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Spontaneous Page 20

by DiMirra

  I am not sure we are really supposed to know, or to not know.

  We spent another night together in my cabin, some distance from the lodge, so as to not disturb the Family with our lovemaking. There she could moan at her standard one hundred decibels or more. We explored each other's bodies and realized that we were regaining muscle tone and skin elasticity. We had more energy and seemed almost limitless in our sexual delights.

  Chapter 37

  Chile: 06:00, January 28th

  I awakened refreshed and early. I cranked up the espresso machine and drew a double. The veranda seemed inviting this morning so I sauntered out and turned on the television. South America had fared much better, by far, than the rest of the world in this major crisis, for a myriad of reasons.

  The lead story from the previous day was the crash of the President's helicopter in Venezuela -- so sad. This day's big news was spectacular slayings -- numbers political leaders and generals -- presumably by the drug Cartels. Apparently, huge amounts of cash and drugs were found in all the homes of the slain. Tens of millions of dollars were found, so much money and drugs that the narrative went unchallenged. Where else could that much cash have come from?

  The road for unification had been paved. We were to walk down that path starting that morning.

  I was showering when Ana joined me. I knew better than to deny this 'woman among women.' After a light breakfast, she drove me out to the airfield. I was in the air within a few minutes, bathed in a lingering aroma of her musk. I was sure that Wakani would pick up the bouquet. She had the senses of a feral animal. That was something I loved about her.

  The flight would be only 15 minutes. I was really looking forward to this day. The sight of the property from the air was awe-inspiring. What we had accomplished in five years was nothing short amazing. I had called ahead, so Miche sent two Land Rovers to retrieve me.

  When I arrived at the winery, Miche was there to greet me with a hug and kiss on each cheek. We enjoyed a glass of Merlot from the vineyards there near San Carlos de Bariloche. For an early vintage, it was quite spectacular. We passed through advanced security including facial recognition, thumbprints, and hardened security personnel, not your average rent-a-cops. We went down on an elevator four floors to an administrative area. He escorted me back to his office, which was modern and Spartan according to his taste, a minimalist if there ever was one.

  He said, "Before you start in on me son, hear me out please."

  "Actually, Papa, I am more astonished than anything else. Please continue."

  "We never liked the direction of the Chinese program. It was designed to produce very powerful and expendable soldiers. There was no thought about the implication to their humanity or their souls. It never felt right with us. Zheng came to me several years ago with the computer model showing he could reproduce any creature from which we had a complete DNA sample, and in a very short amount of time, less than a year.

  "He thought that the cloned twin would have identical characteristics -- memories, tastes, smells, voice, abilities and proclivities. In other words, it would be an exact copy, a super-twin. We didn't like the word 'clone,' so we use 'originals' and 'twins.' It just feels better.

  "He also discovered they have the same thoughts and feelings, no matter where they are. He cannot, at this time, explain how the phenomenon works, it just does. Understanding we were going to undertake Operation Sustainability, we thought it a splendid idea to reproduce our top people, which we have done. As a matter of fact, you are talking to a super twin right now!

  "What! Let me see you right forearm." Sure enough, there was the birthmark.

  "Show me your left palm." There was the long knife scar from when he became a blood brother to a Yanomami chief.

  "This is absolutely fucking amazing!" I said.

  "Why am I not surprised? Tell me, is the original nearby?"

  And with that, Miche (the Original) walked through an adjoining door .

  "Miche, this will take some getting used to, I can tell you right now. So, essentially, what you are telling me is the Twin is indistinguishable from the Original?"

  "Yes, that's exactly right. It is actually a form of immortality. Not even someone who has known you your entire life can tell the difference. There is none, whatsoever."

  "So then, when someone is twinned, they become two separate people?"

  "Not exactly. It's more like the same person's consciousness then occupies two physically separate, but mentally and emotionally identical, instances of himself or herself. Both exist in the same moment but in two different places. It literally becomes possible to be in two places at once doing two entirely different things with one and the same mind."

  "I guess the next question is, who has Super Twins?"

  "The family members that will be instrumental in seeing 'Project Sustainability' through to its conclusion -- you, me, Zheng, Francisco, Raffa, Reza, Keny, Wakani and Ali. Another important aspect about this technology is that we can repopulate important animal species that have become extinct if we simply have a molecule of their DNA. The larger the body mass, the longer it takes.

  "You should really have lunch with Zheng. He can fill in all the missing blanks. It has something to do with . . .

  I interrupted, and finished the sentence, "Fractal Fields and Harmonics. I don't know how I know this, but I do."

  "That, my son, is what this is all about. You know what your twin knows. He's been collaborating with Zheng. With practice, you'll be able to communicate with your twin no matter where you are without any devices. I know it doesn't sound possible but it is true."

  "Before I see Zheng, let's check in with Ali and get an update."

  I initiated a videoconference with Ali and Uwishun.

  "Good afternoon Baba and Miche."

  "We had a huge day and night. The big news is the Khyber Pass no longer exists. The mountain ranges in the area are about fifteen percent smaller. The mid-altitude video is on the screen to my right."

