A Menage to Celebrate

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A Menage to Celebrate Page 5

by Marla Monroe

  They were seated by the hostess, then gave their drink orders to the waitress, who then took their food orders. Adonna sipped on her iced tea.

  “So, what kinds of trouble do you have there?” Mitch asked.

  “Mostly just arguments like pricing. They either buy it or they don’t. I don’t argue with them. I let them do all the fussing and like I said, they either buy it or they don’t.

  “What else do you get?” Mitch asked.

  “The odd argument between customers when they get too close to each other while they’re looking at the magazines or the DVDs. They don’t like it when they get too close to each other or accidentally touch each other while they’re perusing their favorite flavor of porn. Nothing has ever come to blows unless they’ve taken it outside and I haven’t seen it, but there’s been a few shouting matches,” she said.

  “I still think it’s dangerous for you to be working there at night all by yourself,” Mitch said.

  “I don’t like it any more than you do, but I haven’t found anyone to work those hours. I have to be open because those are the busiest times for that store. So, I’m all there is. I work them,” she said.

  “If you found someone willing to work them, would you take them?” David asked.

  “As long as they were old enough and trustworthy, yeah,” she said. “Do you have someone in mind?”

  “Not yet, but we’re going to help you look,” Mitch said.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because we don’t like that you’re risking your life like this. We care about you, Adonna,” David said.

  Adonna’s heart did a little backflip. That felt good. But there it was again, they cared about her. As in both of them. They needed to have that talk. “Where is this going, guys?”

  “Where is what going?” Mitch asked, staring at her with a serious look on his face.

  “This relationship we seem to be getting into,” she said.

  “I hope it’s going toward something important,” David said.

  “Toward something possibly more permanent,” Mitch added.

  “All three of us?” she nearly squeaked out.

  “Yes, all three of us. Does that bother you?” Mitch asked.

  “Well, yeah. Three people can’t be in a relationship. It’s not legal, Mitch. You know that.”

  Mitch sighed. “You’ve lived here long enough that I’m sure you’ve heard about the families on the mountain here. They are all made up of three people. Two men and one woman. Right?” he asked.

  “Well, yeah. That’s what I’ve heard. But…”

  “Wait,” he said. “Let me finish.”


  “The woman marries one of them legally and says vows with the two of them with their friends later. They are all three married as far as they are concerned, and their friends are concerned. They’re happy and raising families up there. It’s what David and I want, and we think we might want it with you, Adonna. Just give us a chance to see if that person is you, okay?” he asked.

  “I—I don’t know what to say to that. It’s asking a lot. How do the people down here feel about it? How do they treat them? I’m going to be running a business down here. I have to think of that,” she said.

  “So, you care what others think of you? What about what you’re doing now? How do you think they think of you now?” David asked.

  Adonna sighed and dropped her head. “I figure they look down on what I do now, but I was hoping that once I sell the place, they’d forget about it and let me move on.”

  “Do they treat you any differently now around town?” Mitch asked.

  Adonna thought about it and sighed. “No, I guess not. I don’t think they do, actually.”

  “None of the women on the mountain have felt the least bit uncomfortable shopping down here or eating at the local places. I don’t think you have a thing to worry about, but if you really care that much, then maybe you aren’t the woman for us,” Mitch said, shaking his head.

  “I’ve never dated two men before. I just don’t see how it works, guys. One of you is bound to get jealous or something. I mean men get jealous over the littlest things. How does it work?” she asked.

  “We’ve already worked all that out before we ever start looking for a woman. It’s just the way we want to live our lives. There will be no jealousy unless it’s of making you happier than the other one does about something. Then we’ll just try extra hard the next time. We don’t keep score. We don’t do cross marks about who’s been with you how many times. It’s all just natural and the luck of the draw. We each spend time with you both alone and together. Some things you’ll like doing with me and some things you’ll like doing with him,” David said.

  “I like both of you. I’d never be able to choose between you now.” Adonna shook her head.

  “We’re not asking you to.” Mitch reached over and squeezed her hand.

  They were interrupted by the waitress bringing out their meal. The next few minutes were taken up with eating and talk centered around the meal. All the while, she thought about what they’d said and how she felt about it all. Was she really thinking about trying it with them? Could she be with two men at one time? How could she even spend time with one with the kind of schedule she lived?

  After they’d finished eating. She declined dessert but the guys each chose apple pie and ice cream. While they ate, she peppered them with questions about their army days and what led them to opening a mechanic shop in Cozy. They regaled her with stories, and by the time they’d reached her house, she was rolling with laughter at some of the tales about one of the men in the unit who was always playing practical jokes on everyone.

  “Come in and have a cup of coffee,” she offered.

  “Sounds good,” Mitch said.

  She unlocked the house and headed straight for the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee while the guys made themselves at home in the living room. She talked with them as she pulled down mugs and grabbed the milk out of the fridge. Neither man used milk or sugar, but she liked a splash in hers when she drank it.

  Chapter Six

  “Hey, babe. Feel like dinner at our place tonight?” Mitch asked when she answered her phone.

