Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4)

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Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4) Page 14

by Vella Day

  “What was the inside like? A lot of valuable art, or what?”

  “Just a lot of computer equipment.”

  “It doesn’t add up,” Sam said. “The man’s single and a party animal. He must have a shitload of guests through his house all the time. Does he have cameras in every corner and a monitoring room?”

  Trax held up his hands. “Not that I installed, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t employ two different security companies, in case one system failed.” He tapped the paper. “This is a copy of the house layout. If you ever need to get in, I figured you could use this.”

  “We might. Thanks.” Sam rolled up the specs.

  Brandon intended to scan and then upload it to his tablet to use if and when they needed it. Every time something like this occurred, he appreciated how much each Pack member had to offer. “Thanks for showing this to us.”

  Time to go home and enjoy their woman. Brandon didn’t want Mackenzie to think that when they’d asked her to move in, they expected her to cook and clean for them. “How about we stop at Carvello’s Italian restaurant and pick up some food?”

  “I like it. After being cooped up in the house all day, she deserves a rest. I imagine she’ll be up for a little entertainment,” Sam said with a smile on his face.

  Brandon couldn’t believe the change in his cousin since Mackenzie had walked into their lives. He was much more relaxed, except when they talked about the case. Then he went into protective mode. It was as if he feared Mackenzie would run off like his little brother had, and the Colters would get her.

  “How about you pick up something,” Brandon said, “and I’ll head on home and let Mackenzie know she doesn’t have to worry about fixing anything?”

  Sam shook his head. “I wasn’t born yesterday. Call her and let her know we’re bringing dinner. Ask her what she wants. We’ll both drive to the restaurant.”

  He saw through Sam’s request. “You just don’t want me to start without you.”

  “Fucking A.”

  Brandon called, and just hearing her voice hardened his cock. She actually sounded excited as if she’d had a good day of research. He couldn’t wait to see her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  After returning home from seeing how the other half lived, Mac went to work researching this lawyer who’d cozied up to Roger Medlock. It wasn’t hard to find Marina’s last name. It was Lavelle—as in Lavelle, Comstock, and Richards. Just as Mac was about to call and chat with the woman, her cell rang. It was Brandon.

  She smiled and leaned back in her seat. “Hey, there. Am I going to see you guys tonight?” It was close to six, and she was beginning to worry something had cropped up at work.

  “We’re stopping at an Italian restaurant to pick up dinner so you don’t have to fix anything.”

  “That’s so sweet.” They were such considerate men.

  “What would you like?” Brandon asked.

  Anything worked for her. “How about lasagna?” If she couldn’t finish her meal, she’d eat it for lunch tomorrow.

  “You got it. We’ll be home shortly.”

  She disconnected the call and rushed into the bathroom to freshen up. Being away from them all day had heightened her desires. She wanted tonight to be special.

  Mac was still primping when the back door opened.

  “Mackenzie?” Brandon called.

  As soon as she made certain her hair wasn’t tangled, she headed out. “Hey. Have a good day?” The scent of basil and other Italian spices made her stomach grumble.

  Sam kissed her before heading into the kitchen. “Red or white?”

  “Red, please.” She could get used to this domestic bliss.

  Brandon placed the large box on the table. “I’ll get some plates. Have a seat.”

  Mac couldn’t remember the last time she’d been served dinner. After Sam poured the wine and Brandon served up their meal, they tapped their glasses.

  “What wonderful clues did you unearth today?” Sam asked.

  Her foray to Medlock’s home wasn’t something she wanted to divulge. “I found out that Carl Hampton has a sealed juvie record.”

  Sam’s eyes widened. “What for?”

  She told them about the rape charge. “I couldn’t find the verdict, but I figure it doesn’t matter. The guy is no good.”

  Brandon rubbed her arm. “That’s great. Anything else?”

  She saved the best for last, though if their fellow Pack members were working on finding the women, they might already know what she’d discovered. “I learned that Roger Medlock is running for the Florida Senate. Apparently, he ran for mayor of Gulfside a few years ago, but he didn’t get many votes.”

