Hot As Blazes

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Hot As Blazes Page 8

by Dani Jace

  “It’s not all about brawn.” He sat next to her. “You need to be physically fit, but even more, you have to keep a level head. Some of the best firefighters are instinctive. Women are intuitive. You were never afraid of the ocean. You respect it and you’ll do the same when confronting old man fire.”

  “I can’t say I won’t worry about you, though. Things can go wrong fast. Fires can be as deceiving as the ocean. Some calls are like three-footers, slow and easy, but can swell up to a six-foot swell. Then before you know it, you’re in a pipeline of fire in seconds. You gotta promise me you’ll always be on your toes and be careful.”

  “No hotshot antics.”

  “Only after you’ve been at it for twenty years. Still, you have to stay with your partner at all times.” He wrapped his arm around her waist. “Baby, you are everything to me.”

  “Ditto, Hemanus.” She laid her head against his shoulder.

  He skimmed his lips over her cheek. Brought her mouth to meet his and offered a tender kiss. Would his dreams of her come true? Loving her? Being loved by her?

  He stood and drew her with him. Somehow he’d learned to deal with her running into burning buildings. “How about some breakfast, Dahlin’?” He shot her a wink.

  * * * *

  If her buff firefighter hadn’t had a side job with one of his crewmates, Jo would have invited him to hang out for a lazy afternoon. She doubt it would it have remained so with them alone in the house. He definitely could have helped with her anatomy quiz.

  A couple of hours later, Tami called, interrupting her study session. “Let’s go to The Casino tonight. The Stingrays are playing.”

  The band played music more to Tami’s age group, but Jo needed a diversion. Ray filled her head more than she wanted and Harley’s revelation had her suspicions on high alert.

  With Thanksgiving on Thursday, she could manage a night out.

  She met her at the entrance and they lucked into two seats at the main bar on the ground floor near the stage. Tami’s kids were visiting their dad, and she had planned a cock hunt. Jo agreed to play designated driver and evaluator of the applicants.

  A few Papagayos regulars were among the audience. She introduced Tami to Don, a tall lanky firefighter from a town called Grandy, who took first interest as cock for the night. After Tami’s nod of approval, Jo relinquished her seat.

  The band started their second set of classic rock, and she moved upstairs for a better view. A few tables with video consoles hosted a crowd more her age.

  She raised her hand at the standing room only bar. A young male bartender nodded as she shouted her order. A couple at the bar joined another pair at a table and she quickly snagged a seat. Seconds later, a broad shouldered, still in shorts, surfer dude sidled onto the chair next to her.

  “Joann Mercer, surfer extraordinaire,” he proclaimed.

  His golden brown eyes were a shade darker than her own, and his sun-bleached curls accentuated their molten hue. Most women would be lost in them. Not to mention the hot bod she bet lurked beneath his loose clothing.

  “That’s former on the extraordinaire.” Her fingers slid around the cocktail glass as it landed in front of her.

  “I saw you compete in Baja year before last. Incredible.” He smiled.

  One fan left. “Thanks. That means a lot.”

  “I’m Joel.” He extended his hand. “I run surf lessons and windsurfing gigs during the summer. So, are you home for good?”

  “As far as I know.” She accepted his friendly handshake.

  They talked surfing a bit before he asked her for a date. Though flattered, she mentioned a bad breakup as an excuse. Not really a lie. Framing was about the nastiest of reasons for a split, next to murder she supposed.

  “Let me give you my number anyway. Let’s get together over some winter waves. I’d love the chance to surf with you. And if you’re not above giving lessons, you could make some easy cash this summer. I pay instructors a percentage.”

  An easy means of earning money was always tempting. She keyed in his number. Joel Surferdude.

  Shortly before midnight, Tami tapped her on the shoulder. With a thumbs up sign, she and the firefighter left with hands roaming over each another.

  Jealously bit hard. Here she sat with Jack and Joel. Jack could always be counted on for good company, but she needed thrills under the sheets. Joel might be cute, but Ray kept her restless and wanting. Her addiction and her cure.

