Born Magic (Chronicles of the Marked Book 1)

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Born Magic (Chronicles of the Marked Book 1) Page 4

by S Lawrence

  I glance back and see that it is Cyder’s ship that is coming in; the others have anchored out in deeper water. Cyder was the one skimming the coast looking for me, I’m sure. He would have reached my ship first after I was attacked. He would have chased whoever took control in my absence, unless my crew killed them first.

  I move back out to the water, letting the foam wash over my boots. In minutes, the anchor drops and I see the launch being lowered with a few people sitting in it. Cyder’s shocking red hair isn’t shining in the morning sun, so I focus back on the Rising Dragon. There he is, standing at the side and watching me with his old telescope, so I nod.

  It only takes minutes for the launch to arrive. She comes to stand behind me as two of the men jump out, pulling the small boat onto the rocks. Her hand grips my shirt, and I can feel her body shaking. The dog growls at the men, and they freeze. One draws a knife, and she cries out.

  “Put that knife away unless you want me to gut you,” I threaten, my voice low and deadly. These men know me and know I will if I have to. “Besides, he’d be at your throat before you could blink, you damn fool.”

  Liam takes a menacing step forward, teeth snapping in their direction before leaping into the boat. She stares after him as seconds tick by, turning into minutes. The others keep shifting on their feet impatient to be back on the water. The dog watches her and then finally he lets out a long mournful howl, making chills race over my skin.

  Reyna swallows hard and then nods, letting go of my shirt. She makes her way back to where the chest sits, bending low to pick it up and clutch it to her once more. Pride grips me as I watch her straighten her back and walk haughtily by the men, ignoring them, letting them know she doesn’t fear them. I grin at them as I follow behind her. I can tell the younger one is already half in love with her, and the older has a hint of respect in his eyes.

  Good. They will tell the others, and the only thing that spreads faster than illness on a ship is gossip.

  The three of us push the boat off the rocks and out into the waves before we climb in. She has moved to the back, and Liam sits at her knees, daring any of us to come near her. I take my seat at her side after I rub his head. I plan to stay at her side, so he better get used to me.

  I glance at her profile and once again wonder at the pull she has on me. Maybe I should send her to Wilder’s ship. Part of me feels like I should not like the idea, but even though I want to keep her with me, I also know Wilder would take care of her. All my brothers would. I’m still mulling my thoughts over when I hear my name.

  “Fallon, get your sorry ass up here,” Cyder calls down as he leans over the rail. I know the instant she looks up; his eyes widen and I see interest flare to life in their multicolored depths. “Who’s your friend?”

  Shaking my head, I look over at her. “I’m going to climb up and so will the others. I want you to move with Liam to the center and sit on the bottom. You could climb, I know,” I say it quickly as a look of outrage plays over her face. “Liam can’t, and I don’t want him to hurt himself trying to reach you.”

  She instantly nods, her hand closing over her friend. Sending the other two up, I help her get him settled and then attach the hooks that have been lowered to the boat. Turning back to her, my hand on the rope ladder, I nod. “It’ll be slow and easy, I promise.” She nods back, but I see her white knuckles as she holds his collar in one hand while keeping a death grip on the bench at her side.

  I’m up the ladder in no time, years of climbing the mast making me steady and strong. Reaching up, I grab Cyder’s hand, letting him pull me over the rail. His arms come around me, and he squeezes me tightly before letting me go and stepping back, nodding at the men at the pulleys.

  “Do it slow, boys.” It is an order, one they follow without question.

  My brothers and I might not be like the other pirates that sail the seas but we are by no means ones to be pushed. We have killed and we will again.

  Chapter 8


  The boat rocks, bumping against the ship, and each knock makes me flinch. I hug Liam. My eyes roll up, watching him climb the rope quicker than I could imagine.

  “We should have run,” I whisper against my friend’s ear. His tongue swipes over my cheek, and I can’t help my smile. “Do you trust him?”

  He woofs softly, and I once again wonder if he understands me. This is just the most current time, but it has happened many times before. He’s special; Momma said he was a gift but she never elaborated, and I’ve often wondered a gift from whom.

