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Sexy Witch Page 15

by LaSara FireFox

  ★ Daily Practice: The Goddess in the Mirror

  Every day this week, make time to meditate on the concept of self-devotion. Perform this meditation and mirror-gazing ritual. Answer for yourself this question: What does it mean to devote yourself to your own path?

  What You Will Need

  • Devotion oil. See appendix i for recipe.

  • Time to sit at your altar, at least five minutes a day.

  • A timer.

  • Journal (optional).

  • Writing implements (optional).


  For the first three to five minutes:

  • Sit before your altar in a position that is comfortable enough to not distract you, and with a posture that will encourage you to stay focused and breathe deeply.

  • Position your mirror so you can see at least your face from your seated position.

  • Use the anointing oil, and anoint yourself wherever you like. I always anoint at least my heart chakra and my third eye. If you wish, you can anoint all the major chakras, or wherever it feels important to do so.

  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

  You may wish to read aloud and record the following portion of guidance before doing this exercise.

  Let the concept of self-devotion fill your mind, and let all other thoughts pass gently away. Allow words, phrases, and images of what self-devotion means to you to sit in your mind. Continue breathing, and allow these thoughts to fade and congeal, taking whatever form feels right.

  If you get stuck, ask yourself the question “What does self-devotion mean to me?” and allow the answers to come. If you come up against blocks in your willingness or ability to allow self-devotion, give yourself permission to recognize those blocks, to feel them and know them, and then to let the blocks fade away. You do not need to hold on to them, and you don’t need to force them away. Just let them gently dissipate.

  Breathe into the concept of self-devotion as an aspect of your spiritual path. Now, continue breathing, deeply and rhythmically, and allow yourself to sit in silent contemplation of self-devotion until your timer chimes.

  Next, for at least one minute, do the following:

  Open your eyes, and look at yourself in the mirror. Allow love and gratitude to fill your heart. Offer this image of you the worship that she deserves.

  Sit in worship of this Goddess who is you.

  If you feel inspired to, journal about the experience each day when you are done with this meditation. The notes you take may prove valuable as you progress on your path of self-love.

  Living an Empowered Life

  You have worked to create a framework for your initiation into an empowered life. You have claimed your sensuality, your power, your right to define your own goals and desires. You have claimed your body and your spirit, your feelings and your thoughts. You have done exercises and worked magick to make all of this real. You have built your brave new world.

  What actions are you willing to commit to for the long haul? What exercises are you willing to perform over and over again in order to continue your growth and self-definition? What days of the month are you willing to set aside for yourself? What points of the cycle are you willing to mark in pen on your planner pages as “me days”? How much of your time are you willing to gift yourself with, in order to continue this love affair you are building with the self that you are, and the self that you are becoming?

  Making Magick of the Mundane

  Contracts are seen as pretty mundane, but for many of us they are a huge part of what holds the world together: marriage contracts, employment contracts, loan contracts, ownership contracts. Contracts can be seen as nothing more than pieces of paper, yet those pieces of paper are loaded with tons of cultural significance.

  Where the contract can become magickal is by what it does for us. It allows us boundaries, allows us expectations, allows us demarcation and, in many cases, even freedom.

  Magickal Act: Empowerment Contract

  As part of your initiation, you will now plan the future of your growth and self-commitment.

  What You Will Need

  • Your journal.

  • Writing implement(s).

  • Time.


  • On two pages, preferably facing each other, write the names of the seven chapters, in the first person. Leave space under each title: 1. My body is a temple . . . , (space), 2. I love me, . . . (space), etc. On one page, in the space under each title, brainstorm the elements of that chapter that have really stuck with you. What exercises or spell workings stand out in your memory? What daily practices were totally rewarding? What new concepts have revolutionized your way of thinking, or of being in the world? For each chapter, write down phrases or words that remind you of what worked for you in working this book.

  • Once you have some elements to work with, switch to the other page, and under each chapter title, write out what you are willing to commit to as your devotional or path. What exercises are you willing to continue working? What thoughtforms do you want to integrate more fully? What mantras might help you hold on to the ways in which you have changed and the work you have done?

  • Once you have done the first draft, rewrite the document, with a spot to sign and date it at the bottom. Don’t sign it yet; you will sign this document in front of your witnesses at your initiation.

  Word Crafting

  Here is where we get to take the concepts that we have hammered down in creating our contracts, and turn them into art. Vows are an opportunity to let your commitment shine, to have it witnessed, to voice it out loud in front of God/dess, the universe, and everybody! It is a moment of speaking your words of power, the words that build your new world. Like marriage vows, these vows will become the backbone, the foundation, of your future relationship with yourself and your path of self-discovery; your growth, and your commitment to that growth.

