A Cursed Embrace

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A Cursed Embrace Page 31

by Cecy Robson

  Chunks of Shayna’s body were missing where the demons had feasted. Yet I could still see her struggling to breathe.

  Emme convulsed, desperately trying to heal Shayna. Taran cried uncontrollably into her hands. “Emme, please help her,” she begged between hysterical sobs. “Please, Emme!”

  Koda wept and rocked Shayna’s limp body against him. “Baby, don’t leave me. I’m nothing without you,” he whispered.

  Shayna’s glazed eyes stared blindly at Koda. She attempted to speak, but words failed her. I wanted to cover my ears from their cries and shield my eyes from the torture. But I didn’t, I watched and heard it all.

  God, no. Please no.

  Emme’s nose bled and her arms quivered. Her normally effervescent aura sizzled in and out. She screamed, whether in frustration or to boost her power, momentarily blinding us with her glow.

  Emme’s light receded, turning her skin a sickly gray. It was no use; Shayna’s body was too broken. Her wounds sealed briefly, only to tear back open with a nauseating clatter. At last the strain became too much. Emme released Shayna, collapsing against Bren.

  “No! No! No!” Taran screamed.

  Koda unleashed a mournful howl, calling forth the powerful rays of pack magic. It saturated the basement, compelling the fangs of his beast to appear. He pulled Shayna closer, plunging his sharp canines deep into her heart. Oh my God.

  In his desperation to spare Shayna’s life, Koda attempted to turn her were, risking his life in the process. Except how could I blame him? He and Shayna were true mates. Neither would survive without the other.

  Aric lunged at him. “Koda, no!”

  Koda swept up Shayna and barreled out the door with my sister draped lifelessly across his arms. The remaining wolves intercepted Aric as he gave chase. “Let him go, Aric,” Gemini said quietly. “There’s nothing you can do for them. The process has already begun.”

  Aric roared. “But we’ll lose them both!”

  Emme’s and Taran’s hysterical cries filled the room. The wolves and Danny bowed their heads, tears splitting their faces in streaks. I didn’t cry. I just sat there. Everyone seemed to be moving farther from me. I thought I felt someone shake me, but I wasn’t sure.

  Bren’s deep voice resonated from somewhere far away. “Celia. Celia!”

  Danny’s words sounded rushed. “She’s going into shock. We need to keep her warm.”

  • • •

  I don’t recall much. Things sort of went blank. It seemed to take forever to pull out of my haze. At first I was only aware of a soft yellow light. Then sounds of terrible cries filled my ears. It took a moment to realize they came from me.

  “Stop her before she takes the plane down!” Uri yelled.

  Strong arms grabbed my upper body and legs.

  Taran pleaded with me over Emme’s frantic weeping. “It’s okay, Celia. It’s okay. You’re safe now. Emme was just trying to heal you. Please calm down, honey,”

  “Misha, put her to sleep,” Danny whispered. “You’ll be able to in the state she’s in.”

  Aric’s deep warning growl filled my ears as I sensed Misha’s approach. “Silence, wolf,” Misha snapped. “You know I will not harm her.”

  “Aric, quit playing jealous boyfriend and let him help her,” Bren urged at my feet.

  Misha’s scent filled my lungs and spread through my body. My muscles relaxed and the pounding in my ears faded. A yawn escaped my lips just before I succumbed to a deep sleep.

  • • •

  I awoke, surrounded by my soft, warm sheets. I was finally home, in my room, in my bed. Aric lay beside me, watching me with sad, tired eyes. “Are you all right?” he asked gently.

  My eyes stung before I could speak. “No,” I whispered.

  I cried for all we’d endured and for everything yet to come. And I cried for the arms that held me close, that would soon leave me forever.

  But Aric didn’t leave me. At least, not right away. He stayed with me all night. He stroked my hair, kissed my face, and whispered words of comfort.


  I heard only half of the clergyman’s words. They almost didn’t matter. Time continued to pass slowly as I stared at Shayna. She reminded me of a statue, serene and beautiful. Around us, people wiped their eyes and sniffled, while I continued to stare at my sister’s lovely face.