  She chuckled. “Hi to you, too. Sounds good.”

  “Sorry. How are you doing?” he asked.

  “Good. Slept great last night. You’re lucky I’m awake. I only got up a few minutes ago. If you’d woken me up, I might have fussed at you.

  “Sheesh. I’ve got to remember not to call too early on Sunday mornings,” he said.

  “What time do I need to be there?” she asked.

  “One of us will pick you up at five. That okay?”

  “Sounds good. I need to do some washing and other chores before I come over. That gives me time.”

  “Have a good day. See you soon.”

  Adonna hit end and tossed the phone onto the couch before she stretched and plopped down next to it. She really needed to get moving. She did need to put a load of clothes on to wash and change the sheets on her bed, but she also wanted to just relax and read for a while, as well. She sighed and forced herself to stand once more. Reading could come after her chores where done.

  By the time five rolled around, she’d managed to complete her list of things to do and dress, as well as get a little reading done. It was David who greeted her at the door. He smiled and pulled her into his arms for a very intimate kiss before releasing her.

  “Missed you, honey. How was your day?” he asked.

  “Good. For a housekeeping day,” she said.

  He chuckled. “That means it was passable. I hate chores. After I’ve spent all day elbows deep in a car engine, I don’t feel like washing dishes or vacuuming a floor, you know?

  Adonna laughed. “I can well imagine. I don’t mind them so much as long as I get to read some during the day. I love to read and once they’re done and I get to read for a while, I’m happy.”

  “Guess I’m the same way about
watching a little TV. If I can watch sports on TV at some point, then I’m good with it.

  “What’s for dinner tonight?” Adonna changed the subject.

  “Spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. Mitch does most of the cooking. I grill, but I’m a complete loss in the kitchen.”

  “Sounds good. I haven’t had spaghetti in a while,” she said.

  They turned into the drive leading up to their house and David parked the truck in front. He climbed out of the truck and walked around to open Adonna’s door and helped her down. The door to the house was thrown wide open and Mitch stood in the doorway with a wide smile filling his face. “Hey, babe. How was your day off?” he asked.

  “It was good. How was yours?” she asked.

  “Good, better now that you’re here,” he said.

  Adonna smiled back. She couldn’t help it. His smile and cheery disposition were contagious. Inside she felt happy. He had that effect on her.

  The moment she set foot inside the house the smell of spaghetti and garlic met her, filled her senses. She inhaled and moaned. “Something smells delicious. I can’t wait for dinner,” she said.

  “Everything should be ready in about ten minutes. How about a glass of wine?” Mitch asked.

  “That would be lovely,” Adonna said.

  “I’ll get it,” David said, leading her into the kitchen through the den by her elbow.

  Adonna sat on a stool at the bar and accepted a glass half full of wine and took a sip. It was slightly sweet and delightful. She smiled. They’d chosen something she liked and didn’t really know her tastes.

  “What do you think?” David asked.

  “It’s good. I like it,” she confessed.

  “Good. You never know what someone likes unless you’ve been around them when they’ve had wine before. I was taking a chance.”

  “You did good.” She smiled and took another sip.

  They chatted about what was going on around town and some of the gossip they’d each heard. A few minutes later, David announced that everything was ready, and they gathered at the table while he carried the food there.

  This is delicious, Mitch. I love the spicy taste of the sauce,” Adonna said.

  “Thanks. It’s actually my mom’s recipe. The garlic bread is mine though. I take it and put it in a Ziploc bag with melted butter and garlic and let it soak up the butter then brown it in the oven. That way you get more taste in the bread,” he said.

  “Well, it’s all amazing,” she said.

  “We have some good news for you,” David said.

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “We think we’ve found someone to run the store at night for you,” Mitch said.

  Adonna’s mouth fell open. “Really?”

  “He worked at the furniture plant over in Dover before they started laying off. He hasn’t been able to find another job close to home and needs something close by. He’s a good man and would make a good manager, as well. If you’re planning to keep the store after you open your other store, he’d be good for that, as well,” David said.

  “That’s great. I’d love to interview him. How do I get in touch with him?” she asked.

  “I’ll give you his information before you leave tonight,” David said. “I hope you don’t mind, but I told him you would call and a little bit about the place.”

  “That’s fine. Did he sound interested?” she asked.

  “Yes. He’s definitely interested. He has bills to pay,” Mitch said.

  “I really appreciate you guys looking for me. I’ve tried to find someone but haven’t had any luck myself.

  “If he’d had any mechanical background, we would have hired him, but he doesn’t,” Mitch said.

  “Feel like watching a movie?” David asked.

  “Sounds like a good way to let this dinner settle. I’ve eaten way too much bread. I feel like a beached whale or a stuck walrus,” Adonna said.

  Mitch chuckled. “You most certainly don’t look like one. You’re gorgeous. Let’s go look at what we’ve got, and you can choose while David clears away the table.”

  “I can help with that,” she said, picking up her plate.

  “No, it’s his turn to clean up. I cooked, he cleans. It’s our agreement,” Mitch said.

  “Go on and pick out a movie, hon. I’m fine. All I have to do is shove this stuff in the dishwasher. Won’t take any time at all,” David said.

