I Promise_A Night Hawks Saga

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I Promise_A Night Hawks Saga Page 7

by Tonya Coffey

  “How do you know that?” I asked.

  “I check Dad’s computer for updates.”

  “What’s their names?”

  Cora took a breath and said, “Anthony Sims and Dillon Abbott.”

  Abbott. Now that makes sense. It was just one more piece to the puzzle. “Where are they from, Cora?”

  She looked down as she thought. Then she looked up at us. Her eyes were wide when she revealed, “Florida.”

  A weight seemed to be lifted. We all looked to one another because we just figured it out. The sheriff found those boys after they got out on bond and with my dad’s help, he killed them. They were more than likely six feet under somewhere.

  “Abbott wants revenge,” Luca stated.

  I nodded. “Abbott figured out what happened to his son.” The question was how. Who knew about it? Did Dad have a trader at the table? If so, who was it?

  Chapter Nineteen

  I tossed and turned all night. Constantly thinking of Cora and the man who wanted to make the sheriff hurt for what he’d done. It didn’t dawn on me of the time the sheriff came over to visit Dad until Emily pointed it out. It had been years ago. However, the pain on Cora’s face showed the loss was still fresh.

  As a club, we voted on what we thought would help out the town. When I was younger, I remembered a talk brought up discussing the men who killed Cora’s mom. Dad pushed the fight away, saying the sheriff would take care of it. Now I knew why. Dad had gone with him that night. They hunted down the men responsible, making them pay, together. They guilty duo were serving their time in hell.

  Even though the sheriff never came around, he trusted Dad to do what needed to be done with no consequences. It’s funny how you can embrace your enemy when someone’s life is on the line. Yet I don’t think Dad saw the sheriff as an enemy or vice versa. Most of the time, I believed it was a game they played, to keep up appearances. Why else would the sheriff trust Dad with something so important? His revenge and his daughter.

  Sighing, I got out of bed, hurrying through my bathroom routine so I could get to the kitchen. Yesterday morning, Cora beat me. Today, I hoped to outdo her.

  I pushed the door inward to find Mom, not Cora. She stood at the coffee pot. She smiled at me when I walked in.

  “Morning, “she said.

  I tried not to show my disappointment that it wasn’t Cora. “Good morning.”

  “Your dad wants to speak with you.”

  I frowned as I poured a cup of coffee. “Am I in trouble?”

  “I think he’s more worried than anything else.”

  “About me?” That surprised me.

  She sipped her coffee. “I think it’s the situation.”

  I wanted to laugh but I didn’t. Instead, I set the cup down, walked out the door and to the double doors where we go to meet, our church. Sure enough, Dad sat at the head of the table, waiting for me.

  “You wanted to see me?” I asked as I walked around the table to sit in the chair that was reserved for the VP.

  “I don’t know where to begin.” He watched me for a moment. “I’ve been thinking… so I’m going to be blunt.” He put his elbows on the table. “You and Cora?”

  I held my tongue. It wasn’t right to disrespect your President or your dad, so I kept my mouth shut and listened to what he had to say. I would answer his questions but not voice my opinion.

  “How long’s it been going on?”

  Is he going to ask me the same questions all over again? I shrugged. “I’ve talked to her at school but nothing serious until the other day.”

  “Are you why she ran off the other night? ‘Cause I heard she ran outta here like a bat outta hell.”

  I sighed. “It was a misunderstanding.”

  Dad exhaled as he leaned back. “But she is the sheriff’s daughter. His only daughter, I might add.”

  I didn’t understand why it mattered. “So.”

  He shook his head. “So you could be in deep shit over her.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t believe that.”

  “What about the club? Are you willing to put yourself and the club in jeopardy for a relationship with one person who could tear us apart?”

  “It won’t come to that.” I knew Cora. She would never do or say something that got us into trouble. She wasn’t a tattletale.

  “So you’re only interested in being a girl’s first bad boy crush?”