  I glance at the chest balanced on my lap. The gods and those that served them left us, left their mess, didn’t they?

  “Did they bring you to me?” I stare into his dark eyes, but he doesn’t answer.

  I feel crazy. I feel lost, untethered, like I’m going to float away or disappear completely.

  Liam whimpers as tears fill my eyes once again while images of my parents fill my head. I can hear the screams of the kids as they were dragged from their parents.

  The boat starts its ascent, and I feel terror race through my veins. Trusting Fallon is one thing, but a ship full of pirates, five ships full of pirates, is too much. Looking up, I focus on Fallon’s face as he peers down at me over the rail. ‘I’ve got you,’ he mouths at me, and I try to draw a deep breath but it catches in my throat.

  For a split second, I have the urge to throw myself over the side of the boat. ‘I promise.’ He shakes his head, and I realize he had seen my intent. I push my panic down, swallowing the pain of my loss and breathe in deeply, forcing my nerves to settle.

  Plastering the look I reserve for unruly drunks on my face, I ready myself to face those that strike terror in the minds of everyone on land. Just as I feel myself start to tremble, the deck comes into view. Fallon holds out his hand to help me, and so does the man at his side.

  Turning my gaze from the man I know, I look at the other. Dark auburn hair is slicked back from a high forehead that’s sprinkled with dark freckles, and thick eyebrows frame bright hazel eyes. Full lips surrounded by a trim beard quirk at my perusal.

  Their hands close over my elbows -- Fallon’s is rough but gentle, but the other’s holds me tightly, squeezing harder than needed. Testing me. A deep, rumbling growl vibrates through me as Liam pushes forward. I raise an eyebrow, refusing to flinch.

  I might not be as strong as he is, but years of working at the pub have made me stronger than people think, stronger than I look. Those hazel eyes narrow a bit before he loosens his fingers slightly but keeps hold of my arm.

  I let them pull me over the side, pulling at my arms for them to release both their hands quickly before turning back to Liam. The boat is moving up again, but he leaps out landing on the deck, hair raised.

  “Liam,” I call him to me, thankful that he listens. “Thank you.” I glance at Fallon and then at the other man.

  “Reyna, this is one of my brothers. Cyder, this is Reyna. She saved me, pulled me from the water, and hid me.” I understand what he has done with that one statement.

  “Thank you for helping him.” The one called Cyder bows his head slightly before turning away. “Raise the anchor.” His shout causes me to jump, and Liam stiffens, growling. “Keep control of the beast while you’re on my ship.”

  Words that would make any of them proud rush to my lips, but I press them together, holding the words at bay. “Liam,” I say the name softly, and he sits down at my side.

  “He isn’t as mean as he seems.” Fallon leans close to me, but his voice is loud. “He just has no manners.”

  The one in question looks back over his shoulder and glares at Fallon as he climbs stairs that lead to the wheel.

  “We’ll be at the Bloody Rose, my ship, in a few minutes. This is Cyder’s ship; she’s called the Rising Dragon. We found books on different cultures once. Cyder thinks he’s a Celt, and maybe he is.”

  “Why did you choose the Bloody Rose?” My eyes have drifted to the red-haired man, and his are on m
e as well.

  “That is a story for another time.” His voice holds a hint of sadness. He points to one of the other ships. “That is Wilder’s ship, the Sea Raider.” His finger moves. “Lash’s is the Howling Lust.” His head shakes a little, and I fight a grin. “The last is Hagen’s, the Black Wolf.”

  The last one is darker than rest, not painted but just a very dark wood. The Black Wolf fits it well, and I wonder about the captain of the ship. Well, I wonder about the captain of all the ships, to include Fallon.

  I can feel him and the other watching me closely. “What happens when we reach the other ships?”

  He says nothing for a few minutes. “My other brothers will come here. I want to introduce you and I need to discuss what happened to me. And to you.”

  Nodding, I keep my eyes on the ships drawing ever nearer. My stomach churns at the thought of meeting anyone else, at the thought of being surrounded by hundreds of pirates. Killers. Murderers.