  She chatted with Joel until the band finished, then headed for home. The neighboring Post grocery store filled her windshield just as her cell went off to Tami’s ringtone. “What’s up? Is he cocked, locked, and ready to rock?”

  “We’re at Coquina Beach and need a hand.”

  “Stuck, huh?” Jo patted the dashboard of the Broncosaurus. “Told you not to take your little all-wheel drive on to the beach.”

  “Yeah, you warned me.” Tami laughed without humor.

  “How far are you?”

  “Oh, you can’t miss us.”

  “Didn’t even get started good, did ya?” She really shouldn’t tease Tami. At least she had a man in hand. So to speak.

  “Not really.” Don yelled hurry up in the background.

  The clear night filled by a half moon offered plenty of light to hook a towrope without a spotlight. Excitement shot through Jo. She had been itching for some four wheeling. Hopefully, the police where chowing on a late night snack because driving on the beach after ten PM in the off-season was a big no-no.

  A few minutes later, she wheeled into Coquina’s parking lot and spied Tami’s small SUV.

  Then her headlights lit the scene. “Jesus Christ!” She swung wide, parking crossways behind them, cut the lights and bailed out of the driver’s door.

  Contorted body parts filled foggy windows.

  She crossed her legs to keep from wetting her jeans. After wrenching the rear passenger door open, Don’s twin crescents smiled at her in a full moon.

  “Told you she’d laugh her ass off.” He groaned.

  Tami’s giggles left her speechless.

  “Wow, you really are stuck.” Jo keeled over in another round of hysterics. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks. She hadn’t laughed so hard since before her dad died.

  “Can you press the control and move the front seat forward just a tad,” Don pleaded, trying to work his knee loose.

  She closed the back door and opened the driver’s side. After finding the control, she slid the seat forward. A male sigh of relief filled her ears. Tami’s mouth motored up like a two-year old, retelling every detail.

  “I got the picture. Tami. Literally.” Did she make a habit of getting into compromising positions with her studs?

  Chapter 14

  Thanksgiving eve, Jo opened the door for Sarah. She descended upon the beach house armed with an arsenal of Southern Living recipes, food, and apron.

  Jo helped measure ingredients as Sarah whipped, frapped, or whatever chefs did to make food taste like Food Channel cuisine. Bobby kept a vigil at the TV, smart enough to stay out of her way.

  Afterward, Jo fell exhausted into bed. Relieved to have a couple of days off, she sank between her sheets as her mind idly wandered to Ray. Did he help cook the crew’s dinner? Even though she’d grown up with him, it proved difficult to imagine him being domestic.

  Before dawn, Sarah’s ramblings in the kitchen stirred Jo awake. She stumbled in searching for coffee as the cook shoved a giant turkey nearly as large as the oven inside and set the timer. She handed Jo written instructions on heating the side dishes. With Bobby in tow, they departed for Manteo’s shelter to help cook another dinner.

  The house phone rang, making her jump. Coffee in hand and snug in Ray’s hoodie, she answered with a yawn. “Hello.”

  “Hey, Dahlin’. You didn’t answer your cell. You up already?”

  “Sorry, left it in the bedroom. You still at the station?”

  “Just left.
We rolled on two medical calls from three until six. No point in trying to get back to sleep only to wake again at seven. I’m headed home to shower and snooze for a couple of hours. Then I’ll head over.”

  “I’ll be here. Bobby and Sarah left to volunteer at the shelter. Take your time.”

  “So, you’re alone?”

  Her toes curled at his earthy tone. “Uh huh.”

  “Want some company?”

  His offer woke her up. “Come on over. You can shower here if you like.”

  “I’ll see you in a few.”

  Hot damn.

  She jumped in the shower and finished in five. Her formerly snug pair of black jeans proved how hard she’d been doing PT. She dug a harvest colored V-neck Henley from the back of her closet. By the time she finished drying her hair and whisked on some mascara, the kitchen door locked jingled.