  These vows are where you get to define and claim your initiation. Who is this person that you are now? That you are continuing to become? What are the values that impassion you? What are the goals and intentions that give you the power to succeed? What are the future visions that inspire you? What is the past that you honor?

  Spell Working: Vows of Initiation

  This is your opportunity to create vows that will guide you, and hold you to your own path. In writing your vows, always use strong language. Instead of saying, “I want to . . .,” say, “I will . . .,” or “I vow to . . .” Use positive language. Instead of saying, “I will not . . .,” find the positive intention behind the boundary, and state that instead.

  What You Will Need

  • Journal.

  • Writing implements.

  • Your empowerment contract (for reference, in case you get lost or overwhelmed.)

  • Nice paper for your final rewrite.

  • A frame for the final piece (optional).


  You will take a vow, or a set of vows, based in the work you did in each chapter. You will have seven vows, or sets of vows. You may choose your own number of vows to have per section. If you have a favorite magickal number, use that number. Or you can use three for the three stages of life: Maiden, Mother/Whore, Crone. You may want to take vows for each of the directions according to your tradition: five in Wicca, seven in many Native American tribes, seven in many of the Faerie traditions. Or, perhaps you have another number that seems like the right number for you.

  You may want to write your vows as a poem, or just in regular wording that feels good.

  So, here we go.

  1. Write down these headings:

  a. My Body as Temple

  b. Self-Esteem

  c. Pussy Pride

  d. Masturbation, Menstruation, Matrix

  e. Sensational Sensuality

  f. Ment
ors and Myth: My Guides and Creation

  g. Initiation: The Doorway

  2. For each section, write out vows you will take to guide your future commitment and growth.

  3. Once you are done, rewrite your vows on a nice piece of paper, one suitable for framing, if you’d like. This artifact will go on your altar, or somewhere else where you will see it often.

  Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve

  As with a wedding, you put on a ring to show the world that your status has changed. Here you will also have a wearable artifact that will be a testament to the work you have done and a reminder of the vows you have made. While no one but you and those you choose to tell will know what this represents, it will be a daily reminder that you get to see, feel, and wear in honor of your vows.

  There is magick in wearing these talismans of commitment. This piece will be charged with all the promises you are making. In addition to being a reminder, this piece will be able to offer you strength when your convictions are challenged.

  Until all beings are free, I am not free.

  As one, we will penetrate the veils, we will pass beyond the bounds of suffering.

  All paths to enlightenment are equal, and lead to the same destination. I will walk them.

  May I awaken fully, for the benefit of all beings. May all beings attain enlightenment.

  —An interfaith interpretation of the Vow of the Bodhisattva, written by the author.

  For more information on the Vow of the Bodhisattva, see appendices I and III.

  Spell Working: Creating an Initiation Talisman

  This talisman will be a wearable artifact that holds the intentions of your initiation vows. This artifact can be a medicine pouch, a bracelet, a necklace, a ring, or whatever you think you will enjoy wearing on your body. It can be visible, or it can be something hidden.

  If you are working with a group, consider gifting the women in your group with something. This may be wearable as well, or it may be an item that will go on your sisters’ altars.

  The talisman that is created from the consecrated beads you have gathered through the process of working this book will be made into a talisman in this week’s ritual. But you may want to create or purchase other talismans as well.

  What You Will Need

  You will need whatever wearable talisman you choose. You will make the talisman with your beads in the ritual, but this talisman you may want to wear only in ritual space. Of course, maybe you’ll want to wear it all the time! However, you may want, in addition, to purchase an item suitable to wear in everyday life, perhaps even an heirloom item that you may hand down to a daughter, apprentice, or protégée later in your life.

  Maybe this is will be a ring—though if you get a diamond, please make sure it’s provided by a humane, blood-free company. Better yet, have a local craftsperson make something unique to you, or use a hand-me-down ring your grandmother, mother, or aunt wore. You may instead want a necklace with your birthstone, a string of pearls, or a set of earrings.

  If you choose both options, charge both items.


  • Purchase or make your talisman.

  • Charge this talisman. When charging magickal items, you may have your own methods. I usually do the following:

  a. I cleanse the talisman with salt water.

  b. Then I cleanse it with smoke from incense or a candle.

  c. Then I anoint the talisman with my own fluids: blood, pussy juice, saliva, or tears. The purpose of anointing the talisman with my own fluids is that this imparts a bit of my DNA to this magickal tool. It becomes related to me, joined to my body, through this act.

  Spell Working: Walking into Your Future

  The work you have done has created a future space built by intention. The future you have created is waiting for you to take the steps that will bring it present. Now is the time for you to walk boldly into a future where no one has gone before. This is your world. You built it from the foundation up. You own it. You have breathed life into this new world, and you have lovingly crafted the details of this place.