  His comment made me angry. “What is this, Dad? You’ve never cared about what girl I found interesting before. I get she’s the sheriff’s daughter. But why does it matter if I see Cora for a month or ten years?”

  “It’s about the club.”

  I felt frustrated and it showed in my tone of voice. “She’d never betray me if I told her anything. If, Dad.”

  Dad took a breath and stared at me. His eyes weren’t as narrowed as normal so I hoped he understood he could count on me to make the right decision. I would make the right one.

  “After what’s happened, Abbott will be gunning for anyone on his way to her.” He paused. “I trust you’ll keep both your eyes on Cora?”

  I nodded. “Wait,” I frowned. “I thought he believed she was dead?”

  He shrugged. “Just a hunch.”

  I looked at Dad worried because he had that look in his eyes that something was about to go down. “You don’t have to ask me to watch out for her.”

  “Vince and the others are making preparations as well.”

  “Are Mom and Emily staying here?” I hoped so.

  Dad nodded. “The doors are open to anyone who needs protecting.”

  It made me feel good to know Dad was ready for a fight but it scared me to think Abbott could be waiting just outside. It even terrified me to think of who he would kill to get to Cora.

  Chapter Twenty


  The day went by fast. I’d kicked Luca’s butt at Call of Duty while Emily cheered me on. Dante couldn’t help but laugh at his friend for loosing when it was my first time playing the game. Luca didn’t seem disappointed though. He just rolled his eyes and gave up, trying to seem cool about it.

  I’d looked forward to Dad’s phone call but it hadn’t come. The hours ticked by and now I stared at the clock, 8:30 pm. I found myself wondering if he would call at all. What was he doing that he couldn’t take the time to say goodnight to me? He told me he would.

  Excusing myself from the game room, I went to my room. I held my cell phone in my hands, staring at the blank screen. It was off. I’d heard all the stories about the police hacking numbers and tracing the calls. Did these people have that kind of money? I didn’t care.

  I quickly turned it on and dialed Dad’s personal number. Answer, I urged. It rang and rung until it went to voicemail. Frustrated, I hung up and dialed again, expecting him to answer this time. Pick up. Yet again, he didn’t. No.

  My mind raced with worry. Why aren’t you answering? Images of Dad being killed ripped through my mind. I felt as if I were going to be sick. I couldn’t lose him. I wouldn’t, I thought.

  Sitting on my bed, I stared at the floor. I wanted to check on him, to talk to him. All night I had a bad feeling. My insides twisted in on themselves and as the day went on so did it. Even though I kept myself occupied it was still there, tormenting me. Talking to him would ease the fear I had but he had to answer his phone.

  I started to call again but a knock on the bedroom door startled me. I went to the door, cracking it enough to see who stood on the other side.

  Dante smiled at me. “You busy?” He held up a plate of brownies. “Fresh out of the oven.”

  I tried to hide my smile as I opened the door so he could come in. When he entered, I closed it. He watched me, a look on his face that was intriguing. It was somewhere between curiosity and worry. I’d never seen that look before.

  “Have you heard from my dad?”

  He slowed his actions as he set the plate down on the top of the chest then turned to me. “No,” he asked, “have you?�

  My feet and legs felt restless. I paced the room thinking, clutching the phone in my hands as if it were my only lifeline to the world.

  “What’s wrong?” He grabbed hold of my arm to keep me from walking anymore.

  I frowned because I knew he wasn’t going to like what I was about to say. “I tried calling him.” I held up the phone.

  He let go of me, staring at the phone as he ran a hand through his hair. “Cora,” he started. “Why did you do that? You knew not to take a chance…” He took the phone from me and quickly removed the battery.

  I stood there, listening to him and not caring if Abbott found me. All I cared about was Dad. “I don’t care. I can’t lose him.”

  He sighed, pulling me into his chest. The scent of Tide wrapped around me. I closed my eyes, letting him chase away the fear I felt.

  “You won’t,” he whispered into my hair.

  It was only two words but I felt the care in them.

  There was a second knock at the door. Dante moved toward it while I went to the brownies. Worrying about Dad, I didn’t eat as much and chocolate was something that made me feel better. So I took a bite.

