Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Legend of the Iron Flower Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 95

by Billy Wong


  "So you're saying you had a damn ship named after you?" Finn demanded as they walked together.

  "Yep, the Iron Flower, so named after I saved it from a sea serpent. Beats your wagon, huh?"

  "Doesn't count. Too much of a bias towards naming ships after women. And everything else too, for that matter."

  She scoffed. "And stuff you name after yourself counts?"

  They reached their room, and instead of answering Finn said at the door, "I bet you're not strong enough to throw me on the bed from here."

  "It's not really that far. What's the ante?"

  "I win, I get to be on top."

  She nodded, lifted him, and with a grunt and powerful twist of her hips threw him onto the wide bed. A loud creaking filled the air. "That never happened before."

  Frowning at having lost the bet, Finn remarked, "Looks like you're still inhumanly strong. But these beds aren't too durable, are they?"

  "Maybe if you lost some weight..." She threw herself on top of him and heard the same creaking repeat itself. "Don't say anything," she warned.

  "You are pretty damn big," he said anyway. "Big enough for me."

  She chuckled, and began to slowly, seductively remove her shirt. She had just finished to Finn's delight when they heard a knock on the door. "It's me, Derrick!"

  Finn grudgingly called him in while Rose replaced her shirt. She was surprised to see how happy her friend looked. "What happened? Good news?"

  "Paul Lep's dead. He attacked me outside, and I killed him."

  Rose could guess what it meant symbolically to him, but wouldn't have thought him capable of standing up to a monster like what Paul had become. "How'd you do it?"

  Derrick smiled. "You remember Joghra's pain-poison? I put a dose of it on the crossbow I carry, and managed to shoot him with it. When he was down, I used my pick—you know, like you taught me to."

  "So the monster took the poison worse than Rose, eh?" Finn asked.

  "Uh, I suppose so."

  She shook her head. "This isn't about me, it's about Derrick. Good job. But I hope you didn't intentionally confront him. You shouldn't take unnecessary risks."

  He shrugged. "I didn't go hunting for him or anything. I even tried to run at first. But he caught me, so it was kill or be killed."

  "Then I'm just glad you made it."

  "He was different from before—more insectlike, and he could spit webbing. Who could have given him that new power?"

  "I'm sure he'd say the Earth Mother," Finn said.

  These monsters tended to say that, but Derrick's research told them it was highly unlikely the real faith of the Mother would encourage such violence. Rose frowned. "I wish we could've kept one of these transformed men alive, and found out from him just what agent of their 'Earth Mother' empowered them."

  "It was kill or be killed," Derrick pointed out defensively.

  "Rose wasn't blaming you. If anything, she's blaming herself for not beating her creature up barehanded and taking him in. Isn't that right?"

  "Yeah, I shouldn't have been so hasty to end him. Guess we'll just have to deal with the next attack when it comes, and hope to get a lead then."

  "In the best case scenario," Finn said, "that might have been the last of them."

  Rose was skeptical of such an optimistic outlook, but Paul could have just undergone a later stage of transformation without an external influence. "Okay, let's not let fear ruin our lives. Thanks for getting rid of that thing for us, Derrick. I wouldn't have liked to be stalked by it myself. Was it scary?"

  "Of course!"

  She hugged him comfortingly, and Finn followed up by wrapping them both in his huge embrace. When they parted from each other's arms, Rose couldn't help but feel every bit as hopeful as she'd tried not to.


  Feeling the mental link between himself and his chosen break, Graham couldn't believe it. Paul Lep, who he'd imbued with powers surpassing those he himself held before becoming the Earth Mother, had been destroyed by Derrick?! He supposed that maybe skill, and not only power, had allowed him to defeat the scholar so easily in his own meeting with Derrick. Of course, he had somehow survived his mortal wound, and now escaped for the second time. Damn his luck! Graham had intended to have his powerful lieutenant ambush and kill each of his enemies in turn, but that plan was clearly ruined. Though he could make a new chosen of one of his human sympathizers, he doubted they would be able to take Rose or Finn, even if they did have better luck with Derrick. The lovers were too strong; they had even killed the archangel, the strongest warrior among all the Earth Mother's children!

