Got you.
“Aaah! I told you everything I know,” Rebecca’s squeaky voice screeched from a distance. Hendrick took off toward the screaming and her scent, cursing at himself for not being able to tap into any of his beasts to move quicker. He had worn himself out at the worst possible time.
I can’t fail her. He pushed through a large bush to see Cat jump on Rebecca.
“No!” Hendrick franticly ran to her. He was half way there when Cat’s mouth clamped on Rebecca’s neck.
As he got closer, he reached for Cat, but she tore away with a chunk of Rebecca’s neck before he could stop her. He looked dumbfounded at Rebecca laying on the ground. Her blonde hair covering her face. He knew from the moldy smell coming off her, she was dead.
“Cat…” She was on her knees. Her hands covered her blood-soaked face.
He clenched his fist, mad at himself for not being able to protect her. I’m sorry love. I’m too late. The grave got you.
Cat knew she shouldn't have killed Rebecca, but the new beast inside her demanded the blood coursing through her. The fact that she was a horrible person that deserved it, was a plus.
She lifted her nose to the air as she sucked in the peppermint and chocolate smell. She noticed his scent had changed back in the warehouse, but she had other things to think about then. Her subconscious had locked it in her memory banks. That lovely smell was Hendrick.
When she looked at him, his scent changed slightly to a muskier masculine mix. The smell was like hot chocolate in the woods. His scent made her mouth water. She wanted to bury her face in the glorious smell.
When he took a step toward her though, she growled. She didn’t want him seeing her like this, looking like a monster with ripped and bloody clothes.
After what she had just done, she believed she was, too. A wave of emotion rolled over her. I’m the thing I’ve hunted for years. A tear rolled down her face and she shied away from his stare. All she wanted to do was bury herself in the pit of her being.
Hendrick’s voice made her stop, “Don’t do that Cat.” He stepped closer, “Don’t give in to the darkness. If you hide from those feelings now, you’ll never be able to get them back. Please love, look at me,” he gasped, running towards her when he saw her eyes darken and turn into empty black holes.
Vampires used to tell her, it’s not me, it’s the vampire beast, and she thought they were weak or lying. Now, she got what they were saying. She could feel Cat in her core, but the vampire beast was consuming every part of her as if she was in quicksand.
His hands caressed her blood-soaked face. “No, Cat, look at me. Maria was murdered, so your emotions are heightened.” And your vampire side is taking advantage of it. He didn’t say the last part out loud. There was no reason to scare her even more.
She was already letting the vampire beast kill who she was. Her deep black holes stared at him, not quite registering him even though she was trying. “Aye lass, that’s it. Tell me something good in your life.” She needed to remember an enjoyable time in her life to push the vampire out. When a vampire beast takes over, they feed on fear and anger. So, the joy would help ease the vampire to the side bench. She had to show the beast who was the alpha.
He saw her look up, a telltale sign that she understood him and was thinking of a time. A beautiful curl stretched her lips upward, and her eyes lightened, but it didn’t last long. With a small shake of her head, her eyes blackened again, and her teeth sharpened.
“Whoa, where did you go?” he asked brushing a long strand of hair behind her ear. “What’s holding you back, lass?”
Her body slowly produced a thick smoke like fresh green boughs had been added to a campfire. The gray and purple cloud grazed her skin. That’s different, it must be left over from her Sapphire abilities. All of that would be gone soon, now that she had killed someone.
“No,” Cat said in a harsh voice unfamiliar to Hendrick.
“Kitty, tell me what Maria helped you with. Whatever it is, let it out. It’s not worth losing yourself over.” Hendrick pulled her into his arms. “Tell me.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes before she answered him, “I’m damaged.” Her voice squeaked, so she clamped her hands over her mouth.
“Why would ye say that lass? I’ve never met a more amazing person than ye.” Hendrick’s heart ached for her. The memory was eating her alive.
