Earth Before Man

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Earth Before Man Page 2

by Allan E Petersen

  In a small room rented from an old widow woman, he drew a blanket across the window and lit a candle for dim light. After sitting at the small wooden table, he accessed his computer and entered a secret contact code. When the email connection came onto the screen, another dilemma faced him. He knew that the Antiquities Police would be hacking into the email and so the problem arouse of what to say. He understood that simply saying what he had discovered was not an option. To get his contact’s attention and interest regarding the discovery, he knew he would have to choose his words carefully. Therefore, as not to rouse suspicion, he also knew he would have to make the message sound mundane enough to not concern the antiquities police, yet greatly interest those whom he was sending the message. After thinking hard, he slowly typed what he hoped would be understood as a significant discovery and yet seem frivolous to snooping eyes.

  Chapter 2

  Since the destruction of Ile de Celeste, a year was torn off the calendar. It was a hectic year for the surviving members of the House of the Nazarene. With many scientists killed and still many missing, not all survivors voluntarily returned to the new location. The destruction of Ile de Celeste in the Aegean Sea was officially reported as a sudden subduction, one tectonic plate slipping under another and snapping under tremendous pressure. The ensuing earthquake literally swallowed the whole island. Very few people knew what really happened. It was time for the survivors to look for a new base of operation. With the help of an old ally, King Krassimir Rhymen, their base of operation was now in Bulgaria, on a thousand acres of pristine forested estate.

  On the estate were seven houses and one large ancient mansion. It was so massive that it served as headquarters, living area, and Maria’s new laboratory in the solarium at the back. On first inspection, Maria was far from pleased with the gloom and darkness of the gothic manor. She said that it looked evil, a perfect home for vampires or whatever evil lurked in this forest. Belle looked forlornly at her mother and whispered,

  “People have died here.”

  However, as Santo had defended,

  “We will clean it up. With fresh paint and furniture, it will soon become a home.”

  After a few weeks, hiring the locals as laborers, the manor magically transformed from a menacing scowl to a friendly face to be called home. The massive fortune the Duchess had amassed after escaping the planet of the Great Grays was confiscated and used to rebuild the House of the Nazarene that she had destroyed. Santo referred to it as irony. Maria had insisted on one more change. She hated the name of the manor, ‘Witch of the Manor’. It made her wonder just who the great Grandfather of King Krassimir Rhymen had married in those bygone days. With her insistence, it was changed to ‘Lady of the Manor’

  As the new leader, Maria had introduced a new mandate for the House of the Nazarene. No longer would the Great Gray Tribe direct and guide human fate to fit their alien philosophy and purpose. She now directed the resources of the House, albeit a greatly diminished resource, to search the planet for evidence that at one time there was an ‘Age of Aliens’ on Earth before the ‘Age of Man’. It was her intent to unearth a true history of the Planet. The House now searched worldwide for how humans became what we are. Now, no longer will truth be erased or altered to fit religion and governments. If the truth hurts, so be it. The truth of the Age of Aliens on Earth before man shall be entered into history books.

  Now that Maria led the House, the rebuilding had unfortunately torn her from many of the things she loved. One of the most hurtful was family time at the dinner table. The glue that held the family together during better times, before the destruction, was insisting on all three sitting at the dinner table. Now, after a year of hard decisions and practically impossible demands for her time and energy, dinner with Belle and Santo was practically impossible and regrettably a rare occurrence. However, seldom had she missed tearing herself away from the lab to run upstairs and kiss Belle good night. The hardest thing for her to accomplish was getting up in the morning to dress and get Belle ready for school, a chore that she insisted belonged to her.

  Often and for long periods, Santo slept alone wondering if he still had a lover. Demand for devotion to duty created an almost unbearable separation of mind and body. It was difficult for both. Often he would come into the bedroom early in the morning from a long night of duty to discover a cold bed. Maria had already gotten up and sent Belle to school. Frequently she would come to bed at midnight just in time to see Santo get up and tend to his new position as Head of Security. Like Maria, he understood that it was a whirlwind time and hoped they would soon again discover that elusive ‘family time’.

  After Waldorf Hismanal had recovered from a serious injury to his leg, he sat back, reflected on both his age, and dogged commitment to protect not only Gustav, but the House of the Nazarene as well. Now that both were gone, something changed in him. When Helga was also seriously injured in the attack and almost died, he realized he wanted to spend more time with her in his arms. In addition, now he had an instant family. When Robert, Belle’s best friend lost his parents in the attack, Waldorf and Helga willingly and gladly adopted him. Now they spend most of their time travelling and uniting as a close and loving family.

  Because the mansion was massive, everybody agreed that Maria and family should occupy the upstairs west wing. Waldorf and Helga have plenty of room in the upstairs east wing. All of downstairs with the massive fireplace and equally large family living room with sofas and loungers scattered about became the well-used common area for both families.

