Vindictive: High School Bully Romance (Kennedy Acadmey Book 2)

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Vindictive: High School Bully Romance (Kennedy Acadmey Book 2) Page 4

by Mae Doyle

  They have to be talking about her. She’s the only new girl at the school and, as much as I hate to admit it, she’s cute.

  That’s a lie. There’s something sexy about Elle that I wasn’t expecting. I don’t know if it’s because of who she looks like or the way she moves her body during cheerleading practice, but I can’t seem to get enough of looking at her, and I hate myself for it.

  Teague’s sitting across from me at lunch when Brett and Robby drop down on either side of me. They’re assholes, like Teague, but they’ve stuck with me through all of the bullshit I’ve dealt with after Tiffany died.

  “Did you see Tiffany 2.0 this morning?” Robby takes a huge bite of his burger and speaks around it. He’s laughing as he speaks and all I can think about is him choking on his food.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” I feel something rising in my chest as I wait for him to swallow and respond. His eyes got wide at the tone of my voice.

  “Elle. Did you see what she was wearing this morning?” He’s a little red and both Teague and Brett are watching without saying a word.

  Hell, yeah, I saw what she was wearing. Everyone in the fucking school saw her tight little shirt and her skintight jeans. Her tits looked positively juicy and I had to keep myself from walking up to her and taking her in the middle of the hall when I saw her on the way to second period.

  But that’s not what I’m upset about.

  “What the fuck did you call her?” My voice is low and even Robby, who tends to be a little stupid, looks nervous.

  “Hey, man, it’s not just me. But you can’t deny that she looks just like Tiffany. Some of the other guys in school are calling her Tiffany 2.0.” He leans away from me like he’s afraid that I’m going to attack him or hit him. Good. He should be afraid.

  “Not cool.” Slamming my fist on the table, I stand up and immediately the whole cafeteria grows silent. Everyone turns to look at me. Most of the people in here right now are upperclassmen, but there are a few freshmen and sophomores I recognize.

  They look scared. I’m glad. Everyone should listen to me. I want them all to be afraid of me. I’m the fucking golden boy of this school and I don’t want anyone to think that they can have something of mine.

  “Listen up! I’m sure that all of you have seen the new girl, Elle.” I wait, but nobody dares to move. Nobody nods or responds. They all know that their king is speaking and that they need to be quiet.

  “She’s mine. I don’t give a shit what you assholes think. If anyone lays a hand on her or looks at her sideways then you’ll have to answer to me. Do you understand?” A few people nod, but most are still, their eyes locked on me. “I fucking asked if you understood!”

  Tables of students start nodding, but I’m not done. “And if I hear a single person call her ‘Tiffany 2.0’ then I will personally fuck you up.”

  There’s movement in the corner of my eye and I glance down to see Teague take a drink of his water and wink at me. Bastard is probably the only person in this damn school who isn’t afraid of me and the only person who really should be.

  “Is this clear?” I look back out at the cafeteria. My voice is quieter now and everyone nods. Satisfied, I sit back down, but my heart is pounding in my chest. It feels like forever before people start talking again. Even so, some of the more stupid underclassmen glance at me from time to time like they can’t believe what just happened.

  “Feel better man?” Teague toasts me with his water, but I stand up and knock it out of his hands, sending the bottle spinning onto the floor.

  “Fuck off.” Standing, I leave my tray and stalk out of the cafeteria.

  I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into me.

  Actually, if I would be honest with myself, I do. It’s fucking Elle. She’s under my skin in a way that no girl should be. I don’t know what to do about her.

  Part of me wants to wrap my hands around her neck and squeeze until she squeaks and can’t breathe. The other part of me wants to bury my dick in her and fuck her until she rips open.

  Why not both?

  The only good thing about what happened at lunch is that word will spread to everyone else in the school that Elle is mine.

  The problem is that I don’t know what I’m going to do with her. She seems so sweet, so kind and good. Something like that simply can’t survive when I’m around it. Before I make it to my next class, I know what I’m going to do with her. I’m going to do the only thing that I know to do with something as good as her.