  The clergyman finished his prayer with an “amen” and smiled before motioning to the bride and groom. “And now the vows.”

  Shayna passed Emme her flowers so she could clutch her mate’s hands. Koda spoke first. And I knew his words would be the ones to release my tears.

  “Shayna, I wasn’t complete until I met you,” he began, the depths of his emotions running rivers down his cheeks. “You were the only one who ever saw past the anger and hurt and chose to love me. You’ll always be my best friend and soul mate. I promise to love you forever.”

  Shayna grinned, crying as she spoke. “Koda, you’re my heart, my soul, my pure joy. Thank you for being my strength when I had none. Thank you for being my spirit when mine failed me. Thank you for loving me with all of your being. I promise to love you forever.”

  White petals from the wedding arch they stood beneath fell like large snowflakes as the late-October breeze swept across the lake. Tahoe, it seemed, approved of my sister’s union. It didn’t matter that she and Koda hadn’t known each other long. Their love had already proved its strength by surviving the turning process.

  Aric and his Warriors had discovered Shayna and Koda days after they’d disappeared. The wolves had expected to find their corpses—not a happy couple ready to sprint to the nearest altar. We didn’t yet know if Shayna had been transformed into a werewolf. We only cared that the attempt had healed her completely.

  Aric watched me during their vows. I adjusted the wrap of my midnight blue bridesmaid’s dress, both to shield me from the chill and to give me an excuse not to look at him. It just hurt too damn much. He stood as a groomsman beside Gemini, Bren, Danny, and Liam, the best man. My eyes wandered back to Koda and Shayna, just in time for their kiss. The small group of guests stood and applauded. After the kiss to end all kisses, Shayna skipped down the aisle, easily keeping up with her mate’s long strides. They were followed by Liam and Emme, then Aric, Taran, and Gemini.

  Aric glanced at the newlyweds before meeting my eyes as he’d done so many times. He couldn’t hear my thoughts. But he knew my heart. Knew I loved him. Knew I always would. And it still didn’t matter. The demon lord’s destruction hadn’t dissolved the strain between us. It had only solidified Aric’s place in the resurrection of his kind.

  My tears dripped faster as Aric followed the happy couple inside the château, where the reception was about to begin. I didn’t want to know a life without him. I didn’t want to wake without those powerful arms swathing me in protection. And I didn’t want a day to pass without meeting his grin with mine. But I would. Because I had no choice, and neither did he.

  Danny squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek. He was gentle and sweet, unlike Bren, who grabbed me in a choke hold and dragged me down the aisle. “Come on, Ceel. Time to have fun!”

  • • •

  “If Helen of Troy’s face launched a thousand ships, Koda’s mug sank them.”

  My muffled laughter joined the rest around the hall. Liam continued his toast unaffected, despite Koda’s narrowing eyes. “Koda was the baddest wolf around, well—next to me, of course.” Liam hiked up his pants before pointing around the room. “And Aric, and Gemini, and Heidi . . .” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Oh! and maybe that little girl in the pink dress in the back.”

  Even Koda chuckled at that comment.

  Liam’s eyes darted over to Shayna, his voice growing soft. “Then he meets this little thing who forever changed his world. Shayna, you smiled and skipped your way into his heart. And that is where you will remain for eternity. Thank you for coming into his life. . . .” He sighed and covered his eyes. “But most of all, thank you for
finally getting him housebroken.”

  Shayna’s kiss to her groom was probably the only thing that saved Liam’s ass. The couple had abandoned their seats at the head table to hang with us. We laughed a lot. It was just like the great moments we’d had at our house . . . once upon a time when Aric and I were still together.

  I’d sat on Bren’s lap after Shayna and Koda chose my seat to make out on. They hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other. I supposed their near-death experience had brought them ever closer.

  “You do realize the honeymoon hasn’t officially started?” Liam joked.

  Koda growled at him, but then ignored him to continue kissing Shayna. From the bar, Heidi waved enthusiastically, happy to have been invited to the wedding. But how could we not have? After all, she’d saved Taran’s life.

  “I’d like to butter her bun,” Bren muttered as he took a bite out of his roll.

  “I think she can hear you,” Danny warned.

