Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 74

by Billy Wong

  I try, I do. I just can't help being a screw-up, he said dejectedly. I thought stealing would let me become human faster by saving time for work I would otherwise have spent hunting. I thought that'd be best for us, I didn't plan for this to happen!

  "I know you didn't. But you've got to be more careful in the future... Anyway, there's no good in dwelling on what's already done, so how much longer will it take before you finish your item?"

  I'm almost done. Just a few more hours.

  "All right. Since you don't want me to see your surprise ahead of time, I'll stay outside and keep on the lookout for trouble."


  Rose waited there for hours, and grew more and more worried over her legal plight. What might she be charged with? What would be her punishment, if she was found guilty? No way was she willing to go to prison, especially not when she could do so much good out here. But would it mean she had to be a fugitive? How would people think of her, seeing her run from justice and refuse the mandate of the government she had once worked so hard to save? Would she be viewed as a hero fallen from grace?

  She didn't want to leave Kayland, where she'd lived all her life, but how could she stay here if she was surrounded by hate? She thought then that she should be able to get at least one free pass after all she'd done for Kayland and might still do, and wondered if such an argument would fly with Crown Prince Lawrence. She'd try it, if reason didn't work; she had done nothing wrong, and would not submit to injustice.

  After a few more hours, Rose became impatient, and decided to check how Finn was doing. Honoring his wish for secrecy, she yelled to him, "How are things going in there?" When no answer came, she crept closer and tried again. Hearing silence once more, she grew anxious, and walked inside to see. She was dismayed to behold her husband, still a great green dragon, lying still on the ground, and ran to his side.

  Taking hold of his snout and shaking him, she asked, "Finn, what's wrong?! Wake up, answer me!"

  To Rose's immense relief, his right eye opened a crack. It's done, his voice said weakly. My gift to you is complete. Am I a human again? I feel so weak, I can hardly tell. But you still look so... small...

  Bursting into tears at the realization that after all this anticipation, she in fact wouldn't have her beloved man back, Rose cried, "Why?! We were so sure it would work... it took the magic out of mages who did it before, didn't it? Why not you?!"

  Actually, it feels like all my magical power—that is, what I used for spellcasting—is gone. I don't know if I'll ever be able to regain my prowess, and if I can, I'll have to start from scratch. But the energies that make up my draconic body are a different matter. Apparently, those cannot be gotten rid of by being channeled into an item.

  Sobbing, Rose gasped, "Oh, Finn, it was all for nothing? I'm so sorry, my poor love. We've wasted so much of your time, all just to fail like this!"

  He should've been even more distraught than her, Rose thought, but Finn reassured her, Don't be so sad, Rose. Even though I'm still stuck as a dragon, I did make you a gift I'm sure you'll love. He raised his foreleg then, and beneath it was an immense broadsword, made seemingly from the same mold as Rose's own, but looking much different in composition. Its blade was an earthy red like that of clay, but its sharp edges a more fiery shade of crimson. A thin vein of light blue ran down the middle of the great blade, and the crossguard of the long hilt reminded Rose of wings, though of what animal, she could not say.

  Your new weapon, Finn proudly stated. Imbued with all four basic elements, and its lead core surrounded by the adamant bone, as far stronger than steel as steel is stronger than bronze, of the indestructible Spelldrinker which you impossibly destroyed when nations have failed before. What do you think?

  Despite her distress, Rose couldn't help but be awestruck at the marvelous weapon. She lifted the sword, and though it didn't feel as light as expected, it was light enough for her. She tried slashing at the cave wall, and it left a deeper cut than any steel sword would. Its durability, well, considering she hadn't just ruined the blade...

  "The Spelldrinker had metal bones?" she commented. "Well, I guess that's magic for you. So this sword's stronger and sharper than any normal blade, and feels lighter than its actual weight—what did you do with the water element?"

  Finn grinned, and explained proudly, It allows the blade to remold itself to remain ever sharp and, if broken, flow back together into its proper shape. So, do you like it?