  Chapter 3

  Today was a special day in the new Headquarters of the House of the Nazarene, an anniversary of sorts. Maria invited all the department heads to the mansion to celebrate one year since the destruction and their first year in the new location. The help, the servers, and chefs worked feverously for days to make it a success. For the first time in over three hundred years, the mansion was host to a large gala. Twelve department heads sat at a long table filled with wine and food. Maria, in an effort to make everybody feel important to the House of the Nazarene refused to sit at the prestigious head of the Table. It was an honor reserved for both children, Belle and Robert, the future of the House. After a commemorative toast to those lost in the attack, food and drink became priority number one.

  There was one empty chair. Apparently, Zak Zander was too busy for mundane social festivities and therefore remained in his study. He was a slave to the translation of ancient Sanskrit scrolls. Kirk Waller and Jessika Reynaldi sat together. Although they had attempted to keep their relationship clandestine at the beginning, living in tight quarters soon defeated that purpose. Because of his loyal and brave service to the House, young Kirk was promoted to Santo’s old position, Second in Command of Security. Although the beautiful Jessika Reynaldi still had one annoying habit of constantly swiping dangling blond hair away from her eyes, because of her brilliance with computers that bordered on scary, she was now Head of the Computer Rooms.

  Sitting at the head of the table, Belle and Robert were busy enjoying their place of importance and eating as if it were a race to see who could eat the most. Belle was now six years old, or as she so many times boisterously stated, “Almost seven.” Like her mom, she sprouted long silky black hair and took pride in combing it herself. Much to Santo’s delight, she has his eyes and smile. Like her father, she hates getting dressed up for special occasions. Understanding that tomorrow was a school day and allowed to stay up a little longer, she begrudgingly accepted the humiliation of a dress.

  Although both children were birds of a feather or as both parents thought, partners in crime, Robert did not care what he was wearing. Moreover, unlike Belle who took great pride in her hair, he liked the messy uncombed look. This caused his nanny no end of frustration. She took great care to comb it but by the time he ran down the stairs, somehow it got all messed up. With two front baby teeth missing and a permanent ‘devilish’ look about him, it was no wonder both parents were always on the
alert for mischief. Helga sat to the left of Robert much like an arresting police officer dutifully stands by a prisoner ever alert for an escape.

  The rest of the Department Heads were occupied with the celebration. Sitting proud at the middle of the table were Santo and Maria. Although it was not a private romantic dinner, she nevertheless reveled in his winks and concealed frisky touching. With important matters of business put aside for the evening, she was hoping that it would end in more than just concealed playful hands under the table.

  There was one strict rule at the table this evening. Because it was an edict from the boss, all obeyed. Under no circumstances was the conversation allowed to bend toward shoptalk. Unless of utmost and sever circumstances, perhaps the world coming to an end, nobody was to mention satellite imaging technology, dimensional statistical impossibility or mathematical improbability. A special emphasis on the demand was aimed right at the talkative Jessika, who aside from Kirk, seemed to have only one interest, universal computer pulsation processors. So far, all was going as Maria had hoped. Until, ---

  Giddy from wine and Santo’s antics, Maria too immersed herself in frivolity and laughter. A slight dent infringed on her cheerfulness when seeing Jessika’s assistant, a young man with red hair and a face full of freckles enter the dining area. Knowing that he was not allowed to bring matters of business into the room, there was a touch of hesitation in his approach toward Jessika. Maria’s sharp eyes noticed the folded piece of paper in his hand. Furtive eyes followed the assistant to Jessika, who accepted the paper. Trying to be casual, that it was probably nothing, she nonchalantly unfolded and read it. Maria saw that Jessika seemed unimpressed with the contents. Jessika then handed the note back and indicated for the assistant to give it to Maria.

  After delivering the note to Maria, the assistant turned and left the room. Because of the edict of no shoptalk at the table, Maria hesitated to read it. Santo had not missed the note entering the room either. Maria casually looked to Jessika who nodded. She watched as Maria slowly unfolded and read it. The seal on the top right of the page indicated that it was a printout from an email correctly coded and coming through legitimate channels. It was from Turkey, a Professor Bartow Asker. A quick scan of the note produced the same nonchalant shrug as Jessika. She then passed it to Santo who also quickly read it. He thought it seemed like a routine message that an agent in Turkey had simply checked in. He therefore wondered why the computer room would attach importance to it.

  Santo saw Waldorf’s attention and dutifully passed the note to him. However, as he was no longer Head of Security, it pleased Helga to no end when he declined the offer and pointed to Kirk. After all, Kirk was now second in command and certainly capable of handling what appeared to be a mundane note. Curious, Kirk also read it. However, instead of a casual shrug of indifference to the content, they were all surprised to see a great look of concern suddenly come to him. Obviously, there was more in the note then just an agent routinely reporting in. They watched as he neatly folded the paper and put it in his shirt pocket. Curiosity was clawing at Maria but because of her own edict of no shoptalk, she forcefully stifled a deep desire to know what had concerned Kirk.

  Later on, during the course of the celebration, unfortunately it was over all too soon for two of the participants. Two older women, Ivana and Monika, each wearing the uniform of maids entered the great hall and approached the table. When Belle saw the two invading women, she knew that fun and frolic had ended. Belle’s jostling elbow into Robert’s side also drew his attention to the bad news. Sudden forlorn looks indicated both knew what was going to happen.