  Fallon shifts slightly closer, and I watch him from my peripheral. His eyes scan over the deck constantly, pausing on each man until they look away. I’ve seen animals exert their dominance in the same way.

  “They need to know that I’m just as I was before the attack.” His voice is barely a whisper. “It will be dangerous for us both if they don’t.”

  The last sentence chills me and I shiver as I turn my face to him. “Dangerous.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone hurt you. They won’t even touch you.” He sounds so vicious that it startles me. I’ve never heard that from him, and it reminds me that he too is a pirate.

  The younger man from the boat that picked us on shore drifts close, but Fallon narrows his gaze on the man. The man is looking at me and misses the warning. Coming closer, he smiles before his hand reaches for my arm.

  The sound of flesh on flesh makes me jump.

  “Do not.” The man’s eyes widen at the promise of death woven through those two words. “You do not touch her. Ever.” I watch as his hand tightens around the man’s arm and he twists it sharply. “Tell everyone.” Another twist then he flings the man’s arm away from me.

  Liam stands and moves in front of me, growling deep in his chest, looking between the man and Fallon.

  “Really, Liam,” I grumble. How dare that damn dog look to that fucking man for permission? “My own damn dog.”

  Fallon looks away quickly, and I have the urge to punch him in his stupid face. Cyder throws his head back and laughs loudly. Men stop what they are doing and look between the three of us.

  That’s it, the final straw. Striding across the deck and up the stairs, I don’t stop until I’m almost touching him. Tilting my head back, I glare up at him, and he sobers instantly.

  I catch the subtle movement of his hand and glancing to the side, I realize that his men have moved around us and Fallon is trying to push through.

  “Cyder.” I look back up at the man when Fallon calls his name.

  “I lost everything. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g last night. My parents, my friends, and my goddamn home. So shut your fucking mouth.” I’m panting when I finish, and it is completely silent.

  Tears pool in my eyes and I blink, trying to keep them from falling. Hazel eyes are locked on my face. I can’t breathe; it feels as if he is looking into me, seeking something, and suddenly I hope he finds it.

  What is happening?

  Finally he speaks, only to say, “I’m very sorry for your loss, Reyna.” My name unlocks my breath, but I’m frozen as the backs of his fingers brush over my cheek.

  Heat at my back breaks the spell, and I glance back to see Fallon looking over my head at his brother, a silent conversation taking place as I watch.

  I’m almost certain it pertains to my future.

  Chapter 9


  ‘Are you kidding me?’ I glare at him. I don’t need to speak, for we know all of each other’s looks.

  ‘No.’ Cyder glares back at me, his hand still on her face.

  ‘She’s mine.’ She is watching us and our silent argument.

  ‘Could be ours.’ His eyebrow arches.

  Glancing at her, I finally notice her response. Flushed cheeks could be from her anger, but the dilated pupils certainly aren’t. True, I had thought the same myself but now I’m not sure if I want to.

  We are still glaring at one another when I hear boots thud into wood. The others have arrived. She clears her throat and shifts her body, placing herself squarely in between us.

  Maybe it’s not our fucking decision, or maybe she is smart enough to understand two for protection is better than one.

  Lash strides forward, looking like a god, and he knows it. He locks onto her like a predator sensing prey, only he doesn’t care about killing her. Oh no, his feral look has nothing to do with death.

  I grin when the dog steps into his path, stopping him in his tracks. Wilder approaches her like he does everything, calmly, watchful. Hagen hangs back, on guard and on alert. He lets his eyes drift over her and Liam but return to Cyder and me in seconds, narrowing as his lips twitch.

  I don’t have time for another silent argument. Instead I look back at Lash, who still hasn’t moved and is now frowning at the dog.

  “Whose beast is this?” Oh shit, his voice is filled with disdain. I glance to my right and see a bit of glee on Cyder’s face.

  “Beast?” Her voice is low. “That ‘beast’ is mine, and his name is Liam.” She is practically vibrating in outrage, and the beast begins to growl, hair raising along his spine. “He is all I have left and he would happily rip your throat out,” she growls just as viciously as the dog, ignoring the gasps that echo around her.

