A Menage to Celebrate

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A Menage to Celebrate Page 3

by Marla Monroe

  Groaning, she sat on the couch to wait for them to arrive. She had just rested her head against the back cushion, which was a bad idea, when the sound of their truck in the drive reached her ears. She sighed and stood. She didn’t bother to wait on them to knock on the door. Instead, she walked outside and locked the door, meeting them halfway up the walk.

  “Eager to get started?” Mitch asked with a wide grin.

  “Trying to keep moving so that I don’t fall asleep,” she admitted instead.

  David chuckled. “Honest answer.”

  “You’ll be fine once we start walking. Fresh air will have you awake in no time,” Mitch promised her.

  “I hope you’re right. I’d hate to fall asleep while walking and walk off a cliff or something stupid like that,” she said.

  “Don’t worry. One of us will be walking behind you to be sure you don’t do that,” David said.

  “Is that the reason or is it to watch my ass twitch?” she asked with a smirk on her face.

  Mitch grinned. “A little of both maybe.”

  “Honest answer.”

  They all laughed. Adonna was already having fun. They made her laugh more than anyone had in years. It was odd spending time with two men instead of just one, but it felt right. They were two sides of a coin. Where Mitch was loud, outgoing, and a little wild, David was quiet, introspective, and thoughtful. Where she could count on Mitch to make her smile and laugh, she could count on David to think of her feelings and make sure she was okay. Together, they were the perfect man.

  Danger, danger. I can’t start thinking about them being the perfect man. There are two of them and you can’t marry two of them. One without the other of them isn’t that perfect man.

  She sighed. She’d probably have to remind herself of that a lot if she continued seeing them for any length of time.

  “Here we are,” David said, parking in a turnaround off to one side of the road.

  “Hop down, darling,” Mitch said.

  Adonna got down from the truck and began stretching as the two guys pulled on light packs containing the blanket and their lunches. She had offered on the ride over to carry something, but they said they had it divided up already.

  Mitch led the way over to where a huge pine tree had a sign with an arrow pointing toward where a primitive trail was marked. They started down the trail in single file. After the first thirty minutes, Adonna could tell she was definitely out of practice and out of shape. Her legs were aching, and her lungs were burning. She refused to ask for a break yet, though. She’d ask in another thirty minutes. By that time, she was shaking she was so tired.

  “Hey guys, I need a break. I’m sorry, but I’m a little out of practice.”

  “No problem,” Mitch, said.

  “You’re shaking. You should have stopped us before now. Sit on that rock over there,” David said, pointing to a rock off to one side of the path.

  Thankful, Adonna collapsed on the rock and stretched out to give her lungs room to expand and gather much needed oxygen. Her legs ached and cramped. She shook them out as she slowly breathed through the burning in her lungs.

  “Next time you need to stop, tell us sooner, Adonna,” David said. “If you’d have collapsed, you’d have scared us to death.”

  “I will. I didn’t realize how bad it was until we stopped,” she said, only half lying.

  “If you can breathe now, you need to get up and walk off the shakiness in your legs, or they’ll get stiff and cramp up on you,” Mitch said.

  Adonna stood and groaned. He was right. They were already trying to stiffen up on her. She walked back and forth on the path until they felt limber again. Then she sat back down and took a swig of water.

  “Ready to go again?” David asked.

  “Ready,” she said.

  They set out once more, trekking a steady path up the mountain to where they finally stopped for lunch. They spread out the blanket between three large rocks that overlooked a meadow below.

  “This is beautiful. Look, there are deer down there,” she said, pointing them out.

  David smiled. “Sure are. I think we’ve seen deer there before, haven’t we, Mitch?”

  “Yeah, it’s a favorite place of theirs I think.” Mitch started setting out bowls of food and paper plates.

  “What did you bring to eat?” Adonna asked.

  “Baked beans, fried chicken, coleslaw, and potato salad. All compliments of the deli on Fifth Street,” Mitch said.

  “Sounds yummy.” Adonna filled her plate alongside the men.

  They ate in silence as she watched the deer move around the meadow below. She loved seeing them as they grazed, and seemed oblivious to them sitting above them like they were. She couldn’t help but wonder if a predator ever hunted them from that perch or not. What about hunters? “Do hunters use this spot to hunt deer?” she asked.

  “It’s no hunting on the mountain. We strictly prohibit it,” David said.

  “That’s good. I’d hate to know that the deer had anything to worry about.

  “Other than natural enemies like wolves or wild cats, they’re safe. If they overpopulate, we’ll hold a private hunt, but not from up here,” Mitch said.

  “What happens if they overpopulate?” she asked.

  “Disease will set in and could wipe out the entire population. So, we keep a watch, and if they grow too large for the area, we let a few of the hunters on the mountain kill a certain number of deer,” David said.

  “I love it up here. So where is your place?” she asked.

  “We’re about this high up but on the other side of the mountain,” Mitch said. “We’ll take you by there on the way back.”

  “Ready for a nap?” David asked.

  “Did you set your watch?” she asked, only half teasing.

  “Set for two hours,” he said.

  “I could really use one.”

  “Go ahead, sweetness. Take a nap,” he said.

