by DiMirra
"Zheng, that is wonderful news. I could tell you I am relieved but you already know that."
"Uncle, as you know, I have had some contact with beings similar to me. They are much older and can do things I cannot, yet. I know very little about them other than they are not The One. Trey has completed the transformation to an energy being like myself. I have mastered inter-dimensional travel. I will be pursuing a better understanding of who they are and how we can relate. Trey will replace me here for the time being and guide you when you need assistance.
"Trey and I will continue to communicate because we are the same, pure energy. This all involves fermions, boson particles, gravitons, P-branes, Planck Length, super symmetry, the M theory -- and much, much more that is not even dreamed of yet. Current science will take another 100 years to arrive at this level of knowledge.
"Which begs the questions, 'Why us?' and 'Why now?' I'll put this in a special place for you to understand better. Just know that this solves all travel considerations -- dimensional, inter-dimensional, terrestrial, and in space."
Berberson touched my arm. This brought me out of my thoughts.
"Don Gianni, we will be landing in 45 minutes at Marrakesh."
I said, "Berberson, please make me two double espressos."
I went aft to awaken Ana. I pushed up the shade. The early morning sun was on the horizon, having gobbled up the darkness in that never-ending regeneration.
The touchdown was silky smooth. We taxied to our hanger. Berberson put down the stairway. I stood there for a moment drinking in the cool dawn air.
Ali walked briskly out to the plane. As he went past me, we fist-bumped. He felt overjoyed to see his Mother. He held her in a long, loving embrace while I walked to the office. They joined me for pastries, figs, and Moroccan coffee.
Ali said, "Baba, every day the news is better with more positive outcomes and less violence.
"Ali, I would call it 'ameliorating chaos.'" Though we may have turned the proverbial corner, the death toll will continue to mount for months before this has all run its course.
"Your Super Twin is on a tour of the subcontinent, visiting India, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. His assignment is to obtain their submission to the United World in return for access to all the technology promised to the countries that cooperate.
"The really good news is the poaching epidemic has disappeared. There has not been an incident since we started the campaign. The word is out."
"Ali, this is better than I could have hoped for. Do stay on top of Africa, though, I don't want any backsliding.
"Your Mother and I need to leave for Lugano. We'll take on fuel here on our way back. My love to all."
"Vaya con Dios, Baba."
We were airborne almost immediately. As we neared southern France, we could still see smoke plumes from thousands of small fires. They appeared as smudges of some indefinite color, bruises upon the landscape resulting from human folly.
Chapter 45
Lugano: 08:00, February 3rd
As we landed in Lugano, we could see the private aircraft of other world leaders, parked and guarded. We taxied to our hanger, where security met us. There were no immigration or customs agents awaiting us. Diego had cleared the meeting prior to our arrival.
The line of Land Rovers stood at attention ready to take us to the Villa on the Lake. The meeting and lunch was scheduled for 13:00 hours, which gave us time for a nap and a shower to help us recover from the time zone changes.
Security for the meeting was overwhelming. All roads were closed to local traffic. We had a military escort augmented by our own private security. There were at least three choppers visible. I am quite sure there were again as many drones surveilling the area. Swiss, Chinese, American, and Russian guards, and my own security people manned two checkpoints along the route. Uwishun had outdone himself on this operation.
I found it interesting that leaders, movie stars, and other important personages, whether vilified or worshipped, were simply people in the end. I never thought of myself as better or worse than anyone else. The key trait in all celebrities is a vision or a message that resonates with their audience. This drives them to complete that idea.
I was up and dressed casually, by 11:30. I wandered into the breakfast room, where I encountered the President of Russia and his stunning new wife. While rumors had it that he did not smoke, he was enjoying one of Don Francisco's Cohibas with a cup of espresso. He invited me to join him and I did. We had met casually on many occasions but I did not really know him. He was certainly a man's man and decisive action-taker with an unbounded love for his country -- all very good things in my opinion.
We chose German since we both had a working knowledge of that language. He gets right to the point when he has something to say. I like that in a man.
He said, "So Gianni, when do I meet Ana, whom the French press loves to write about?"
I said, "We will all be having dinner this evening. She'll save the first dance for you." This put a gleam in his eye and elicited a snort and a grin from his wife.
He said, I would also like to meet your son, Ali, who hires all of my best operatives and seems to know more than anyone on the planet."
I said, "Ali will brief us on current affairs during our meeting. I'll make the introductions. By the way, he is a big fan of yours. He says he likes how you do business."
"Gianni, I know you're forty-eight years old, yet you look like thirty. Tell me how is this possible."
"We are blessed with some brilliant scientists and a Divine Intervention. There is no other way to put it. We don't know who, how or why but we have discovered the keys to unlocking all the knowledge that has eluded us since the origin of our species.
"My appearance results from the Cellbot technology that's responsible for stopping and reversing aging. We intend to share all our technologies with the United World as our contribution to the effort."