  Ray let himself in as she stepped into the kitchen. “Happy Thanksgiving.” He rounded the bar.

  He peeled off his coat and dropped it on a dining chair. His arms curled around her, sending shivers all the way to her booted toes. Even in heels, her nose still barely reached his chin.

  “How many years has it been since we spent a holiday together?” Sentiment tightened her throat.

  “Five years.”

  He held her tight, allowing her body to conform to his. He smelled like smoke from his gear and utterly male. His scent heated her with desire. “The only Christmas I came home, you were in Iraq.” A rogue tear escaped.

  He kissed the salt drop and she lost her composure, collapsing against his chest. In his solid embrace, the loneliness, hurt and fear she’d kept bottled inside poured out in sobs.

  “It’s okay, baby.” He stroked her back in large circles cradling her head beneath his chin.

  “I’m sorry.” She sniffed. “I don’t know why―”

  He cleared his throat. “Hey,” he said cupping her face, gazing deep into her eyes, hypnotizing her with his stare. “You deserve at least that after all you’ve been through.”

  She attempted a smile grateful his distraction.

  “Did you know your eyes change color when you’re upset?”


  His finger softly traced the contour of her face. “They turn dark like brandy.”

  The instant rush of heat between them made her spine tingle. “What color are they when I’m happy?”

  “Hmmm, let’s see.” His lips touched hers. He deepened the kiss with an exploring tongue.

  Lust mixed with need surging through her body like a large wave. He tasted like winter and mint. She clasped her hands around his neck, pressing her breasts against his warm chest.

  He moaned in her mouth and pulled her tighter. The hard ridge in his jeans pressed against her belly. The combination of his long sensual kiss and muscular body sucked all air from her.

  “Now they’re topaz.”

  He had the power to seduce her without even trying. “You want some breakfast?”

  “You. Cook?” He gave her a lopsided smile.

  She pretended to be offended and tried to slip from his embrace. “I can scramble eggs.”

  “You know I’m teasing, but I better hit the shower and catch some ZZs. You don’t want me nodding off during dinner.”

  When he let her go, she missed the intimate contact with him. “There’s a towel on the rack.” She whisked a bottle of wine he’d parked on the bar and stashed it in the fridge. “What time do you want to get up?”

  “Give me a couple of hours.” He turned for the bathroom, tugging off his T-shirt and unbuttoning his jeans.

  Her mouth watered at his mini strip tease. “If you need anything just holler.”

  “Be careful what you offer.” He grinned and disappeared into the doorway.

  She grabbed her EMT book from her bag and tried to read a chapter while imagining him naked under the spray. He’d soon be sleeping in her bed in just his boxers or maybe nothing.

  Did she want to go there yet? Would he call her an ice queen like Vic had? And the guy who took her virginity. Feeling inadequate, she returned to studying for her upcoming EMT final.

  The clock on the mantle struck and she glanced up to see it was noon already. Where had the last three hours gone? She removed the side dishes from the fridge and put them in the oven on the temperature Sarah had specified and set the timer.

  Time to wake her Hemanus.

  Her stomach fluttered as she padded down the hallway. The bedroom door hung slightly ajar. Through the drawn curtains, a spattering of sunlight filtered through the open weave. He lay casually sprawled on his stomach in the middle of her queen-sized bed.

  Perfectly posed, the hills and valleys of his muscular back contrasted against her light colored sheets. A brawny arm hugged one of her pillows. Long lashes fringed his tanned cheeks. He was an advertisement for GQ magazine.

  She stepped inside, studying him for long moments before easing onto the edge of the bed. “Ray.”


  “Ray, time to get up.” She ran her fingers through his hair.

  He responded with a long, deep sigh.

  “It’s after twelve.”

  “Mmmkay,” he answered, still half asleep.

  She traced along his sculpted back.

  “Mmmm…” The gentle stimuli brought him around.

  He groaned and she rewarded him by deepening the massage, working from his shoulders to his lower back. She never touched him so intimately. The feel of his muscles, his skin, of him beat her every fantasy.