  Bren rolled his eyes. “That’s the point, man.” He finished his meal, then hauled me onto the floor to slow-dance. We’d barely taken two steps when Aric asked to cut in. Bren shoved me into Aric’s arms when I hesitated. He also slapped my butt for good measure. I growled at him. He’d pay for that.

  When Aric first held me, it felt awkward. It was like being thirteen at the seventh grade dance again. But as the familiar warmth encompassed us, I relaxed into his arms. I kept thinking we’d just dance until a fast song played. But then another slow song came on, followed by a few more. I used it as an excuse to hold Aric one last time. I guessed his thoughts mimicked mine, because he pulled me closer and caressed my back. Peace and security filled my soul once more, until one of the servers approached. “Excuse me, sir. There’s a woman outside who wants to see you. She claims to be your fiancée.”

  I braced myself against Aric’s chest, waiting for him to release me for the last time. He continued to hold me as if the server hadn’t interrupted our dance, speaking in a soft murmur that carried the weight of our regret. “I never apologized to you about Barbara.”

  I cringed from the sudden stab in my heart. “Aric, please don’t say her name. Knowing you’re with her every night is killing me.”

  “Celia, I swear I haven’t touched her.” He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, placing his forehead gently against mine. “How can I make you understand?” he whispered. “I’m with her only because I have to be. I don’t get a choice. If I did, I’d choose you.” His lips brushed over mine. “You’re the one I want to marry. You’re the one I want to bear my children. You’re the one I want to grow old with. I love you, sweetness. I always have. I just can’t actually have you.”

  And at those words my tigress wept. Aric’s tears fell on my cheeks, mixing with mine. I didn’t think the pain could get any worse, but then he kissed me.

  What started out slow and tender quickly turned passionate and desperate.

  “Aric!” Barbara yelled from the front of the hall.

  I tried to pull away, but his grip tightened, and our kiss intensified.

  “Excuse me. This is a private party, and you are not invited,” Emme scolded.

  “Get out of my way, little girl,” Barbara warned.

  High heels stormed across the dance floor. I knew they were Taran’s even before she wigged out. “Wag more, bark less, bitch!”

  Gemini spoke calmly. “Barbara, Aric is busy at the moment. I’m sure he’ll be with you soon enough.”

  “I can see he’s busy, Gemini!”

  I tried to pull away, not wanting a fight to break out at my sister’s wedding. Aric realized we couldn’t be together. And I did, too. This was our moment of weakness, one I clung to as long as I could. But now it was time to let go.

  I broke away from his grasp and stepped back, though my arms ached with the need to hold him. “Things have changed, Aric. Not just for you, but for me as well.” I shuddered, dreading what I had to say. “I’ve made a decision. One I hope you’ll respect, and one I hope you’ll someday forgive me for.”

  His ardor fused me in place while he struggled to control his ragged breaths. “What did you do?”

  I stepped forward to touch his face. “I can’t explain it all now. Just know that I love you, no matter what happens.”

  I kissed his lips quickly and shifted before he could stop me. I surfaced in the coat closet, although not alone. Heidi was there, naked. And so was Danny.

  I slapped my hands over my eyes. Damn. She wasn’t even a librarian.

  “Oh. Hi, Celia,” Heidi mumbled.

  “Um, it’s not what you think,” Danny stammered.

  “Oh, I think it is.” I bolted, not bothering to wait for Heidi to rise from her knees. The hostess grabbed me when she caught me sprinting red-faced from the closet.

  “Eh, um. It is time for the bride and groom’s departure.”

  I waved in acknowledgment and rushed outside, with Danny and Heidi tugging on their clothes behind me.

  The guests had gathered on the front lawn. Shayna smiled upon seeing me and jumped into my arms. Her voice shook when she told me she loved me. As the oldest, I knew I should have told her something meaningful, but I couldn’t gather a single thought. Instead I simply told her I loved her, too.

  Koda bent to kiss my cheek when I released her. I ambled back into Emme’s and Taran’s awaiting arms. Together we watched the ivory limo disappear past the swan-shaped bushes and into the late October sunset.