  Adonna smiled and lay back on the blanket and closed her eyes. She was full, tired, and sleepy. All three things had her dozing off in mere seconds. After what only seemed like a few minutes, David was gently shaking her awake.

  “Hey, sweetness. Time to wake up, sleepyhead. We need to get back down the trail before it gets dark.”

  “What?” she asked, rubbing her hands over her eyes. “What time is it?”

  “It’s three-thirty,” Mitch said.

  “I thought you set your alarm,” she said with a squeak as she climbed to her feet.

  “Easy there,” David said. “We’ve been up. We just let you sleep as long as we could. Everything’s packed and waiting on you, love.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, I’m ready.” Adonna ran her hand over her face and realized her ponytail was leaking hair everywhere. She pulled out the holder and swept her hair back into line and reapplied the holder once more.

  “Walk around a little first to get your legs steady, then we’ll head back down,” Mitch said as he folded up the blanket and fastened it in his pack.

  Adonna took his advice and walked around the clearing until her legs no longer felt weak and shaky. She nodded at them and the three of them set off once more. She’d had a great time on the hike, if she didn’t count the fact that she’d waited too long to ask for a rest break the first time. She wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  After about forty-five minutes, she asked for one and they quickly complied. She rested for about ten minutes and they were off again. Once they made it back to the turnaround, she was tingling all over. It had really gotten her blood moving. She hoped they’d want to do that again someday soon. She loved hiking. Had gone quite a bit when she’d been able to, but hiking wasn’t something that needed to be done alone. It was dangerous alone.

  They loaded up in the truck, then they drove her over to where they lived. When they pulled up to the house, she couldn’t help that her mouth dropped open in amazement. The house was massive and in three levels.

  “It’s amazing,”
she finally got out.

  “Want to come in and look around?” Mitch asked.

  “Really? I’d love to.”

  David parked the truck and they climbed out. Mitch unlocked the front door and held it open for her to precede him inside. The entrance hall opened up into a den area, with an open floor plan leading into a large kitchen with black appliances and black marble countertops. Stairs led both up and down. She chose the ones down to an area that was obviously for entertainment where there was a pool table, various games, and French doors that led out on a deck overlooking the mountainside with a large hot tub on the deck.

  When she walked back upstairs, then onto the third story, she found there were four bedrooms with three baths. The master bedroom was large, but the best part of it was the master bathroom with its large soaker tub, and even larger walk-in shower with a bench seat at the back and multiple showerheads. She was in love already.

  “You guys have an amazing house. I can easily see why you moved here. The mountain views are worth it alone, but this house is amazing. Did you have it built or was it already here when you bought?” she asked.

  “It was here, but we did some work on it. Updated the kitchen and the master suite. Put in a half bath downstairs. It already had one on the bottom level but not on the second level,” David said.

  “Well, you’ve got an amazing place. Thanks for letting me see it,” Adonna said.

  “We better get you back home so you can get some rest for work tomorrow,” Mitch said. “I promised you we wouldn’t keep you out past six and we’ve pretty much broken that promise already.”

  “I’m okay with that. I got to see your place. It was worth it,” she said.

  “Glad you like it,” David said.

  They drove her home, and when she would have walked inside after saying good-bye, they surprised her by pulling her into their arms one at a time and kissing her. Mitch’s mouth pressed insistently against hers until she opened, and he slid his tongue inside to do a quick sweep, then pulled back with a smile that had his eyes twinkling.

  David brushed a light kiss across her lips, then nipped her lower lip and kissed it before kissing her forehead and turning her around to go inside. “Lock up, sweetness. We’ll see you again soon,” he said.

  Adonna sure hoped so.

  Chapter Four

  Wednesday evening, Adonna’s phone beeped as she sat behind the counter at work. She glanced at it and saw that she had a text. Frowning, she checked it and smiled. It was from Mitch. She pulled it up and couldn’t prevent herself from chuckling out loud.

  Mitch. How many perverts do you have wandering the aisles right now?

  Adonna. One. He’s been in here for about an hour.

  Mitch. He a frequent flyer?

  Adonna. How did you know?

  Mitch. Probably the only way he gets his thrills.

  Adonna. You’re bad. What are you doing besides harassing me?

  Mitch. Watching TV. Boring. David has a documentary on about aliens.

  Adonna. It must be his turn to have possession of the remote.

  Mitch. How did you know?

  Adonna. Only way you guys could exist in the same house with one remote and not kill each other.

  Mitch. Smart ass.

  Adonna. Got to go. Looks like my one customer has finally made up his mind on what he wants. TTYL.

  Mitch. Stay safe, babe.

  Adonna smiled at the phone then put it aside as her customer brought a magazine and DVD to the counter. She quickly rang him up and slid his purchases into a bag as he paid. After he paid, she was left completely alone in the store. She used the time to straighten the shelves and replace items that had been moved. Around midnight, several truckers pulled into the parking lot and she was busy for another hour before closing time.

  By the time she locked up, she was exhausted. It wasn’t like she’d done anything, but doing nothing could be exhausting all on its own. She desperately wanted to open her shop in town and get out of the smut business. It served a purpose, but she didn’t want to be the one doing the serving. It just wasn’t her cup of tea.