  The energy bursts of the megaton weapons were brighter than the sun. They were so big that it actually took many minutes for them to reach terminal diameter. No energy release like this had occurred on the planet since the meteor strike that terminated the dinosaurs, 60 million years ago. The two cultures that were part of the root cause of World War III were now extinct for all intents and purposes.

  "We finished off our Dissenting Clerics list. Now we are in contact with his Highness for additional instructions. We lost two teams in the operation. We have 40 targets of jihadists left but it seems the message is out there now, so they're dispersing.

  "Northern Europe is next up. Specifically, Norway and Sweden. We have the Guided Missile Cruiser USS Monterey, along with the Destroyer USS Winston Churchill in the North Sea for tonight's mission. The local police and military forces will pull back. The bombardment starts at 18:00 hours GMT (Greenwich Mean Time.) They will be using TLAMs (Tomahawk Land-Attack Missiles) with the sub-munitions packages for maximum effect.

  "I Spoke with Francois and Ernst. Their respective militaries are in the mopping up phase in neighborhoods that were controlled by militants. It appears they're now getting reliable intel from the moderate Muslim factions to help clean out the rest of those rat-bastards throughout Europe. Nobody wants to ever go through this again.

  "Both Generals Bruce and Babineaux are cooperating with the disarmament. General Hamilton has put some C-17's into the theater with appropriate personnel to safely extract the weapons."

  "India's still too much of a disaster area with no one in charge. I will keep up with them until after the negotiations.

  "For the moment, all of the troublemakers in South America are accounted for.

  "Keny is making excellent progress in the consolidation of the African Nation.

  "In the United States, Ham reports a total of eight members of Congress did not attend the event and have reported in to local military commanders. One, an independent from the Northeast, is mumbling abou
t taking control. Ham told him that the military will remain in control until the situation has stabilized and details of a new government can be worked out, with new people appointed to restart basic functions. He balked about that last item, so he's currently residing in a military prison.

  "The vaccination program is moving along at a very good pace. Eventually, the contagion will level off and start to recede.

  "They are slowly returning electrical power to various locations. A welcome warming trend is forecast for the next ten days.

  "Russia is on the move in its lost colonies.

  "China is still trying to get ahead of the contagion.

  "Southeast Asia is a no-go zone at the moment. That is all the news that's fit to print."

  "Baba, I have to ask -- what do you think of your Super Twin?"

  "I have not met him face to face, will let you know. It could be very interesting."

  Miche escorted me to Zheng's office on subfloor six. The office was decorated with a beautiful display from Chinese cultures. Zheng and I have always been close. Although he is my nephew, I've always thought of him as a favored son. He confides in me in a way that he won't with his own Father. He is slight of build with an angular face and prominent, clear eyes that are searching and intelligent to gaze upon. Miche dropped me off and went about his usual business at the labs.

  Zheng came out to greet me with a smile from ear to ear, his genuine expression of pure joy.

  "Uncle Johnny, I have so much to share with you. I'm going to show you things and take you places you could never have imagined."

  I went to him and gave him a bear hug, which I had done since he was a child. Somehow, in some unknown way, we have a connection that binds us.

  I looked at him, smiled, held his hands and said, "Words alone cannot express how proud I am of you and of what you have accomplished. Has Raffa told you of your new Chinese sister named Bao?"

  "No Uncle, I have not heard that but I am aware of her."

  "She will be here tomorrow. I expect that you two will be inseparable. I hope you instruct her in your ways. She is a strong one.

  "Now, tell me where we are and where we are going with your science."

  "Uncle, this information is for you and for you alone. I have had your Super Twin for some time now. I am acutely aware of the difficult decisions you have to make each and every day. I have to tell you that sometimes your thoughts scare me."

  "You're not alone in that opinion -- they often scare me. So you must also be aware that I have been given a sacred mission, by the One that remains unknown and unknowable to us all. That is, to save this planet and put the people on a harmonious path to peaceful coexistence."

  "And that, Uncle, is exactly what we need to talk about today."

  "Our Cellbot technology has unlimited potential. What you have seen to date is simply a medical application. You have probably wondered why so many breakthroughs in different fields came so quickly. We have learned how to communicate with the basic building blocks of the known universe. We can direct all atoms, sub-atomic matter and energy waves to do anything that we desire.

  "A case in point was the assassination of the NSA director. Meaning we can ask them to change form, change electrical current, change mass, and soon, change dimensions -- to accomplish whatever we require for the end result.

  "They can be instructed to do anything, including to know time, to understand right from wrong and to reason. They can think together, in concert. I am just learning how to guide this activity, which will allow me to stop using computers.

  "There will be no more guesswork on forecasting outcomes, or anything, for that matter, since I will have the computing power of the Universe at hand. There will be little out of our reach with this technology.

  "As of this moment, I am the only one that knows how to do all this, which is why the Chinese government was unable to reverse engineer the technology. They don't even know where to look. The communication channels are harmonic frequencies. All living and inert matter, along with its inherent energy, generates a unique signature, which represents their essence."