  Hagen straightens, looking her over once more, interest flooding his golden brown eyes, eyes that have always reminded me of those of a raptor. Of course, it’s her anger that would interest him.

  Wilder sinks to a knee and waits with his infinite patience, until Liam lowers his head before stretching out his neck and snout. My brother waits, as still as a stone. Smiling when the giant dog bumps his head into his chest, he brings his hands up slowly, putting them on Liam’s head and rubbing his ears.

  Reyna smiles when Wilder looks up at her, his black eyes glistening in the sun.

  “He likes you.” She steps forward, ignoring Lash, who has never been ignored a day in his life. “He doesn’t like very many people. He doesn’t even like my dad. Didn’t.” Her smile fades, and Wilder stands, giving Liam one last pat.

  He steps around the dog and comes to her, stopping before he draws too close to make her uncomfortable.

  “My gratitude for saving Fallon.” He reaches just as slowly for Reyna as he did Liam, but she, just like the dog, meets him halfway. Sticking out her hand, she grips his firmly. He doesn’t test her, like Cyder did, but Wilder has always had better manners. “My sword is yours.”

  Shocked, I watch as he bows his head to her. She glances back at me, and I shrug.

  “Umm, thank you, but truly, you really don’t need to do that.” He says nothing, releasing her hand and stepping back.

  “Reyna. That was Wilder, and the other one is Lash.” Her smile fades a bit when she looks back at Lash.

  Hagen moves forward, staring Liam down; he has always had a way with animals. I think they sense the predator in him.

  “Hagen.” He crosses his arms over his chest, never one to encourage touch.

  “Reyna. Nice to meet you.” She runs her fingers through Liam’s fur, something I’ve noticed she does when she’s nervous. It seems she understands a hunter has her in his sights.

  He leans closer, and she freezes. His lips move by her ear. Even straining, I can’t make out the words, but her lips twitch and cheeks pinken. I can’t even imagine.

  Straightening, he looks at me. “We need to talk.” I nod and look at each of them.

  She turns to me, waiting quietly, checking to see if she will be included in the discussion. Normally, no one would be in the room with us, but I do not trust
the men to be alone with her.

  “Perhaps we should move to the Bloody Rose?” I give them each a hard look. Wilder is the first to draw the whistle from his pocket and give the signal, letting the crews know our plan to move. Long ago, we came up with signals, short and high pitched, that can be heard even when the seas are howling.

  “Reyna, come. We need to cross the planks.” Her eyes widen as they flick to the narrow board stretching between the rocking ships. “Bring a rope,” I yell, even as I hold my hand out to her. “I will have the chest brought over.” I say it as her eyes drift over to where it sits by the rail.

  “Can you bring it?” She asks quietly, and I realize how hard it is for her to trust us.

  “We will not let you fall.” Wilder reaches for her other hand, but she glances back at Cyder. Interesting. Even more interesting is him stepping forward and taking her hand in his.

  Wilder moves back, unoffended. Lash stomps across the board and Hagen laughs.

  She is already changing us. The knowledge is both thrilling and terrifying.

  Chapter 10


  I’m so tired, tired of being scared, and I just want to feel safe. It’s like I’m holding on by a thin rope and I can almost see the threads fraying as I swing from side to side. Any moment, I will fall.

  I feel thin, like I am fading away, being lost in the chaos of what is now my life. A life I’m not sure I even want.

  There is a bottomless, pitch-black hole inside me, and it whispers that I should have been in the house with them. That the nothingness of death would hold me as gently as it holds those I love.

  Tears burn at my eyes as I reach for Liam, the one constant I have. The letter rubs the flesh at my waist, hidden beneath the coat I’ve wrapped tightly around me. The discomfort of it reminds me I’m alive.

  I let Fallon pull me forward, having decided to trust he will keep the chest safe. The older man that brought us from the shore is standing by to the right of the board, a rope in his hand. Another man is doing the same on the left side.


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