  The men glanced at each other. “That’s very helpful,” Sam said.

  If Medlock’s political ambition helped point the way to finding Cheryl, Mac didn’t see how. “Why is that important? I just told you that to give you a better feel for the man.”

  “Medlock isn’t married,” Sam said.

  She still didn’t get it. “So?”

  “He’ll need a woman by his side; a wife perhaps. Politicians need to appeal to the masses. No President of the United States has been single, right?”

  “True.” She set down her wine. “Are you thinking he thought he could convince Cheryl, or whoever he bought, to pose as his wife? Why would anyone do that?”

  Sam shrugged. “I have no idea. It was just a thought.” He nodded to her nearly empty plate—a plate she hadn’t remembered cleaning. “How about we table all business until later. I have a better idea about how to spend the evening.” He wiggled his brows and she laughed.

  “What’s that?”

  He smiled. “I bought something for you.”

  “I like presents.” Especially if Sam and Brandon had purchased them.

  They didn’t seem the type who needed to shower a woman with gifts, which would make it all the more special. She bet they’d each had a lot of women who tried to snag them, so there was no need for them to try to win a woman’s affections. Hell, if they hadn’t been werewolf mates, she probably wouldn’t have attracted them.

  Brandon grabbed the dirty plates and carried them into the kitchen.

  Sam pushed back his chair. “Come on. I’ll show you.”

  She hadn’t seen him bring anything in, so when had be bought this present? Or was this a ruse to get her into the bedroom? She didn’t care. It was where she wanted to go. Plates clanked in the sink. “Is Brandon coming?”

  “You bet.” Sam grinned.

  Something was up. Sam normally wasn’t this happy. At least neither of the men suspected she hadn’t been home most of the day, so that was good. Mac followed him into his bedroom. Instead of kissing her and stripping her, he stepped over to the dresser and pulled out a dildo.

  Was he kidding? “For real? Why would I want something plastic when I can have the real thing? That dildo doesn’t compare to you two.” She stepped over to Sam and grabbed his crotch.

  He laughed. “Baby, this isn’t for your pussy.”

  The moment the ramification sunk in, her grip loosened. “You want to put that in my ass?” She held up her hands in surrender. “Why?”

  “To stretch you out, baby. You think you could handle my cock back there?”

  “No.” She’d been putting off thinking about making love to the men at the same time. These two were huge, and it took some getting used to being with each of them one at a time without getting sore.

  “That’s why we need to get you ready. With a little lube, you won’t feel a thing. Brandon will keep you busy while I slip this right in.”

  There had been a flash of indecision in his eyes, implying even he didn’t buy into the whole “it won’t hurt” thing. “What if I don’t like it?”

  “Oh, you’ll like it.” Sam tried to distract her by dragging a knuckle down her cheek.

  She stepped back. “But what if I don’t?”

  “Just say stop, and I will.”

  That was easy
. “Okay, but I’m a little nervous.” This wasn’t the time to be coy.

  Brandon walked in, stepped behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I see Sam showed you our little device.”

  “It’s not little.”

  “Sam, I think it’s time to show our woman a few things that will help her get over her fears.”

  Sam’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, yes. How about coming with me, baby?” He clasped her hand.

  Her curiosity got the best of her. If she wasn’t comfortable with what they were about to do, she could ask them to stop. Sam led her down the hallway and pushed open a door at the end of the hallway.

  She looked up at him. “We’re going to use your playroom?” He’d shown it to her before but then had decided she wasn’t ready.

  “It’s time, baby.”

  Her insides fluttered. She prayed she was ready for this. Disappointing them would be…well, disappointing. Once inside, she studied all that the room had to offer. The dimensions were about twelve feet by fifteen feet. At the far end stood what looked like a spanking bench—not that she’d ever been on one, but she hadn’t grown up in a cave. There were cuffs dangling from the wall, a weight bench pressed along the side, a very large mattress in the middle of the floor, and a shelf of assorted torture devices—like whips and stuff hanging above the mattress.