  "We can communicate with, or direct, anyone without their knowledge, through rhythm and harmonics. It is my wish that you also have these abilities, along with everything I know."

  "Just speaking with you makes me feel smarter. When do we start?"

  "Tonight, if you wish, Uncle. You will need to stay here at the labs. The process will take close to ten hours. When you awaken, you will be, next to me, the smartest man on the planet."

  "Zheng, what happens when other scientists eventually discover these phenomena?"

  "That's a good question, Uncle. My theory is, wherever our Cellbot is in place and programmed to pick up anomalies and destroy or disable them, nothing will happen to our powers, where initiated. I suspect being first gives the clear advantage with this technology. As far as the ability to communicate with matter and energy that was a gift from the 'One'.

  "By the way Uncle, I know you don't keep track of budgets but before the hostilities went ballistic, I made a large super computer purchase, close to four billion dollars. The first half, twenty machines, have just arrived here. The balance will go to the primary Colombian facility in about ten days. We are building a special apparatus that will eventually monitor the thoughts and emotions of every living person that has been vaccinated. In other words, we will become aware of trouble before it can begin."

  "Hmm. Zheng, I am not sure about that one. However, it may prove valuable. At any rate, it will be one Hell of an algorithm. I want to have lunch with my Twin and get to know him better. I'll report back to you at 19:00 hours."

  The new revelations seemed to become ever more complicated by the minute. I had arranged to meet my Twin in Don Francisco's private office where lunch would be served. It was a simple affair -- fresh shrimp, fruits, a Caesar Salad and a wonderful white wine with a nice bouquet.

  I said, "Hello Johnny, I have decided to call you Brother but you may already know that?"

  He said, "Gianni, yes and it seems appropriate. This feels awkward to us both. I will endeavor to make it less so in everything that I do. I will look to your thoughts for direction. I believe that I will be an asset according to what you wish to accomplish."

  "Ok, we'll just have to work this out as we go along. I have an appointment with Zheng this evening, so I would like you to dine with Wakani, which will eventually lead to going to bed with her."

  He said, "Ah, the ferocious Wakani. If she is anything like our thoughts, it will be the experience of a lifetime."

  "Have you had sexual relations yet?"

  "No, Gianni, just with myself. I quite enjoyed it."

  "Hah, we are more alike than I imagined. Wakani is a good place to start because that's where I started, so many years ago."

  We spoke for hours, and every minute I grew more comfortable with myself. In fact, I habitually talked to myself from a young age. I found this new experience infinitely more rewarding because I actually got answers. Good answers, logically reasoned out, and answers I could act upon.

  I had a meeting with Miche and Don Francisco at 16:00 hours to discuss the way forward in South America, which he already knew, so I excused myself and drove over to the airfield. Don Francisco wanted to meet on a plateau high above the compound and valley, since he knew we all enjoyed that view. The chopper was waiting. I signaled the pilot to wind her up. The flight was short.

  When we stepped from the aircraft, the sparkling carpet of forests and rivers below glimmered from the rays of a late afternoon sun. The smell of nature's grandeur was intoxicating. Whitman had observed, centuries before me --

  "The atmosphere is tasteless and it is for my mouth forever --

  I am in love with it."

  And so was I.

  I said, "Gentlemen, these are exciting times when anything can be accomplished if we maintain the will to move ahead. Grandfather, please tell us what you, Cristina, Etsa and Wakani have planned for the f
uture of South America."

  "Gianni," he began, "I have very discreetly spoken with most of the wealthy and influential families on the continent or had visits from them. No one could believe how young and healthy I look. We spoke in general terms about the upheaval and turmoil along with the opportunity that it presents to reorganize into a more harmonious society. I indicated that we had acquired huge swaths of land to provide everyone with a piece of the pie.

  "The people were concerned that the virus infecting the rest of the planet was going to make its way to South America. I seized this as our opportunity and confided in them that we developed a medical treatment that's one hundred percent effective against Ebola and everything else it was tested on. When I also went on to explain that this treatment is also responsible for my own well being and the 'fountain of youth' effect, I think this won them over.

  "I laid out my plans to declare martial law and appoint a new leader with a five-year term in each country who would report to me, the President of South America. Several of the families were chagrined by such an idea. So a final meeting was held at the Bogotá Castle yesterday with the top ten families.

  We teleconferenced with the Prime Minister of Russia, the Premier of China and General Hamilton. There was some unpleasant discussion. The Premier cut them off and told them that it was already decided, so they better get used to the idea."

  "Grandfather, please give me a list of the dissenters and execute your plan with all haste. There is no time to waste and we must keep our momentum going."

  My Grandfather said, "Cristina, Juan Carlos, and other Uribe family members in the military have been visiting with the militaries throughout the region. With the exception of Argentina and Peru, the balance are in agreement to cede their authority to my central government. Wakani and her people are well respected among the Nativos throughout the continent.

  "She has started to rally support based on a platform that holds the natural resources belong to the people that inhabit the land where the resources are located. This has always been the main issue with the Nativos. Current policy with all governments in the area is merely a continuation of colonialism under the guise of a local, centralized government.


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