  She didn’t normally drop off the deposit on Wednesday nights, but it was fairly large this time, so she stopped by the bank and dropped it in the outside deposit box before driving home. She didn’t like the idea of having that much money in the house with her. Business had been good over the last few days. One thing about this business. Most people paid cash for their dirty little secrets. They didn’t want their spouses to know what they were buying while they were on the road.

  Adonna showered then slid between the covers to fall asleep almost instantly. The dream started with her swimming in a warm pool of water in the middle of the meadow with deer frolicking around her. She giggled at their antics as she floated there. Then Mitch and David were there with her, splashing her and pulling her into their arms for fleeting kisses. She laughed and splashed them back as the three of them floated closer and closer to the shoreline. Finally, the three of them climbed out completely nude, but she wasn’t the least bit embarrassed about it.

  They collapsed, laughing on a blanket spread out near the water and instantly began kissing and cuddling together. She didn’t feel it was the least bit unusual for her to be kissing and touching both men at the same time. Their hands were caressing her at the same time, and she reveled in it as they aroused her together. Then she was lying back, kissing David as Mitch kissed his way down her neck to her breast, and farther down her abdomen to her belly and below. When he lay between her legs and pushed them wide so he could fit his broad shoulders between her legs, she knew a moment of unease, but it was quickly replaced by arousal when he licked her pussy with his warm, wet tongue.

  David nipped her lower lip before moving down to her chin where he nibbled his way down her jawline to her neck and down to her shoulder. He soon found his way to her breast, where he teased and tugged at her nipples as his hands squeezed and pulled on her breasts while Mitch did dirty things to her pussy with his mouth.

  Adonna moaned when Mitch found her clit with his tongue. He licked across it with the flat of his tongue, then sucked on it before moving on to lick up and down her slit before sucking on her pussy lips. She tried to move her hips around to get him back on her clit, but he just held her down with one hand on her pelvis so that she couldn’t move. She groaned, but he only chuckled against her, making her pussy tingle.

  “Easy, babe. I’ll take care of you. Just let me enjoy myself first,” he said.

  “I need you,” she said.

  “In time. In time,” he said.

  Adonna squirmed beneath him as he continued to torment her. His mouth sucking and nipping at her juicy bits before his fingers finally began entering her cunt to tease her there. Adonna began to buck in earnest so that he wasn’t able to hold her down anymore. He chuckled against her pussy, sending her higher and higher so that she was sure she’d shatter when she finally went off. God, she needed to come.

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  He only laughed. Then David was pulling hard on her nipple with his mouth and twisting the other one with his fingers, and she grabbed his hair with one hand to hold him to her breast while trying in vain to grab at Mitch’s head. Damn him for having a nearly bald head. She couldn’t pull at his hair.

  It made him laugh as she scratched at his scalp. Finally, he licked up her slit and latched onto her clit and sucked hard while he thrust two fingers in and out of her cunt. David nipped her nipple and stars exploded behind Adonna’s eyes as she came hard and long. She was sure she screamed, but in the dream, she couldn’t tell. Everything exploded into wild colors and she came awake with a start to find her hand between her legs, wet and sticky.

  She was panting and there were tears in her eyes. What in the world? She was dreaming about two men having sex with her. Well, not actual intercourse, but still it was sex. What was going on with her? She couldn’t date both men. It wasn’t natural. Yeah, she’d heard about the men
on the mountain having one woman between two of them, but it couldn’t last, could it?

  She shook her head. She’d read the books she carried at the store and saw the appeal, but it was illegal for a reason. Men tended to be jealous and would eventually resent the other man in a relationship. It was already hard to keep a marriage together these days. Why add a second reason to split up to the mix?

  She shook her head and got up. It was only another thirty minutes before her alarm went off anyway. She might as well start her day or night as it so happened. She started off by making her bed then dressed and started breakfast. It was going to be a long one.

  * * * *

  David stretched and set the wrench on the tray next to him before rolling out from under the car. He pulled the tray with him as he did. The car should be ready to go now. He just needed to check it and clean the hand prints off the sides where he’d pulled himself up, then he could call the owner to pick it up.

  After putting away the tools and finishing up, he made the call and filled out the paperwork. He grabbed a bottle of water and checked to see what was next. Easy, a tire rotation. He could get that done in no time.

  Thoughts of Adonna filled his head as he finished the water and made sure their office clerk knew about the finished car before pulling the tire rotation into the bay. She was so pretty and just right for him and Mitch. He’d dreamed about her the night before and came awake that morning with a hard-on that wouldn’t quit. He’d jerked off to her in the shower and had still been hard afterward.

  Fuck if that didn’t make for a hard few hours working, until he’d settled down some after he’d been working for a while. Mitch hadn’t looked so happy either when he’d joined him for breakfast that morning.

  How were they going to convince her to give them a try? She hadn’t quite figured out that they were both interested in her yet. If both of them kissing her after their hiking the last weekend hadn’t, the next time they took her out together would. Then she’d start to balk. They had to figure out a way to convince her to give them a try.


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