Born Magic (Chronicles of the Marked Book 1)

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Born Magic (Chronicles of the Marked Book 1) Page 9

by S Lawrence

  It’s my turn to shrug. I hope she will trust us enough. Sooner rather than later. I could be completely wrong. She might not be the one. She might just be a beautiful girl who’s completely alone because people, including the King, think she’s someone special.

  The big question is if the King was looking for her, who told him where to look?

  Chapter 20


  I’ve watched him for thousands of years. Long before the war, I watched him. I watch him still, although now I must be more careful, for there are no longer others that mask my powers.

  In the beginning, it wasn’t like this. Then I watched him for another reason, but that was lifetimes ago. That girl no longer exists. He destroyed her.

  Revenge is best served cold, they say. I am the one that taught them that. I am the Goddess of Retribution. He is about to receive his.

  Nestor will finally pay for everything he has done. He strolls into the cave that he made a comfortable home for the seer like he hasn’t a care in the world. Confident that his plan will work out.

  So many times, he’s nudged these stupid humans this way or that way, moving them where he feels they should be.

  If I’d only seen where he took the baby, my ally would have an easier search. Instead he is raping and burning the entire coast, looking for the girl. I’ve whispered to him since he was born, shaping him into the weapon I needed.

  His nature and dark soul called out to me as he drew his first breath. I knew as I stood over his tiny bed looking down at him that he could be tempted by the power.

  I was right; he hears its whispers.

  They were so sure it would sit silent, happily locked away. They were wrong. It calls to those it can control. I hear it but unlike my pirate king, I know what it can do and so I ignore it. Mostly.

  Even now it calls to me, hungering for someone with power. Shaking my head, I refocus on the cave. I wait until the sun lightens the sky before giving up. He stays longer and longer with the ancient seer.

  I should kill him.

  Maybe I will but for now, I sift away, materializing on the king’s ship. It’s anchored in shallow water and quiet. A scream draws my eyes to the shore, and I see another village burning, small boats are being rowed through the water, new children crying in the bottoms of them.

  I wait in his chair; he will return soon. How long depends on the number of women left to hurt. Sometimes he kills them after but mostly he leaves them broken, so they and anyone that loves them must live with the nightmares of this night.

  My powers let me know he will someday pay dearly for his crimes, but until then, I stoke his darker desires while fighting against my need to punish him. Lucky for him, my need to avenge my child and myself far outweighs the need for retribution for the many he has wronged.

  A picture of Helene comes into my mind. I loved her despite her father. She who brought about the downfall of two great cities, two great kingdoms. My daughter was the most beautiful and yet never knew what it was to be truly loved.

  She died broken-hearted because of him, because of Nestor. I could do nothing to save her from the men that thought to rule her.

  Because the man she loved turned his back on her. Nestor will pay for her death.

  “Darling, when did you get here?” His words push away her face.

  I fight to keep the disdain from my face, for I’m no man’s darling. “While you were ashore.” He has never asked how I come and go. He knows I am more, knows I am one of the few remaining gods. “Did you find her?”

  “I’m not sure I would even know if I did.” He raises a brow. “It’s not as if you have given me much to go on.”

  I stand and manifest my sword. “You dare complain? You dare speak to me with such disrespect?”

  He lowers his eyes. “My apologies, Goddess. How will I know?”

  “I told you -- force her into the water. She will not be able to hide her reaction. As soon as she enters the sea, it will break through to her magic.”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “Her magic? You don’t plan on her taking it for herself, do you?”

  “Of course not. She will lead you to it, and then you can do whatever you wish with her.” His eyes widen and then light up with such dark desires that I feel sorry for the girl.

  “None have had any kind of reaction to the water. I’ve drowned them in it,” he states matter of factly.

  I wonder how many will die because of Nestor.

  Chapter 21


  The chest is heavy in my lap as my fingers rub over the carved exterior. The food for their dinner is ready, and Kellihan is watching me. Waiting for my decision.