At that moment, Ana made her grand entrance in a Spanish riding outfit that appeared to be glued to her body. She went directly to the Russian President and embraced him and welcomed him to our home.
When Ana hugs you, the moment will not soon be forgotten. She invited the President's wife to join her and the other ladies for a tour of the stables and greenhouses.
The President and I adjourned to my study, where General Hamilton and the Premier of China were already conversing. We switched to English. The President had his personal translator nearby.
"Good afternoon Gentlemen," I said.
They nodded and greeted us in return. While the Premier and the General finished their conversation, the President and I settled into comfortable chairs. Uwishun was nearby. He took our drink order because he was the only outsider allowed in the room.
I noticed for the first time that both the President and the General looked younger and robustly healthy. Zheng acknowledged that they both had started the Cellbot therapy several weeks earlier. Zheng also informed me that he and Trey would like to make an appearance at the appropriate time and they would know when. This caught me off-guard and left me slightly bewildered.
I opened the conversation with a quote from Churchill, words he spoke at Yalta, 71 years earlier, to the day, in a meeting with Stalin and Roosevelt. He said, "These are among the most important days that any of us shall live."
I went on to say, "Here we are as colleagues and friends. Yes, friends. We have the opportunity to rebuild the world and the planet in a way that shall be sustainable. Each of you has seen our framework for moving forward and providing an environment where your populations will prosper and achieve happiness.
"You will no longer need to consider health, energy and massive military costs in your budgets. This should reduce your national operating costs by half. I believe these savings should be put back into the people's hands, through lower taxes. This will help them create businesses and employment."
"We each shall have our spheres of influence, which are drawn along historical boundaries.
We will each replace the existing currencies in our areas with the new World Dollar. It will make trade homogenous and level the playing field. We will each be charged with resolving incidents in our own areas swiftly and sternly. We will limit the press for the first year as we are going to break some eggs making this omelet.
"We need to speak plainly with our peoples to help them understand we are entering a new era and must limit our population growth with fewer births. People will now live hundreds of years. We do not want to end up in this miserable situation again seventy years into the future.
"The big unresolved question on your minds is probably what to do about Islam."
Zheng had just given me a heads up about what my colleagues' were thinking. All three nodded in agreement with that statement.
I continued, "I am sure your intelligence agencies have reported to you about the unprecedented campaign of assassination against Islamic jihadists and radical clerics occurring over the last 3 weeks. That was my doing, to set the stage for return of the Grand Mufti and a peaceful, more homogenous form of Islam. Our intel on the matter says we are on track to see that happen this year. Even now, millions of followers are arriving in Saudi Arabia to view the return of the Mahdi, the Twelfth Imam. They arrive on foot, horse, camel and by car, since air travel is still restricted."
I went on to explain at length, how we were going to change the face of that religion. I could see that they fully understood and agreed with the plan. I thought to myself, how great it was to work with leaders that understand reality and would undertake the necessary actions to complete a plan.
"If it does not work, we will need to wage an all out Blitzkrieg-style war on the recalcitrants and their supporters, destroying them to the last person, taking no prisoners."
"Last on the agenda is the admittance of Africa, Europe and South America to the organization. All three countries should be ready for admittance by the end of this calendar year. We four will always hold the balance of power, but I expect little or no resistance to our agenda from the new leaders."
"What does concern me is the 'human condition' and how it will evolve over the coming decades. Will we find ourselves in this same position 50 years from now? I really cannot say at this time."
Uwishun informed us lunch was ready. I think we were all hungry, because everyone stood up at the same time. We moved to a small dining room with a view of the Lake.
We were served an appetizer of escargot in garlic sauce and mozzarella in carrozza. Both were delightful. We were drinking a CVNE (coo-nay) red Gran Reserva 2004. It was exquisite with a nose and taste of indescribable qualities. The main dish was rare prime rib of Angus beef, with new potatoes. The lack of conversation made it readily apparent everyone approved these selections.
As lunch wound down, the President opened a conversation -- "Gianni, I think we all would like to know more about the technology responsible for all these amazing discoveries."
Zheng appeared in my thoughts and informed me that now was the right time for their appearance.
I said, "Gentlemen, while I understand the basic elements of what we discovered over the past couple years, it's more appropriate for the man principally responsible to explain these advances in person. I bid you all not to be alarmed. He and his companion will appear shortly in a most unusual way."
As I was speaking, time appeared to slow down and the air seemed to crackle, taking on a chill. There was a swirling motion in the room like a small tornado. It comprised a spectrum of bright colors and what appeared to be bits or pieces of matter, whirling this way and that. There were thousands of brilliant, tiny sparks, like a Roman candle, emitting an aroma of sweet and pungent ozone, as before a storm arrives. And then they appeared, smiling and welcoming.
These leaders were steady men. Nothing about all this seemed to surprise or bother them. They all looked to me.