  Satisfied, he rolled to his back and drew her on top of him. “Dahlin’, that was awesome.”

  A slow burn rose in her belly and spread. With a daring roll of her hips, she acknowledged his arousal.

  * * * *

  He’d fucked things up on the Fourth of July then waited all summer for her anger to subside. He wouldn’t rush intimacy until she was ready.

  Before they continued, he needed to make things clear. Keeping her tight in his arms, he sat and felt her tense. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea―”

  “About what?” She focused beyond him. Her mouth set tight, back in her tough girl mode.

  He closed his fingers around her arm and brought her to face him. “I want you. More than you can imagine. I’m in love with you, Jo.”

  She blinked with glassy eyes, yet she remained guarded, with crossed arms and her posture rigid. “Are you sure?”

  He tucked her chin with a finger. “I’ve never committed to anyone because you’re the one I’ve been waiting for. No one has ever slept in my bed because you’re the only woman I’ve ever truly wanted there. What I feel for you is beyond physical, baby.”

  There it was, in the open.

  After a short intake of breath, her voice sounded small. “I’ve been in love you, for as long as I can remember.”

  It all became clear. Things she’d said and done over the years, he’d taken as devoted friendship were really more. Her admission set him afire. He claimed her mouth, exploring lightly. She tasted like vanilla flavored coffee. Her kiss grew bold, tracing along his mouth.

  He smoothed a hand along her spine and under her sweater, snapping lose her bra as he rolled her onto her back. She felt soft and pliant in his arms as he scattered kisses along her neck.

  The way her fingers tunneled through his hair jacked him higher. He pushed her sweater up to reveal her belly button. The wicked little diamond stud had tempted him and fed his naughty fantasies since the Fourth of July. He took the opportunity to toy with the jewel.

  When her hands molded to his bare chest and began a light massage, his desire shot to record level.

  “Happy trail,” she murmured with a glint in her eyes as her index finger followed the line of hair below his stomach. His abs instinctively flexed.

  His cock twitched in agreement. He attempted to redirect her attention, wanting to please her first. To taste her. Feel he
r shiver under his tongue. Her pleasure would bring him more satisfaction than his own release.

  Reaching down, he flicked open the snap of her jeans. Inside her panties, his fingers found her slick. With the lightest pressure, he circled her clit.

  Her soft moan delighted him.

  Christ. If he had been any harder in his life, he couldn’t remember.

  He started to shove down her jeans, but she caught his hands. Her heavy-lidded gaze looked sultry with her smoky amber eyes.

  She rolled him with amazing athletic quickness. Then she straddled his hips.

  “You first.” Her words sent a hot a jolt down his spine.

  Her soft lips gave way to nips as she moved along his neck and traced to the center of his chest. When she sucked on his nipple, he growled in appreciation.


  He relayed his answer with a thrust of his hips.

  She continued her sweet exploration, reaching the band of his boxers. He rose on his elbows to see his fantasy come to life. She cupped him through the dark fabric. Outlined his shaft.

  Her slow, gentle massage lit a fuse he didn’t think he could douse, even by reciting football stats. He gasped as her warm tongue delved below the edge of his underwear. Danced over the head of his cock. Coming alive and dying in the same moment.

  “Mmm.” She hooked her fingers in the waistband.

  His stomach tightened in anticipation.

  A car door slammed.

  She looked up at him.

  Feet drummed on the stairs.

  She retreated with a final lick. “Damn.”


  Bobby had impeccable timing. Ray popped to his feet, reaching for his jeans. Jo had already fixed her clothes. He gave her a quick kiss and she hurried from the room.

  * * * *

  “Where’s Ray?” Bobby hung his coat on the hall tree beside the door.

  “Sleeping.” She cleared the dining table of her books. “He drove over after his shift. He was out on calls most of the night.”

  Sarah grabbed her apron and offered a cat-ate-the-canary crooked smile. Not fooling her.

  Bobby poured them wine while Sarah removed the turkey. The housed filled with a heavenly aroma like on holidays past.


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