubbed gently against the side of her face. So much everlasting love shone in his eyes, it was without measure and without end.

  Just as her love was for him.

  The sound of a diesel engine broke the stillness down the street. Air brakes sounded as wheels squeaked to a stop. Debra didn’t have to look down the lane. “Mia’s home from school.”

  “I’d best plug in the lights. We’ll surprise her.” Jonah moved away, his burden and shadows gone now that his book was finished and awaiting publication. Jonah bent down, hit the switch and the lights blazed on in a twinkle of pure white.

  Mia’s boots thudded on the sidewalk. “I can’t believe this! You did the lights without me.”

  “But we’re waiting for your final approval,” Debra pointed out. “How was school today?”

  “Fabulous. I’ve got that debate-team thing this weekend, don’t forget. Plus, I’m practically late to Christmas-pageant practice.” Mia rolled her eyes. She was now a tall, lively, lovely fourteen-year-old, who was happy and thriving at the local high school. “So much to do, so little time. Mom, are you coming to watch?”

  “Of course. I’m sure they can get along at the bookshop without me for another few hours.”

  “Great!” Mia tromped up the walk, books on her arm and a heavy backpack slung over one shoulder. She paused to exchange words with Jonah about the lights before she disappeared through the front door.

  Thank you, Lord. Debra couldn’t help the prayer of thanks that rose up from her soul. Life was good. Mia was happy. Jonah was at peace. Her marriage was perfection.

  “It’s snowing.” Her husband held out his hand to her. Tiny crystalline flakes drifted from the partly cloudy sky. “C’mon, beautiful. Let me make my girls a batch of hot chocolate before we head off to choir practice.”

  Yes, her life was definitely wonderful. Full of faith, she let her husband escort her up the steps.

  As she went to shut the door, the wind gusted through the twinkle lights. The snow fell like grace at her feet and she knew this Christmas, her first one as Jonah’s wife, was going to be another holiday to remember.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-1035-0


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