  “I figured you’d be in here,” Luca said, as he stepped into the room.

  “What’s up?” Dante asked, coming to stand next to me.

  “I just got my new orders.”


  He nodded. “I was supposed to do street duty.” He shrugged. “Now, Pres thinks I’m needed in here instead.”

  Dante crossed his arms over his chest. “Doing what?”

  “I’m in charge of Emily.” He smiled. “Can you believe that? I get to watch her all the time.”

  Dante laughed lightly but it was strained. I don’t think he liked it. “I know you have a thing for her…You’re my friend so don’t screw it up.”

  Luca’s face got serious. It was the first time I’d saw him with a serious expression. He was normally a playful person, always cutting up. “You know me, Dante. I wouldn’t.”

  I had a feeling something was going on between Emily and Luca. When they talked there was a look in their eyes. If Dante didn’t see it, he was blind but then again maybe he did.

  After a moment of silence, I looked at Dante. I wanted him to do one thing for me. He wouldn’t have to talk to me ever again. I just needed some reassurance Dad was OK.

  Taking a ragged breath, I asked, “Dante, would you do something for me?”

  He stepped forward, looking down at me. His hands took my face between his palms. “I’ll try.”

  “Check on my dad.”

  He took a breath, exhaling slowly. “I’ll ask Dad if he’s talked to him. How’s that?”

  “That would be great. Thank you.” I tiptoed, pressing my lips to his.

  Dante stepped to the door, stopping next to Luca. “Wait here until I get back.”

  Luca nodded as Dante left, shutting the door behind him and leaving me with a fear that only he could save me from.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I stepped into our meeting room. There was a mural on the back wall with the club’s trademark Hawk and the name written in bold letters. I remembered when Dad hired a local artist to come in and paint it. I was twelve. Before, the room was dull and black now it was vibrant. Looking at it seemed to relax me when I felt stressed and I was definitely stressed now. I wanted to scream at Cora for what she did. She knew better. I raked a hand through my hair as I thought about the consequences of her actions.

  I glanced through the double doors. Dad sat at the end of the table, his normal spot. His eyes were down as if he were in deep thought.

  I rapped my knuckles on the door and called to him, “you busy?”

  He looked up. “No. Come on in.”

  I walked over and sat in the VP’s chair. I always did when it was just us. It felt good sitting in the position, even though one day I would be at the head of the table where he sat.

  “I was wondering if you’d heard from Cora’s dad.”

  Dad had a hint of a smile on his lips. “Is this for you or Cora?”

  I answered, “Both but mostly for her.”

  He straightened, stretching his arms out on the table in front of him. “Do I need to worry she’ll pull a similar stunt as she did earlier if she doesn’t like what I’ve got to say?”

  I’m not telling him about the phone…“She won’t.”

  Dad stared at me for a moment then a concerned look washed over him. I instantly knew it was bad. “I can’t get a hold of him.”

  Cora was right. She had a feeling something was wrong. “Do they have him?”

  “I don’t know but I don’t think he would isolate himself from me when Cora’s here.” He sighed. “The plan was to check in every four hours.”

  I knew Dad well enough to know he was prepared for something like this happening. “What are you going to do?”

  He eyed me. “Are you asking as a member of the club or as my son?”

  I took a breath. I was there for one reason. Cora. “I’m asking as your son.” I sighed. “She can’t lose another parent.”

  Dad reached out and patted my shoulder. Even though I loved the club and I swore an oath to it, I felt as if he was proud of me for the answer.

  “Then we do what we can to get them back together.”

  I took a much-needed breath and nodded. I was glad Dad was on my side. In a way, I felt he understood the position I was in. He would do it for Mom.

  A pop, which sounded like a car backfiring, startled us. We looked into the main room. Members ran out the main door as tires screeched to a stop filled the room. More echoes of gunfire erupted outside. As Dad and I stood, a second vehicle crashed into the front door, sending members onto their backs and debris on top of them.