  "I love it!" Rose said while the flow of tears from her eyes slowed and stopped. "This is great—it's like the true physical embodiment of our love and our bond, much more suitable than some ring. I bet in the years to come, this will be one of those perfect moments we reminisce about. But I thought you said you weren't skilled enough to imbue more than one element into a single item?"

  He cocked his head. You didn't think I stopped studying magic when I became a dragon, did you? I've been working hard since we decided on this idea, trying to get it perfect for you. What I think this sword needs to be complete, is a name. How about DragonFinn?

  Rose laughed. "I thought this was my sword? I mean, I wouldn't mind naming it after you, but that name you just suggested sounds stupid. Now, let me throw out my idea. How about Thorn?"

  Finn considered it and smiled. Thorn? Hmm... Rose, Iron Flower, Thorn—that's actually pretty good for a first try, if a tad obvious. You want to go with that?

  "Sure, why not? Like you demonstrated, it fits, and I can always change it if I think of a better one—it's not like it's a person. So what are you going to do now, being still stuck in dragon form?"

  His voice melancholy again, he replied, Keep searching for a way to change back, I suppose. I'm so sorry to put you through this, but... will you help me, Rose?

  She threw her arms around his neck, and embraced him passionately in spite of the great disappointment she felt. "Of course I will, as much as I can. You're my one true love; how could I ever give up on you? No matter how much you make me mad, you know I'll still come back to you and find comfort in your arms, or claws. I love you so much, I'd gladly die for you, and then fight my way through all the forces of hell to return to your side. A lifetime of violence and danger together with you, is better than one of peace and security without you. When I was run through at Coblan and fell off the roof, it was you I thought of all the way down. It doesn't matter if you might've destroyed my reputation, or that we've fled one another's presence before for whatever reason. All people have moments of weakness, but I know deep down, your love for me has always been every bit the equal of mine for you, and that's more than I can ask for."

  The dragon rubbed his neck softly against her. It's good to hear that. I love you, and just like you, I gladly forgive all your faults. Who else would I turn to, being a dragon and all? You're the woman who always saves me, no matter how much it hurts you—truly, my Knight Protector in shining armor. I doubt I'll ever repay my debt, but I'll stand by you forever no matter what we must face.

  "You've repaid it a thousand times over with your love, Finn. Now, are we going to get out of here or not?"

  I can barely move.

  She scowled, and demanded, "Do you think you feel worse than I do when I get all shredded for your sake? If not, man up and get your draconic tail moving!"

  I'm not as strong as you.

  Putting her hand over her heart, Rose sighed. "You know my strength comes mostly from in here, right? So you having a heart gods know how many times bigger than mine, should at least be able to draw as much strength from there as I can from my little one. How can you of all people, when you used to be so boastful, admit now to being weak? Disprove your hasty words, and make your wife proud!"

  The exhausted dragon remembered his pride, and sucking in a deep breath drew himself clumsily to his feet. As she watched with approval, he slowly began the journey out of the cave. Damn, this feels awful. Where do you want me to go?

  She shrugged. "I don't know, I'm not an expert on where there are suitabl
e caves for you. Anyplace but here, I guess. I'd prefer you be someplace few people go, so that you won't be such a big target."

  But then I'll be all lonely again.

  "It's how it must be," Rose replied sadly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to come visit once in a while, no matter how far away you are. After all, we still have to keep trying to cure you. Say, how about finding a nice cave in the Trakron mountains? They're not too far, even though nobody goes there due to all the monsters around. I'm sure a big dragon like you will do fine, and I've got no problem with going there at all—you know me. Besides, rumor has it there are ancient treasures hidden in that mountain range, which could help you. So what do you think, or do you have a better idea?"

  Sounds good to me. What about you? Will you be okay with the law on your back?

  She tensed up for a moment with fear, but then, remembering all she'd done, smiled. "Let's see, I've saved the kingdom a good five times in three years, conservatively speaking; helped bring magic back into the modern world; and am the Knight Protector of Kayland, for all that means. My word ought to hold some weight. If not, there's always running away. I'm pretty good at that, too!"