  Adonna allowed Mitch to lead her into the living room, though she felt guilty about not helping to clear away the dishes. She looked over the extensive collection of DVDs they had and finally settled on an action adventure movie that she thought would appeal to them all. She liked the lead actor in it and thought the guys would like to watch it again if they’d already seen it before.

  Once David joined them, they settled on the couch and Mitch started the movie. She found herself sandwiched between the two men with David’s arm behind her shoulders and Mitch’s hand holding hers. Every once in a while, one of them would kiss her neck or cheek, making her squirm and giggle. She felt like a teenager at the movies, except with two dates instead of just one.

  By the time the movie credits were rolling, Adonna was turned on with heavy breasts and a sopping wet pussy from all the innocent foreplay during the movie. Her eyelids were heavy, and her nipples were taut and aching. How could the little nibbles and kisses have led to such an intense desire for them? Was it the fact that there were two of them? Adonna wasn’t sure, but she was positive of one thing, she was in trouble.

  A lot of trouble.

  Mitch leaned over and shut off the movie then the TV. David turned her face with one hand to meet his stare. “We want you, Adonna. Feel how badly we want you,” he said, dragging her hand across his lap where his cock was rock hard against her hand behind the cloth of his jeans.

  “I want you, too,” she said, her voice husky and sounding so unlike herself.

  “Will you let us make love to you, babe?” Mitch asked.

  She turned to him and nearly gasped at the heat she saw behind his eyes. They were heavy-lidded, and his face was almost dark with need. She looked down at his crotch and wasn’t surprised to see that he too sported the outline of a huge, hard ridge along the side of his leg. She ached to reach out and trace it with her hand. She nearly did but stopped herself. What would he do if she did?

  “What do you want?” Mitch asked in a voice equally as husky as hers had been.

  “I want you to make love to me.”

  “Both of us?” he asked.

  She swallowed. Could she do it? Could she agree to sleep with both men at one time? Whatever she decided in this moment would change their relationship from then on. Up until now, they’d been good friends, budding lovers, but this would be the turning point.

  She looked first into Mitch’s eyes, then turned and looked into David’s eyes, then swallowed hard around the tight knot in her throat.

  Chapter Seven

  Mitch waited, holding his breath for her to either break his heart or breathe life into his swiftly fading hope. Would she accept both of them, or smother out the hope they’d been harboring for the first time in a long time?

  “Yes, both of you. I want both of you,” she said.

  He blinked. Then blinked again. She’d said yes to both of them. A huge grin spread across his face. He looked over at David who looked just as happy. His friend’s eyes appeared to be shiny with tears. Surely not. Besides, he was grinning so wide, he wouldn’t be surprised if his face hurt from it later.

  “Come here, babe. I need to hold you,” Mitch said, standing. He pulled her into his arms and squeezed her against him.

  “Can’t breathe,” she gasped out several seconds later.

  “Sorry. Just can’t believe you’re really going to let us love you.”

  “My turn,” David said. “I’ll be careful.”

  Adonna laughed as David wrapped his arms around her and gently hugged her. Instead of squeezing her tight, he kissed
her while Mitch watched. He didn’t care. He was just glad she was willing to let them both in. It wasn’t forever, but it was a start, and they both were crazy about her. Maybe she would turn out to be the one for them. He could only hope.

  David released her but then pulled her toward the stairs that led up to the bedrooms. Mitch followed behind them. He turned off the lights as they went and checked the doors to be sure they were all locked. By the time he made it to the master bedroom, David was undressing her. He sighed and watched as his friend slowly unveiled Adonna. She was fucking perfect.

  When he got down to her garters, stockings, and heels, Mitch called a stop to David’s disrobing.

  “I want those left on. She’s so fucking sexy like that. I didn’t even know women still dressed like that,” Mitch said.

  “She obviously does. But you’re right. It’s sexy as hell,” Mitch said.

  “I like pretty things. That’s why I want to open a lingerie shop,” Adonna said.

  “We’ll do everything we can to help you make that dream come true, babe,” Mitch said.

  “I can do it on my own, guys. I just need a few more months and I’ll start checking on buildings to lease.”

  “Enough talk about stores. I’m all about checking out this body,” David said.

  Mitch felt the same way. She was hot and wet and all woman. He nuzzled her neck then licked his way from her shoulder up to her earlobe before nipping it. Then David was urging her back toward the bed.

  “Lay back, honey. I want to look at you and taste you,” David said.

  Damn, but his friend had it all together tonight. He wasn’t thinking straight. He watched as she backed toward the bed and sat down, then crawled backward onto the bed until her heels were just hanging over the bed. David sat on the edge of the bed and laid open mouth kisses up her belly to her breasts, and up to her neck then her mouth.

  Mitch loved that she wasn’t stick thin with bones that protruded from her hips. She had thick thighs, wide hips, and a softly rounded belly. She had plenty of places to nuzzle and a soft pillow for a man to rest his head. She was perfect in every sense of the word. He knelt between her legs and shouldered them apart so he could fit between them.


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