  A trickle of fear dripped in. She shook her head. “I don’t think this is for me.”

  Sam drew near. “You trust us, right?”

  Mac couldn’t remember any man ever asking her that question, but she knew they’d never cause her harm. “Yes.”

  “Then let us show you how incredible it can be with both of us.” He pulled her close and gave her the gentlest of kisses. She expected tender from Brandon. Sam was more of the devouring type, but his one touch had her limp in his arms.

  “Okay.” God, what a pushover, but she couldn’t help it. It must be that mating thing.

  “Since you’re being such a good sport,” Sam said, “we’ll let you take off our clothes, and this time we won’t stop you.”

  Her pulse sped up, and a shaft of need speared her pussy. “Seriously?”

  Sam nodded. Before he changed his mind, Mac nabbed the button on his waistband and popped it open. His erection was pressing against his fly. “I see it’s anxious to get out.”

  Sam laughed. “You’ll see how anxious I am in a moment. I suggest you not dawdle. It’ll only get bigger the longer you wait.”

  He did have a point. As she undid the rest of the buttons on Sam’s jeans, Brandon reached around her and unsnapped her pants. She looked over her shoulder at him. “I thought I was doing the taking off.”

  “Unless I missed something, he said you could undress us. He never mentioned what we’d be doing to you.”

  “Yes he did. He’s going to put some huge object in my ass in the hopes of stretching me out.”

  Brandon nuzzled her neck as he lowered her zipper. “I can’t wait to hear you ooh and ahh when he does.”

  “We’ll see.” She smiled.

  Brandon slid his thumbs in the waistband of her jeans, and tugged them over her hips. As he lowered them, her hands had temporarily stopped. Here, she was given this fantastic opportunity to tease Sam, and she’d let Brandon distract her.

  She returned her attention to the task at hand. After opening the rest of the buttons on Sam’s fly, she exposed his big cock. “There’s no way in hell that can fit in my ass.” She shook her head. “It’s just too damned big.”

  Sam cupped her cheeks, and his warmth helped calm her. “Want me to take off my shoes?”

  Like that would help fit his cock back there any better? “Yes.” Apparently, he wasn’t going to change his mind. At least the dildo was a wee bit smaller than Sam’s dick.

  Once he finished kicking off his boots, she lowered his pants. Keeping balanced was hard since her jeans had pooled at her feet, but in order to step out of them, she needed to take off her shoes. As Sam removed his pants, she ditched her shoes then kicked off her jeans.

  Now it was Brandon’s turn. She spun around and repeated the button undoing with him. His jeans had a zipper, making it easier to open. The problem was when she bent over to drag down his jeans, Sam stepped behind her and placed his cock between her legs.

  “I’m not ready yet. You aren’t both naked.”

  Sam laughed. “Never said we had to be naked before I can enjoy your body. Ignore me and get Brandon ready.”

  Brandon helped by stepping out of his pants without her help. When she straightened, Sam slid his hands under her shirt and rubbed her breasts. As much as she liked it, she wanted his skin on hers. “How about taking off my shirt?” She raised her hands to make it easier.

  “My pleasure.” Sam lifted the material over her head and let it drop.

  She expected him to undo the bra clasp, but instead he raised it over her tits and plucked her nipples. That felt so good.

  Brandon clasped the hem of his shirt. “You want me to take this off?”

  This might be Mac’s last chance to do this. “No. Let me.”

  He probably thought she’d toss it off like Sam had with her top, but this was about seduction, not practicality. She slid her hands up his rippled abs, loving the sensuous play of her palms over the peaks and valleys of his muscles. She rubbed her hands up and down, and his cock visually twitched. She’d better hurry, or they’d cut short her exploration.

  As slowly as she could, she removed his shirt. The moment the material cleared his head, she leaned in and kissed him.

  His gaze on her, he drew her close, bringing the back of Sam’s hands against Brandon’s chest.

  Brandon broke the kiss and stepped back. “I think it’s time to take this to the next level, darlin’.”