  He supposed perhaps he might personally be able to handle them, but also knew himself far too valuable to risk. Only he could create the kingdom of life that was the Earth Mother's will, and going to battle the destroyers himself would be far too irresponsible a gamble. Besides, he was still changing, and it would be wise to explore the full extent of his powers before doing anything rash. Thinking back to his time leading his goddess' army, he remembered how close her children had come to slaying all three of the chief magic-lovers and smiled. He would build up his forces again, and the next time they came to their friends' aid in Resnick, it would be their end.

  Suddenly, doubt touched his mind. Brandon had been, though not exactly a friend, a trusted ally to him once. It had been with reluctance that he had previously driven the Earth Mother's forces against his old ally, and unease at the prospect of slaying the count had kept him from taking the field himself. He wanted so much to stop the destroyers, but Brandon was relatively innocent, having shown no desire to spread the use of magic. Graham didn't really want to kill him.

  But he would if he had to, he knew. He couldn't let meaningless past allegiances keep him from his goals, now that he had the power to reach the lofty heights he'd dreamt of. Besides, he told himself, the count had shown such love for Rose, was it not almost as bad as directly supporting the arcane revival? By helping Rose, he helped magic. Graham still didn't seek his former ally's death, but if one of his children did end up taking Brandon's life—well, it would be nothing more than another casualty of war, and a source of ripe new life for his shaping.


  Finn smiled proudly as Rose finished an eighth bowl of stew, besting him by a hair in the finals of his speed-eating contest. There was no other woman like her in the world, and it overjoyed him to see her so happy again. Indeed, much of their nagging melancholy seemed to have vanished since Derrick killed the monster in the alley, and in doing so put a fair share of his grief behind him. Too, Rose had finally opened up to learning magic in earnest, and spent much of her free time studying healing spells. Having saved Finn's life with magic, she'd realized she wanted the power to save more, though her continued clumsiness with arcane language would be an obstacle to reaching advanced levels. Still, Finn knew that Rose wondered if she could've saved Julie had her views of spellcasting been different then.

  All that aside, he was having a great time at their anniversary party, and especially happy to see his love's appetite had returned in full force, her ugly gut wound no longer impairing her enthusiasm to chow down among their friends. And their friends' friends, and their friends' friends' associates—Finn had not been discriminating in choosing who to invite, being so eager to share their merriment with the world.

  "So how do you like it so far?" he asked Rose as she wiped stew off her mouth and chin.

  "It's fun. Reminds me of our early days, when we'd spend half our time enjoying the tavern life. But I wonder how messy this place will be by the end."

  "Don't worry, it's just the cafeteria. Just relax and enjoy yourself."

  Rose took a big gulp from her wine glass. "I am. Makes me feel young again!"

  Finn looked at her happy scarred face and sighed. If anything, he was the one who was old, nearly a decade her elder. She, on the other hand, was young, sweet, and pure... "You look so beautiful, Rose."

  "Me?!" She chuckled. "Actually, I do feel
kind of pretty today. Must be the new dress you got me, with its long sleeves to cover up my arms and all. How you managed to get it fitted so well without me being there, I'll never know."

  "I checked your armor. But it's not the dress that makes you look good, it's you."

  Rose took his hand and whispered with surprising sadness, "You're so good to me. I wish I could say I deserved it."

  "What do you mean?" he asked, chest tight with dread.

  "I slept with Count Brandon in Resnick," she revealed after a long pause, her whole body tense to match her voice. "That's why he came to visit me afterward, because he thought to do it again. The rumors were all true, Finn. I just couldn't hold it in any longer... I'm so, so sorry! I love you, I never stopped! I-I just... I was weak, and stupid."

  Finn thrust himself to his feet in a rage as he felt his world fall apart. "What?! How could you do such a thing?"