  What You Will Need

  • Time, about fifteen minutes.

  • Water for drinking, after this working.

  • Tissue or a hankie for tears, if they come.


  You will want to record your own voice reciting these instructions before doing the exercise.

  Stand, and center. Breathe deeply, and allow yourself to come present in this moment. Let thoughts flow through your mind, and then, as you keep focusing on your breathing, start noticing the elements of this future that feel like home; the most familiar ones. As you find these elements, let them begin building an image of this future in front of you. Some of these elements may be in the forefront. Some may be the backdrop. Let them organize of their own volition into a semi-static image in front of you.

  Next, start noticing the elements of this future life that are a little bit more to the edges of your experience; the ones that are a little bit more intimidating, exciting, activating. Let these elements find their place within the original tapestry of safety and acceptance. Notice where these more challenging elements settle, and what they end up linked to. Notice, recognize, and allow, and then move on.

  Now it is time to stretch yourself, and to allow your consciousness to sort for the things that might even scare you but that also empower you; those elements that truly challenge you, yet you still desire them. Allow these elements to find their place in this reflection of the world you are creating. What are these elements? Where do they fit in? What are these more intimidating—and possibly all the more intriguing for it—realities that you want to encompass as a building block to your new world? Where do they fit? What are they linked to? Notice, recognize, and accept, and ready yourself to enter into this image.

  While this representation of the world you are building is currently at least a mostly static and stable image, once you enter into the image these elements are likely to shift, merge, divide, and create new totals that will almost certainly become more than the sum of their parts. You are the genesis of this creation. This is your world, your personal landscape, inscribed by your very own hand. Created by your own words of power. Built by your sweet sweat, your sweat tears, your sweat blood, and your sweat soul. This world is your Will, manifest.

  You are ready now to enter this transformed world, this world created by your desires and your work. Breathe deeply. Remain conscious of this world in front of you, and of your body, and of the steps, few and short, between your body and this new world. And then, breathing deeply into the power of your solar plexus, your Will-center, and into your heart and your blood, slowly begin walking toward this world you have built.

  Taking deliberate, conscious steps, begin to close the gap between you and your world. Walk gently, consciously, toward this sacred world, the one that is waiting for you. It may take three steps to arrive. It may take five, or even ten. Take each step with an awareness of the transition you are undertaking. You are walking into the world that fits you best; the world you have created, a world fit specifically to your very own needs, hopes, dreams, and desires.

  Deliberately, you enter this world. Walking in consciousness, enter into this scared space, this place that is built of your own Will. For perhaps the first time in your life, you are truly coming home.

  Let all those elements that create this space melt into an image surrounding you. Perhaps you are on a star-studded plane. Perhaps you see your guides here. Perhaps there are allies surrounding you. Perhaps you are alone, and comfortably so, in the very void of creation. You are the nexus. This is your matrix. You are the Creator, creating the world in which you now live.

  If there are tears of relief and acceptance, cry them. If there is laughter at the wonderful ease you now possess, laugh it. If there is gratitude, feel it to your very bl
ood and bone. You are home, and you have built this. You live here. This is yours.

  Stay in this meditation for as long as you want to. When you feel ready, write in your journal about how it feels to have found your own world.

  Spell Working: One More Letter to You

  You have traveled far in this journey of self-discovery, and now, once again, you will set pen to paper and write yourself a letter. In this letter, you will talk about where you are now, how the process of working this book has been, and where you hope to be in a year. This letter will also include a copy of your vows of initiation, and a copy of your empowerment contract. Just like you did with the letter from the first chapter, you will give this letter to a trusted friend, who will mail it to you in a year. Make sure your friend will indeed send the letter.

  In one year, you will receive this letter in the mail, and at that time you will be reminded of where you were a year ago, and what hopes you had in that moment for your future self. When you open this letter, you will have an opportunity to re-read your vows, your contract, and your hopes and accomplishments. You will have an opportunity to remember the changes you underwent while working this book, and you will have an opportunity to reflect on where those changes have lead.

  Let this letter be partially a testament to your dedication, and partially a love letter from you to your future self.

  Onward and Inward!

  Congratulations! You have completed the work. Now it’s time for your seventh and final Sexy Witch initiation, in part 2. Enjoy your new awareness, your new world, and the self-love you have built over recent weeks. Welcome home, and have a wonderful journey on the path that leads into your bright and beautiful future.


  part two

  The Rituals

  rituals i

  Rituals for the Solo Sexy Witch

  Building Ritual, in Theory

  If you have been working magick for a while, you may already have a way that you perform ritual. If you have a form of banishing, casting, invocation, or other ways of creating sacred space that work for you, I encourage you to integrate those aspects into the ritual outlines in this section.


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