  We scrambled for our weapons as we took cover. Two men exploded from the truck with assault rifles in hand. My heart raced as my eyes went from them to the other members taking their positions behind tables, couches, and the bar.

  “Where’s Cora?” Dad didn’t sound scared. His voice was calmer than my racing heart.

  As for my voice, I sounded like I was about to be thrown off a cliff without a safety line. “In her room.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “Get her and Emily to safety.” When I didn’t answer, he grabbed me by my cut. “Take the escape tunnel. Go,” he demanded.

  “What about you and Mom?”

  A man stepped into the main room from the hole in the wall. Dad lifted his pistol and fired. The man jerked as two bullets entered his chest.

  “Go,” he called again.

  I ran for the door. The echo of bullets whizzed by as I dove into the hall and scrambled to my feet. I hurried to Cora’s room as the chaos continued to grow behind me. I didn’t want to leave Dad but I had to do what he said. I had to protect Cora and my sister.

  When I got to the door, I took a deep breath and knocked, hard. “Let me in.”

  Luca opened the door with a fierce look on his face and a gun in his hand. “What’s going on?”

  “Company.” Cora’s face drained of color. “Where’s Emily?” I asked Luca.


  Taking Cora’s hand, I ran out the door, pulling her with me. Luca followed in case anyone came up behind us. When we got to the door, I opened it. A shot went off and the door frame next to my head splintered. I jerked to the side.

  “Mom, it’s me,” I called.

  Pushing the door on open, slowly, I got a good view of Mom with a 12 gauge in her hand and Emily at her back. When Emily saw Luca, she plowed into him as if he were her savior.

  “We’re getting out,” he told her.

  “Dad said to get Cora and Emily to safety.”

  Mom nodded. “I’ll close the door behind you so they won’t know.”

  I couldn’t bring myself to beg her to come with us. She wouldn’t leave Dad. Besides, I had my orders. The most disrespecting thing I could do was not obey them and to get eve
ryone killed.

  Fighting back the urge to show Mom and Cora any weakness, I nodded to her.

  Mom picked up a remote and the wall where the entertainment center stood, began to slide open. Mom’s eyes were filled with fear but she wouldn’t let us see the weakness she felt. Emily hugged her as tears rolled down her face. Luca gave Mom a quick kiss on the cheek and pulled Emily into the now opened doorway of the tunnel.

  I ran to Mom and wrapped my arms around her. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with her scent. She squeezed me tight then she pushed me away.

  “Go,” she said.

  I wanted to tell her I loved her so she would know she was everything to me. Then the gunfire halted. I turned toward the door, wanting to hear Dad. Instead, voices screamed out in a warning to him.

  I started forward but Mom stopped me. “No.” I looked at her. “Take Cora, Dante. It’s up to you to keep them safe.” She hit the button on the remote and threw it down, breaking it on the table. “Hurry.”

  Gripping Cora’s hand, we ran for the door. My heart thumped in my ears louder than the gunfire that filled the clubhouse when it first started. Just inside the door, I turned to look at Mom. Through the closing three inches, a soft smile played on her lips. Relief washed over her then the game room door blew in as my door closed.

  Chapter Twenty-two


  I could barely move. The commotion that surrounded me caused my legs to freeze. My breath caught in my throat. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of chaos. Only my eyes worked, looking around expecting to see bullets whizz by my head.

  Dante pushed me after Luca and Emily. The echo of gunfire bounced off the stone walls into my head. Dante kept glancing back at the door, expecting it to open. When he watched Leah through the closing door, he squeezed my hand. His face held an ache I’d never seen on him. I never wanted him to hurt and if he lost his mom, I knew it would be my fault. I did this. All because I wanted to talk to Dad.

  The corridor we ran along was constructed of cinder blocks with a concrete floor. It smelled of old basement and new paint. The ceiling was normal height and a single light bulb hung every ten feet or so. Our feet caused an echo as we followed the twists and turns to the end. Even our breaths became a song as we ran through the tunnel toward the unknown and away from destruction.


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