  “Have you made up your mind?” He stirs the food before spooning it onto plates.

  “Do you know the man that was here and then disappeared?” He swallows, looking into the very corner the man had sat in.

  “I haven’t seen him myself, but the others have spoken of men that appear and disappear but only around the captains.” He glances around again.

  “Do you believe the story of the Great War? Do you believe in the gods?” He is silent for long minutes.

  “I think they almost destroyed us all and then fled this world. Why?” I chew at my bottom lip, unsure of how much I should tell him.

  “He disappeared from this room. He told me I could trust them. I just wonder if I can trust him?” I refrain from telling him about the letter.

  He looks at me as if I’m crazy for a minute before glancing around, and I don’t miss the apprehension in his dark green eyes when he turns back to face me. Placing the spoon down on a towel, he wipes his hands on his apron and then comes around the table, stopping in front of me.

  “If he is a god and he came here to tell you to trust those boys, then I have to believe it’s for a good reason. But more than that, I’ve practically raised them. I was on his ship when each one was dragged aboard. I was the one that tended them after… well, after.” He shakes his head and pauses.

  “They showed me.” His eyes whip up to mine, narrowing.

  “They never show anyone, on or off these ships, those scars.” He swallows hard, and I see moisture gathering in his eyes, but he blinks it away. “The things done to them. You can’t imagine, and I’m glad for it. They could have turned hard and vicious, just like he wanted, but they didn’t. I left within days after they were thrown over. I went to land. Was there for a couple years and then one day, a ship I didn’t recognize sailed into the harbor.”

  His eyes are unfocused as he remembers, and a small smile slowly deepens the wrinkles that line his face.

  “I couldn’t believe it when Lash came ashore. I helped convince the townspeople to listen to him. Convinced them he wouldn’t hurt them. That they wouldn’t hurt them.” He shakes his head, smiling bigger still. “Packed my things and left with them that day.”

  He looks me straight in the eyes. “They are good men. They have never brought a woman on board. Any and all will give their lives to protect you.” Nodding down at the chest. “I don’t know what you are protecting, but they will protect it too, if you give them the chance.” His weathered hands close over mine on the chest and squeeze lightly before letting me go and stepping back.

  I don’t know why but him, I do trust completely. “Okay. Let’s take them dinner, and I will give them my trust.” Standing, I hold the chest in my arms and let him pile the bread and other non-spillable things on top of it before turning to the door. I tap it with my foot as he gathers the rest onto a large tray.

  Glancing back as Colin opens the door, I whisper, “They are lucky to have you.”

  He doesn’t look up or acknowledge the words, but I see his chest swell a little and I smile at Colin, who stands holding the door. Stopping in front of the young man, I lean in and kiss his cheek.

  “Thank you.” His cheeks pinken, and he dips his head. “I understand what a risk that was for you. Well, not how much of one, probably, but I really appreciate it.”
r />   “Any time, Miss. You need me, you just yell and I’ll be there,” he mumbles quietly, but determination shines in his eyes.

  I nod my head and turn to move down the dim hallway. He rushes to get ahead of me as soon as Kellihan gets through the door. At the bottom of the stairs, Colin holds out his hands, and I only hesitate a moment before placing the chest into them.

  Climbing up, I turn back at the top and watch as they both ascend with arms full. I’m envious of their sea legs. The wind has begun to blow while I was below. Hiding, I internally scold myself. This is no longer a life that allows for hiding.

  Liam bumps into me, and I smile down at him. We are both going to have to figure out this new life. Colin reaches the top and holds the chest and the food piled on top out to me. I take it and turn as I hear steps drawing close behind me. Colin and Kellihan, who is still stepping through the opening, both nod at me, and I square my shoulders, drawing a deep breath. Releasing that breath, I turn and smile up into three expectant faces. I can’t help but glance around for the others before meeting Fallon’s eyes once more.

