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Page 23

by DiMirra

  "We must seek those citizen patriots, who do not want to govern and will do so only grudgingly. We must impose short term limits in all positions of power, including the bureaucracies, to ensure faithful allegiance to our ideals.

  "We, this group, believe that all people are not created equal. It is, to borrow a phrase, 'self evident' that we are not. There is nothing under the sun that makes us all equal. Therefore, all of our outcomes will be different. A person's life path will depend on talent, ability, environment, choices, parenting, nurturing, education, lifespan, unforeseen accidents, luck, inner motivation -- the list is endless.

  "The only forum in which we are all equal -- and it must be this way -- is in the eyes of the governing bodies that we elect and appoint. Since this equality is tantamount, we must institute mechanisms to remove offenders from the position of power swiftly and permanently.

  "The current court systems, worldwide, are broken and corrupt. Again we will look to men and women of good conscience and common sense to sit on those benches. In all matters, criminal and civil, all cases must be decided within six months and we will staff accordingly. There will be one appeal, which must be heard and determined within ninety days. Slow justice is no justice. The death penalty will be reserved for the most heinous criminal and civil crimes. Bankers and financiers will now become responsible when they take obscene risks or perpetrate frauds that destroy millions of lives.

  "Each state within the United World will have some determination on reducing their volume of laws and regulations by eighty percent of what was on the books, pre-apocalypse, within the first year. All new laws will be short, succinct and composed in layman's language. To echo James Madison, 'It will be of little avail to the people if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.'

  "We must keep the government out of our bedrooms. We must keep them out of our thoughts, communications and private affairs. No more political correctness, no more government-forced immigration and integration. For these things to occur well, they must be organic, done willingly by the people and we will not stand in their way. We are finished with 'Nanny States' and bankrupt cultural values.

  "We look to the values of The Greatest Generation and will recover them. Critical thinking, hard work, help your fellow man, be part of something bigger than yourself, and patriotism but on a world scale.

  "Banks, Public companies and Financial Institutions will book their own portfolio loans and mortgages and pay stock dividends. Companies will not grow for growth's sake but pay out 80% of earnings to shareholders.

  "We will serve each other yet allow for, and encourage, different outcomes. Some will get rich, most will have a high standard of living and some will continue struggle and fail. For those, and for the utterly helpless, there will be a strong safety net of social services to help and when possible, return them to the workplace".

  "On taxation and currency, the United World will issue a new currency, the World Dollar, which will replace all currencies in all countries. The pre-apocalyptic value of their old currency versus the US dollar will be the initial exchange rate. All debt will be imputed to World Dollar values.

  "Governments worldwide must limit their spending growth to no more than one percent of the previous years budget. There will be no deficit spending. All income taxation will be limited to 15% of gross income and will be paid equally by every person and every company. If you make a hundred dollars you will pay fifteen dollars. Everyone will have 'skin in the game.'

  "The World Council will consider countries that need extra help on a case-by-case basis. This should not be construed as punitive, it should be considered getting our houses in order and eschewing growth for growth's sake.

  "Our final thoughts were on the education of our people. It occurred to us that the best direction for education would be returning to basics. Mathematics, sciences, reading, writing skills and languages, lots of languages, would be the right direction.

  "Vocational schools, Guilds, Art and Music will be important. Not everyone is destined to go into business or a professional occupation. We will need farmers, builders, plumbers, electricians and workers of every trade imaginable to build a sustainable platform. We will move away from throwaway products and move into the sustainable products of tomorrow's world.

  "Papa, we have these concepts committed to a document that is eleven pages in length, depending on the language, and easily understood by any person with a very basic education. Gone will be the days when we mince words and impute meanings. The documents and the regulations are simple, straightforward and have one, clear meaning.

  "I took the liberty to hire calligraphers to enshrine this World Charter on vellum, in English, Chinese, Russian and Spanish, for your upcoming meetings in Lugano and Bogota."

  I felt a little teary-eyed but more proud and happy than anything else.

  I stood up and looked at all those fresh young faces waiting in anticipation and said, "You get it. You actually understand what needs to be done. You have given the people a path and an opportunity. It will be quite a task to help them walk down this new road but I believe that the majority are ready for something new.

  "Rodrigo, I believe you have a horseback ride ready for this afternoon, let's have lunch and then go for that ride."

  Cristina and group headed for the ranch house and barbeque while I took a phone call from General Hamilton.

  "Good afternoon, Ham."

  "Hi Johnny. I was speaking with Campitelli. He said you are in Costa Rica. I was giving him a heads-up about an incursion in your northern province of Guanacaste by Sandinista forces. It appears to be a mechanized brigade and they are moving swiftly."

  "Ham, I am not surprised. I suspected the Nicaraguan Presidente might take advantage of the world's disarray and try something to take his people's minds off the failed state he created. I must say, though, I never thought he would be so bold. Do you have eyes on El Presidente?"

  "Johnny, he's in his military compound and we have a bird shadowing the brigade."