  She cried loudly now, and everyone turned to look at them. He waited, but Rose didn't say another word. His anger rising Finn, who'd felled bulls with his fists, punched her as hard as he could. She didn't even try to dodge, and his huge blow split her lip. Frustrated by her unresponsiveness, he hit her again and again, hard enough to hurt his own knuckles, and finally knocked her off her chair to the floor.

  "Why don't you fight back?" he asked, his confusion only making him more furious. He began to kick her, driving his boot into her undefended face until it dripped with her blood, but stopped himself as he realized why Rose hadn't made any response. It wasn't because, as he'd thought in his anger, she attempted to be defiant or defensive. Rather, she gave no excuse, and would take whatever punishment from him without trying to escape the consequences of her actions. He stopped his assault and crouched by her to look into her swollen eyes, now regretting the cuts and bruises he'd put on her tear-streaked face.

  Pushing away his anger, he said soothingly, "It's okay, Rose. I forgive you."

  She gazed up at him, lips parted incredulously at his words. "Just like that?"

  He found his best self then, and became for that moment the kind of man he would want Jacob to be when he grew up. "There are still things I want to know, but what I'm sure of is that you love me with all your heart, and whatever you did back then doesn't matter now. It's old news. I love you, and always will. I never want to lose you, and would never leave you again."

  "I-I... thank you," Rose gasped. Shock and gratitude filled her wide eyes, and in spite what he'd learned, Finn couldn't help but find her precious in her vulnerable state.

  "Don't worry about it," he told her, and she touched his face.

  Still crying, she said, "You can't forget it this easily, Finn. It's not you."

  He knew she was right, that the less forgiving parts of him would have their say again. "It doesn't matter if I feel angry later, because it can never stop me from loving you. Anyway, let's just pretend you never said anything and enjoy the rest of today."

  They did just that, though many of the guests acted quite awkward after seeing the beating Finn gave Rose. But in the following days, the two felt an undeniable unease between them, and made excuses to avoid each other's company. Finn wondered if they'd ever really get over this. He felt at once sympathetic and furious despite himself towards Rose, whose guilt made her aggravatingly apologetic in their every exchange, eyes anxious whenever she looked at him. This was no way to live. Finn dreaded each new day, hating Brandon for seducing his wife, but also himself for not having been there for her when she needed him the most and thus allowing temptation to befall her.

  Chapter 11

  Though she'd tried to avoid Finn in hopes of allowing his well-deserved ire to fade, Rose had known in her heart they would have to confront their problem sooner or later. Still, she thought it ironic how the issue had been brought back to the forefront as she stood in front of the bed on which Finn sat, dreading his response to her proposal.

  "You want to go and help Brandon again?!" His voice turned stingingly sarcastic. "It must only be because you like helping people, yes?" The count had sent a letter telling of huge monsters similar to the ones which appeared in the last battle for Resnick overrunning his land, and as usual Rose wished to offer her aid. This time, however, her altruism had been viewed rather less favorably by Finn.

  Derrick argued on her behalf. "I really doubt Rose wants to do anything improper. She only turned to him when you weren't there, and you can be with her every step of the way now. What's happening in Resnick does sound pretty bad. Isn't giant monsters everywhere just the kind of thing you handle best? We should all go and let a little adventure help us forget our troubles."

  Rose couldn't help but wonder if Derrick was so enthusiastic about going for the sake of helping Resnick, or to gratify a continued desire for revenge against the group that had killed Julie. Still, she appreciated any support. "If anything, you can give Brandon a piece of your mind. Just please don't kill him—we'll need every strong sword arm we can get, if things are as bad as he says."

  "Fine," Finn said grudgingly. "It's not like he'll be doing anything with me around." He stood, grabbed his gear and walked out to pack.

  "Sorry for making you tell him," Derrick said in a sheepish voice.

  Rose couldn't help being annoyed at the useless apology, but replied, "It's okay, you didn't make me do anything. I chose to tell him."

  "I did grill you about it the night before."

  "You really think I could've held it in much longer even if you hadn't? Like you said, you can't build true happiness around a lie."