  Destroy it.

  Chapter 4


  “You’re not nervous, are you, Elle?” Bethany cocks her hip out and points at me as I pull down my shirt. The skirt is way too short on me, even though my legs aren’t very long, and I feel like my tits are going to spill out of the top as soon as I get tossed in the air.

  And the whole thing about getting tossed in the air? I don’t have a lot of practice, so yeah, I’m nervous. All night last night I went over our routine, trying to remember exactly how to hold my body when I’m tossed into the air. As much as I want to get away from Ted, I really don’t want to accomplish that by ending up in the hospital.

  “I’m fine.” It’s a lie and Bethany knows it, but all she does is smirk and then walk away, expecting me to follow. I do, of course. There’s nothing else for me to do but play the role I’ve been assigned.

  As soon as we’re outside I start searching for Clay, even though I told myself that I’d stay as far away from him as possible. He told me that he has no interest in me, but then I heard through the grapevine that he made a stink about me during lunch.

  Yesterday was bad enough, but now, the only people who will talk to me are on the squad with me. Everyone else gives me a wide berth. It’s exactly what I had hoped for on Monday morning but now that I’m even more of a pariah, it kinda sucks.

  People don’t just hate me because I look like Tiffany. They hate me because Clay wants them to, and honestly, that’s even scarier. The fact that he could easily turn everyone against me gives me chills.

  The crowd is already pumped up without us, but they really start screaming when we come out onto the field. Out football team is incredible, so nobody really pays attention to the fact that I’m not that great of a cheerleader. However, when I get tossed into the air and then caught, everyone goes wild.

  For a moment, I feel like I fit in. For just a moment, I feel like I could belong. It’s a heady feeling and I catch myself grinning at the other girls on the squad. Bethany catches my eye and smirks, making the smile fade off of my face.

  Of course. I’m here because of her, not because I’m actually good at any of this.

  The game passes quickly and we win, of course, thanks to Clay. He really is incredible out there and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him the entire time. There was something magical about watching him play, and I hate him for that.

  I never had much of an appreciation for football, but watching him run and throw makes my stomach twist. I’m watching the football team crowd around each other and him to celebrate their win when Bethany comes up behind me and runs her finger up my arm.

  Shivering, I turn around. “You need something, Bethany?”

  “From you? Ew, no. Although, with the way you keep staring at my brother, maybe you just want it from one of us. Is that the case, Elle? Do you swing either way as long as someone touches you?” She grabs my hip in the same place that her brother did earlier in the week.

  Wincing, I remember how it felt when Clay had his hand on me. He’d wrapped his arm around me like we were best friends and then held me tight by the hip. I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t kinda sexy.

  Swallowing hard, I pull back away from her. “No. No. I was just looking at the team. They’re good, aren’t they?”

  She grins and lets me go. I swear, I can still feel her fingers pressed into my hip. “They’re good, but so are you. I guess that you don’t totally suck, although you are kinda crap at remembering s
ome of the dance moves.”

  “I thought that I was going to get tossed into the air not expected to dance. I’m no Beyoncé,” I tell her, trying to lighten her mood with a smile.

  She waves me off and doesn’t smile. “No shit. Listen, meet me under the bleachers after they’ve cleared out. Our squad always goes down there after a game to hang out and celebrate. You in?”

  Dread fills my stomach. There’s a huge crowd roaring around us but it feels like it’s just the two of us talking. I raise my wrist to check my watch before remembering that I don’t have one on. “I have to get home at a decent hour.” It’s a lie and I hope that she won’t see through it.

  She smirks. “Your mom and I talked. You’re spending the night at my house, Elle, so meet me under the bleachers. You got it? Oh, and don’t change. Sometimes we all go out and get something to eat. You understand?”

  Oh, I understand. I understand that I don’t have any say in the matter. “In our uniforms?”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Obviously, Elle. Remember – under the bleachers. Don’t fuck this up.”