  “Hagen is taking care of some business, and Lash…” He trails off, and I worry I’ve made an enemy. “He just needed some time.”


  “We all fight our demons when the past is too close,” Wilder murmurs, a sad smile on his face that doesn’t reach his eyes.

  Swallowing, I try to think of something to say. A gruff grumble saves me for the time being as Kellihan pushes past.

  “Too old to stand here holding this all night. Don’t want to eat it cold, do ya?” He calls back over his shoulder.

  Cyder strides over to him and tries to take it from his hands, but the man fights to hold on.

  “I ain’t no invalid. Just open the door, boy.” Cyder opens said door with a flourish, bowing low and sweeping his arm wide. He has a huge grin on his face when he straightens.

  The older man’s grumbles about smartass kids float through the air, and I grin back at Cyder as he winks at me. He stays where he is at as I make my way into the room, nudging him with my shoulder as I pass him.

  I like the camaraderie that is blooming in me for them. I’m staying and I want to feel like part of the family they have created. I want to be their family, the thought slams into my mind. I try to picture what that would look like.

  “Reyna?” Fallon’s voice is near my ear, and I blink, looking up. “Where did you go?”

  “Better question is what were you thinking?” Cyder raises a brow, and there is knowledge in his eyes.

  I feel my chest heat, and it spreads up to my face.

  “Really?” Now he looks at me with interested curiosity before laughing at my murderous glare.

  I am saved from responding when Wilder comes in. “I called to Lash and Hagen.” He stops, looking between me and Cyder before shaking his head, not daring to ask. “They should be here in a few minutes.”

  I finally move to the table, and Kellihan takes the things piled on the chest one at a time, setting them down. I look at Fallon as he moves in close to my side and pulls out my chair. The cook nods in approval. I know whose side he’s on for certain.

  Sitting, I let Fallon push me in and shiver as his lips skate over my neck before he straightens. Looking at the other two through my lashes, I see no hint of anger or jealousy as they look on. Maybe Fallon was right earlier.

  I’m not sure how I feel about that. I decide to not worry about it right now. Tonight, I’m going to focus on the letter and the chest.

  I sit it on the table beside my plate and watch as all three look at it. Wilder looks hopeful, Fallon is reserved, and Cyder’s face is locked down. He is giving nothing away.

  Instead he leans back as they wait for the others. I twist my hands together in my lap, looking down at them. My nerves settle as Fallon reaches over and engulfs my fingers in his hand. I stare at his tanned skin against my own, marveling at how mine is much more pale. I’ve never been able to darken my skin beyond its normal golden color but I’ve also never burned in the sun. Daddy always said I was the color of honey. Fallon’s hand is more like a loaf of bread, warm and brown from the ovens. Cyder is pale, except for his freckles, and Wilder is exotic.

  Hagen comes through the door followed by Lash, and as they sit, I notice that Hagen is colored like Fallon, but it is Lash that really catches my eye. I raise my head and study him more closely, and his brow furrows as he watches me do it.

  He, I’m shocked I didn’t think of it before, is a slightly darker version of me. Laying my hand on the table, I slide it closer to his. He is sitting on my left and stiffens as I draw near, and I understand I have hurt him with my actions earlier.

  Laying my palm over the back of his hand, I look up at his face. “I’m so sorry for hurting you.”

  I want to whisper it but instead, I say the words loud enough that they can all hear; because I know I caused them all pain, his was just more.

  I look around at each of them before turning back to him. He nods, and I feel his hand relax under mine.

  “My dad would have said we are different shades of honey.” His bark of laughter makes me smile.

  “He is sweet,” Hagen grouses from beside him as he spoons food onto his plate.

  The tension is broken and we eat. Talking around mouthfuls of food, I learn about them, and they learn about me. Finally full, I push my plate away and watch as they continue to eat. I use the time to get my thoughts together about the letter.

  The clanking of forks and sounds of chewing stop as I pull the letter from the pocket in my skirt and lay it on the table.