  Yeah, you'll be fine. Can probably afford good lawyers, too.

  "It'll be stressful, I'm sure. But then, if nothing else happens, it'll practically be a vacation compared to all I've gone through recently!"

  As if feeling guilty knowing how much of her pain had been caused by his transformation and their separation, Finn offered, When you're ready, finding a cure for me can wait. I'll take you on a real vacation, wherever you want, first!

  "We should all go," Rose happily agreed. "Me, you, Derrick, and Julie. It'll be fantastic, I'm sure. Can you fly now?"

  With seemingly much greater energy than before, he answered, For you? Of course!

  "Then what are we waiting for?" Encouraged by his love, the dragon took flight, though weakly and unevenly, and flew to the Trakron mountain range right by the northern border of Kayland.

  A few hours into their search, Rose held on tight as her husband suddenly dipped sharply in his flight, and righted himself only after a difficult struggle. She remarked with concern, "Finn, you look really tired. Maybe you should be less picky about which cave to use? You've already rejected three that fit you, and those aren't too common!"

  Those caves were bad. They were too easily accessible to anyone traveling through the mountains.

  She supposed he could be right. "Let's try this one," Rose suggested while they flew over a large opening in the side of a steep mountain, hundreds of feet off the ground. "Nobody's coming up there after you unless you do something terrible, I'd think."

  What about you?

  "I'll scream for you to come down and get me. If you don't hear me, then I'll just climb up. It's good exercise, after all."

  Okay, let's check it out, he agreed, and flew into the huge hole.

  "Seems pretty big," Rose happily observed. "Let's see what else is in here." They walked deeper into the cavern, and though there were a number of twists and turns, eventually came to a large chamber similar to the one Finn had used near Gustrone. "I guess you won't be able to hear me from here. But climbing isn't too bad. This acceptable for you?"

  I still don't like the idea of you having to climb all the way up, but the cave itself is nice. You sure you'll be okay with this?

  "If you're so worried about me climbing, I could always wait outside for you, and you can come out every day and see if I'm here. But then, I'd only waste time waiting around like that if I didn't feel like just climbing that day."

  Finn nodded. All right. This will do, then. Bye, I love you!

  "I'm not leaving yet! I'm going to stay here and make sure you're okay until you get your strength back." She added with a grin, "Then you can fly me back to Gustrone. It's a pretty long walk from here for a little human like me."

  What a crafty one you are, Finn said with admiration, and they proceeded to enjoy the next few days—relaxing and killing monsters for food—very much indeed.


  The dragon finally dropped Rose off by Gustrone, and she smiled as she waved him goodbye, the troubles she'd left here nearly forgotten. Returning to town, she was greeted by cheers and congratulations for her victories at the tournament, and returned with a light heart to the Center for Magical Study.

  There she found Justin waiting for her, intending to take her before Crown Prince Lawrence to explain her actions. "Where has your dragon friend gone? Have you been helping it find refuge from justice all these days you were gone?"

  "He can go wherever he pleases, and doesn't need my help to find shelter. He can fly, remember?"

  Justin frowned. "In that case, you've just been enjoying the beast's company. That's so much better how?"

  Angered, Rose replied, "He's a good creature, who you attacked without provocation. Can't you just let this go?" She decided in her irritation to try her hand at being harsh. "You're not going to get anything out of bringing me before the royal court, you know. As much as I normally scoff at the unfairness of politics, I'm pretty sure when all's said and done, I'll get away with a slap on the wrist being who I am. Let's not put both of us through unneeded stress, okay? If you think I'm wrong and you're right, that's fine, but don't try to strive for something that won't happen. You'll only be disappointed."

  "Such discouraging words—trying to shake the fight out of me before the fight's even begun?" Justin spat. "Some way for a national hero to deal with her problems."

  She felt hurt by this, and argued softly, "I'm just being practical. Wasting time we could use doing better things won't help anyone, so even if I have to be a little unfair to prevent it, that's what I'll do. As much as it hurts to admit it, I've killed thousands of men, and sadly, many as righteous as you. So what's abusing my reputation a little to me? I'll give you my argument one more time, and I hope you listen carefully. A dragon is as much a thinking being as a man, and in fact was a man, but would not be treated like such by the courts of today. So I understand your desire for the dragon to submit itself before human law, but you have to understand it would not get fair treatment.