  He smiled. "I wish I could have bitter arguments and fights like you."

  "Why?!" she asked, only to realize what he meant a moment later.

  "It would mean I had somebody to argue with. I never even got to that point with Julie, you know."

  Seeing his face sag, Rose thought her current situation seemed not so bad at all compared to his. "Derrick, promise you'll be careful and not act too recklessly, okay? I can't stand the thought of losing you too."

  "Sure. I'll let you and Finn do all the hard work." But she sensed he wasn't being honest and realized she'd have to watch out for him as she had tried to for Julie. She only hoped it would be enough.

  "You want to borrow my bow?"

  Derrick looked at her with exasperation. "You know I can't even draw that thing."

  Rose grinned mischievously. "That was the point. I wanted to remind you-"

  "How weak I am?"

  "No... yes." She wished she had a nicer way to put it. "Derrick, you can't stand up to those things toe to toe. There's no shame in it. Whole squads of soldiers have trouble with monsters that size. You need to stay back and be wise about how you help us out."

  "You don't need to baby me. I've been fighting at your side for what, over three years now."

  Rose nodded, unable to suppress a smile of pride for her friend. For someone without the physical gifts of her or Finn, he'd acquitted himself quite well during their adventures. But she pointed out, "You're angry at these enemies. It'll affect your judgment if you're not careful, and I don't want it to be your downfall."

  "You're plenty angry much of the time you fight."

  She shrugged, unable to deny it. "Yeah, but I still fight smart when I'm mad. Remember what happened with Joghra? You didn't even have a proper grudge against him, yet you charged him just like that and he knocked you right out! What if we hadn't been there to save you? And the Spelldrinker—if I was a less forgiving girl, I would've kicked your butt for that one! I got stabbed for you, remember?"

  He blanched as if remembering like she did the sight of her horrible wounds, blood gushing from holes right through her sturdy trunk and the vital organs within. "Sorry, Rose. You never seemed mad at me over that before."

  She smiled. "I'm not mad—well, maybe a little bit. It hurt. But mostly, I'm just worried. If it was you who'd been impaled..."

  "I would be dead, yes. Okay, I'll stay back."

  "Good. I don't want to have jump into the p
ath of another ballista bolt or set of giant claws again!" She just hoped he would remember his words when the actual fight came.


  The three packed their things and mounted their old horses, no longer having Finn's wings to fly them to their destination. Their first encounter with the new breed of monsters in Resnick came sooner than expected, when they saw two hulking beasts shambling down the road shortly ahead of Brandon's hometown. The creatures resembled loam-black apes upwards of twelve feet tall, with long talons, a cluster of many eyes where there should have been two, and huge bony plates covering most of their bodies. They also carried enormous stone weapons which though crude, could easily destroy a human body with little more than a touch.

  "Different every time, aren't you?" Finn asked the uncomprehending monsters in an annoyed tone. "I'm different now too—but while I may be smaller, I'm still stronger than I look."

  Rose couldn't help a laugh, as that would have sounded so ridiculous not knowing he had been a dragon. "That's saying something coming from you."

  He didn't reply, and turning her thoughts from him Rose dismounted to charge the closer opponent. It lashed out with preternatural speed made more shocking by its size, enormous axe rending the air while it sought her flesh. She ducked and drove her sword deep into her foe's belly between two plates of bony armor, then raised her shield as she saw Finn run towards her clearly looking to combine their efforts. He leapt atop her shield and used it to launch himself up with her aid. His mace burst the monster's eyes, raining disgusting fluids down over her.

  "Nice shot, huh?"

  "Looks like we still make fine partners," she observed as they turned to meet the second creature, which Finn had slowed down with his mace to the knee before joining her. She slashed at it before it could attack, but her sword glanced off bone and she reeled away after taking a blow from its massive club on her shield. It was really strong. Before it could strike again, Finn spun behind it and hit the base of its spine, making it stagger forward. It lost its balance and fell on Rose's sword... along with Rose herself. After lying buried beneath it for a moment, she pushed the mountainous corpse off herself and stood.


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