  Chapter 22


  My fingers itch to touch it. To open it. I can’t look away. It’s like it’s calling me, calling us.

  Breaking my trance, I look at my brothers and see it is the same -- they are all staring. Wilder’s hand is hovering in the air.

  Reyna is watching us all, her hands laying on top of the small chest, the folded piece of paper in front of her. She clears her throat, and the spell is broken. Yes, that’s exactly what it was like -- a spell. We glance at each other and then look back at the woman who could shape this world’s future, if she is what we think she is.

  Even Hagen and Cyder seem more convinced now.

  “I want to say I’m sorry for not trusting you.” She holds up her hand as we all begin to speak, so we fall silent. “While I had reason to be terrified of pirates, I also should have looked at your actions. Not the actions of others. Fallon did nothing but protect me.”

  “You just lost everything, Reyna.” She didn’t need my reminder.

  “Yes, and you all will have to deal with my grieving after the shock wears off more. I will fall apart at some point. But you’ve asked me to stay. You’ve offered not only protection but maybe a new life.” She doesn’t say love, but I know she wonders if it is being offered also.

  Drawing a deep breath, she picks up the letter, unfolds it gently, and reads it out loud to us. We listen in silence and remain that way even after she finishes. I watch as she folds it and puts it back in the pocket of her skirt.

  “I haven’t tried to open the chest.” She looks at me. “I didn’t have time.” I nod sadly.

  Taking a leap of faith, she lifts the wooden box and gently places it on the table in front of her, waiting just a moment before pushing the chest to the center of the table. Bowls and plates clink together as they are shoved into one another by the wood. Suddenly there is a flurry of movement as the others grab the dishes and move them to other tables and, in some cases, the floor. It's only moments until the chest sits alone, the wood darkened by age and oil, glistening in the candle light. The intricate carvings beckon to be touched.

  Wilder is the first to lean near it, his eyes moving slowly over the outside, studying each inch of it. It is a square, twelve by twelve.

  “The wood is light, and while I carried it, I could hear whatever is inside shifting around.” Her words are said low, almost a whisper.
  “It has no latch.” Wilder looks up at me, and I nod.

  No latch. No handles. No hinges.

  How in the fuck are we supposed to open it?

  Hagen reaches out and picks it up, holding it over his head as he inspects the bottom. His head shakes, and he sits it back down. Next Cyder picks it up and tries pulling at the top. Reyna grimaces as he strains.

  “Don’t break it, asshole,” I growl at him, and he shrugs, sitting it down.

  Wilder turns it, rotating it to the right and studying each side. Lash watches as the thing goes around three then four times and then suddenly he grabs it up. Quickly but gently.

  Reyna’s eyes widen as he slides his fingertips over the outline of the carvings. Going slowly over each one, his eyes closed, pausing, I realize on each side once.

  Finally, his eyes open and he sits it down. He looks at the woman at his side, and she waits in silence, knowing he found something.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, Lash, just tell us.” Cyder never has had any patience.

  “Each side has a tiny piece that is separated from the design. I think they are like latches, but they wouldn’t move. They need something.” He is still looking at Reyna.

  “Don’t ask me. You heard what the letter said. A god hid it. Maybe he used magic to keep it closed.” Cyder picks it up and shakes it. “I doubt that will help, Cyder.”

  I grin at her sharp tone.

  She is looking at Lash with interest now, so maybe he has a chance after all. I try to imagine the life we are proposing. I told her we would all be fine but I don’t even understand how that would work. Sure I’ve shared a night with more than one of them and a woman, but this would be so different.

  We aren’t talking about a night of lust and passion. We are suggesting a life of love and family. I let that word roll around in my mind. Family.

  It’s true these men are my brothers, but I know I’ve kept a small piece of myself separate, protected from the type of pain losing my mother caused me. I know they each have done the same. For it to work with Reyna, we would have to risk that part of us, risk that pain again.


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