  I replied, "I believe you have the destroyer Sampson in the general area. If that's correct, let us put a quick end to this. Please launch two HE BGM-109 Tomahawks on his compound immediately, followed by two more, at five and ten-minute intervals. All with the sub-munitions package.

  Concerning that brigade, let's strike the leading edge and the middle of the column with three each of those 109's with sub-munitions, as soon as you're ready. Bring them in from the south, as the column will be thin. We need maximum effect.

  "I really thought he was smarter than this. Well, our response will take care of the last troublemaker in this neighborhood."

  "Damn, Johnny! You know more about how to use our assets then I do. We'll execute in fifteen minutes. I'll keep you advised."

  "Thanks Ham. While I have you on line, can you send me one of your Latin three-stars, with staff, to help take over temporary control of the armies in South America? He will work with General Uribe Pizarro to gain working control and re-integration."

  "I'll have him and Senior Staff at your airfield in twenty-four hours."

  I was walking toward the ranch house when it occurred to me that this incursion might be aimed at my family. I do not believe in coincidences. When I got to the veranda, I spoke quietly to Rodrigo and asked him to have The G moved to Tobias Bolanos airport in San Jose immediately.

  I spoke to the gathering and let them know that a brigade of Sandinista troops had crossed the border and were, perhaps, on their way here. I sent them, all seven, along with Cristina, to the ranch chopper for the forty minute ride into San Jose. It would be crowded but they were well within the weight range of this bird and it would give me freedom to operate without distraction.

  Rodrigo stayed behind with me. I asked him to summon security immediately to the ranch house because we had an emergency. It turned out that we had two platoons, about forty good men, plus four Guardians on the ranch. Assuming the strik
es, in about twenty minutes, would disable or kill about three thousand of the invaders, that still left the odds at fifty-to-one in their favor. We had the high ground but they would have the numbers. Costa Rica does not have a standing army so no help from that quarter.

  I put a call into General Hamilton. "Ham, it just occurred to me that I am the target. I am not sure if they want me dead or alive. I have evacuated all nonessential personnel and intend to hold the position. My man Berberson informs me the Sampson is 40 miles offshore at Puntarenas, which puts you about 40 minutes from my position.

  "I know you have a small contingent of marines aboard the Sampson. If you would be so kind as to arm their Seahawks with Hell-fire missiles and those wonderful GAU-16 fifty caliber machine guns, and send them my way loaded with Marines, I'll owe you one."

  "Johnny, as far as the United States is concerned, we will never be able to pay you back for the Ebola vaccine, which turned the tide and saved our country. The choppers will be en route in fifteen minutes. I will send Ali the feed on the strike, which is in progress, from our surveillance aircraft."

  "Thank you, Sir!"

  In reality, the Hacienda was a well-fortified position, so we made our stand there. I sent a squad of men as a rear guard, on horseback, to the top of the mountain, to assure there was not a flanking force or an attack from behind, because that's what I would have done.

  We had some heavy ordinance on hand. I sent two squads below to mine the bushes with Claymores on the two-mile road to the hacienda. They would remain in place at the one-mile mark. Each squad had a SAW (Squad Assault Weapon.) In this case, that was an M249 machine gun and a Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (SMAW) for vehicles. On the high ground, we had some late model Stinger FIM-92G's, in case of an air assault.

  I put Berberson in charge of the defenses and went into the office to get a birds-eye view of what was coming our way.

  "Good morning Baba. Looks like you may be in for a rough time," said Ali.

  I was looking at the screen to his right and saw an organized flying column coming our way with no resistance. The image slowed down and went to a closer view as the Tomahawks slammed the column.

  I could see that they were completely taken by surprise. The missiles opened up. Bomblets separated from the main bomb and independently fell toward the ground. They contained an inflatable bag on top, which slowed them down and spread them out. As the bomblets descended, they sensed gravitational force. Once they reached a minimum of six G's they armed themselves. With shaped charges and fragmentation, they produced a highly lethal effect on the personnel and vehicles in the column.

  The video feed was coming from a drug interdiction AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System) plane permanently assigned to Costa Rica. It was still over the target as the smoke began to clear.

  The results were better than anticipated. The brigade and been degraded by at least seventy-five percent, which meant we would be facing a smaller force, 1,500 men, if they chose to continue. As I watched for what they intended to do, I could hear the rotors of the incoming Seahawks from the Sampson.

  The choppers landed near the compound. A young, fit looking Marine Captain came running up to the house as I received a call from Swahilison on top of the mountain. The Guardian reported an incoming heavy company of Sandinistas scaling the mountain.

  I said to the Marine, "Captain, great to see you! Please dump your men on top the mountain. My man will pop some green smoke.

  "Then fly over the mountain, get a little distance, locate the opposing forces, and give them a taste of those GAU's (Aircraft Gun Units.)"

  "Semper Fi, Sir"

  "Then come back and I'll feed your whole crew lunch."

  I had an incoming call from General Hamilton.

  I said, "Ham, they must have wives waiting for them. It looks like they're heading for home in a big hurry."

  "Johnny, I am watching the feed also. I think this was more than they bargained for. Not much will stop an armored column in its tracks but a Tomahawk with sub munitions will do it every time. Send my Marines back when you're finished."

