Hot As Blazes

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Hot As Blazes Page 19

by Dani Jace

  “Really? That’s not what I heard you say the other day.” He glanced to the remnants of the accident scene, and scratched his untidy beard. Lines etched the corners of his eyes.

  “That’s not what I said, Ray.”

  “Maybe you’d like to explain in a little more detail…or not.” He pushed off the truck, swiping a hand across his forehead.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say. I guess you want to hear it’s okay you accused me of fucking around. Oh and sure, I’ll give you a piece of ass.” Although she loved him more than her own life, he’d have to admit his part in this fucked up situation.

  Shaking his head, he reached for the door handle.

  “I’m hurt by your mistrust, but you’re pissed.” He’d given up on them. Fear tore at her heart.

  He faced her, working his jaw. Tensed, he appeared larger, more muscular. Like a fighter about to enter the ring. “You don’t think I hurt too, Jo? You’re ripping my guts out.”

  “You called me a slut and left.”

  “Jesus, that’s not what I said.” He clenched his fists.

  “You might as well have.”

  He looked at the ground. “What I said was out of line. You just don’t know him. Tell me how Harley can protect you from Vic, if that’s what’s really going on.”

  “I’m counting on Harley getting word if Vic leaves Florida. At this point, I truly believe Vic is capable of murder.”

  “Wouldn’t the guy just want to get back to his life?” He rolled his eyes.

  “You’re not getting it. When he thought they were on to him, he set me up to hang for his drug trafficking. If I hadn’t had the insurance money dad left me and found a hotshot attorney, I’d be rotting in a California penitentiary. Killing you or Bobby would probably qualify as light recreation. He’ll want me to suffer until he’s ready to take me out.”

  “That’s the most you’ve ever shared with me about him.”

  Talking about it didn’t change anything and only reminded her of her stupidity. “You could have asked.”

  “Thought you cared enough tell me. But it seems you only trust me to bring you to orgasm.”

  “Really. That’s not true. I love you. I’ve always loved you. Right now, I’m afraid for you and Bobby to be near me. I was naïve about him before, but I won’t be again. He’d love nothing better than hurt those I love. Then he’ll hunt me down. Maybe not tomorrow or even next month, but he’ll have the last word.” She gave him her back with tears about to spill.

  “You don’t believe I can protect you?” He stepped behind her.

  Physically, Ray more than matched Vic, but her sly ex wouldn’t reveal himself until he knew he had the advantage. She faced him with the truth. “Yes, and you’d give your life for me. But when things got rough between us, you packed.”

  He flinched and stepped back. “I see.”

  “Harley is setting me up with a silent panic remote and a gun.”

  “Christ, Jo. I hope you’re not just playing into another psycho’s hands. I’m not downplaying your problem, but it sounds like you’ve made your decision. You know how to reach me if you need me.”

  He turned, flung open the Hummer’s door and backed out without another glance her way.

  Chapter 35

  Ray slammed his fist on the dashboard. He’d taken the easy out she offered. Giving Harley the upper hand. Again.

  He was such a fucking idiot. His anger and jealousy smothered common sense. Distance and time might help him come to terms with his warring emotions, but in the end, it proved him a deserter. Blaming the SEAL came easier than facing the sickening truth―she didn’t trust him to protect her or be there for the long haul. The ultimate slap.

  Only she had the power to crush him with a word or a look. The motherless little girl who had seeped into his heart at eight years old while his own mother ignored him in search of another man. He and Jo had always connected on a deeper level, even over Bobby. The rest of the world he kept at arm’s length.

  He turned his truck into the gym parking lot. Minutes later, he hoisted over three hundred pounds off his chest with an AC/DC song blaring through his ear buds. Lactic acid burned, increasing with each rep until his arms and pectorals screamed, dulling the cavernous ache in his heart.

  Immersed in his workout, heavy metal massacred his eardrums. Sweat soaked, he moved to the next exercise. A vibration in his short’s pocket forced him to remove an ear bud and pause the music.

