The Smokiest Grave

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The Smokiest Grave Page 5

by Tosha Y. Miller

  He was pushing her buttons. “You overgrown donkey,” she whispered in a callous tone as she gestured for him to get into the car. When he opened the door, the cold breeze ruffled her hair. “I think something went wrong in your development.”

  Her sour mood didn’t last long after he got into the car, though. Her lips puckered, and her eyes grew large with humor. He looked so confined in her car. Those long-trimmed legs and massive muscular arms didn’t quite fit well.

  “Are you okay?” Cat stifled a laugh but did not make an attempt to hide her amusement though.

  “Peachy,” he looked at her way through narrowed eyes. “You okay?” he was breathless, and pebbles of sweat rose from his skin. “I’m fine; I don’t like small vehicles; I’d rather fly.” He stiffened, “You look good in this vehicle, though.”

  She looked at him, puzzled. Why had he just deflected? Men only do that if they want to distract a woman. She inwardly scoffed at herself when her cheeks warmed.

  Apparently, it worked like a charm. Really body, don't act like a schoolgirl. They rode in silence for the next fifteen minutes.

  Cat pulled into her apartment's parking lot, as her eyes looked around critically. She began to regret why she invited him to her home. Things she didn’t care about yesterday became something of embarrassment to her now.

  Her building had cracks and holes in it that were still there from the war. She thought it could use a new coat of paint, too, but her neighborhood was in the middle-class area, which meant it was unlikely to happen. If Hendrick was ugly, or at least looked casual, she wouldn't mind as much. But the man beside her held too much temptation. She felt like she was inviting him for a one-night stand.

  Cat was glad she made enough money as an investigator, so her place wasn’t a complete disaster like her first apartment. That building looked like it was going to collapse if someone walked too hard.

  Cat opened her door and held back a curse through clenched teeth. It was freezing outside. She used that to her advantage and practically ran to her door.

  She preferred it even if she looked a little crazy, the run did not allow him a good view of the damages to her apartment, and it kept him hidden from her nosy neighbors.

  Click. Cat opened the door some seconds later after several struggles with the knob.

  She paused when she noticed shapes in the pitch-black area in her apartment. She had forgotten to leave the night-light amulet on in her living room. A few years ago, an Unnatural had broken in and almost killed her. Lights, spells, and weapons were compulsory for her now.

  She flicked on the lights, as she exposed her apartment with its mismatched furniture. She looked around at the warm colors that didn't quite match, burgundy, rich brown, tans, and gold. They calmed the storm inside her, which in her book was the only thing that mattered.

  Cat walked in and settled her keys down on the table next to the love seat on the right. The second one stood adjacent to the other that separated the room at an angle, so she could see anyone that comes through the door.

  Cat was sure that the fact that it needed a good cleaning had not escaped Hendrick’s eyes. Granted, she never let the mess get too bad, but the place was never spotless except for holidays when the family came over. Now that her grandma, father, and little sister has died, the family consisted of only her mom. She did have a cousin and a few other scattered relatives, but she hadn’t seen them in years.

  I should have cleaned up before I left. The place is a disaster. She must have tried on every top and bottom before leaving and they were still scattered everywhere. Oh no, is that my underwear? Could this get any more embarrassing?


  Cat’s heart warmed when she saw her Bombay black cat strolling her way, "Hello my Xena warrior," she said, as she opened her arms. The over excited cat jumped on the rich brown couch and leaped into her arms. The weight of the cat made her stumble back.

  Hendrick’s hand steadied her. She gulped, and her chest got warm from his touch, "Oh, my God, you are too much. I’m okay, sweetie. It was a bumpy night," Cat told Xena, as the little thing shook in her arms. As Cat's familiar, she would have felt the whole night.

  Cathleen is fearless and powerful, popped into her mind. She smiled down at her smart familiar as a warm bolt of power radiated through her body.

  “Thank you, sweetie.” Cat’s body relaxed under Xena’s touch. Xena had a cooling power she loved.

