A Certain Wolfish Charm

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A Certain Wolfish Charm Page 6

by Lydia Dare

  "I'm in no mood to converse with you, Will." He was in no mood to converse with anyone.

  Will leaned back in his chair, studying his older brother. "No, apparently you're simply in the mood to bark at young ladies. Congratulations on that, by the way. Splendid performance. You were perfectly ruthless."

  "I was no such thing," he mumbled.

  "My room is next to Lily's. It's not as if the walls are thicker than parchment in this place."

  Simon closed his eyes, hoping his brother would get tired of pestering him and leave him in peace.

  "You can't honestly want to marry her off," Will said quietly.

  Simon took a deep breath, rose from his seat, and glowered at his interfering brother. "Go pester someone else."

  "You're making a mistake, Simon."

  "It's mine to make then, isn't it?" But he wasn't making a mistake. He was doing the right thing, hard as it was. What did Will want from him? "Now go find someone who actually enjoys your company."


  Simon didn't know what was worse, his intense attraction to Lily Rutledge and his inability to act on it, or having her hate him so much. Her feelings about him emanated from her body in great waves as they rode back to Westfield Hall. The blasted rain continued to pour, so he was unable to ride outside the coach. Not that he would if he could, not when Will was so solidly ensconced in the seat beside her.

  As they'd left the inn, Lily had grabbed hold of Will's arm, talking animatedly with him. She smiled at Will. She laughed with Will. Yet she continued to ignore Simon. It was as though he no longer existed.

  Simon's mood darkened more and more as they rode toward Westfield Hall. Not only did Lily talk to Will, she touched him. She reached out to his brother, pressing her fingers to his arm when she wanted to make a point. The tinkling sound of her laughter was painful to his ears.

  To make it even worse, Will ignored him as well. All of his attention was centered on Lily.

  Go find someone

  who actually enjoys your company

  . He could kick himself for saying those words to his brother. Not once did Will look at him and grin. Or tease him unmercifully. Or take his eyes off Lily's delectable form.

  When Simon finally got Will alone, he would box his ears. He might not even wait to get him alone. He might have to attack him and rip him limb from limb in the coach. He wondered if he would get blood on Lily if he chose to kill his brother in such close quarters. She probably wouldn't enjoy the sight.

  Simon was relieved to find that being around her during the day was getting easier and easier, despite the coming of the full moon. That first day, he'd been ready to take her, even in the broad light of day. But yesterday, when he'd kissed her, he'd been in control of the beast.

  Simon could not have been more relieved when the coach finally stopped. Jenkins opened the door, and Simon stepped out, turning to raise a hand to Miss Rutledge. She ignored it and took the driver's offered hand instead. He fought back a groan of displeasure.

  "Welcome home, Your Grace," Billings said as he stepped through the threshold. Simon didn't even respond as he turned toward his study, anxious to get as far as he could from Lily Rutledge as quickly as possible.


  "Well played there, Lily," Will said quietly to her, as the duke stalked away from them. Lily worried her bottom lip as she watched Blackmoor throw his hat and coat at Billings, who barely caught them before the force of the items nearly knocked him from his feet.

  "I'm sure I don't know what you mean," Lily said sweetly, smiling at Will.

  He used one crooked finger to tip her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. His blue eyes, so unlike the duke's, sparkled with mirth. "You know exactly what I mean," he chuckled. "You would do him a better service if you had him strung between two horses and pulled limb from limb. Poor fellow."

  Lily sighed. That suggestion had merit. It would certainly make her feel better, easing some of the ache around her heart.

  "Careful how you play him, Lily," Will warned quietly, his gaze penetrating hers. "It may not be a game you enjoy."

  "What am I going to do, Will?" she asked. "I can't just let him take my life from me without even asking my opinion or giving me a choice in the matter. He wants to

  marry me off

  , for heaven's sake!" She nearly shrieked the last but quieted her voice when Will glanced toward the duke's study.

  "Lily, there are some things you don't understand," Will sighed.

  "Then explain them to me! Please!


  don't understand. I…" She stopped when he took her shoulders in his hands.

  "The next card is Simon's to play, dear. You laid down the first card. Now it's time to see if he picks it up." He flicked her nose before passing his hat to the butler.

  "Billings, can you be sure Miss Rutledge is comfortable, while we wait for the Earl of Maberley to arrive?"

  "Yes, my lord." Billings simply nodded.

  "I'll leave you to it, then. There's some whisky in Simon's study that needs to be tested. For quality, you know," he added. Then he winked at her and walked away.


  Simon was already absorbed in the ledgers Billings had left for him to check. He needed something to focus on besides the pain in his chest, to keep him from foolishly searching out Lily and begging for forgiveness.

  He dropped his head into his hands, wondering how in the world he was going to handle his present situation.

  "You won't find redemption for your latest sins in that book, Simon." Will broke him from his reverie.