  Nodding, I watch as she walks away and is immediately swept into the crowd of students celebrating. Everyone’s thrilled that we won, but people are still doing their best to avoid me.

  Clay sure as shit doesn’t want anything to do with me, but he’s not going to let anyone else get close to me, either.

  It sucks.

  I stand for a few minutes on the track by myself, watching students hug and talk. Even though most people look happy, there are a few members of the football team who keep looking at me. I recognize them as the guys who always hang out around Clay.

  They don’t make a move to me, but something about the way they’re watching me gives me chills. Even though I do my best to ignore them, I know that they have eyes on me.

  Fucking Clay won’t let me enjoy myself without having babysitters.

  When the crowd thins out, I grab my bag and walk through the gate off of the field. There are a few couples still making out in the stands, but I ignore them and duck my head to walk under the stairs. It’s dark under here and smells a bit like piss and spilled beer.

  There’s no squad. Shivering, I lean up against one of the metal supports to wait. My legs are exhausted and I’d love to sit, but there’s no way I’m sitting down when I don’t know what’s on the ground.

  Bethany’s just such a bitch. As much as I want to trust her, I’m worried that she’s pulling something over my head.

  I don’t have to be here. I came and cheered, and that’s all I owe her. In fact, waiting up on the bleachers for the rest of the squad seems like a much better idea than waiting underneath them by myself.

  Before I get the nerve to leave, though, I hear someone walking up behind me. Thinking it’s the rest of the squad, I turn around, a smile plastered on my face.

  A smile that quickly falls off.

  It’s not Bethany. It’s not the squad.

  It’s the one person at the school who seems to completely hate me. He’s alone and stalking directly towards me.


  I saw Bethany talking to Elle and then, when the crowd thinned out, I saw Elle duck under the bleachers by herself.

  My sister told me this morning that she had a present for me after the game, but I never thought that it would be Elle fucking Suttles gift-wrapped and left all alone for me under the bleachers.

  Just the thought of her standing under there, waiting for me in the cold and in her tiny outfit makes my dick hard. I hate that she has this effect on me. I hate even more that I’m moving towards her right now, trapping her under the bleachers so that she can’t just escape from me.

  I’ve done everything I could to keep away from her all week, but it’s been fucking hard and I don’t want to stay away anymore. I want to destroy her so that I don’t have to look at her and be reminded of Tiffany any longer.

  That’s why I follow her under the bleachers. That’s why, when I see that she’s by herself, I walk up behind her without saying a word.

  There’s nothing stopping me now from breaking her. She has no idea who I am, how absolutely fucked up I am, and what I can do to her. I’m too far gone for redemption. Any part of me that may have been worth saving when I was younger died with Tiffany.

  Elle hears me coming towards her and turns around. “Clay.” She breathes out my name like a prayer and I walk up to her, closing the gap between us. Nobody can see us under here. Anyone who is around and might pay attention is too busy sucking face to hear what’s going to happen.

  The way she says my name gives me pause at first, but not for long. It sounds worshipful, and I immediately think about what she would look like on her knees. “What are you doing under here, Elle?” I know that my voice is full of gravel. She probably thinks that I want her, but she has no idea what I really want.

  I want to fuck her up. She looks like Tiffany and I want to ruin her for that.

  She smiles and shivers. “Bethany said that the squad was going to meet under here after the game and then go out together. They’ll be here any second now.” Glancing over my shoulder, she does a good show of looking for her friends, but I know what’s going on, even if she doesn’t.

  Stupid girl. I grin at her. She has absolutely no idea that Bethany left her here for me. She’s not going to meet her squad. She’s my gift. She’s a promise from my sister that nothing will come between the two of us.

  I’ve done some things in the past for my sister that could get me in trouble. Sometimes she likes to thank me, but she’s never given me a gift like this before.