  It was safe to say she was thankful for her familiar. Every Unnatural has a familiar; wolves have their pups, vampires have their human blood, witches have their mice, ghouls have the decapitated head from their first kill, and demons have their enchanted weapon. She wasn’t quite sure what beings used cats, but her ancestors did.

  Xena rubbed against her neck purring. Cat could tell the moment Xena realized they had an audience. Xena's eyes got big because she noticed Hendrick behind Cat. She was sure they'd pop out of her head if they opened anymore. Xena crawled over Cat’s shoulder to look at him. Her temper showed itself and made the fur along her back stand up at attention.

  "It's okay baby girl; he's a friend. He helped me tonight," Cat whispered, as she petted Xena’s soft black fur.


  Xena’s yellow eyes glared at Hendrick. He stepped back a little to make sure he wasn’t challenging her. One thing he had learned about familiars—especially smart ones like a cat—was their fantastic will to defend their human. He had seen familiars attack the worst kind of beast to give their humans a chance to escape.

  Hendrick didn’t move. He let Xena scan his aura to show he meant Cat harm. When she finished, her back relaxed. She continued rubbing her body on Cat’s neck and gave Hendrick a silent, you're okay to come in with her eyes.

  He closed the door, having to slam the door into place.


  "Sorry,” Cat’s shoulders went up high and she ducked her head like a turtle that wanted to retreat into its shell. “I had to get a new door, and I'm not sure I put it on right.”

  She sighed at herself, “So, are you hungry, or thirsty? I don't have tons, but the food will be hot, and the drinks will be cold." Cat shifted her weight on her feet I’ll take awkward for two hundred. Should I bake cookies? They always baked cookies and made coffee in old movies.

  She focused on the mess instead. Her eyes kept darting back to Hendrick as she grabbed all her clothes off the love seats and the floor. Hendrick’s well-defined nose was up as if he wanted to get something in the air while he surveyed the area.

  "I know it's not much, but I like it. There’s not a lot of places in here where people can hide when the lights are on." Cat looked at him and wanted to know what he thought about her home.

  "I like it. Very homey." Hendrick picked up one of Cat’s panties sprawled on the floor.

  She yelped slightly, going beet red. “Give me that.” She could feel herself smiling, but she didn’t know why. Maybe she had an emotional malfunction issue.

  Hendrick forked over the goods and drifted his attention elsewhere. He scanned the walls looking at all the positive quotes and pictures everywhere. This was Cat’s happy place, so she filled it with good things.

  Cat saw him looking at her bookshelves covered with books and pictures. His eyes rested on one image. Now, he stood and stared at it which made her heart beat faster.

  He turned towards her. “I enjoy this picture the most,” Hendrick pointed to the second shelf where she had pictures from her childhood.

  She laughed when she saw which picture he referred to. She was fourteen and at a beach party. The event was the first time she wore a bikini in front of several people. She was heavier, so the bikini didn't cover much. “I was a freshman in high school, pervert.” She gave him a light shove.

  “Your body wasn’t what caught my eye; it was your smile.” His face cleared of worry lines and became youthful. But something slammed shut in his eyes and they hardened again, “You were truly happy. I don't remember the last time I smiled like that." He
glided his finger across the picture.

  "You and me both. So, do you want to eat?" She tried to change the subject.

  “No Lass, that won't be necessary. I need my rest, remember." Hendrick wanted to ask why she didn't smile like that anymore but knew she didn't want to talk about it by the way her shoulders and jaw tightened. He didn’t need that much rest. A good four hours would be perfect for him, but she needed space.

  Cat walked to her bedroom throwing the clothes in the closet. I’ll deal with that later. "Okay, take the bed, there are clean sheets on the night stand. Put your own sheets on though. This isn’t a motel." Cat narrowed her eyes at him, as she dared him to disagree. She’d throw something at him if he did.

  “Nay, it’s your bed,” he pointed at her queen-sized bed that was high off the floor. The black comforter and gray pillows were uncharacteristically neat and inviting.

  She turned back to him when she wanted to get the blankets out of the hallway closet and put them on the couch. Her eyebrows went up. When did he acquire an accent?