“You don’t know what he did to me. I’m damaged goods, dammit.” She spat at him, using her vampire hormones to make him hold her tighter. He was never fond of the pheromones vampires give off. They could make a person go mad with lust. If they could bottle it, fairy drugs would go out of style.
Hendrick kept holding her until she blurted out, “No man will ever want me after what that bastard did to me.” Her whimpers became a full-on uncontrollable cry, “Lance raped me… He raped me! He cut me over and over to rub my blood on himself. He drugged me and tortured me for hours. I still wake up screaming at night.” Hendrick squeezed her even tighter against him. By the Gods.
Cat was close to hysteria. If she went too far, there was no bringing her back. She already had one foot in the grave.
He could hear her breathing. It was more like a wild animal getting ready for the hunt than a person. Where was Yvonne when he needed her. His voice wouldn’t work for this kind of emotion.
“No lass, that loser does not get to ruin yer life twice. I know for a fact that ye are mistaken. That monster didn’t break you. Ye didn’t let him then, so, don’t let him now.” He was stroking her hair.
He closed his eyes praying he was saying the right things. The emotional stuff was never his forte. He was better at the physical stuff.
“You don’t get it; he might as well have killed me that day. Anytime someone gets near me, I run away or push them away. I can’t date, I can’t have friends, and you see how both those turned out when I tried. My date dies, and my friend was working against me the whole time. I feel dead inside. Now, I’m a monster.” She hit his chest. It didn’t hurt. She was tapping at him.
“Lass, look at me.” She did. He could feel that she wanted to hide in herself to get away. A protectiveness boiled inside of him at the look of pain on Cat’s face.
He didn’t know what he was doing until his lips pushed against Cat’s. The feeling of electricity coursing through his veins made his body burn with desire.
When she reciprocated the kiss, he deepened his hold and touch. He needed her closer.
Hendrick couldn’t remember a time he wanted something as much as he wanted this right now, with Cat, “By the Gods, love, your mouth is magical,” he said in between kisses.
His hands roamed her body, caressing the soft cushion of her luscious lumps. They went lower and lower, to squeeze her ample bottom.
She pushed him away laughing, “Not going to happen, Romeo,” Cat said, clear-headed, like kissing him had cleared away the fog of emotions.
Hendrick watched as her vampire beast latched onto her skin, she was the alpha. The beast would become a part of her, not take over her body. Her skin changed as well. The warm flesh became cooler and lighter until it was a milky porcelain perfection. The dark circles under her eyes disappeared. Even her frizzy hair became silky.
When those dark eyes turned back to her lovely green lily pads, his smile intensified. She was even more beautiful.
Her happiness faltered, and she grabbed his arm, “We’re not done yet.”
Cat pointed at Rebecca’s body. “She said there is a cabin a few miles away with the transfer person. With no other than that scumbag Lance. He is waiting for his new girl to arrive.”
Oh, now I know why she was freaking out. Hendrick was going to say something, but she put a hand to his mouth. “The merchandise has already left, which I'm assuming is your brother, but she said they keep documents of everything.”
She smiled with a gaping mouth, “He’s expecting a new person to assist him today. He is expecting someone new
to the organization." She pointed at herself. “I’m perfect.”
“No, no. You are not doing that Kitty, especially after what you just told me. This guy knows the demon is dead if he put it in you.”
“Yes, but not before handing me off to one of his fellow accomplices. I already look like I’ve been through hell. He’ll think I was sent to help keep him entertained. Believe me. I know this asshole,” Cat said crossing her arms, not liking the feeling of embarrassment warming up her neck.
“And she also said she was sent by him to kill Maria or weaken her. Because Maria was your biggest weapon to stay hidden. They are after all of you. This could be the key to finding your brother, Hendrick.” She sounded a little too eager, and Hendrick knew it. Yet who could blame her for wanting to nail the guy?