  A perfect, untouched, unspoiled gift. I bet that stupid little Elle is a virgin. The thought of being the first one to pop her cherry makes me grin. She’s probably unspoiled and waiting for the right guy.

  I’m the wrong guy. I’m the guy who plans on ripping her wide open before I destroy her, but she has no way of knowing that.

  “Is that so? Because I hate to break it to you, Elle, but I think she lied to you.” There’s a wisp of hair that’s fallen from her ponytail and I brush it away from her face. It takes all of my self-control not to grab her chin and force her to hold still while I kiss her.

  “Nope. You’re wrong. She’s coming for me any moment now, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go meet her.” Elle tries to push past me, but I hold my arm out, stopping her and keeping her in place. She’s absolutely tiny compared to me, and it’s crazy for her to think that she could just move away from me without my permission.

  “Why the rush? Listen, Elle.” We grow quiet. There’s nothing but a few crickets chirping. “Nobody is coming for you. Nobody misses you. Now, I have to tell you something that I’ve been thinking about all week.”

  “What?” Good for her. She looks scared shitless but she’s doing her best to hide it.

  “I just want to know how perky these juicy tits are under your cheerleader outfit.” I slide my hand down her arm and gently brush against her nipple. It’s hard because it’s freezing out here, but I know that part of it is because she’s turned on.

  Why wouldn’t she be? I’m Clayton fucking Bryson. I own this school. This bitch should be thanking her lucky stars that I’m even giving her a second look.

  “Don’t touch me.” She sounds brave but her bottom lip trembles. Good. I want to see this bitch on her knees, begging me to leave her alone. Not that I will, I’m too broken for that. But I want to see it.

  “Or what, Elle? You’ll hurt me?” She lifts her hand to push me away but I grab her wrist, squeezing it hard enough that I can feel the bones rub together. “You’re nothing here, Elle.” She’s so fragile that I could easily break her wrist. Giving her bones a bit of a squeeze, I smile at her.

  She struggles against me, trying to pull her wrist from my grasp, but I simply squeeze it harder, enjoying the panic that lights up in her eyes.

  “Let me go, Clay. Or I’ll scream.” Part of me admires the way that she’s trying to stand up to me, but the ot
her part of me wants to take it out on her. Why does this girl think that she can stop me from getting what I want? Nobody in my entire life has been able to, and I’m not afraid of Tiffany’s ghost.

  “Yeah, I’ll have you screaming, alright, I tell her.” Dropping her wrist, I take a step back to look at her. She thinks that she’s won, and I see the corners of her mouth turn up in a smile even as she rubs her sore wrist.

  “Get out of my way.” Elle tilts her chin up as she tells me what to do, a fire flashing in her eyes. A fire I’m going to have to put out. Unbelievable that this bitch thinks that she’s still in control.

  Oh, fuck no. Nobody in this school tells me what to do.

  “You know, Elle, you do a good job filling out this cheerleading outfit.” I step back up to her and finger the hem of her skirt, roughly yanking it up a bit to see more thigh. “But I think that it’s too modest.”

  She gasps and I let go of her skirt and then grab her top at the collar with both hands. It’s made to move and twist with her body, but I pull it hard and it rips down the middle. Just as I thought, she doesn’t have on a bra.

  Her tits are full and her nipples hard in the cool air. My mouth practically waters as I look at her. “Nice rack, sweetheart. You really should show it off more.”

  Elle opens her mouth like she’s going to scream, but I clamp my hand across it and shove her back against the pole while grabbing her tit with my other hand. It’s full and soft and I moan a little as I squeeze it.

  If I wasn’t hard before, I sure as hell am now.

  She thought that she won, but she had no idea who she was fucking with. “If you scream,” I tell her, looking her dead in the eyes, “I will kill you, do you understand?”

  When she nods, I drop my hand from her mouth but keep squeezing her tit. “You need to understand something, Elle. I don’t want you but I’ll be damned if anyone else in this school gets to have you. You’re mine to play with whenever I want and if you try to ruin my fun then I will kill you.”


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