  “Hey mom.”

  “Hey, hon. I was wondering when you had a couple of days off.

  His gut coiled. “You want to come home?”

  “I’m sorry. You know, I thought this guy was the one. Maybe I’m just not supposed to have a man.”

  Maybe she’d made it too hard for them. His father might have felt the same. “Yeah, no problem, I’m off the next few days. I’ll drive up tomorrow.”

  * * * *

  Jo stopped on the way home and bought a pregnancy test. One of her teammates in California had gotten pregnant after only missing her last pill. Her fingers shook as she swiped her debit card. Arguing with Ray left her clueless. What the hell would she do if the test was positive?

  After arriving home, she fell into bed unable to make sense of anything. They were tearing one another apart. Her hot tears bled onto his pillow as she held it tight. His lingering scent cracked the rest of her armor. She sobbed.

  Soon, the sun cast late afternoon shadows across her room. Hating her downward spiral, she sat up. On the dresser, her jewelry box sat with his old letter protruding from one corner. The one he’d written to her the Christmas he was in Iraq.

  She slid the yellowed sheet from the envelope.

  Dear Jo,

  Merry Christmas, Dahlin’! My only wish was to hold you, kiss you, and tell how much you mean to me. I’m in love with you, baby. Always have been. It was impossible to tell you before now because of reasons you won’t understand. You might not feel the same. I was never sure, but I needed you to know. Hopefully, I’ll have the chance to tell you face-to-face when I get home.

  I’ll never stop loving you,


  He’d professed his love, considering that he might never have the chance if he died over there. The implication slammed home. Tears wet her cheeks until she fell into an exhausted sleep.

  * * * *

  Tami arrived with a six-pack in hand the following afternoon. “You look like shit.”

  “Thanks.” At least her appearance and feelings matched. She’d woken with Ray’s letter clutched to her chest. Unable to stand the quiet of the house, she’d called Tami to see if she had some free time for a visit.

  She dropped the beers in a small cooler with some ice and led her guest onto the deck. The cloudless sky and warm ocean breeze were like a healing balm.

  “I love this place,” Tami said plopping onto one of the Adirondacks. She plucked a bottle from its icy home. The cap hissed at she cracked the top. “Ahh, it doesn’t get much better.”

  “Yeah, I missed living at the ocean when I was in Cali,” She missed a lot of things. Ray, her brother, and the time to grieve.

  “Was this the party house when Bobby and you were in high school?” She sipped her beer.

  Jo sat down next to Tami. “Dad said he would rather us be here. If we wanted to have friends over and he was on shift, he’d have Ray’s mom or one of his buddies come over and house sit. Bobby and Ray were the football gods their senior year. All the popular crowd showed up.”

  “How did that work for you? Did it get you hot dates?” Tami grinned.

  “Right, the surfer sister?” She never cared that she didn’t have many friends, but she did expect loyalty from her family and people who claimed to care about her. “I didn’t find out until later, but dad and big brother made sure guys knew I was west coast bound. No need to get too interested.”

  Tami arched a brow. “Geez. Is that why Ray and you never h
ooked up?”

  She shrugged. “He says so, but I don’t know.”

  “So what happened at the volly call in Whalebone? Angie and I were up in Virginia looking for her prom dress.”

  “MVA with four vehicles. Extraction of two occupants.” Jo peeled the label of her untouched brew. The damned pregnancy test sat on her dresser in its taunting pink and blue box. “What color dress did she pick? Gawd, what’s in style these days?”

  “Dark blue with a long slit up one leg, and no back. She’s almost showing butt cleavage. I’m not exactly a role model.” Tami glanced to her tight spaghetti tank and prominent breasts. “Jesus, Jo, she’ll be a senior next fall and Danny will be a junior. Time is flying by. I’m getting old.”

  “Thirty-six isn’t old and you’ll soon be a firefighter.” She touched her friend’s shoulder.

  The blonde’s dark brown eyes lit up behind thick black lashes. “You think I can use being a firefighter as a pick-up line?”