“Well, you are a vampire now. So, you have the strength and the speed. But we should make a good plan of defense. You can get the documents and lure him to his death, but I will do all the main fighting and interrogation.” He brushed his hands through his hair. Hendrick didn’t like her doing this alone, yet he knew if he didn’t attack with her, she would do it on her own.
Cat went along with his crazy orders letting him feel like that was how it was going to happen. Deep down she knew if there was an opportunity, she would kill him.
She changed the subject instead of arguing, "Could I get any weirder? And now my smoke is purple and blue," her face lit up like an apple. She was not a fan of being weird.
"What do you mean?" Hendrick asked, and scrunch his face. He looked at her like she had three heads.
"When fighting Rebecca, I shot smoke out to blind her. That’s how I could get the wand from her. If I hadn’t, she probably would have killed me." Cat’s voice sounded distant.
“You used your Sapphire abilities?” Hendrick asked, shocked. His eyes bulged out of their sockets.
“Yeah,” was all Cat said. She was waiting for him to say something horrible. Not sure what, but she knew it wasn’t good.
To make herself feel better she filled the silence, “I’m dead…” Her eyes drifted down, “Will I have to sleep in a grave? At least you’ll know which grave I’m in, it’ll be smoking.”
Hendrick couldn’t answer any of her question and it pissed him off. He never heard of anything like this happening.
In the norm, vampires lose all their previous abilities when they turn. He had never heard of a vampire keeping their magic. And casting magic with only a word is a powerful gift.
Dragonvire’s can cast spells, they could use their blood for curses, but they couldn’t make magic appear.
He bit his lip and smiled at Cat. The hopeful glance she gave him warmed his heart. She doesn’t know how special she is.
He hugged her one more time, "Lass you are full of surprises."
Cat sighed at herself for being here. The Gods seriously needed to get a new seer, so she could have been warned about this. Remember, you must save the people from the chompers curse. Cat kept chanting that in her head.
“It’s been so long, sweet thing. I can’t believe fate brought you back to me. Have you missed me?” Lance’s chiming voice purred in her ears. She used to love his voice. Now, it made her want to throw up.
“You know I have. How could I not?” Cat hoped if she stroked his ego it would make him ignore her fear and anger scent. Hopefully, his ego wasn’t too big that his head exploded. As she thought about his head turning into slop her smile became wicked. Now, that’s something to smile about.
She and Hendrick had a plan. Cat would flirt with the jerk, distract him to get the file, then lead him outside to Hendrick for questioning. Cat was glad Lance wasn’t the head honcho with tons of guards. He was just another pathetic lackey. That thought made her smile even more.
Cat would love to do the questioning, but Hendrick wouldn’t have it. He knew she would up the torture and eventually kill him without getting answers. And he wasn’t wrong. All she had wanted to do for years was see Lance at the end of her blade. But he had been off the radar for years now. Not even David could find him.
“That’s true. I do have a way with the ladies.” Cat was surprised he didn’t have a mirror in his hands while he said that. The way he licked his fingers and rubbed his eyebrows made Cat stifle a laugh.
I’m going to love killing you, prick.
“What do you think?” Lance looked at her expectantly. Those ugly bushy eyebrows rose up when she looked at him, puzzled.
“I’m sorry what? I was thinking of us together in my room.” Cat’s face heated, and her stomach dropped. She needed to focus.
A smirk of pride plastered across his face, “Aw, yes, that was a beautiful night. I knew you liked to be helpless and taken advantage of by me. It radiated off you. Does my little toy still like it?”
He bit his lip as his eyes roamed her ripped clothes. They exposed her breasts and were covered in blood. Her disheveled body must have turned him on because his deep brown eyes dilated.
Cat couldn’t say anything; she nodded her head rapidly, yes. When it looked like he was suspicious, she bit her lower lip playfully.
“Good. And I see by your appearance you have a little more experience in what I like,” he got up from the white couch across from the wooden chair she had chosen.
The way he crept to her made Cat get a cold ache in her chest like death himself gripped her heart. Do not touch me, scumbag.
