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Accretion, in memory, 57
Achievement gap in reading, 217–218
Achievement in reading, 118–121r />
Acoustic analysis, 29
Action research, 218–219
African American Vernacular English, 122
Alexia, 127
Alphabetic principle
defined, 37
early stages of reading and, 40–42
Angular gyrus, 61
Answers to reading assessment test questions, 14, 36, 41, 93, 111, 130, 141, 164, 205
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, 130
Attention for reading, 74
Attention therapy, 163–164
Auditory processing speed, 124–126
Automaticity, 89
Balanced approach to teaching reading, 71
Barry, D. 178
Best practices research, 77
Bilingual Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition, 112–114
Black students achievement in reading, 119–121, 122
Blocking, irregular verbs and, 21–22
Brain research, 219
imaging studies
rewiring, 169–172
scanning technologies and, 12, 51, 60, 76
support for instructional strategies, 208
Broca’s area
discovery of, 12–14
function of, 13–14, 126
meaning and, 27
Byrne, B., 150
Canadian Council on Learning, 35
Cerebellum, 129
Choral reading, 91–92
Chunking, 43, 52
Code-focused interventions in literacy, 73
Collaborative strategic reading, 160–162
Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy, 6, 71, 177, 178, 202, 210, 212
Common verbs in English, frequency of, 22
Comprehension. See Language comprehension and Reading comprehension
Computer-assisted instruction, 154
Computerized axial tomography, 2
Concept maps, 190, 194–196
Concept-oriented reading instruction, 104–106
Conjoined clauses, 48
Content area reading
differences between developmental and, 179
different patterns in, 201–205
professional development for teaching, 212–213
How the Brain Learns to Read Page 33