  “Don’t think you need to, but being one might help you find a nice guy. You’ll meet a lot of people on the job.”

  “Honestly, Jo, I signed up because I need a decent job on a high school diploma with kids going to college. I always thought I was strong and fearless. Until the burn tower. Now I’m rethinking this idea.”

  She’d nearly freaked during the simulated burn. For Jo, fire was like facing a tremendous wave you maneuvered. With the ocean, she used her board. With flames she wielded a wily hose. “You’re just apprehensive. We all have our fears. The accident scene reminded me of my dad’s death, and I nearly puked. After a couple of good fires under your belt, you’ll be knocking them out of the park.”

  “So far, I’m better with a bat than a hose, but then I’ve had a lot more practice.” She giggled.

  “Touché.” She pretended to sip her beer.

  Tami grew quiet and Jo stared unblinking as late afternoon waves lolled onto the sandy beach in shades of aqua and jade leaving a thick layer of white foam. All this beauty and she was a fucked up mess.

  She could have been in Myrtle Beach with the hottest firefighter in a dozen counties, if not the entire state. She slumped in her chair. They’d never even made love on the beach. Now he was gone and she probably had a psycho stalking her.

  “Something’s got you down, girl.” Tami snatched Jo from her solemn thoughts. “We’re graduating. Everything should be golden. What’s up? Did you and Ray have a fight or something?”

  She avoided Tami’s gaze.

  “Shit, girl. You got to work that out. Am I going to have to drive you over to his place or what?”

  Jo shook her head.

  “So you had a fight. Just call him.” She slapped Jo’s knee.

  She didn’t dare relay the circumstances of their fight or his accusation. Or, God forbid, she might be knocked-up. “I don’t know how to fix it.”

  “Getting on your knees might help.” She winked.

  How had life become so complicated? After California, everything should have been simple. Get out of jail almost free and live life easy on the beach. Now Vic was free and his henchmen were probably the ones fucking with her first and now Bobby. What the hell happened?

  She’d left the academy in a panic that day. When she couldn’t reach Ray, she’d called Harley, not wanting to burden Bobby. By the time she drove home, she’d imagined all the ways Vic could hurt or kill her brother and Ray.

  After what she said to him at the accident scene about him ditching on their relationship, what would she say now? I fucked up and oh, I think I might be carrying your baby. If nothing else, she’d discover his true feelings for her.

  “So, are we partying at The Casino after our graduation ceremony?” Jo asked.

  “Definitely. I’ll be stud hunting for one who can go all night. Like the one you’re allowing his meat to loaf. I’m serious Jo. Ray is prime Grade A, Angus on the hoof. You don’t want him wandering off to greener pastures. In fact, call him and invite him to graduation.” She grabbed another beer.

  She slipped out her cell, touched the display and faltered.

  “Has he tried to make up? For whatever he said or did?”

  Her gaze returned to the ocean. “Sort of.”

  “I know the guy in Cali messed with your head, but Ray’s a good man. Played the field a bit from what I’ve heard, but now he’s stuck on you. He’s practically been living with you since Christmas. Don’t lose something good because of pride, girl. Been there and done that.”

  Tami’s sound reasoning made her stomach queasy.

  After her visit, Jo trudged to the bathroom. A few minutes later, she stood holding a plastic device she’d just tinkled on. One day she’d love to have Ray’s baby, but right now was the worst possible time.

  She closed her eyes and found the salty taste of her tears oddly comforting. After prayer and swallowing over a boulder in her throat, she opened her eyelids.

  Time to face her fate.

  She gazed into the display, refocused and sank to her knees.

  Chapter 36

  Ray almost called Jo to let her know of his trip to Pennsylvania. Would she even care? Instead, he set his phone back on the console as he headed north on I-64 before dawn. This would make the third time he’d moved his mom back to OBX. Who was he to talk? He and Jo hadn’t made it six months before he split.

  Like father like son.

