Blackwell 2 - Timeswept Rogue

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Blackwell 2 - Timeswept Rogue Page 41

by Amy J. Fetzer

  "You got shot, you're not fine, you're—" she looked down

  at her hand—"not bleeding." Her gaze flew between the hole

  and his face. Ramsey sat up and she tore at his shirt and brocade

  vest. g

  "A bulletproof vest!"

  Alexander apologized into the phone, Mathers chuckled, and Ramsey looked at the man over the top of her head. "The detective suggested I don the heavy thing." He met her gaze. "To be honest, love, I did not think it would work."

  "You brought the police in on this without telling me! I've been a nervous wreck and you—!" Penny stared at him, battling between tears and anger. Finally


  she punched his shoulder, then punched him again and again until he caught her hands and held her. She sobbed in his arms and Alexander sighed, settling his hip on the edge of the desk.

  "Got a temper like her mother," Alexander said.

  "Hush up, Da," she mumbled into the crook of Ramsey's neck.

  Ramsey chuckled, gently pushing her back, climbing to his feet afore helping her from the floor. He kissed her, then stripped open his coat and shirt, working the vest off over his head. Examining it, he plucked the squashed bullet, handing it to Penelope. She clutched it as he adjusted his clothing and faced the police officers.

  "My thanks, Pete," Ramsey said, offering the vest. Mathers tossed the velvet sack at Alexander before taking the vest, a smirk on his lips as he nodded to Ramsey's pistol.

  "Well, you needed it, with that antique."

  Ramsey withdrew the pistol and pointed it to the hearth. He fired, the ball shot lodging in the brick.

  Mathers blanched. "Christ." Shaking his head, he nudged Phalon and Sloane out the door, Downing withdrawing a hand radio from his back pocket and clicking it on. As the faint squawk of the radio faded, Alexander turned to Penelope. She melted into his arms, recognizing him as the masked footman on the coach.

  "Welcome home, poppet." He kissed her cheek and left them alone.

  She faced Ramsey, her hands on her hips. But her gaze flicked to the painting, dismissed it, then returned sharply. She tore across the room, staring up at the portrait. He told of finding the gems there.

  "It's beautiful. She looks so serene—" her hand traced the dried paint down to the signature and she jerked back, turning wide eyes on him. "You painted this?" she shrieked.

  His lips twitched. "Tess had the same reaction."

  "What other talents are you keeping from me, Ramsey O'Keefe?"

  "Many, love. Come wiggle them out of me." He opened


  Amy J. Fetzer

  his arms. She didn't move. "Forgive me?" He gave her that little boy shrug and she flew to him, kissing him lovingly.

  He held her snugly in his arms for a long moment and when the sound of voices rose from below stairs, Penny opened her eyes. She gasped, leaning back and nudging him to look-Ram turned, frowning at the tall cheval mirror, a fine crack in the left side. The glass was foggy, a haze of shape beneath the silver and they both glanced about for something to reflect the image. But there was nothing.

  "Do you see it?"

  "Aye," he said in awe.

  The fog cleared and as if through rain-wet glass the figure of a woman, about thirty-five, materialized, children playing at her feet. She reached out to gather the smallest, a girl, into her arms, then stilled as her gaze touched on the mirror, her smile soft as she tapped the man sitting on the floor with five dark haired boys. His green gaze flicked between his wife and the mirror. She spoke to him, but neither Penny or Ramsey could hear.

  "Tess," Penny said, taking a step, hand out. In the glass Tess smiled tearily, her gaze drifting to Ramsey. Suddenly Tess laughed without sound and Dane nudged her, his lips twitching no matter how much he tried to look scolding.

  Dane nodded to Ramsey and he returned the gesture, then moved directly behind Penelope, slipping his arms about her waist as the image faded.

  Now he understood the strange passage in her books, he thought, sighing.

  "Goodbye, Tess," Penny said under her breath, sniffled,

  then glanced back at Ramsey.

  "Dane is a very handsome man."