  "How about we flip for it? That way I still have a chance, and you won’t feel bad about it if you win." She grabbed a quarter off the side table and he nodded his head, as he agreed with her terms.

  She called out heads as she flipped the thumb size silver piece in the air. Her eyes studied the silver circle swirling around in the air. She gave a pull of her powers to urge the quarter to land on tails, she caught the cold metal. There was no way he would fit comfortably on her love seats. He was too tall.

  Hendrick’s shoulders went down, and he let go of the breath he held in, "You could always join me," he leaned on the wall and made a few loose strands of his shoulder-length black hair fall around his face. No one should be allowed to look that good. Everything from his strong jaw to his large inviting hands were sculpted to perfection. The whole thing wasn’t fair and the fact that her body responded to him like a love-struck puppy made Cat mad. She was supposed to have better control over herself than this. "Not happening." Her eyes narrowed.

  She turned away, as she dismissed him. Xena already laid spread out on the love-seat, "Good night, lass." She could feel his eyes burn a hole in her neck.

  Cat smiled.


  Knock, knock, knock, the sound of someone pounding on the door startled Cat. If her heart could jump out of her chest, tonight would be the night her heart would make a break for freedom.

  Hendrick peeked out the bedroom, his chest bare, “Expecting company, lass?” Cat gave him a funny look, but let it go with the thought that it could be her imagination. There’s that accent again.

  “No. It’s probably my friend Rebecca though. I’ll get rid of her.” Cat kept her gaze on his creamy smooth skin like she was hungry. She blinked a few times and put her finger to her eye as she pretended to have something caught in the crease of her eyelids.

  When Hendrick looked like he was about to accompany her to the door, Cat put a hand on his chest. She looked at her hand and was taken aback by how hot his chest was against her fingers. She mentally shook her thoughts clear, “No, you don’t. I’ll never get rid of her if she thinks I’m in here with a man. I can barely get her to leave me alone at work, let alone at home. All she wants is for me to get a guy and have a naughty time with him.”

  If only she knew what that meant for the guy.

  “Sounds smart. I’d be glad to put her at ease.” He stepped forward, which made Cat’s hand press harder into his chest. The way her fingers widened put too much pressure on her wrist. The weight against her was beginning to hurt.

  “I can handle it,” Cat’s face narrowed into a scowl and pushed him back slightly. The way he gazed into her eyes was as if he was intrigued with them.

  Knock, knock.


  Hendrick walked away, defeated. Why should I want to meet her friend, anyway? Get a grip old chap, before you find a grip around your neck. He sighed. This was another reminder that he could never have a normal life.

  “Goodnight again,” Hendrick walked back to the room, his shoulders lower than before. He closed the door and retired for the night.


  Cat waited until he shut the bedroom door before she walked to the front door. She did not want to deal with Rebecca tonight. But the woman would keep banging until she finally answered. With a big, soothing breath, she turned the knob. “Hey, Rebecca.” Cat opened the door wide to let her in.

  If she didn’t, Rebecca would push her way in through the door. The first few times her little frame invaded her space had annoyed Cat, but now she liked her thoroughness. As if Rebecca was checking up on her as a sister would.

  Rebecca’s long bleach blonde hair swung around as she walked into Cat’s apartment, “So, how did it go tonight? Is he the one you are going to open your legs for?” She pointed at Cat’s legs, “You need to have cobwebs down there by now. It’s been how many years?”

  Her small stature and delicate curves sometimes reminded Cat of a child, but her mouth never did. “Hello to you, too, Cat,” Cat faked an insulting gesture as if not saying hello hurt her feelings.

  “Yeah, yeah, Hello.” Rebecca looked at her with her hip cocked. That’s the way she stood every time she wanted answers and Cat wanted to dodge them.

  Cat looked at Rebecca’s fingers pressed against her thigh hard enough to make the blood vessels near the surface bulge. She always had a weird twitch with her fingers like she wanted to drum them in impatience.

  “It went well. We had dinner and danced the night away,” Cat lied. What was she supposed to say?