  Over the long drive, he contemplated calling. There wasn’t much to say. He didn’t truly believe she’d been with Harley that afternoon, except to talk. The fact she trusted him for protection over him ripped out his heart. If she’d have gone to Bobby, he wouldn’t have cared. She said Bobby had too much to deal with and it made him wonder if it involved the investigation in the department. He wasn’t being told everything.

  What was he really afraid of, commitment, or loving her so much it scared him? Maybe she was right about him looking for an easy exit.

  * * * *

  Jo sat in the parking lot of Papagayos the next afternoon to commandeer her panic remote and sidearm.

  Her pregnancy scare had proved to her how much she loved Ray. Anger had cost her last summer. Would she allow her stubborn nature to lose the man she truly loved? Since he’d left, she could hardly motivate herself. Her heartache equaled the loss of her father. She slipped her phone from her back pocket.

  Is it too late to talk? She tapped a text message and pressed the send key.

  After waiting a few minutes and no reply, she exited the truck and drew open the bar’s heavy wooden door.

  “On the house, babe.” Harley shoved an iced mug at her filled with Blue Moon.

  Same as the first day she walked into the place. Shit, she wasn’t in much better shape now. “Thanks, but it’s a little early.”

  “Not the way you look.” He eyeballed her.

  “You’re right.” She slid onto a chair and took a long swill.

  “You still haven’t called him?”

  “Sent a text. Now what am I supposed to do, beg?” She propped her elbows on the bar feeling older than twenty-five.

  “Three little words.” He grinned.

  “Does that really make a difference to you guys?”

  “More than you know. We’re all jelly inside.” He winked. “I’ll get your new toy.”

  While he went to the back, she grabbed the gun he’d loaned her from her bag and laid it on the counter.

  He returned and placed a small semi-automatic handgun on the bar and handed her a small black transmitter, no larger than a keyless remote for a vehicle. It had one button. Red. Wired for GPS, it would at least help someone find her body, unless Vic decided to drop her off the coast. She shivered then chugged the rest of her beer.

  The bar phone chirped and Harley snatched up the receiver. “Papagayos.” Slowly, he turned and raised a brow. “Yep, taking care of that now. Okay. Will do. Uh huh.” He handed her the phone.


; “So is he hooking you up?” Ray’s voice crossed the line, low and unemotional.

  “GPS panic unit and a gun.” Her stomach quivered.

  “Is he going to train you to shoot?”

  “I haven’t asked. I hoped you might be willing.”

  He barked a short laugh. “I thought you said he’s more qualified to handle your situation.”

  She turned her back to the bar, glad Harley had retreated to the cash register. “Fear of something happening to you.” She paused. “If Harley got hurt, I’d feel bad, but losing you, because of me… I love you. I miss you. Is this going to ruin everything between us?”

  She tensed during an awkward silence.

  “I’m in Pennsylvania right now. Won’t make it back in time for your graduation.”

  She glanced to the floor. “I understand.”

  “We’ll talk when I get back.”

  “Say hi to Mona for me.”

  “You can tell her yourself. She’s moving back. Again.”

  “Bye.” The connection died before she finished. The good son. Always there for his mom, trying to make up for his father’s absence. He never talked about it. She pivoted on her stool. “Why did he call you?”

  Harley kept hanging glasses. “Guess he thought you’d be here.”

  She checked her cell. No missed calls.

  Bullshit, he’d called the bar on purpose.

  * * * *

  Ray rubbed his knuckles together as Harley loaded his cash register. At eleven-thirty in the morning, Papagayos only hosted him.

  Harley turned his head slightly and nodded. “Never expected you as my first customer.”

  “You know why I’m here.”

  He squinted. “I told you not to break her heart.”

  “Oh, and you won’t. You’ve left a fucking trail of tears in your wake.”

  “She doesn’t want me. She’s smarter than that. But if she did?” Harley locked eyes with the him. “Hurts doesn’t it, Ray? To think your woman is intrigued by me. A man you’re at odds with.” He laughed coldly.


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