  "Those Sandinistas disturbed my barbeque. When your boys are finished with the hostiles on the back side of our mountain, I'm going feed them lunch and then send them home."

  "The initial BDA on Managua shows we got El Presidente and a good number of the General Staff. Probably time for you to send in an envoy to pick up the pieces.

  "See you in Lugano in a few days, Johnny."

  Then I heard the GAU's open up on the backside of the mountain. Nothing else sounds like that. I was glad I wasn't out there, exposed and tired from climbing. I knew there would be a lot of new widows in Nicaragua that night.

  There's not much like a party with victorious Marines. Lots of cold Bavarian beer, rare steaks, loud music, and plenty of shit-talk to go around.

  The Marines departed and the ranch chopper returned. Rodrigo had parting words with the ranch manager. We were set to fly into San Jose to spend the night at the airport Marriott in the Presidential Suite. We got to meet Rodrigo's girlfriend. She was not only a beauty but also, her grandfather was the richest man in Costa Rica, and self-made, I might add. We were both happy with his choice. We shared a love of Andalusian horses with that family.

  Chapter 42

  En route to Bogota: 09:00, February 1st

  Cristina and I left early this day in the company Citation X. Rodrigo and his group would come later in the day in The G.

  The Foreign Minister met with us at our aviation complex. He was obviously concerned about the promised transportation bond. As we had an espresso in the lounge, I allayed his fears. I asked him to get the paperwork started with my brother Diego in Lugano because the bond had been approved.

  He apologized for the incursion by the Sandinistas but I would not have any of that. I told him it had been brewing for many years and now it was over and finished, forever. I asked him to visit with Rodrigo at the Marriott to get an advance copy of the new Constitution and prepare to faithfully carry it out.

  Within minutes, we were winging our way home to Bogota. As we circled the Central Valley of Costa Rica to gain altitude, the sheer beauty of that little country struck me, as always. We could see both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans from our vantage point at ten thousand feet. The two bodies of water cradled this bucolic landmass between them like a newborn baby.

  All our jets are equipped with secure communications consoles. The short trip would give me time with Ali to confirm what I thought I knew from my Twin. I had not completely mastered the connection between us for some reason. I always knew when Zheng is in my head but not my Twin.

  "Good morning, Son."

  "Good morning. Baba. I understand you had a close encounter with a herd of hostile Nicas."

  "We did and most fortunately, we had the USS Sampson standing offshore. It was over before it started. My guess is, we must have a spy at the ranch. The Guardians are working through the evidence to figure out who it is. They will punish them accordingly."

  "The situations in the North Africa and the Middle East are relatively quiet at the moment. The big news is that talk everywhere has turned to the divine mission of the Grand Mufti on Mount Hira. With a little help from our side, the conversation has changed to 'The Occultation' and the return of the Mahdi. I have to tell you, the atmosphere is palpably charged with excitement and hope. Yes hope is the right word."

  "Equatorial Africa is starting to disintegrate from the Ebola. The hardest-hit country is Nigeria because its two hundred million citizens are so densely packed. CENTCOM has furnished Keny with a wing of C130 transports to help deliver the vaccine to remote villages. Keny is making house calls, with his Staff, all over the center of the continent, caring for Ebola patients. He's leading the charge to let folks know if they've been vaccinated, they'll be safe. It appears to be helping.

  "General Hamilton's advance team arrived in India, led a by an Air Force four-star. They are starting to settle in an
d set up command and control. We have already landed an Anotov transport with vaccine, thanks to Vasily. There should be one leaving the airfield tonight with vaccine and Cellbot therapy. Conditions on the ground in most major cities are still dismal at the moment.

  "Leaders and other relevant people are starting to arrive at the Castle ahead of tomorrows meeting. It's a good thing that you have over a hundred bedrooms. They will be filled to capacity. This is the A-list event of the 21st Century in South America.

  "The Ebola contagion still rages but China has finally gotten out in front of it. The Minister believes the final casualty range will be around five hundred million, a huge loss, the like of which the world has never seen before.

  "When you see Wakani, you should speak with her about the new baby Guardians. I'll text you a picture. They're cute little guys but tough looking. This should be interesting. I asked Tio Raffa to inform the Chinese that cloned Guardians were supposed to be sterile, but they are not."

  "I sent Uwishun ahead to Lugano. He will oversee logistics and security for the first Council meeting. Russian and Chinese security have already arrived. He will coordinate with them.

  "Reza, with the help of local forces, has cleaned out the remaining Guard and Militias in the city of Qom. He is setting up provisional government in this holiest city in Iran. It's a gutsy move, I tell you. General Sloan has assigned a battalion of elite marines as Reza's honor guard, so I'm fairly comfortable with the security arrangements.

  "The Nordic countries are still super violent. The governments that brought their misguided policies down upon the populations have all been exterminated, to the last person. The smallish militaries and the few center-right politicians remaining, who were outspoken, are trying to assert control. I believe it will be interesting to see how they decide to work with the remaining immigrant populations that did not make any effort to be part of the countries.


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