She tried to make her uncomfortable gestures into excited gestures by pushing out her breast and sliding low on the chair. If she was lucky, he’d buy her efforts.
When a woman really wants a guy their sexual parts naturally drift towards the man unconsciously, danced around in her head. He used to tell her that while his finger traced her cleavage.
The anger scent got stronger. Calm down Cat. Think of Hendrick and how it felt to be touched by him.
“And I was expecting Rebecca, but you are a better surprise.” His tone was mischievous.
Cat smiled, pretending it did sound like a clever idea.
His greasy hand grazed her shoulder, “My toy has been playing with others, hasn’t she? It looks like someone healed you with a demon wand.” His eyebrows rose as he walked behind her, grabbing her breast. If it was any other man, she’d appreciate the light circles being traced around her nipple. But not this man.
She held her breath, trying to calm down. “Look at all this blood you gave him, and I only got a little,” he pinched her neck. “Bad toy. I’ll be needing more.”
By the flames of Hades, I am going to rip your manhood off and shove it down your throat. She pulled away from his advances. “I’m hungry. May I have something to eat? Remember how sloppy I get without food. I’d like to be my best for you,” Cat lied her big butt off, crossing her fingers her lie would work. If he kept touching her, she’d say the hell with the mission.
“Of course, my toy, I need you strong for what I’m about to do to you.” He walked to the kitchen. The swinging doors flung back and forward, taunting Cat. She couldn’t move until they stopped.
“Do you want to know a secret, beautiful toy?” Lance yelled from the kitchen. Cat could hear the fridge slamming. The noise made her heart jump.
“Of course,” she said as she walked to the desk near the fireplace in the middle of the room. She was glad he had plush white carpet, so her bare feet were soundless.
“Remember the jar of blood I took from you? I used it to stroke myself for years after that night. I knew you would eventually come around.” His cheery voice made her throw up in her mouth a little.
She swallowed it, “I am flattered.”
“You should be. I’ve told all my other toys about you, and they all hate your guts,” he came out of the kitchen carrying two sandwiches and some chips.
Cat froze. When he saw her at the desk his eyes got darker, “What are you doing?” His voice stabbed her lungs. She couldn’t breathe.
“I thought you could bend me over this gorgeo
us desk,” she gulped. Hopefully, he couldn’t hear her heart pounding so fast. The lub-dub sound was all Cat could hear.
Her nervous scent rose in the air making Cat try to distract him from the smell. She stuck her butt out and with a sexy lure, she rocked side to side.
His eyes softened, and his pupils dilated, “What an innovative idea, toy. But the cutting will be done in the other room, that’s a five-thousand-dollar desk.” He walked behind her again, making her bend over as he placed the food on the desk.
“Wine!” Cat squeaked pulling away from him. She took a deep breath, “May I have some wine to loosen me up, as well?” When he frowned, she continued, “It’ll help my blood flow.”
“Yeah, that is true.” Lance turned around to go back into the kitchen. He mumbled something that Cat ignored. She couldn’t do this anymore. She was at the edge of her tolerance. If he touched her again, he’d be getting his throat slashed with the letter opener on that stupid desk.
She looked at all the papers and sucked in her breath.
Dammit, they’re demon papers. She could only read them with demon magic, a black curse, or fire.
She grabbed all the blank white and gray papers putting them in a folder and shoved them in her pants. They could figure out what they said later. She needed to get out of here.
She ran to the cabin door frantically, with a grunt, she swung the heavy wood open. The humid heat smacked her in the face as she stepped outside. The claustrophobic temperature clung to her like walking into a sauna. Ugh, this is nasty.
She looked around. The only color was in a small circle around his house. The rest was that nasty tan. She hoped there were no other residents around here because they would be chompers by now.
Cat jumped at the sound of something slamming in the kitchen, so she did the only thing she could.
The Smokiest Grave Page 19