  Without speaking or even looking up, Simon tossed the open ledger at Will's head. His aim was deadly, but the man was agile and fast enough to duck before it could strike him.

  Undaunted, Will poured himself a glass of Simon's best whisky from a sideboard and took the chair across from him. He dangled one leg over the arm of the chair in a supremely relaxed male pose.

  "So, what are you planning?" Will asked congenially. "And how long will you torture yourself before you give in and take Lily to bed? The full moon is nearly upon us, yet you have her secured here at Westfield Hall, right in the path of danger."



  !" Simon roared, standing up so fast that his chair toppled over behind him. He pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes, hoping to push back some of the confusion that wracked his brain.

  Will took a deep breath. "You know, Simon," he said calmly. "Our parents had a wonderful relationship." He let that thought trail off.

  Simon raised his head and glared at his brother. Will simply shrugged. "You know it's true. Father was one of us. He faced the same beast we face every day, and Mother loved him."


  can't know

  !" Simon groaned. "She simply can't."

  "Why not?" Will asked, as though he'd asked what was for dinner. But, to Simon, he might as well have been pondering the makings of the universe.

  "You saw the way her sister was with Daniel. She married him, and then she became a fearful little waif. She was scared of her own shadow."

  "Daniel never had anyone to teach him to be a man," Will said quietly. "You are a very different person than he was."

  "I am the same

  type of person

  he was, Will. You seem to have forgotten. All it took was one full moon. He shared himself with her on one full moon, and she would never let him come near her again, not in that way. I wouldn't be able to stand it, to see Lily hurt the way Emma was." And he couldn't. It would kill him for Lily to fear him or, worse, to pity him.

  "Tell her, Simon. And let her make the choice," Will said before he extricated himself from his slouch in the chair and started for the door.

  Simon flung his inkwell at Will, and it crashed against the now closed door, splattering black liquid all over. He had to fight the urge to give chase and throttle the man when he heard Will's laughter from the hallway.


; Lily sighed, running her fingers along the book spines in the Westfield library. With the weather simply horrid, she hadn't left the manor house, though she desperately wanted to do so. She felt trapped and dismissed all at once.

  How could she possibly get Blackmoor to change his mind about Oliver? She didn't think begging would work. She wished she had something to barter or wager. The duke did a fair amount of gambling, after all. But she had nothing even to tempt him with. Even if she had something of value, she didn't know the first thing about gambling.

  "Ah, there you are," Will's voice came from the doorway. "Looking for a good book?"

  Lily turned around and graced him with a smile. "I'd much rather be out of doors, but in this weather…"

  He strode further into the room. "How are you holding up?" he asked quietly.

  Lily wished Lord William had been made Oliver's guardian. He'd be so much easier to work with. Blast Daniel for leaving the boy to that obstinate ox instead! She shook her head. "What is the easiest card game to cheat at?"

  His blue eyes widened, and his mouth fell open. "Cheat?" he echoed.

  Lily shrugged. "I need to find some way to keep Oliver. I thought a game of chance…"

  "Where you held all the cards, so to speak?" he chuckled. "Simon will definitely have his hands full with you."

  "Have you a better idea?"

  A feminine giggle from somewhere close caught Will's attention, and he winced, his usual smile faded away. His reaction immediately piqued Lily's interest. "What's wrong?"

  "Not what. Who," he grumbled.

  With a world-weary sigh, he turned back toward the door and looked down the hallway, like a child checking for an escape route. Lily couldn't help but laugh. "Who then?"

  "A neighbor." A second later, he groaned. "It's too late. We could hide, but she'd still find us."

  Lily couldn't imagine Lord William Westfield hiding from anyone. She brushed past him and peeked around the corner of the door. The most beautiful woman Lily had ever seen was just a few feet away. Ebony hair, knotted at the base of her neck, draped over one shoulder. Violet eyes twinkled beneath a pair of slender brows. An expensive day dress peeked out from beneath a long coat.

  The striking woman smiled. "You must be Miss Rutledge. Please tell me William is cowering behind a bookcase."

  Lily choked on a laugh. Her guess was fairly close to accurate.

  Will stepped into the hallway, glowering. "My dear Prisca, you do suffer such delusions of grandeur."

  The beautiful woman's eyes narrowed to little violet slits. Then she stepped forward, focusing on Lily. "Uncivilized beast. Since his lordship is either incapable or unwilling to introduce us, allow me, Miss Rutledge. Prisca Hawthorne of Langley Downs."

  She unbuttoned her coat and then thrust it in Will's hands.

  "Oh, do let me take your coat," he said mordantly.

  Lily smiled. "A pleasure, Miss Hawthorne."

  "Ah, Prisca, please. I insist."

  "Prisca, then." She gestured to the library behind them, "Would you care for tea?"

  Prisca arched one perfect brow and pierced Will with a haughty stare. "Pretty


  polite. I can't imagine why she would waste her time with you, William."