  "You'd have me punished, almost in its place, because you can't admit that truth? I'm sorry, a saint might stand for such treatment, but I won't. Rest assured, if you try to harm me with ignorant accusations, I won't hesitate to protect myself in whatever way I can. Your voice isn't so strong in the grand scheme of things. I know the weight my words hold now, and I'll value them like I do my strong arm."

  Hearing the resolve in her voice, Justin bowed his head, and Rose smiled inwardly. She wasn't even sure how much she had been bluffing, but knew she'd staved off his attack at least for the time being. His words confirmed it. "It's a sad thing that in our world, justice has little bearing on the actions of the powerful and selfish. You may win this time, but I hope someday you'll get your due." With those words, he left.

  "Your due?" Julie said as she came to walk with Rose. "Your due is happiness and bliss. Don't listen to the cruel words that man sprouts. You're a wiser person than he, and if he can't see the truth of your words, it's his loss."

  Rose smiled gratefully. "Actually, I understand how he feels. To him, I must seem the same as a corrupt noble, abusing my power to get away with wrong. I'd probably feel the same way if I were in his place. Still, you can't please everybody. We've got to stand by our convictions, and I respect Justin for standing by his. It's just a good thing the one who's right has more power, this time. But that's over with now. What I want to know is, did you talk to Derrick about your plans yet?"

  "No, I was scared," Julie replied sheepishly.

  "Let's go now, then. You'll have me with you for encouragement, right?"

  They found the scholar in his room, reading vigorously despite his broken arm still resting in a sling. "Hey Rose, I think I found a nice place for your next adventure!"

  "Yeah, about that, we need to talk."

  "About what?"

nodded at her student, but Julie seemed afraid to state her intentions. Finally, Rose said it for her. "Julie wants to accompany me on an adventure. I know it's not your favorite idea, but I won't take her anywhere that seems too dangerous. So?"

  Fear emerged in Derrick's eyes, and it seemed like he would try to keep her from going. But when he looked to Julie, he said reluctantly, "Fine, go with Rose if you want. I'd say you're not suited to her lifestyle, but when I first met her and Finn, they said the same about me. Looking at me now, I'm still alive, and a much better person for having walked alongside my friends. So I'm not going to try and stop you from seeing if this is your calling. Just be careful, okay? I'd love to come along and help Rose take care of you, but I don't know who I'd delegate running this center to. So I'll wish you good luck, and pray for your safety every day when you're away."

  At that, Rose grinned. "Do you pray for my safety when I'm away?"

  Derrick flushed. "I never thought of you as needing my prayers. I always assumed you could take care of yourself, and that you'd be alright."

  "I'd say I appreciate your confidence in me, except if you had prayed a bit, maybe I wouldn't haven gotten hurt so much. I mean, I don't know how much that stuff actually works, but knowing kind words are being said for you is always nice."

  "Okay, I'll remember to devote some prayer to you too."

  She hugged him and gave his cheek a kiss. "That's a comforting thought. So, where is this new place I should go?" She looked forward to returning, in spite of all the disappointment and hardship she had faced, to the exciting life of adventure she'd enjoyed in the seemingly distant past. What was more, it had a clear purpose again, to free her husband from his prison of a body. She knew now, with her friends by her side and her courage strong in her heart, things would be all right.

  Derrick began to reply, but just then a heavy impact rocked the tower. The friends ran into the next room to see huge claws, big as the largest greatswords, tear through the stone walls to snatch handfuls of staff and bear them into the huge maw awaiting them outside. Though it had changed dramatically again, now covered in armor of huge scales over which its old coat of wire-like hair still hung and sporting a pair of enormous wings, Rose could recognize the beast on sight. The Spelldrinker, larger than it'd ever been, well over thirty feet tall and continuing to grow with its latest meals.


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