  "And what am I?" he said with false indignation.

  "After what you just pulled?" she said. "Pilgrim fodder."


  Ramsey stood at the helm of the Lady's Roque, steering the sixty foot craft, his seasoned gaze assuring him of sail position afore dropping to where Penelope lay stretched out on one of me benches fashioned in the hull of the vessel. The wind lifted strands of her hair and he thought her asleep til she brushed them back, one hand smoothing over the tiny back of their daughter. He didn't think he could love her more and then she presented him with an auburn haired girl. Megan was the light of his life, and it oftimes brought tears to his eyes to see them together, safe and happy. Penelope was more beautiful and alluring than the day he'd clapped eyes on her.

  "I like it when you look at me like that," she said, rising slowly, cradling the newborn against her chest.

  "And that is?"

  "Like you want to rip her clothes off," Alexander said as he passed, climbing toward the bow to set jib.

  "Da!" Penny said, trying to look indignant.

  He chuckled, hidden by sail and rigging, and Penny moved carefully to Ramsey's side. He draped his arm around her shoulder, and she sighed against him.


  Amy J. Fetzer



  "I love it out here," she said, tugging the frilly bonnet about Megan's face.

  " "Tis your turn at the watch," Ram said and she rested her head back on his shoulder, staring into his eyes.

  "You just want to wake her up and play."

  Ram grinned. "Aye," he said without a hint of remorse. "Now, man your station, mate." He gently took hold of their child.

  ' 'You enjoy giving me orders far too much,'' she commented dryly as he tucked the baby against his shoulder. Megan scarcely filled his broad hand.

  "Bloody hell," he muttered. " Tis the only time I can." Penny laughed softly as Ram settled to the bench, his broad back keeping the wind off his daughter. He watched his wife at the helm, her feet braced, her attention on the sea, the sails, thoroughly enjoying the sight. Her hand at sailing was remark­able and he adored her for learning just for him. She was tanned and muscled, her figure lusher since Megan's birth and he ached for a little privacy. It had been a while, and he was thrilled to discover that if she took but one pill, he could love her and not get her with child. Although she wanted more children, soon. Even after the pain he witnessed, which was a startling opportunity he'd never forget, he couldn't believe she'd suffer that again.

  Women, he decided, were a grand bit stronger than men. Thank God.

  Margaret poked her head out of the hatch. ' 'Chow in twenty minutes. Eating up here?"

  Ram nodded, smiling when Hank peered behind^her. He was an attentive husband, Ram thought. Penny had gifted them with her Victorian house on the couple's wedding day, then after the courts tried and sentenced Sloane and Phalon, the Blackwell estate returned to the possession of Alexander. But he didn't want to live alone and Ramsey and Penelope agreed to move in. Ramsey did not care where they resided, as long as 'twas together.

  Megan fussed against him and Ramsey hummed to her, press-

  ing his lips to the top of her head. His heart swelled every time she made one of those sweet baby sounds.

  "You're a pushover, Ramsey."

  He met Penelope's gaze, smiling one of his heart-stopping smiles, and it pleased her like nothing else to see Mcgan's big imposing daddy holding her, reading to her, or telling her outrageous tales of his exploits.

  "I do have a soft spot for redheaded lasses." He stood, coming to her, kissing her deeply, thoroughly, afore handing over the babe. "Nay," he pleaded afore she could move. "Sail with me, love." He grasped the wheel, hemming her in and she sighed comfortably into th
e shelter of his body.

  The wind loosened her hair, fanning it across his chest. The sun began its slow descent, showering the sea with a rich red gold.

  ' 'I never imagined I'd ever be this happy,'' she said, thanking God for the chance. "Who would have thought we'd have found each other like we did?"

  He tipped her face up, lightly pressing his lips to hers afore gazing into eyes that would look upon him for the rest of his life.

  "I always knew, my love. Always."

  Aye, Ram thought. He'd found his true heart mate and a love to last beyond centuries. All it took was Triton's will and a leap of faith, in love.




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