  Will looked past Prisca, down the hallway. "Where


  Emory? Tell me he didn't turn you loose on Westfield property. I'll have to end our friendship."

  "Oh, please do," Prisca countered. "My brother would do well to end his association with you." Then she linked her arm with Lily's. "Tea does sound delightful, thank you very much, Miss Rutledge."

  "Lily," she offered quietly, slightly surprised by the whole interaction.

  As they stepped into the library, Will followed. "Tell me, Miss Hawthorne, do you sharpen your tongue at night, on the off chance you'll get to use it on me?"

  Prisca laughed, a sweet melodic sound that filled the room. "And


  am the one who suffers delusions of grandeur? On the contrary, William, I hardly ever think of you. I heard a rumor in the village that one of Blackmoor's prodigal brothers had returned. I'd so hoped it was Benjamin."

  Will stopped dead in his tracks, a frown marring his handsome face.

  Prisca smiled beatifically at him, and Lily was certain she'd never met a more stunning woman. "Emory is visiting His Grace, if you're of a mind to find him."

  Will glared at her and then bowed to Lily. "We'll finish our discussion later."

  After he left, a genuine smile lit up Prisca's face. "Please tell me you haven't lacked for female companionship for too long. If I'd known Blackmoor had guests, I'd have come much earlier. I can't imagine they have much to entertain you with, if you've had to resort to speaking with William."

  Lily shook her head. "Actually, Lord William has been quite gracious. Do you truly dislike him?" It was hard to imagine anyone could do so. She would have been completely lost without him.

  Prisca furrowed her brow. "I much prefer Blackmoor, if truth be told. At least one knows where one stands with the duke."

  A stab of jealousy pierced Lily's heart. No matter that she was furious with Simon Westfield, that she'd envisioned strangling him more than once that very day—she could never forget how it felt to have him touch her, kiss her, make her lose all thought and reason. Lily was certain she would appear terribly drab next to such an exquisite creature as Prisca Hawthorne.

  "Are you all right?" Prisca asked, alarm in her voice.

  "Yes, of course," Lily lied. Something was wrong with her nephew. She'd kissed his guardian, who threatened to take Oliver from her. Her life had been completely turned upside down on every level. "I am surprised you prefer His Grace. He seems quite unapproachable."

  Prisca smiled. "You just have to know how to deal with men. God punished me with five brothers, but having them has trained me well. Do you have brothers, Lily?"

  "I lost my only sister six years ago."

  Prisca's smile faded. "Lady Maberley. I met her once. You've been caring for the young earl, I understand."

  Lily nodded, willing herself not to cry.

  "How long will you be visiting?"

  Until Blackmoor threw her out of the house or forced her into a marriage she didn't want. With those thoughts, Lily lost the battle with her tears, and they spilled down her cheeks.

  "There, there." Prisca said, offering her handkerchief. "It can't be all that bad."

  "It's awful," Lily sobbed. Prisca hugged her tightly. "I don't even know you, and look at me… I'm crying all over you. I'm terribly sorry." She dabbed at her eyes.

  "Nonsense! Whatever it is, you should get it all out."

  Lily sniffed back her tears. "You're very kind."

  "Don't let William hear you say that. I've got a reputation to protect."

  Lily laughed.

  "What I was going to ask, Lily, was whether you'd be here at the end of the week. Friday, there's a ball at the assembly room. Nothing large. Not by Town standards, for sure. But it is delightfully fun. And if you've been cooped up here with the brothers Westfield, I'm certain you'll need an escape."

  A ball? Lily couldn't remember the last time she went to a ball. Years, at the very least. She shook her head. "Oh, I think not. I wouldn't have a thing to wear."

  Prisca's eyes lit up. "Is that all?"

  Lily sighed. "Truly, I wasn't planning on staying long at all. I certainly didn't bring anything appropriate for a ball, small or otherwise."

  Prisca clapped her hands together. "Perfect. I've been looking for a project. And I love to sew. I've got a magnificent green silk. I think it would perfectly bring out your eyes. Please say you'll stay and let me make you a magnificent dress."

  "Oh, I don't know." She had so many worries. A ball seemed so frivolous compared to them all.

  Prisca's violet eyes twinkled. "No, Lily, you must come. If you agree, then that scoundrel William Westfield will have to escort you, and there's nothing

/>   hates more than a small country ball."

  "Oh, I could never," Lily began. She didn't want to make Will angry. He was her one hope at getting Blackmoor to change his mind about Oliver.

  "Go ahead and agree, Lily," Will said from the doorway. "She'll never let up until you do." Then he focused his eyes on Prisca. "Do save me a waltz, Prissy."


  Simon gaped at his brother. What had the fool been thinking? "Absolutely not! No balls."

  "Sorry, Simon. I already agreed." Will examined his fingernails as he leaned against the wall. "That pest Prisca Hawthorne goaded me into it."


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