  Ivana, resplendent in the glow of a typical frumpy grandmother approached Belle with a wink. Belle Frowned. The other woman, Monika was the mirror image of Ivana, as all twins should be. Showing her experience in handling Robert, Monika went to the left of his chair to stop his escape. He always tried to make a mad dash to the left. One of these days he will figure it out but for now, it was her counter attack. Helga might have felt Robert’s pain but it did not show. After a reluctant kiss goodnight for mom and dad, Robert was unwillingly marched out of the room and upstairs to bed.

  As if being marched to her doom, Belled also begrudgingly submitted to bedtime and sauntered past her mother. Maria apparently had no remorse for her daughter’s bedtime, only offering a weak condolence.

  “I’ll come up soon and kiss you goodnight okay.”

  Santo saw the whole sad thing but was helpless to offer a condolence for her cruel fate. He merely made a fist and offered it to Belle who sadly fist pumped the offering without breaking stride.

  The cheerful evening passed all too quickly and everybody thanked Maria for the festivity and went home. The table was empty and chaotic with leftover food and dirty dishes. Perhaps not surprisingly, all the wine bottles were empty. From out of nowhere, an army of servants appeared to clean up the mess.

  Up in the master bedroom of the West Wing, something happened that had almost been forgotten. Two lovers were in bed at the same time. Thanks to wine and good food, not forgetting built up passion, Santo and Maria finally ended up in each other’s arms, each trying hard to catch their breath.

  In another bedroom, in one of the many cottages on the estate, two other lovers were preparing for bed. Jessika was already in bed and hoping for a pleasant culmination of the wine and festivities. Yet, Kirk was strangely indifferent to her seductive eyes and what she was wearing, rather what she was not wearing. She was trying hard to get his mind to focus on her. Apparently, it was elsewhere. Fully clothed, he sat on the edge of the bed with the mysterious note in his hand.

  Accepting bitter defeat, sensing something was wrong, she ran lazy fingers up and down his spine and softly asked,

  “What’s the matter? Was there something in the note that bothered you?”

  He slowly turned to her and for the first time noticed her desire. Apologetic, he kissed her on the forehead and said,

  “Yes and it could be important. I’m sorry honey but I have to go to the research department and figure something out.”

  Although she did not mean it, she asked,

  “Is there anything I can help you with?”

  As he got up and stroked her long bare leg, he said,

  “Yes, stay right here just like that and I’ll be back in flash.”

  Jessika was no fool. She knew her man well. With her head deep in the pillow, she pulled the covers up tight and wrapped herself in a cocoon of rejection. Ever since Kirk was promoted to Second in Command of Security, he eagerly dove into that position. More often than not, she woke up alone and often ate supper by herself. She accepted that while he was second in command, at least she was first in his desire.

  Chapter 4

  Zak Zanders was the House of the Nazarene’s expert on alien culture before the time man took over the Earth. After so many years bent over ancient scrolls or cuneiform clay tablets, the old man’s posture naturally conformed to a hunched back. As Maria always thought, his glasses constantly seemed to be in danger of sliding over the tip of his bulbous nose. To those who dared accept it, his diligence and genius in translating ancient parchment had proved alien involvement on this Planet.

  He had proven that Odin, the ruler of Asgard and his son Thor belonged to a northern alien tribe called the Aesir. He also proved an alien existence to the mysterious Atlantis tribe. There was also the Dropa Tribe in Tibet and the Wandjina Tribe in Australia. He proved through ancient text that the Anunnaki were an alien tribe living among the Suma people, the Sumerians, in the land of Mesopotamia. The Tribe of the Great Rama as claimed in the Bharatavarsha ruled in a land that later became India. The Great Grays came to a land north of Mesopotamia where they eventually started the House of the Nazarene. Maria had personal dealings with the Sky People who greatly influenced the Vatican’s Holy Book as well as later developing the great Inca culture.

  It was by oral legend and written records that Zak Zander knew various aliens had been on this planet.
In most cases, the scrolls and ancient text of the various humans described the aliens by definition of their culture. How they saw them befitted their cultural understanding of them. However, Zak had only proven that aliens were on this plant and involved with human history but did not know what planet they were from or what they really looked like. Some writings claimed that they were angels but it was not a proper description of what the people at that time did not understand.

  Zak knew that the aliens involved with the North American Navajo and Hopi tribes, the Ant People could not have looked like ants and thought the name derived from where they preferred to live, underground, in caves and such. As the newest leader of the House of the Nazarene, Maria wanted to know and understand what all of those different tribes and their culture had done to human evolution.

  Zak had greatly complicated her determination to get answers when stating that those were only the alien tribes he knew about so far. It was his theory that hundreds of different alien cultures inhabited this planet before the humans took over. Maria wanted to understand why so many alien species came here. Did they come here and settle in lands not already claimed by others or was there a central authority allotting various lands to various visitors? Mostly, she wanted to know why they all left, or as Zak had theorized, many never left at all and are still among us.


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