I said, "Gentlemen, I present to you Zheng Xing Castillo, my nephew, and my triplet, whom we call Trey."
Zheng opened the dialog, or I should say, the thought process. He said "Thank you, Uncle, for the introduction."
"I will place my thoughts directly into your minds because there is no need for language, which is easily misinterpreted. Each of you will understand me completely. I will answer questions as they arise, individually, for all to know and understand.
"Mr. President, we are pure energy beings now although we were once human. We appear as if human now by assembling the fermions around us into recognizable matter in the shape of our residual self-images.
"Premier, Trey was in this dimension awaiting the proper time to summon me. I was visiting millions of other dimensions, which seem to be limitless within our current understanding.
"General, so far, we have not encountered any other beings such as ourselves. We have come across numbers of pure energy beings in various dimensions but we do not know their purpose nor have we had direct contact with them yet. We just sense that they are around. There seems to be a gathering of energy beings in this dimension. My impression is that they are almost equally divided between good and evil. I have the notion that some fundamental change is about to occur.
"Yes General, we have found intelligent life on numerous planets that are still unknown to our scientists, some in our very own galaxy."
"Mr. President, we are not dangerous. That is to say, we are not inclined to be so. But the question you really want to have answered is -- yes, I could destroy all life, or only one life, on this Planet with a mere thought. But this is not our mission. We have set about to find the answers to our existence with an explanation of the human condition and why we do the things we do.
Then there remain the really big questions, such as -- what is the meaning of all creation? Who is the creator? Is there life after death? And, of course, why?
"Premier, for the time being we will not share this technology for the following reasons -- after we evolved into this form we received clear and concise instructions to not interfere with human free will and to not share the keys to this technology with humanity. It was given by The One in a manner and with a warning that we will not disregard.
"Gentlemen, Trey and I appeared to help you better understand whence these new technologies originate. No matter how well Uncle Johnny might have explained it, our actual visit truly puts it all in good perspective.
"Mr. President, I perceive that you are skeptical. Perhaps a demonstration is in order. I will take you, or rather your essence, with me, on a short journey. I'll show you what is out there waiting to be discovered."
In an instant, the President's body went slack. His autonomic functions kept his body alive. He had a heartbeat. There was respiration. But the conscious President was absent. So was Zheng. The Premier and General Hamilton looked to me. I shrugged and looked to Trey for an explanation.
Trey said, "Gentlemen -- no cause for alarm. We simply sensed that the President, a man of many doubts when it comes to something he does not understand, needed to be shown. I am reminded of something the Swiss poet Hesse wrote about this very sentiment in his Siddhartha --
'But today, he only saw one of the river's secrets, one that gripped his soul. He saw that the water continually flowed and flowed yet it was always there; it was always the same and yet every moment it was new. Who could understand, conceive this?'
"The only way to gain a basic understanding of the real world is to become what you truly are -- a being of energy. They will return shortly as if they were never gone. What will seem like a moment, in reality will be timeless. There is no such construct as time in the real world."
They reappeared as though they had never been gone. The President seemed animated and forever changed.
He said, "I saw much that I don't really understand. I saw my body go slack and then I saw the galaxy and felt all of the souls on Earth. We went back in time, forward in time, and into other dimensions. I saw history. I became aware of unfolding and alternate histories that are real but unknown to me."
/> I said, "What does it all mean, Zheng?"
"To describe what I do not fully understand yet, I would say we are part of a program, a kind of 'reality video game.' I believe it is the penultimate platform built by the Master Programmer himself, the One. But I do not really know. That, my friends, is my primary mission.
"Premier, I have not encountered anything that I cannot do. In other words, this energy state seems limitless. For example, here's a demonstration of Biblical proportions from the Old Testament -- a few iconic scenes from the Book of Exodus."
Zheng reassembled himself as The Burning Bush, throwing off immense heat to the room, while Trey became the rock from which water sprang forth, covering the floor. The episode lasted about ten seconds. As they reassembled into their human forms, the water evaporated and the heat dissipated.
"Premier, every single thought and action that has occurred since the beginning of humanity has been stored, for lack of a better term, in a universal 'hard drive.'
"I present a scene to you from China's ancient history. The Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu, next to Mao, this was the bloodiest period in China's history. Nearly two thirds of the population were slaughtered. Here we are in the midst of the Battle of White Wolf Mountain."
Then there we were, in late September, 207 AD, on the Daling River, with a fast moving column of soldiers. Cao Cao was outnumbered five to one but his enemy was in disarray from their surprise attack. The room was filled with the sights and sounds of battle.
Jians (double-edged swords) clanged and blood flew. Men screamed and succumbed to their wounds. Horses whinnied and snorted as soldiers rode into battle. The scene played on and we were bystanders, seemingly present but not actually there. Cao Cao's forces captured Tadun. They slaughtered his army, putting an end to the Wuhuan Resistance.
The room became animated when this display concluded. We all felt awestruck over what we had just witnessed.