  I kept my gaze ahead, trying my best to avoid eye contact with Aric, despite feeling the strong presence of his aura behind me. The moment had arrived. And though I’d asked Aric to forgive me, I knew he never would. Nor did I know whether I could forgive myself.

  A black Hummer limo pulled in along the circled drive. Misha stepped out, strands of his long mane falling over sensual gray eyes. He leaned his newly regenerated arms on the doorframe. “Are you ready, kitten?”

  I nodded and gave my teary sisters one last hug. There was scuffling behind me as the wolves struggled to hold back Aric. He called to me, but I couldn’t turn back. So instead I hurried into the limo to begin my new life with Misha.

  Read on for a look at the next novel

  in the Weird Girls series by Cecy Robson,

  Cursed by Destiny

  Available from Signet Eclipse in print and e-book in January 2014

  Tahoe City, California

  “Are you ready, Celia?”

  Misha’s voice was nothing more than a seductive whisper. It made me breathless. “Yes.”

  His gray eyes wandered down my body. “Are you sure you can handle it?”


  “All of it?”

  I shot him an exasperated look. “We’re no longer talking about the scrimmage, are we?”

  He let out a deep sigh. “No, but perhaps we should continue.”

  Misha gave the order in the form of a subtle nod. Ten of his vampires attacked me, the thirst of the hunt shadowing their overly eager faces. It was hard not to rely on my claws. The vamps fought dirty, and they didn’t hold back, but, hell, neither did I. My body was sliding lithely across the hardwood floor of the dojang when two vamps tried to tackle me. They slammed into each other—hard, like two boulders colliding.

  The moment I kipped up to my feet, three more advanced. I punched, kicked, and maneuvered my way around them. It was grueling, and my animal instincts propelled me into overdrive. Yet my innate need to survive and the long months of extensive martial arts training paid off. The two overly obnoxious and excessively tanned vampires dropped with a skull-pounding crunch against the hard floor while I continued to hold my own against the rest. It wasn’t easy. Liz, Maria, Edith Anne, and Agnes Concepción were especially vicious. For she-vamps who bounced around in Catholic schoolgirl uniforms all day, they sure were a mean bunch.

  Maria threw back her dark hair, her Brazilian accent thick and dripping with spite. “Did you get an invitation to Aric and Barbara’s wedding, little tigress?”

  That was low, even for Maria. “That’s none of your business.” She hadn’t even hit me yet, but I knocked her out with an uppercut to the chin just for being a bitch.

  Liz jumped over Maria’s body, pouting her perfectly plump bottom lip as she advanced with all the grace of a starving cheetah. “What’s the matter, Celia? Are you mad that you’re not good enough to marry that werewolf?”

  My hackles rose. Liz had hit a raw nerve. “Mention Aric one more time and you’ll be gumming your next meal.”

  Liz smiled, peering down her nose at me. “Aric. There, now what—”

  Liz’s fangs landed somewhere near Misha’s feet. He rolled his eyes. A vamp silently appeared and swept the pointy canines into a pan.

  Edith Anne crouched into an attack stance. “Damn. You’re an angry little shit.”

  I growled at Edith, blocked her strike, and wrenched her arm behind her back. She hissed and snapped her fangs at me. I silenced her with an elbow to her temple. The sickening snap almost made me feel bad. Almost.

  Maria stirred as she regained consciousness. I was still ticked at her for mentioning Aric’s wedding, so I knocked her out again with a kick to her face. My sudden bitterness overwhelmed me and made me lash out at two male vamps who’d struggled to their feet.

  My foot nailed the first vamp in the jaw, but his pal struck me across the face before I was able to plant both feet. I whirled in the air three times before crashing onto my back. Crap. He leapt into the air with his fist held back. I rolled away—fast. He grunted upon impact, lodging his hand through the floor. My heel found the back of his neck before he could jerk his arm free. The pop of his vertebrae and limp form told me he wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon.

  I panted and spun around, swearing under my breath. The vamp could have easily busted my jaw. I knew it, and so did the next two vamps who rushed me.

  I couldn’t heal like weres, but damn it, I was just as strong and just a little faster. And unlike weres, I could shift underground and come up completely unscathed. I spat out some blood and used my resentment against the remaining opponents.


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