  No, it went horrible. My ex-boyfriend decided to further ruin my life and put a curse on me. So, whoever touched me sexually would die and horde around a demon. So, Bruce is dead because he was attracted to me. And thanks to Hendrick, the demon is dead as well. By the way, he is half-naked in my room, want to see?

  Rebecca would never leave the house until Cat told her every detail. Then, she would still want to know if Cat would have slept with him. Rebecca’s world revolved around sex. She opened her legs to anybody she thought was cute. Cat’s mom called her a kitchen door, there was always someone coming in or going out. At least Rebecca didn’t really know Bruce, so she didn’t feel obligated to let her know. She’ll find out later in the radio news.

  “And?” Rebecca encouraged, she got closer to Cat. She could see Rebecca’s sparkling eye makeup close and personal.

  “He’s definitely a possibility.”

  Something fell in her bedroom which made Cat’s shoulders rise to her ears. Her heart began to thump louder. She didn’t remember ever being this nervous when she was trying to hide a guy from her mom as a teenager. Why should she be nervous about what her friend would do?

  What if she takes him from me? That was the truth she didn’t want to admit to herself. Guys respond to women who open their legs easily. Because she didn’t do that, and Rebecca did, there was a possibility. No, she would never do anything like that to hurt me. We have been best friends for years now, get a grip Cat. Besides, he is not yours.

  Rebecca ignored the sound until she noticed the sleeping Xena on top of a stack of blankets on the love seat. She looked at Cat and her mouth stretched into such a broad smile Cat was afraid she’d rip her lips. “You whore, you brought him home,” Rebecca smacked Cat’s shoulder in a playful mood and wiggled her hips. “I knew he’d be the one. So, what are you waiting for, go get some.”

  Rebecca walked quickly to the door with a pep in her step that Cat had never seen before. “How do you know we haven’t already?” Cat put her hands on her hips as she toyed with Rebecca.

  “Oh, I would know. You would be glowing with sunshine, and you would be more relaxed. Later girl, be safe,” Rebecca slammed the door as she practically ran out of the house.

  Before Cat could lock the bolt, Rebecca pushed open the door again. “Sorry, I almost forgot. Your mom called me so many times. She wanted to talk to you,” Rebecca handed Cat her small shiny phone.
  “Oh great, sorry I lost mine tonight.” She took the phone and clicked redial.

  “Rebecca, have you heard from her?” Cat’s mom’s worried voice panted from the other end of the phone.

  “Ma, it’s me.” Cat didn’t have a chance to say anything else because her mom screamed and shouted in Cat’s ear.

  “What the hell is the matter with you? Why are you ignoring my calls? I told you something bad was going to happen tonight dammit,” Cat’s mom must have hit something because she heard glass breaking over the phone.

  “Now Linda, I-”

  “Don’t call me by my name; I am mom to you!” Her mom interrupted. Her voice made her bottom hurt sympathetically. That was the voice her mom used when Cat deserved a spanking as a child.

  “I’m sorry mom. I lost my phone, and I was on a date,” her lips went down at the edges as she gave an upside down oops smile. Sometimes, her mom could feel when Cat was hiding something.

  “I told you something bad was going to happen, and you still went out?” She waited for Cat to answer. Linda could sense terrible things happening in the future, like Cat could in people.

  She never could see into the future, but most of the time they could stop the dreadful things from happening by following her directions. In high school, Cat had her suspicions about her mom lying a few times to keep her from going to parties.


  “Why? Do you want to end up like your sister?” With those few words, her mom might as well have smacked her in the face. Her sister Christina had died a few years ago. She hadn’t listened to mom’s warning. Now, if Cat ever didn’t listen to her, she expected the worst.

  Her mom would be on the phone with her all night, telling her how stupid she was for not listening and Rebecca was already pointing at her invisible watch telling her to hurry up. So, she went for the only weapon she had. “Because I wanted to get some, mom. It’s been such a long time-”

  Her mom cut her off with a shriek, “Oh my Goddess, shut up, shut up. I do not need to hear my daughter talk about sex,” she sighed. “Just call me tomorrow,” her voice was gentle and loving.


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