  Before she could ask what he meant, he slid down her panties while Sam unhooked her bra. In seconds, she was naked. Brandon still wore briefs and Sam had on his shirt. In short order, she divested them of their clothes. While Sam had limited her reward to taking off their clothes, she decided to go for the gold. She bent over, grabbed Sam’s cock, and sucked him deep into her throat.

  He pressed on her shoulders and Brandon dragged her back a few feet. Mac stood.

  “What the hell?” Sam acted indignant, but she could tell he was playing with her. “Did I say you could do that?”

  Mac planted a hand on her hip. “Usually when a man and a woman—or in this case a woman and two men—get naked, they begin having sex.”

  “That’s right, but we’re in charge. Remember, we have the experience.”

  “So, once I’m experienced, I get to call the shots?” She loved shooting down their dominant ways.

  Sam glanced at Brandon. His eyes slightly widened. Ah-ha. He hadn’t thought of that.

  “We’ll see. But first, we need to soften you up. Your attitude is rather prickly.”

  “You can soften me up by kissing and touching me.” She wanted to go to both men, but since she was facing her accuser, she stepped closer to Sam and leaned against him.

  “Buttering me up won’t work, baby. Brandon, you know where she needs to go.”

  Mac spun around. Brandon shrugged, but from the glint in his eye, he was enjoying the banter. “It’s for your own good.”

  “What is?” They were conspiring against her. “This is all about that stupid dildo, isn’t it?”

  She wasn’t really worried. When she was talking with Elena, Mac had asked her what it was like to be with two men. The woman smiled and said having them at the same time was amazing. She also mentioned two other women, Liz and Chelsea, both of whom had been targets of the Colters, but who had managed to escape. They, too, were incredibly happy with their men.

  “Come over here.” Brandon led her to the spanking bench. “Kneel down and let your tits hang over the edge of the padded top.”

  This was the moment of truth. If her pussy hadn’t been contracting in anticipation of being fucked hard and often, she would have balked.
br />   Brandon pressed on her shoulder, and she dropped to her knees. Mac leaned over the pad and adjusted her tits. To her surprise, the set up was quite comfortable.

  Sam knelt on one knee next to the bench, lifted her hand, and hooked a strap around her wrist. “This is so you don’t try to move.”

  That didn’t sound good. He went to the other side and repeated the process. She was a big girl and could handle what they had to dole out. After all, this was all about loving her, right?

  What she hadn’t expected was for Brandon to widen her legs and then tie her thighs to the vertical posts.

  “Beautiful,” he said.

  “Are you sure I’m going to like this?” Her pulse suddenly skyrocketed.

  “Positive,” Brandon answered.

  Both men moved behind her. Each man leaned over and kissed one butt cheek, then rubbed her flesh. That was nice. A rather sweet smelling odor wafted toward her. One of them squirted it on her ass and rubbed it into her skin. It was lotion. Okay, this was going to be quite the experience. The more he rubbed, the more relaxed she became.

  “Ready for a little softening?”

  She was on the spanking bench, so she could guess what came next. “Yes.”

  Sam’s first slap was light and barely stung. Then Brandon got in a lick, only this time it came out harder. They were being too tentative. “That won’t heat me up. You guys can do better than that.” Part of her personality was to challenge, and she didn’t want to disappoint.

  The next round of spanks was significantly harder. She wiggled her butt. The sting was growing, but she wouldn’t complain. The larger the pain, the greater the reward.

  “I think she needs some soothing, Sam.”

  Brandon reached between her legs and rubbed her pussy over and over again until her juices flowed.

  “What do you think?” Sam asked. “Is she ready?”

  They should have asked her, but this was their way of foreplay.

  “Go for it,” Brandon said.

  A different scent filled the air. Lube. Citrusy. Lime perhaps. She suspected it was Brandon who thumbed open her ass, and Sam who spread the goo around her back hole. The cool gel was rather refreshing. He kept circling the opening until the rhythm almost lulled her to sleep.


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